Showing posts with label kjv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kjv. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Obstacles to effective evangelism

Dave Burke his twin brother has compiled a list of obstacles to effective evangelism which currently plague the Christadelphian community:

* Use of the KJV or any Bible translation earlier than the 1970s
* Failure to demonstrate practical positive life benefits to believing and living the gospel
* Failure to demonstrate practical outcomes of doctrinal differences between ourselves and other Christian groups
* Failure to differentiate between the needs of Christians and non-Christians
* Failure to understand what non-Christians are looking for
+ David adds:

 Failure to understand why other Christians go to church
* Use of jargon in our literature
* Lack of literature for non-English speaking people
* Lack of literature for people with English as a second language
* Lack of attention to pressing social issues
* Insistence that visitors adhere to specific in-group rules
* Failure to demonstrate that we actually care about the community in which we live

These problems have been perpetuated for decades, largely because they are not recognised as problems.

Effective evangelism has wider implications than the conversion of non-Christadelphians. It also improves the health of our community by building up our young people (themselves a prime audience for Christadelphian evangelism) and our 'less comely members' (I Corinthians 12:14-25). For some Christadelphians the internet is seen as a viable alternative to real life community. This is inherently problematic and potentially damaging.

Luckily there are also ecclesiae which use contemporary versions of the Bible.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Bible exhibition

From June 20-25, the Christadelphian Hall, in Grosvenor Road, Coventry shall bring a major exhibition celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible.The show illustrates the origins, history and message of the bible using modern technology, as well as several historical pieces. The exhibition also contains audio-visual material, interactive computer programmes and competitions for children.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Zeg het toch maar

'Dank God' (Romeinen 7:21; 1 Korinthiers 1:14) zeggen velen dat dit of dat niet gebeurt is. Beter zouden ze dit ook wel kunnen doen als er iets niet gebeurd is. Ook al durven zij wel eens zeggen dat het 'meer is dan een hart kan wensen' (Psalm 37:7) en zouden zij niet mogen 'oordelen naar het voorkomen' (Johannes 7:24) en worden velen 'getrokken door de liefde voor het geld' (1 Timotheus 6:10) en blijven achter met een gebroken hart (Psalm 34:18) de 'boom van het leven' niet vindende (Openbaring 22:2)

Herkent u deze uitspraken? Zij waren reeds te vinden in de Oude Handschriften die werden gebundeld als de Boeken der boeken voor hen die willen zien. In de Bestseller aller tijden kan u veel zinswendingen en spreuken vinden die algemeen uit de Bijbel in het gewone taalgebruik zijn opgenomen.
De Engelse taal is zo doorspekt van woorden die wij in de 400 jaar geleden vertaling konden vinden.

> King James Bible the source of many phrases and sayings which we still use in our daily conversation.   

Find more in : The Bible said it first

Forbidden fruit

Most of us do know about 'forbidden fruit' (Genesis 3:) and don't want to be a 'scapegoat' (Levites16:8,10:26). We all want to be in the 'the land of the living' (Psalms 27:13, 142:5; Isaiah 53:8) and 'from strength to strength'  (Psalms 84:7) we want to go forwards, sometimes hoping that it would be 'for ever and ever' (Psalms 45:1-2, 21; Daniel 2:20; Revelation 11:15). But  how we turn it we are often 'lost sheep' (Matthew 10:6, 15:25) who need their 'daily bread' (Luke 11:3) as 'busybodies' (2 Thessalonians 3:11; 1 Timothy 5:13) we are not 'lukewarm'  (Revelation 3:16) to find the 'tree of life'  (Revelation 22:2).
Psalm 137
Psalm 137 (Photo credit: Mouse)

Can you find the phrases which are word for word as they appear in the KJV Bible?

Have a look and find out more phrases which we use in our common language who were used many years ago in the Word of God.

Find out more: The Bible said it first

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Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Zeldzaam exemplaar van King James Bible

Er zijn minder dan 200 oorspronkelijke oplagen van de Koning James versie waarvan men het bestaan kent.
Het is een verrassing wanneer er een nieuwe opduikt en zeker nu dat het 400 jaar geleden is dat de eerste versie is verschenen. Met de aandacht die aan deze publicatiedatum wordt besteed is natuurlijk de kans gegeven dat meerdere mensen op de uitkijk staan. Ook gaan de mensen in hun eigen omgeving eens beter kijken naar wat zij in huis hebben.

Zo heeft Geoff Procter, een lid van de confessionele kerkraad van de St Laurence Kerk in Hilmarton nabij Calne Wiltshire, de schakel gemaakt met een geketende Bijbel die op een plank lag in een glazen kast.

De kerkraad had een onderzoek begonnen en ontdekte dat de Bijbel, die voor zo ver als zij wisten altijd op een plank had gelegen, inderdaad 400 jaren oud was.

Het gaat om een ongewone oorspronkelijke Koning James Bijbel, waarvan de pagina's van de van 400 jaren-oude Bijbel door een priester in de 19de Eeuw werden getrimd.


Related Stories

Rare original King James Bible discovered

There are fewer than 200 original printings of the King James version known to exist.
On a shelf in the St Laurence Church in Hilmarton, near Calne, Wiltshire church a rare original King James Bible, of which the pages of the 400-year-old Bible were trimmed by a priest in the 19th Century, has been discovered .

King James Bible

Related Stories

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Voorzien om te lezen

Dit jaar gedenken wij het in 1611 verschenen meesterwerk van het meest vertaalde en hertaalde boek. 400 jaar geleden bracht de drukker in Aldersgate Straat, Londen,  een belangrijk werk op de markt welk een totale nieuwe wereld voor vele mensen opende.

Onder de hoede van een wereldse koning kon men nu in een verstaanbare taal voor vele mensen en in vele culturen lezen over een hemelse koning. Niemand zou de gewone man nog blaasjes kunnen wijs maken. Jaren was het lezen van de Heilige Schrift verboden, maar met de boekdrukkunst kwamen meerdere vertalingen onder de verscheidene volkeren.

400 jaar geleden werd in Engeland de mijlpaal gezet voor de Heilige en Geautoriseerde Bijbel die de Oude en Nieuwe Testamenten bevat. Zelfs voor hen die Engels geen moedertaal is werd het toch een geliefde Bijbelvertaling om te gebruiken als studieboek. Ook al was het zelf een vertaling bleek het toch een basiswerk te zijn om verder andere versies te maken, te vergelijken en te gebruiken.

Deze verjaardag wordt door de Christadelphians ook gebruikt om het Woord van God toch terug in de kijker te brengen. De Belgische Christadelphians roepen al die genen die van God houden op om er mee uit te komen en het Woord van de Allerhoogste ook meer kenbaar te maken.

Lees verder in:

De verjaardag van de King James Bijbel als aanleiding voor prediking

Alsook meer op: Appointed to be read

Pamflet: The Bible4life About_the_Bible

Kijk ook naar:

The Bible Exhibition

"Ga uit en predik het Goede Nieuws"

Lees hier over meer in o.a.:

Appointed to be read

The Bible4life dedication

Het pamflet: About the Bible

The Evidence You decide

The magazine for you
Goed Nieuws voor u
Please do find : Inspiration and Early Translations; Part One: The Bible, Appointed to be Read … in the Glad Tidings of January 2011.

Appointed to be read

There has never been such a choice of what to read and indeed how to read it. Either by means of the printed page or electronically, everybody wants our attention and usually our money. There is only one place where we can read about the unbreakable promises of God, and that is in the Bible. There is a special reason why English readers should seize the opportunity to read through the Bible in 2011.

Appointed to be read in the Churches is what was written in 1611 in a book that shook the world.
Barker’s printing house in Aldersgate Street, London, brought a major work on the market which opened a total new world for many people. Nobody could trick them in things which were not really written in that volumes work.
400 years ago in England the landmark was set for the Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments to be read over the many years by so many people of different tongues. Translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty’s special command – Appointed to be read in the Churches it became a major working tool for many Bible students.

presents a year long a series tracing the the process of Bible translation through the ages, so you can see how the King James Version came about, and why it is important that you read the Bible for yourself. By the exposition readers can see the way in which God has worked through the centuries to preserve the gospel  message. It looks at the many translations in the light of time. Free and authoritative Latin translations, Anglo-Saxon versions, the inhibited free access to reading the Bible up to the liberation of the Word of God.

Please do find : Inspiration and Early Translations; Part One: The Bible, Appointed to be Read … in the Glad Tidings of January 2011.

“Glad Tidings” is not a newspaper devoted to tracking and reporting newsworthy events.
If it was it would need to be renamed “Bad Tidings!”, for newspapers do not allow much space for good news stories.
The purpose of that Christadelphian magazine is to draw attention to God’s plan and purpose for the world, which is longestablished, as His promise to Abraham makes clear.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

TheBible4Life KJV Jubileum

TheBible4Life Launch Event
TB4L will be launched at the Campaigns Fraternal in Warwick on 12th February GW. All of the new resources will be available there for you to collect and begin distributing.

New Resources available for ordering
TB4L resource packs have been sent out to all UK ecclesias. These include the Bibles, Bible Newspaper, Why I Believe the Bible DVD, Bible Insert, Bookmarks and Bible Reading Planner/Handbooks. Order forms have been included but resources can be ordered online at the Dedication website

Briefing material available online
If you are looking for material to use in briefing your ecclesias on the project you may find what you are looking for in the outputs from the Positive Preaching Day held in November

De Bijbel vieren

Het Koning James Bijbel Genootschap is gevestigd om de 400ste verjaardag van de Koning James Bijbel te vieren die in 1611 werd vervolledigd.

Eén van de vele gebeurtenissen en projecten die in dit jubileum jaar zullen plaatsgrijpen over het verenigd Koninkrijk en rond de Wereld is de tentoonstelling welke een beeld schets van deze merkwaardige vertaling welke een hele wereld veranderde.

Deze tentoonstelling gaat de geschiedenis en ontwikkeling na van de Bijbel in het Engels van zijn Latijnse, Griekse en Hebreeuwse voorlopers naar moderne privépersuitgaven. Naast de 1611 KJV, kan men bij de meer dan dertig onderdelen op de tentoonstelling een dertiende-eeuwse Latijnse Vulgate en een blad van de Gutenberg Bijbel vinden. Verder een vijftiende-eeuwse Wycliffe Gospel Boek en een blad van een Wycliffite Lectionarium, de 1550 Textus Receptus gedrukt door Robert Estienne, zestiende-eeuw Engelse uitgaven die met de 1538 tweetalige Nieuwe Testament de Engelse versie van Tyndale en de Latijnse versie van Erasmus bevat.

Until Sunday, 20 February 2011
Time: Daily, M-F 9.30 to 8.00; Sat & Sun 11.00 to 4.00
Location: 230 Moray Place, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
Organisation: Dunedin Public Libraries
Topic: Bible

To download a PDF catalogue, please visit: To request a printed copy of the catalogue, please contact Anthony Tedeschi, Rare Books Librarian (

Celebrating the Bible in English

'Let There Be Light': Celebrating the Bible in English

An exhibition tracing the history and development of the Bible in English from its Latin, Greek and Hebrew antecedents to modern private press editions.
In addition to the 1611 KJV, the more than thirty items on exhibit include: a thirteenth-century Latin Vulgate and one leaf from the Gutenberg Bible, a fifteenth-century Wycliffe Gospel Book and one leaf from a Wycliffite Lectionary, the 1550 Textus Receptus printed by Robert Estienne, sixteenth-century printed English editions starting with the 1538 diglot New Testament containing the English version by Tyndale and the Latin of Erasmus, and finely printed editions by John Baskerville and the Golden Cockerel Press.
Until Sunday, 20 February 2011
Time: Daily, M-F 9.30 to 8.00; Sat & Sun 11.00 to 4.00
Location: 230 Moray Place, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
Organisation: Dunedin Public Libraries
Topic: Bible
To download a PDF catalogue, please visit: To request a printed copy of the catalogue, please contact Anthony Tedeschi, Rare Books Librarian (

Thursday, 7 October 2010

A feast for the Word of God

Jeremy Pearce wrote 03 oktober
The summer is over and October is here - the official start of TheBible4Life 'Year of Dedication'!

In this year, overlapping with the 2011 celebrations, we are being called to personal and ecclesial dedication to prepare for and support TheBible4Life project.

The Dedication website has all of the details:

Hopefully you will already have seen the first three monthly pamphlets circulated to ecclesia's encouraging consideration of some of the key elements of our Christian life. There will be three more before the end of the year GW.

A presentation on the project is available for you or your ecclesia. A slightly updated version of the 'official' Powerpoint is here:

A number of resources are being prepared by various Christadelphian organisations including:

Free Bibles
7,500 NKJV Bibles at £5 each for giving to your friends and neighbours

Bible Inserts
A few pages to put inside the free Bibles to introduce the Bible message

Short videos by a scientist, a historian, an archaeologist, a horticulturist and a microbiologist, explaining why they are convinced of the truth of the Bible. 10p each - 30,000 have already been ordered

Bible Newspaper
Contains short simple 'news' items about the Bible for giving away and local distribution.

'Merchandise' for the project. Artwork is here

A public website will be launched before the end of the year GW.
(currently redirected to

A map of the events planned so far is here, most of them including the new revamped Bible Exhibition:

So the challenge for us all is to start our personal dedication in whatever way we feel appropriate and to start raising awareness and support for the 2011 Project in our own ecclesias.

My personal recommendation is the Prayer Diary available from the Office. I have just started using one and can say it has really helped to focus my prayer life in a positive way!

Please pass this on and invite others to join the Facebook Support Group for the project here


Jeremy Pearce

Friday, 11 June 2010

God of een god

De apostel Johannes is de enige Gospel schrijver die het woord theos in alle zijn betekenissen gebruikte. Het zou, dan niet moeten verrassen, dat hij ook de enige Gospel schrijver is die duidelijk de titel theos rechtstreeks naar Jezus toepast!

Johannes, zoals enkele van die oude Hebreeuwse Bijbel schrijvers van het Oude Testament die elohim in alle zijn verschillende betekenissen gebruikte, gebruikte het voor 90% om de enige ware God aan te duiden. Maar in enkele schriften gebruikte hij het om "een god" in zijn positive  ondergeschikte, secundaire zin aan te duiden. Een duidelijk geval kan in Johannes 10:33-36 gevonden worden waar Jezus becommentarieert en aan haalt van Psalm 82:6.

Het is volgens Tigger2 zeker beter hier de trinitarische-vertaling Nieuwe Engelse Bijbel (NEB)  te gebruiken omdat het duidelijk theos correct aan geeft in Johannes 10:33 ("een god") terwijl de Koning James Versie en vele andere trinitarische vertalingen dit niet doen.

Lees Tigger2 zijn discours en vindt hier over meer in:
God or a god

God of gods
God is one

God versus goden
Is God drie-eenheid
Geloof in slechts één god

Thursday, 14 January 2010

The NIV and the Name of God

In one of my conversations I had on Bible translation, publishing and contribution

TJ had written: > > This continues corrupt practices such as removing God's name from
 the Bible, simply because that's what their target audience wants. And of course popular ministers and theologians get paid for their endorsements and use of certain versions.

to which I wrote: > That is a strong accusation. This would be very bad.

On which TJ had a few comments to add:

Cover for a NIV Bible
Cover for a NIV Bible (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When the New International Version (the most popular version in the USA) was released, one of Jehovah's Witnesses wrote the publishers asking why they left God's name out of the Bible. The letter was reprinted in the following Watchtower article.

"Why did the recently published 'New International Version' (NIV) of the Bible fail to use the name of God where it appears about 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts? In response to a person who inquired about this, Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D., Executive Secretary for the NIV's committee wrote:

"'Here is why we did not: You are right that Jehovah is a distinctive name for God and ideally we should have used it. But we put 2 1/4 million dollars into this translation and a sure way of throwing that down the drain is to translate, for example, Psalm 23 as, "Yahweh is my shepherd." Immediately, we would have translated for nothing. Nobody would have used it. Oh, maybe you and a handful [of] others. But a Christian has to be also wise and practical. We are the victims of 350 years of the King James tradition. It is far better to get two million to read it—that is how many have bought it to date—and to follow the King James, than to have two thousand buy it and have the correct translation of Yahweh. . . . It was a hard decision, and many of our translators agree with you.'"

Dutch version:

De NIV en de Naam van God


2013 update:


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Friday, 27 November 2009

Bible 4 Life 2011

The CALS are organising BIBLE4LIFE - a 2011 celebration of 400 yrs of the King James Bible, with a Year of Dedication in 2010.

We want your ideas for......

Ways that we can use 2010/11 to prepare ourselves individually and collectively for the BIBLE4LIFE.

More information is on this link:

Everything is still very much in the consultation phase. A BIBLE4LIFE Facebook Group has been launched to raise awareness of this great new preaching opportunity and to get you and your ideas on board

Please join and spread the word....
A Christadelphian group discussing preparations for BIBLE4LIFE - a 2011 celebration of 400 years of the King James Bible.

BIBLE4LIFE is organised by the Christadelphian ALS in association with other UK Christadelphian organisations.