Showing posts with label Being called. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Being called. Show all posts

Friday, 27 August 2010

A call easy to understand

"'Follow me' said the King.
The call is so simple any child can understand it.
Its meaning is so sublime that no philosopher, be he ever so clever, can exhaust the infinite meaning of the mystery — its genius.
It is not misery — it is joy.
It is not doubt — it is conviction.
It is not fear — it is blessed assurance.
Disciples are bond servants, but also friends who know their Master’s will. They are not dragging themselves along reluctantly hoping that their misery may win them some reward. They follow gladly for love’s sake, trusting that because he lives, they will live also.

The genius of discipleship — the transformation — touches every aspect of life.
Being called, conviction, trust, surrender, purity, peace, prayer, service."

- Dennis Gillett
The New Man
The Genius of Discipleship

Nederlandse versie / Dutch version > Een te begrijpen oproep
2013 update:
You Don't Understand Me
You Don't Understand Me (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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