Showing posts with label volharden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label volharden. Show all posts

Monday, 18 March 2019

Geloof nodig om alternatieven af te wegen

Mijn Vader, maak mij vandaag sterk.
Ik heb geloof nodig om alternatieven af te wegen,
om te bidden voor een beslissing,
om de prijs voor succes te betalen
en te volharden
tot ik mijn doel heb bereikt
Zegen mij, Heer.

Nu wij door zo'n menigte geloofsgetuigen omringd zijn,
moeten ook wij de last van de zonde, waarin we steeds weer verstrikt raken, van ons afwerpen
en vastberaden de wedstrijd lopen die voor ons ligt
(Hebreeën 12 vers 1).

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Press on and exhort

I exhort you, press on in your course, and exhort all men that
they may be saved.

-- Polycarp

Press on and exhort

I exhort you, press on in your course, and exhort all men that
they may be saved.

-- Polycarp

In je koers volharden en mensen aanmoedigen

"Ik moedig je aan om in je koers te volharden en alle mensen aan te moedigen zodat ze gered mogen worden."
- Polycarp

English version > Press on and exhort

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Suffering produces perseverance

Romans 5:3-4Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Dutch version / Nederlands > Ellende leidt tot volharding

Phil Ware    What are you living to produce in your life? Wealth? Fame? Status? Significance? Legacy? How about character! Isn't having the character of God our real goal in life? So even in our worst of times, if we can be people of character, then nothing can steal from us our most desired goal, the character of God, given us in Jesus Christ. 

    Dear Father, please bless me so that I can be strong in difficult times and consistent in holy character. Please give me a heart of courage and compassion so that in some small way I can more nearly remind others what you are like and what you can do in their lives. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, 10 January 2009

God is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him

Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him...

Find Dutch version on / Nederlandse versie te lezen in hoofding rond Neerslachtigheid

Phil Ware    Out of the ashes of Jerusalem's destruction and the disaster that befell God's people because of their repeated disobedience comes this reminder of truth. Those who wait patiently, who hope fervently, in the LORD will find what their souls most needs!

    Give me patience and faith, O God, for the times when life is hard and everything seems to go against me. I believe that you are good to those who have the strength to persevere, waiting patiently in hope for your mighty deliverance. Dear Father, please give me such strength each day because I not only want to receive your blessing, but I also want to bring you honor. In the name of your Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen.