Showing posts with label Video Resource Centre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video Resource Centre. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 May 2013

New Video Resource Centre

New Video Resource Centre. 

For meeting the needs of very small ecclesia’s, those in isolation, and preaching.
The Rugby ecclesia have an extensive library of video material on their YouTube prophecy channel

This includes amongst others: Public presentations and Bible studies, Thoughts for the Day, Prophecy days, Bible in the news and Don Pearce'€™s Spotlights -Bible Prophecy in World news series. 

The technical quality is very high and ideal for preparing DVDs for all purposes including preaching.

Exhortations are also stored on YouTube, however, these are not made public, but access can be made available upon request. 

Given the production standards they are quite suitable for use in small ecclesia memorial meetings.

Please contact the under signed for further details.
Bro Art Courtonel ( On behalf of the Preaching group at Rugby UK)

Your Brother in Our Shared Hope
Stu Art Courtonel 
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