Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Amerikaanse profeten in het ongelijk gesteld

Hopelijk gaan heel wat Amerikanen nu eens ernstig nadenken over hun zogenaamde hedendaagse profeten.

Voor dat de 45ste president van Amerika verkozen werd en aantrad waren er al heel wat geestelijken in Amerika die zich uitspraken dat God Donald Trump had uitgekozen om niet alleen de Verenigde Staten van Amerika te redden maar zelfs de hele wereld. Toen hij in functie was en Jeruzalem uitriep tot hoofdstad van Israël waren ze nog meer opgetogen en zagen dit als een vervulling van Gods Wens om Jeruzalem als hoofdstad van het Beloofde Land te hebben.

Bij bepaalde wetsuitvaardigingen stonden enkele dominees met hun handen boven het hoofd van Donald Trump om hem als gezegende van God te laten optreden.

Dat op een bepaald moment de president met de Bijbel stond te zwaaien en te doen stond alsof hij sterker was dan al die betogers en meer kon dan Gods Woord deerden de geestelijken niet hoe hun president mensen onheus behandelde.

Er waren meerdere christen-leiders in Amerika die voorspelden dat Trump de door God aangestelde president was die nogmaals een termijn zou vertolken om het werk van God op aarde te volbrengen. Die vermeende verkiezingswinst van Trump die zovelen voorspeld hebben met een beroep op visioenen en de directe stem van God blijk nu niet uit te komen.

‘Profeet’ Jeremiah Johnson heeft zelfs drie visioenen gehad die bevestigden dat Biden een seniele oude man is en dat Trump president zou blijven. Johnson beweerde:

 ‘Óf een leugenachtige geest heeft de mond van talloze betrouwbare profetische woordvoerders in Amerika gevuld; óf Donald J. Trump heeft werkelijk gewonnen en we zijn getuige van een duivels plan om de verkiezingen te manipuleren’.

Duidelijk zou men kunnen zeggen dat het duivelse geesten waren die predikers lieten meeheulen met die gevaarlijke man die als 45ste president van de V.S.A. de hele wereld met momenten de angst aan joeg. Hopelijk zullen meerdere mensen nu inzien hoe zij zeer hard moeten opletten eer zij zelfvernoemde profeten gaan volgen als 'waarheidsverkondigers'. Nu mag blijken dat zowel Johnson als vele van zijn aanhangers en andere 'profeten' eerder geloofden en aanhielden aan wishful thinking.Verder mag men hopen dat velen hun  ogen zullen open gaan als Biden eenmaal president is, hoe die voorgaande president zo veel schade heeft aangericht in het land, dat het enkele maanden, om niet te zeggen jaren, zal duren eer alles hersteld is. 

Men kan verder hopen dat nu heel wat mensen gaan inzien dat de profeten die zij volgden en de kerken die zij aanhingen en verkondigden dat zij de stem van God waren, dat deze ‘profeten’ valse profeten blijken te zijn geweest en hun gemeenschappen vast en zeker niet de hulp van God hebben die zij beweren te hebben.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Trump going over the top bringing a blasphemous act

 Once again a police officer, who should take care of peace and should protect people, was not ashamed to bring a black person to death under his knees.

I am very curious how the evangelists and other Christians shall react to the awful act Donald Trump presented in front of St John’s Church on Monday night, and his reactions against this cruel murder by a police officer.

He manifestly holding the bible high in his right hand whilst he was calling up for people to be with him and the National Guards to fight the people. It looked more like a president calling for a civil war, to have all people against him put away or even killed when necessary. A blasphemous act.

Republicans could have chosen to oppose the words and acts of their favourite president. They should have used their common sense and ethics. Even when they are not Christian we only can hope the Republicans would still have some moral to keep to. (?!?)

The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations. I do not think the United States is in such a situation at the moment. Though I do admit the United Nation does seem to have a huge problem with its 45th president, who can be considered as the most dangerous president the U.S.A. had.

It is high time that the citizens in the U.S.A. come to think about the future of their country and about human rights in the places where they want to live.

Once more we can see where the biggest problem is to have a nice surrounding and cosy living place in the U.S.A..
It looks like the expendability of Black lives is not a flaw in the system; it is the system.

We cannot fail to have the impression that blacks for most white Americans are lesser than mud. We even get the impression that blacks, in that so-called civilized country, are meant to die or, at the very least, they are not meant to be protected, to be respected, to be valued, to be considered fully human. That is how racism works, and it has operated efficiently throughout American history.

Friday, 10 April 2020

According to Pew Most White Evangelicals Don’t Think COVID-19 is a Medical Crisis

In 2011 the International Health Regulations Review Committee already gave a warning that
“The world is ill-prepared to respond to a severe influenza pandemic or to any similarly global, sustained and threatening public-health emergency.
In certain countries or states, we the last few years have seen a grow in evangelical and Pentecostal churches. Several of those evangelical denominations slid or slipped off to become very conservative or sometimes even very fundamental Christian groups.

The nonpartisan American think tank, Pew Research Center, based in the Washington, D.C. area does polling, research into American social issues, politics,  public opinion and demographic trends, If you read any newspaper or watch regular news you see their material, as it is used regularly
  In early March of 2020 Pew did a survey of white evangelicals from March 10 through 16. In the United States CoViD-19 was declared a national emergency on March 13, 2020. Here is what Pew says.

 Around three-quarters of white evangelicals (77%) say they are at least somewhat confident that Trump is doing a good job responding to the outbreak, including roughly half who say they are very confident. Majorities of white evangelicals say Trump has assessed the risks of the situation correctly (64%) and that the crisis has been blown out of proportion by the media (76%), while just a quarter (24%) say Trump hasn’t taken risks tied to the coronavirus seriously enough.
By comparison, about half of Americans overall (52%) say Trump has underplayed the risks, including majorities who say this among the religiously unaffiliated (64%), black Protestants (67%) and Jews (73%)
Close to 1,000 students some from high infection areas were encouraged to come back to campus in central Virginia.

We can notice a blatant disregard to face the facts. Pandemics happen and history is full of them. In the United States they, like in many other places, have pandemics every so often. Influenza, small-pox, measles, scarlet fever, etc… have all happened in the history of the United States from colonial times to current. Many evangelicals do not seem to understand that people should be protected and in many cases also receive vaccinations against such diseases to avoid worse scenarios. 

  It is incredible that today when one has so much coverage of bad cases all over Europe that several American churches are still calling their flock to meet and want to have big Easter gatherings this weekend.

This irresponsible attitude to ignore the rules of good public health indicates a totally irresponsible attitude without a deep love for other people.


Using fears of the deadly coronavirus
Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal
Catholics facing a totally different Holy Week


Find also to read
  1. The unseen enemy
  2. Making deeper cuts than some terrorist attacks of the near past
  3. Mel Brooks saying “go home” to Max Brooks
  4. CoViD-19 warnings
  5. President Trump shall have to recognise that Immigrant Workers Are Vital to the U.S.A.
  6. In denial, Donald Trump continues to insist that nothing serious is at hand and everything is in control
  7. Under-reporting the total number of coronavirus cases
  8. José Antonio Vergara talking in Esperanto about the outbreak of the epidemic
  9. Margaret Zaleski-Zamenho from Paris telling in Esperanto about the situation in France
  10. Coronavirus on March 11 declared a global pandemic on March 31 affecting more than 177 countries
  11. Europe in Chaos for a Pandemic
  12. Only a few days left before 14 Nisan
  13. Even in Corona time You are called on to have the seder
  14. Observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal
  15. One Passover tradition asking to provide the less fortunate with foods and help
  16. In a time when we must remain in our place
  17. Hosting a Virtual Seder During a Pandemic
  18. Love in the Time of Corona
  19. Recrafting our World
  20. CoViD-19 warnings
  21. Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~
  22. Hope on the Horizon: Pandemic Anxiety Management II~

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Onzichtbaren in Trump's Plan voor Israel

Deze week kregen wij op de televisie te zien hoe volgens het plan van Trump voor Israel heelder landbouw gebieden van de Palestijnen zo maar worden ingepalmd om plotseling tot het land Israël te behoren en onbereikbaar te zijn voor de Palestijnen tot wie dat land toebehoorde?

Ongelofelijk dat de Verenigde Natieën en de Westelijke mogendheden dit zo maar laten gebeuren. Het is totaal onmenselijk dat één iemand of een staat zo maar het land van anderen mag afnemen zonder tegenprestatie.

Voor het vredesplan van Trump werden de Palestijnen nooit geraadpleegd of nooit betrokken bij de zogenaamde onderhandelingen. Nergens worden zij genoemd. In het beste geval kunnen ze aanschouwd worden als tweederangsburgers.

Het team achter het Trump plan handelde vanuit een economisch belang en een ideologisch perspectief waarin traditioneel grote moeite bestaat met het feit dat christenen een integraal onderdeel vormen van het Palestijnse volk.

Tijdens de presentatie van het plan werd een scheiding aangebracht tussen joden en christenen enerzijds en moslims anderszijds, alsof het hier om een religieus conflict tussen de joods-christelijke traditie en de islam gaat. Die visie mag Trump en premier Netanyahu voor binnenlands gebruik van pas komen, met de historische realiteit heeft ze niets te maken.

Het mag dan ook een schande noemen dat zo weinig regeringsleiders van andere landen zich tegen dat onmenselijk plan verzetten.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Trouble is coming to Bashan (Golan)

The Golan Heights overlooks Israel to its west, Lebanon to its north, Syria to its east, and Jordan to its south. During the 1967 Six Day War, Syrian forces on the Golan Heights shelled Israeli farms, and Israeli forces captured the territory from them.

The US decision to recognize the Golan Heights as Israel's territory was taken bypassing the UN Security Council and ignoring the UN dialogue on the issue, 
said Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia’s Lower House.
 “All members of the international community should voice their stand on the matter,”
 he said during the meeting with Lebanese President Michel Aoun. Such a development could lead to a situation where
“everyone is fighting each other,”
 he stressed.
 “The rule of force would dominate. This is a highway to war.”

When US President Donald Trump signed a declaration recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, he created tension again over that particular area which was seized by Israel from Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967 and formally annexed by the Jewish state in 1981.

 In response to the US decision the UN reminded that the UN Security Council in a December 1981 resolution called Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights
“null and void and without international legal effect"
 and this position hasn’t changed. Russia, Turkey, and the Arab League have also condemned the move.

The recognition that the Golan Heights are Israel’s by president Trump has potential to create more tension in the region.
 Russia is not happy at all about Trump’s pronouncement. The speaker of Russia’s lower house called it a “highway to war”. 

The Biblical name for the Golan Heights is Bashan. Bashan howls in Zechariah 11  - the chapter before the conflict over Jerusalem. Trouble is coming to Bashan (Golan)…
Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars. Howl, fir tree; for the cedar is fallen; because the mighty are spoiled: howl, O ye oaks of Bashan; for the forest of the vintage is come down.  There is a voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is spoiled: a voice of the roaring of young lions; for the pride of Jordan is spoiled.
Zechariah 11:1-3

Monday, 25 March 2019

Trumps inmenging omtrent de Golanhoogte

De Amerikaanse president is helemaal niet verlegen om te bluffen wat hij al niet goed doet en waarin hij zich meester voelt in het bijsturen of sturen van gebeurtenissen.

Volgens Trump is het na 52 jaar tijd voor de Verenigde Staten om de Israëlische soevereiniteit over de Golanhoogte helemaal te erkennen. Volgens hem is dat gebied
 ,,cruciaal en strategisch en belangrijk voor de veiligheid van de staat Israël en de regionale stabiliteit.''
Rusland, Syrië, Iran en Turkije hebben de uitspraken van Trump al bekritiseerd en gewaarschuwd voor de mogelijke gevolgen ervan voor de regio.

Wij herinneren nog de zeer verhitte situatie in 1967, waar wij vreesden dat er terug een wereldoorlog in de maak was. Gelukkig bleef het bij een Zesdaagse Oorlog, waarbij het grootste deel van de Golanhoogten door Israël veroverd werd  ten koste van Syrië. In 1981 annexeerde Israël het gebied, maar die annexatie wordt internationaal niet erkend. Volgens het internationaal recht gaat het om Syrisch gebied dat door Israël wordt bezet.
Syrië heeft nog een mislukte poging ondernomen om de Golanhoogten te heroveren in 1973, waarop er in het gebied een 75 kilometer lange bufferzone werd ingesteld, die onder toezicht staat van de Verenigde Naties.

Zoals gewoonlijk weet Trump wel zijn timing te kiezen. De mededeling van Trump komt er namelijk op een moment dat de Amerikaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Mike Pompeo een bezoek brengt aan Israël.
Het ligt er vinger dik op dat Trump de Israëlische eerste minister Benjamin Netanyahu die dezer dagen het Witte Huis komt bezoeken, wil paaien.
Netanyahu is overigens al enige tijd aan het lobbyen voor een internationale erkenning van de Israëlische soevereiniteit over het gebied.

In een eerste reactie heeft Netanyahu al laten weten de mededeling van Trump toe te juichen.
 'Op een moment dat Iran Syrië probeert te gebruiken als een platform om Israël te vernietigen, erkent Trump dapper de Israëlische soevereiniteit over de Golanhoogten. Bedankt, president Trump',
 luidt zijn reactie.

Ook op Twitter drukt Netanyahu zijn dank aan de Amerikaanse president uit, waarbij hij zelfs te kennen geeft dat deze president zelfs geschiedenis heeft geschreven!

De erkenning kan Netanyahu ook in de kaart te spelen bij de Israëlische parlementsverkiezingen, die op 9 april plaatsvinden.

Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken was al eerder opgeschoven in de richting van Israël. In een bericht over de mensenrechtensituatie in het land, werden de Golanhoogten onlangs nog geschreven als 'door Israël gecontroleerd gebied'. Een jaar eerder had het ministerie het nog over 'bezet' gebied.

Kremlin-woordvoerder Dimitri Peskov geeft zijn bezorgdheid weer en hoopt dat het maar bij woorden in de wind zal blijven, zoals Trump er vele heeft. Omtrent deze 'flagrante schending van het internationaal recht zegt Peskov
'Zo'n idee kan op geen enkele manier bijdragen tot het veiligstellen van de vrede in het Midden-Oosten. Eerder het omgekeerde is het geval.' 
Een bron bij het Syrische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken liet ook tegenover het staatspersbureau Sana weten dat het standpunt duidelijk de minachting van de VS voor de internationale regels weerspiegelt en zo een “flagrante schending van het internationaal recht” presenteert.

De Turkse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Mevlüt Cavusoglu schreef op Twitter
“De territoriale integriteit van staten is het meest fundamentele principe van het internationale recht"
Pogingen van de VS om rechtsinbreuken van Israël te legitimeren, zullen alleen leiden tot nog meer geweld en pijn.
 “Turkije steunt de territoriale integriteit van Syrië”,
 luidde het.

Ook een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken van Iran uitte zijn bezorgdheid en wil de beslissing bespreken met Syrië en andere relevante landen, met het besef dat deze persoonlijke en ondoordachte beslissing van Trump gevaarlijk is en
"zal leiden tot verdere crisissen in het Midden-Oosten”

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Eindelijk komt Amerika tot zijn zinnen

De Westerse wereld keek met argusogen uit naar de uitslagen voor de tussentijdse verkiezingen. In de Verenigde Staten werd de mensen ook wijs gemaakt dat dit uitzonderlijk belangrijke verkiezingen zouden zijn.

Al snel bleek dat meerdere mensen aangepord werden door de uitroepen van noodwendigheid om te gaan stemmen.

Het was ongelofelijk dat Trump president kon worden. Alsook is het onbegrijpelijk dat met kennis van zoveel schandalen rond zijn persoon deze bullebak toch nog kon aanblijven als president. Door een grote opkomst van stemmers die de capriolen van Trump moe lijken te zijn kan het zijn dat men nu werkelijk werk kan gaan maken om te onderzoeken of deze 45e president van de Verenigde Staten wel mag aanblijven.

Ook mogen wij aannemen dat deze tussentijdse verkiezingen een nederlaag voor de rechtse agenda van de president mogen genoemd worden. Sinds zijn verkiezing in 2016 kon hij veel van zijn plannen gemakkelijk door het parlement loodsen maar nu zijn partij daar de meerderheid verliest, zal dat een stuk lastiger worden.

In de Senaat, de machtige Eerste Kamer van de VS, wisten de republikeinen wél hun meerderheid te behouden. Daar stond maar een derde van de zetels op het spel, die vooral in handen waren van de democraten - en dan ook nog in staten waar president Trump zeer populair is. Naar verwachting krijgen zij er zelfs een paar zetels bij. Dit is in lijn met wat veel politicologen voorspeld hadden.

Op de televisie konden wij fervente republikeinen horen die toch vonden dat met Trump Amerika de verkeerde weg op ging en dat zij daar een halt wensten toe te roepen door voor de Democraten te stemmen. In Kansas, een oerconservatieve plattelandsstaat, wist zo een democraat het gouverneurschap te veroveren.
Toch konden de Democraten niet overal juichen. In Texas en Florida bijvoorbeeld, werd er in hun nadeel beslist. Het verleidde veel politieke duiders op de nieuwszenders ertoe om al snel te zeggen dat er van een zogeheten ‘golf’, waarbij het land in één ruk een andere politieke koers inzet, geen sprake was.

Er is niet echt een Blauwe Golf en Trump zelf noemde het een "enorme" overwinning. Maar de Amerikaanse kiezer heeft zijn beleid wel degelijk afgestraft, en zet nu een rem op de agenda van Donald Trump. 

Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat de Democratische afgevaardigden makkelijk te porren zullen zijn om wetsvoorstellen te steunen die aansluiten bij Trumps beleidsagenda tot dusver. Het resultaat is waarschijnlijk een politieke verlamming die een grote stempel drukken op de tweede helft van de eerste ambstermijn van de president.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Incidents of hate have become commonplace in the U.S.A. anno 2017

In the United states of America since Donald Trump raised his voice, incidents of hate have been directed against transgender women, Jews, African Americana, Hispanics, Muslims, Hindu Americans, Sikh Americans and others. They have taken place from New York and Florida to California and Washington State.

Friday March 10, 156 civil and human rights groups urged Trump in writing to respond faster and more forcefully to hate-based incidents. In his recent address to a joint session of Congress, the president condemned "hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms," but some critics said he had taken to long to issue that statement.
According to me he in the previous years has contributed a lot to the friction between the different ethnic as well as different religious groups.

In addition, a new Muslim-Jewish coalition, against hate crimes, is pushing the government to provide more data on hate crimes and focus on punishing offenders. The group represents an effort get advocates to stand up for people of other faiths and ethnic backgrounds.

Suhail Khan, a member of the group and former Republican appointee, said the power of the Muslim-Jewish alliance is the ability for members to come to the defence of people of another faith, not their own.

Khan told Cup of Politics there is a very powerful impact on people who witness situations
 "when people are standing up for each other.”
"When a stranger stands up for another individual who is being attacked for their ethnic or religious background, others will join in,"
 he said. But the effect works in reverse as well: People can be encouraged by their peers to join the harassment of someone from a different background.

Stanley Bergman, a co-chairman of the group, said
 "our goal is to make sure that this matter — this hate crimes challenge — is on top of mind of the legislature." 
The first step, Bergman said, is to ensure uniformity of data collection and prosecution around the county.
"In some parts of the country there is better collection of data and of course there is better prosecution," he said, but "in other parts of the country there is not any kind of recognition that there is a challenge."

Listen to the whole conversation.


Additional reading
  1. What to do in the Face of Global Anti-semitism
  2. The Rise of Anti-Seminism
  3. If you’re going to be a hater, make sure you’ve done your homework.


Saturday, 12 November 2016

Voted against their system

Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fash...
Donald Trump enters the Oscar De LA Renta Fashion Show, New York. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the United States of America we could see something which we in Europe should take as a serious warning. A few years back Belgium had already such a warning. That "black Sunday" the extreme right party Vlaams Blok gained a lot of votes. Undemocratic they became cast away, having the other parties creating a "blok sanitair".

That party and its present sibling Vlaams Belang used and still use the same fearmongering as Donald Trump, and are made of the same wood as Nigel Farage a.o.

While Clinton may have won a majority sliver of the popular vote, Americans have revolted against their own political culture, against the entire American political class. They saw in Donald Trump the man who was daring to open all the wounds of the system and to throw with mud to all who belonged to the establishment. This was clearly an anti-establishment vote.

From the outcome we should learn and prepare ourselves so that it not spread like a cancer, but shall be a virus we shall be able to control.

For the Americans the problem is that their system is rigid. The system is rigged, and it is rigged particularly against American working people. the way of giving mandates is also not democratic. It is really getting high time for the United states and for Great Britain to appoint the places according to the percentage of votes.


Please read:
Mark Collins: Terry Glavin on Trump and Why: “God help us all” or…



Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory


Additional reading: 
  1. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  2. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  3. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  4. 2015 In the Picture
  5. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  6. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  7. Are United States of America citizens going to show their senses
  8. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  9. When so desperate to hold onto power
  10. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  11. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  12. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  13. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  14. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  15. God Isn’t a Republican

Fearmongering succeeded and got the bugaboo a victory

Man belongs to the animal species which hunt and has to be alert. It has to be prepared to take flight.
“If the first thing you hear about a topic is something that’s associated with fear, that will often suppress the rational part of the brain. It will be placed into long-term memory by this more primitive part of the brain, and it turns out to be very, very difficult to dislodge that.”
says Jack Gorman.

For the 2016 election a smart businessman who is not afraid to run over corpses made a handy use out of that knowledge.
Fear is the fuel to Donald Trump’s post-factual campaign. He can allege that immigrants are violent (when they commit way fewer crimes than native-born Americans) and “inner cities” are burning (when they’re thriving), and it doesn’t matter, from a certain rhetorical perspective — the point is to activate emotions, whether it’s to motivate the alt-right for the election or Trump TV ratings after the ballots have been cast.
What’s special about fear is that it’s such a powerful, pre-conscious, pre-rational emotion. It frames your thinking before you can even think about it, regardless of how intelligent you are. 
The "Make America Great Again" campaign was constructed in bringing bad news first sot that people would have enough fear to look for an other solution. Those made black for sure should than be the ones to avoid at high cost. Having told such bad things about Hillary Clinton made her the one to avoid most.
In history it is not the first time that charismatic leaders arouse fear. Those fears
"are often committed to permanent indelible memory, and they become extremely hard to dislodge, and they are easy to evoke simply by making people scared again,"
Jack Gorman says.
 “So all that Trump has to do is say ‘these immigrants are going to kill you,’ and his entire message about immigration becomes immediately recalled.”

Additional reading
  1. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  2. Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate
  3. 150 Years after the 13th Amendment
  4. 2015 In the Picture
  5. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  6. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  7. Are United States of America citizens going to show their senses
  8. Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office
  9. When so desperate to hold onto power
  10. The clean sweeper of the whole caboodle
  11. A strong and wise fighter who keeps believing in America
  12. Brexit No. 2 Blow-up
  13. Nigel Farage called Donald Trump’s victory ‘bigger than Brexit’
  14. American Christianity no longer resembles its Founder
  15. God Isn’t a Republican

Friday, 21 October 2016

Trump has been buffetted by accusations of misconduct

English: Celebrity Apprentice star Dennis Rodm...
English: Celebrity Apprentice star Dennis Rodman and Donald Trump (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
That Trump is not the ideal ethical man eh showed already on several occasions. That he was considering the woman as an object he showed also already several times. He also was not afraid to tell the general public women are there to please men.

He told the public about Bill Clinton using women but hid for the general public his actions he had undertaken on several occasions. We can imagine at the time he took advantage of his position several young and older women did not want to come out with what happened to them.

The whole hoopla went off public when a video went viral in which Trump was caught on tape in 2005 making crude comments about a married woman he tried to seduce and what he could do to women because he was "a star." By saying so he also would find it normal if stars would permit such shameful acts to women and probably would be against penalising people doing such humiliating acts.

Arianne Zucker, the actress who was subject to Donald Trump and Billy Bush’s crude comments in the leaked tape from 2005, has spoken out against the Republican nominee’s comments.

The actress, best known for her role on “Days of Our Lives,” was thrust into the spotlight last week when footage was leaked of Donald Trump and former Access Hollywood correspondent Billy Bush crudely discussing her.
“Your girl’s hot as s—t. In the purple,” Bush can be overheard saying.
Donald replied,
 “Yeah that’s her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful… I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
Bush has since been suspended indefinitely from his hosting duties at The Today Show. Trump delivered an apology for the comments in a Facebook video.

After the video showing clearly how Trump really thought about women, some did found it high time to raise their voice and to let the world what awful experience they had to go through. Naturally we also do have to be aware that lots of the accusations coming out now, not having any registration in a police office before, could also be dirty political propaganda.

Cathy Heller, 63, like other women, said she was outraged when Trump denied attacking women because he forced himself on her during, like it was for him  an ordinary case, women not having to faint.

Her experience looks very similar to other cases we heard in recent days.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday denied multiple allegations of sexual assault, dismissing the claims of his accusers and railing against the press, accusing his rival Hillary Clinton systematically trying to destroy him.

Speaking in West Palm Beach, Florida, Trump argued that stories in the New York Times and People magazine were “pure fiction” and “outright lies”
“These vicious claims about me of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false. And the Clintons know it, and they know it very well,”
he said.
 “These claims are all fabricated. They’re pure fiction, and they’re outright lies. These events never, ever happened.”
Trump said, around the same time that the New York Times sent a letter declining to retract its story.

Talking about those allegation Trump did not mind to debase those women as being not only liars but to ugly for a man to kiss them. Of People writer Natasha Stoynoff, who said Trump pushed her up against a wall and kissed her without her consent while she was writing a profile, Trump seemed to imply that her looks prove he would not have wanted to kiss her.
Look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think,”
he said.
 “I don’t think so.”


Read what happened at a party at his Florida mansion in the 1990s:
And read also: Donald Trump Blasts the Press Over Sexual Assault Stories: ‘They Will Lie, Lie, Lie’


Preceding articles:
Jews the next scapegoat for Donald Trump
The American clouds of Anti-Semitism
Jewish Soap Opera Star Arianne Zucker Hits Back at Donald Trump’s Infamous Lewd Taped Remarks
Read Donald Trump’s Speech Addressing Sexual Assault Accusations


The American clouds of Anti-Semitism

Image of New Statesman Cover from wikipedia co...
Image of New Statesman Cover from wikipedia commons (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
69 years old Larry Jacob who was born and raised in New York had not his ears and eyes closed the last months. He is aware of the danger that lures around the corner.

In his article "Modern anti-Semitism" for the Times of Israel he notices that
Many modern-day American Jews are unaware of the current depth and pervasiveness of anti-Semitism (“AS”) in the U.S..
Therefore he warns them they are feeling too much at ease, thinking that their rights are protected by anti-discrimination laws, such as Title VI. A problem may be that
 they are too busy earning a living and raising a family to focus on AS.
Jacob understands that but
that does not diminish the clear and present danger it represents.
In the previous moths we have seen many documentaries on the American white evangelist lobbies who promote weapon bearing and could hear how they think about "the Jews who killed Jesus". I myself had some correspondence with such 'devout' American evangelicals who are convinced that Jews are the evil of the world and who are convinced the world better could be cleansed from that race.

Anti-Semitism (AS) and other forms of discrimination may officially be prohibited by various federal and state laws in the United States of America, but it looked lie this was only on paper and not something for the reality or to be taken serious by a big group of American citizens.

Jacob writes
 it is also true that attitudes and beliefs cannot be completely controlled by laws.  AS has not yet risen to the level of the 19th Century Russian pogroms or the organized terror of 1930s Nazi Germany, but, ...  AS is still present in the 21st Century, even in the US.  Often, it is more subtle, but, nevertheless, it permeates many areas of our culture.
Also Adele M. Stan the same as we could not do without the idea where Trump could have got the mustard from. Looking at Trump his speech she wrote on AlterNet
The speech was hinged to the original purpose of his campaign: to trade on the resentments of a restive remnant of white America — angry white men and the women who love them — and set the stage for mayhem in the wake of his likely electoral defeat.
This was not your standard, off-the-cuff Trump rant. This was a scripted speech, delivered with a teleprompter. It was crafted. It featured the key words of right-wing complaints: “sovereign,” “global bankers” and “slander.” Really, it came right out of a Nazi propaganda playbook. And when one considers the themes common between Nazi propaganda films and the films made by top Trump campaign staffers Stephen K. Bannon and David Bossie (as analyzed by AlterNet), we should hardly be surprised.
Our thought that Trump sees everywhere a conspiracy against him was confirmed in the debate, him beginning with an attack on the New York Times (whose majority owners are a Jewish family), which he said was engaged in a conspiracy of global proportions with the Clintons, international bankers and major corporations, all to stop him from winning the presidency.


Please continue reading


Preceding article: Jews the next scapegoat for Donald Trump
