Showing posts with label believers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label believers. Show all posts

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Paris attacks darkning the world

Dena Johnson last weekend watched in horror as terror unfolded in Paris, France. Bombings. Hostages. Shootings. Innocent people targeted. Her heart broke for the people of Paris.

For lives lost. For lives shattered, forever changed.

Her writing for Daily Update shows unnecessary fear.
As I watched the non-stop news coverage, I began to wonder what kind of world my kids will inherit from us. What dangers are lurking behind every corner? Will they be forced to live in seclusion for their own safety? Will they fear for their lives every time they are on the street? Will they be targeted simply because they choose Christ?
It’s almost more than a mama’s heart can handle. Watching the news on a regular basis makes me fearful for my kids. Gone are the days of solid Christian morals, where seeking to follow Christ is the accepted norm.
The people in France were not targeted because they choose Christ. Many were no believers in Christ or in any god and others worshipped Allah as faithful Muslims.

She thinks the world is invaded by terrorists, but they are still in the minority.
She writes
Citizens struck at a soccer game and a concert. Shootings in the middle of a church service. We even had a beheading last year right here in Oklahoma as a woman simply went about doing her job.
How do we deal with the fear? How do we teach our children to live boldly in an increasingly dangerous world? How do we live in light of the terror that surrounds us? How do we shine our lights for Christ when we know that we could easily be targeted for our faith?
All people who have a strong opinion and or a faith they want to hold on strongly, can be a useful target because the opponent knows they can be hurt. Jesus Christ also warned those who wanted to follow him they would be target of mocking, bullying and even worse having the possibility to having to give their life for their faith.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the dangers and immorality in this world. It’s easy to wonder if God really sees us, understands our plight. It can be confusing to sort through the myriad of emotions, to know where we should stand on certain issues. Do we lean toward compassion or do we choose discernment? Both are present in scriptures. Both are necessary.

Christian, Jew or Muslim should follow their Holy Scriptures and should get to know them properly, knowing we may not kill innocent people and do have to respect every creation of God.

From the beginning of times man riposted. Already very early man went against the commandments of God and let evil come into his heart.

Evil has existed in the human heart since time began. Nothing. Has. Changed.

There’s still incredible evil in this world. And there are still heroes of the faith. While ISIS prowls around looking for lives to devour, God is raising up an army of believers with faith that shines bright. While terror seems to be the constant news of the day, Christians around the world are standing strong in their faith, determined to let their lights shine in the midst of the darkness.

We must trust that God is our salvation, our fortress, watching over and protecting us. We must trust that he sees and knows the truth about this world, about our hearts. We must trust that he has the power to protect us, to rescue us from these very real troubles. We must remain confident that he is able, he is greater than this world.

We must cry out to him for wisdom, discernment, direction. We must seek to know him deeply, intimately. We must strive to follow him, every step, every day. We must wait patiently, expectantly, for him to rescue us. We must cling to every word, every promise, he has made. We must be brave and courageous, knowing that he has overcome the world.

The darker this world gets, the brighter our light shines. Hang on to God, my friends. He is our hope.

The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.

The one thing I ask of the LORD—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me. At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the LORD with music.

Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me. Do not let me fall into their hands. For they accuse me of things I’ve never done; with every breath they threaten me with violence. Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.
Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.

Psalm 27:1-6, 11-14 (NLT)


Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
Trump brand of migrant demonization #2 


Additional reading
  1. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  2. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  3. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  4. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity? 
  5. Human tragedy need to be addressed at source 
  6. Vatican against Opponents of immigration

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Hello America and atheists

In response to the article

ATHEISTS EXPOSED! shared by Greg Liebig Sr.

I wrote a reply which I also would like to share with you here.

In the article the author does like he is God writing to the people of the United states of America.

“First, let it be known, that I created each and every person on this planet; also, That I Love Each And Every One Of Them. Furthermore, let it be known unto them, that I have a purpose for them now, during the millennial reign of my Son Jesus (Yeshua) and Then Throught All Eternity!
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - NARA - 515673 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
“My precious humans are eternal spiritual beings: yes, for the time being they are in flesh, blood and bone bodies, at death, that changes. When I send Yeshua to rapture up the church they will be changed as well. I am having you tell humanity this because it won’t be long before I tell My Son to get His Bride, the Church, the believers.”
Strange that this God calls those human beings eternal spirits, when He has created them as mortal elements in the universe.

Then that god speaks about the Satans or adversaries of God and the ones who fool the world, with their own false teachings.
As he (the Satan or devil) sees the approaching of Christ’s appearing, he and a few of his partners (doubt and fear) have really been stepping it up.”
One of his lies is,” God (Yahweh) does not exist.”
Another is, “Jesus (Yeshua) did not really die and rise again.”
“So, consequently he has turned a great number of people against me. He really does hate my precious humans.”
“Another one of his tactics is he has chosen very weak minded individuals to enlist in his destructive task and they have fallen for his lies, hook, line and sinker.
He tells them to go to various places and spread these lies. He even pushes his agenda onto governments. He even tells people that it is not right to have people display Godly things in government institutions; like the Ten Commandments for instance.
He has them say it is offensive to pray in public places.”
The author calls all those who do not want to believe and those who agreed to let such things happen "atheists, non-believers, heathen or just plain lost".  But he reminds the people they have to remember that God, no matter what happens, still loves these people: "don’t ever loose sight of that fact."

And that is very important: god loves His creation and all what we can see around us is part of that creation. All people on this planet earth are also created in the image of God and are loved by the Divine Creator.
He also gives them the necessary time to be able to find Him and to come closer to Him. though many also donot want to recognise the person God provided to save the world, He gave His only begotten son, to offer himself as the most justified ransom and to become the mediator between Him (Jehovah God) and men.

English: It is really a nice building. I took ...
A nice building in the United States of America. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So therefore I also would call like that author to the United States of America and to other nations:

Hello America, are you not the New World, where so many of the Europeans went to because at the continent many denominations limited their people and because many governments brought strong limitations of all sorts of freedom?

Did you America also forgot that many of your ancestors looked for the Truth and looked for God His Word and His Will?

Though many descendants from those pioneers went far away from those Bible Students and Bible researchers, and prefered to follow 'standard churches' or even more 'mega churches'. With times (you or) they became not so interested any more in reading regularly the word of God, available in much more versions now in their own or in their new language. You also wanted to be called Christians but pick and choose which laws to live by and to impose on others living around you.
II (The Presidents of the United States of Ame...
II (The Presidents of the United States of America album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They prefered to make new gods, like the many movie stars, football and other sports idols, but also the fashion models and idols form other worlds like the cooking world. In this some did not mind to fit their other god, Jesus. So many americans are not willing to accept hat he was a real Jewish man, of flesh and blood, who could be seen by many, who was tempted more than once and who really was brought to death in a cruel way, but less cruel than many other tortured people.

God is an eternal spirit, who can not be seen by men or they would die. God also can not be tempted. that is all be written in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, many do not want to take for the words which are there black on white, but they do prefer to hold fast on tradition and denominational dogma's, like the 'Holy Trinity'.

Yes, America, wants to stay blind and does not want to have its eyes opened by the Biblical truth. Do they ever wounder if it is not because of their blindness, their ignorance that america is turning upside down?

But is it not the disease which is spreading all over the world, where money is the Manon, the new god worshipped by so many?
The Love of money is the root of all evil church in America and every other culture that has turned its back on Christ and his Father, the Only One God.  

The Biblical message has been corrupted to such a degree that seminaries are supporting a “priest class” that has elevated itself above the laity. This shift toward relying on a seminary educated expert trained in Christian theology to lead the church is inherently risky and flawed.  The body of Christ and it’s shepherds are to be vigilant with discerning and testing the doctrines being introduced into the churches.  The modern day Protestant denominations have completely capitulated the hard won gains of the Reformation and the American bible Student movement. America and with it other nations are re-instituting the old Catholic paradigm of ignorant congregation and all knowing priest class.  On top of the increase in creating Biblically ignorant congregations, America has hybridized Biblical Christianity with of all things “The American Dream”. 

The dream has been shattered.  The New Atheism has made it safer for people to declare their godlessness. 

Godlessness and Unbelief is it there to stay?!? Or not?

It can change, but we shall need time and lots of people wanting and daring to come out into the world to assign their love for Christ and to show the world the work this son of god has done, and which blessings we have received by his offering himself for us.

You, like every other humans on the face of this planet, have one overwhelming and stupendously important need … to be forgiven for the sins you have already been condemned for, and released from the death sentence that you have already been sentenced to. No matter what happens in this world, as long as Christ shall not have returned, all people shall share the same 'lot', the same burden of finding death at the end of the road. We all shall die, believers and unbelievers.
But do know, afterwards there shall be something different for believers and non-believers. Than it shall be too late to change direction  God has given each of us and you, time enough to think, to consider, to find out, to look for the right way, for the right path.


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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Synagogue, Church or Ecclesia for the Christian

If we are only academic and not practising what Christ taught then it is of little value that we come together as individuals.

By being “in Christ” we do indicate that we are trying to become like Christ and are made in him willing to daily following the Nazarene man Jeshua, Jesus Christ the Messiah. The word Christian indicates this following of Christ Jesus whereby the follower of the Master Teacher is called to a unique and beautiful life:  the life of a Christian.  This life truly calls for separation from the filth of this world, is an encouragement to others, gives glory to God, and prepares one for the Kingdom of God.  Without Christ, this would be not be possible.
English: Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Mosc...
English: Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Moscow, Russia. Русский: Храм Христа Спасителя. Москва, Россия. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An ecclesia should be formed by people who gather because they share the same love and truth and are willing to form a stronghold as a body of Christ. The regular meeting together with those of like, precious faith, should be an act of willingness to share the love of Christ and to build each-other up to help us on our walk with Christ. as such and ecclesial life can sometimes be very character-building, shaping us a molding us for the life to come. 

"There were pagans using the word “church” long before Christians ever began using it. The word “church,” originating from the Greek word 'kuriakon' which later evolved into our pronunciation “church” in English." Its basic meaning is a building belonging to (a) god. This is a significantly different meaning to the word - "Ecclesia" referring to the believers - the "called-out ones". This people for God’s own possession have been called out of darkness into his marvelous life.

“but you [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession, so that you might speak of the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;” (1 Peter 2:9 MKJV)

For that reason we prefer the use of ecclesia, the gathering of the set apart people, instead of church.

We do know that Brother Duncan Heaster is referred to as a "pastor" in the ecclesia of Riga in Latvia which is also often been called church overthere, like the one in Horley in the UK.

In other places the prayer space is known as synagogue which is as house of God a house of prayer, a house of worship which can be placed in a temple. That  place of worship, sanctuary, shrine can also be the gathering space of those who follow Christ. In the first century the synagogue was one of the common places to come together and have a discussion about the Word of God.

The main thing is that we do have to get others to see that the assembly is a gathering of people who feel like brothers and sisters in Christ and that their activities are those which are generally know in popular speech as "church". It does not matter so much to use the vernacular to get others to get the idea, but they should come accustomed to the proper use of the word "ecclesia"" to speak about the place for service.

Please do read:
  1. What and why ecclesia
  2. Reasons to come to gether
  3. Congregate, to gather, to meet
  4. Philippians 1 – 2
  5. Look for your Refuge by God

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Friday, 26 December 2008

Rejoicing in the day

—This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (v. 24)

Believers should live in a state of rejoicing because believers have a unique comfort. Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ know that there is a purpose and meaning to life. We didn't crawl out of the primordial slime and are simply trying to be among the fittest that survive. We also know that our future is solidly in the hands of our Creator. We also know that our past misdeeds are forgiven. We can move forward by living in today because both the past and the future are taken care of.

The Lord made this day. Perhaps the meaning of this is simply that God caused the sun to rise and shine. Let me suggest another possible meaning too. Maybe the "day" the Lord has made is the circumstances in our lives. Maybe what we are being told that this day with all of its joy and all of its challenges is a gift from God to be enjoyed.

How sad is it for those who cannot rejoice in today because they want yesterday to be different than it was or are worried about tomorrow. Don't you know people like that? They are miserable today because of something someone did or said to them in the past. They are miserable today because they think something bad could happen in the future. Both past and future are God's business, not ours. God has given us today and today only to rejoice and be glad in. We should never let the past or future interfere with our present rejoicing. We can only do one thing at a time in the moment we are in. Whatever moment God has given us—whatever task God has given us—let us do it unto the Lord and savor it.

I sometimes ask worrywarts why they are giving up today for something that MIGHT happen in the future. Isn't the real enemy our diabolos or lack of faith? If we can change our thinking, wouldn't we be much better off? We can rejoice here and now.
So do not worry; do not say, `What are we to eat? What are we to drink? What are we to wear?' It is the gentiles who set their hearts on all these things. Your heavenly Father knows you need them all. Set your hearts on his kingdom first, and on God's saving justice, and all these other things will be given you as well. So do not worry about tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt. 6:31-34 NJB)
Have a great week,

2016 update