Showing posts with label redder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redder. Show all posts

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Do not be afraid. Good news because a Saviour has been born

Luke 2:8-11 (34 kb)
But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people."

Luke 2:10, New International Version


Don't be afraid! What can cast away all fear in the presence of God's glorious messengers? The joy of knowing that God has brought His son to earth to bring an end to sin and the curse of the first sin in the Garden of Eden and to bring salvation to all people!
Fear must not master our hearts when we know that God has broken through every barrier to reach us with his overwhelming grace.
We may also look up to that child in the manger that grew up to become a great teacher and an example for us.

I praise you, Almighty God, for the gift of joy that chases away all fear. Fill my heart with that joy and fill my mind with wonder as I try to comprehend your love for me. Stir me to greater concern for those who have not heard, or who have not yet accepted, your offer of grace in your Son Jesus, in whose name I pray.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Wees niet bang, er is goed nieuws want een redder is geboren
2013 update:
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Wees niet bang, er is goed nieuws want een redder is geboren

Christelijke Overdenking Donderdag 24 december 2009

·                 Luke 2:8-11 (34 kb)    Lukas 2:10

"En de engel zeide tot hen: Vreest niet, want, ziet, ik verkondig u grote blijdschap, die al den volke wezen zal;" (Lu 2:10 STV)

"'Wees niet bang! Want luister, ik breng u een blijde tijding, die voor het hele volk bestemd is."(GNV)

"En de engel zeide tot hen: Weest niet bevreesd, want zie, ik verkondig u grote blijdschap, die heel het volk zal ten deel vallen:" (NBG 1951)

"De engel zei tegen hen: 'Wees niet bang, want ik kom jullie goed nieuws brengen, dat het hele volk met grote vreugde zal vervullen:" (NBV)

"Wees niet bang," zei hij, "want ik breng u het mooiste nieuws dat u ooit hebt gehoord. Het is groot nieuws voor het hele volk." (Het Boek)

Overdenking van vandaag:

Wees niet bang! Wat kan alle angst afstoten in de aanwezigheid van Gods glorieuze boodschappers? De vreugde van de wetenschap dat God Zijn zoon op aarde heeft gebracht om een einde te maken aan de zonde en de vloek uit de tuin van Eden en om de zegen te brengen voor alle mensen! Angst mag ons hart niet overheersen wanneer we weten dat God elke belemmering heeft doorbroken om ons te bereiken met zijn overweldigende genade en door de genadegave van Zijn zoon.
Wij mogen ook opkijken naar dat kind in de voederbak dat opgroeide tot een volwaardig leermeester en een voorbeeld voor ons.


Ik prijs u, almachtige God, voor het geschenk van vreugde dat alle angst wegjaagt. Vul mijn hart met die vreugde en vul mijn gedachten met verwondering als ik uw liefde voor mij probeer te begrijpen. Breng me tot een grotere zorg voor degenen die uw aanbod van genade in uw Zoon Jezus nog niet hebben gehoord of nog niet hebben aanvaard; in zijn naam bid ik. Amen.

Friday, 29 May 2009

Misleading Pictures

"More modern ideas present Jesus in a different way. He is the champion of the vagrants, the leader of reactionaries. This too is misleading. Jesus did not come with a social gospel. He was not a superstar. He came to show people a better way.

It is his strength of purpose more than his physique or his manner that we should admire. It is the fortitude with which he met scorn and ridicule. It is the way in which, unflinchingly, he faced the cross. The prophets had foretold his suffering. Yet his determination never wavered.

Even quite early in his ministry, Jesus had experienced rejection. He had visited Nazareth. At first he had received an enthusiastic reception. People had heard of his teaching and miracles. Men like to be associated with a hero. They welcomed him and pressed home the fact that he had grown up in their town.

As Jesus began to talk, they were pleasantly surprised by his words. When, however, he began to say that they would be unwilling to receive his teaching, they changed. They quickly became opposed. When he showed that God had turned to the Gentiles in the past, they became angry.

Jesus said that they would use a proverb against him. It was "Physician, heal yourself!". They led him out to the top of the hill on which Nazareth was built. They had intended to throw him over as they did with criminals. Jesus, however, escaped. His words were prophetic though. At the cross they threw those words back at him. "He saved others; himself he cannot save." In effect they were repeating the proverb, Saviour, save thyself.

Despite the experience of Nazareth, Jesus did not turn away from Jerusalem. Luke's gospel shows that he "steadfastly set his face" to go there. It is this courage and determination that makes the picture of a pale and sickly figure so unsuitable. It is his isolation from the crowd that makes the idea of a hero of the masses so untrue.

Yet there was much more to the Lord than strong resolution only. People came to him with different needs. Whatever their need was, it was met and answered in Jesus. No-one ever came to the Lord and found him too busy. None was ever asked to make an appointment or turned away."
Brother John S. Roberts
The Bible, the Lord Jesus and You