Showing posts with label india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label india. Show all posts

Friday, 12 April 2019

Ideale hindoesamenleving voorop gesteld

Sinds 2014 wordt India geregeerd door de hindoenationalistische Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) onder leiding van Narendra Modi, van de hindoenationalistische beweging Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS, letterlijk “Nationale Vrijwilligersorganisatie”).

Het ziet er naar uit dat  een groot deel van hindoes het liefst zouden zien dat heel Indië een zuivere Hindoe staat wordt.

Het huidige India telt zo’n 80 procent hindoes, 14 procent is moslim en er zijn boeddhisten, christenen, sikhs, atheïsten, animisten en parsi’s. Een democratie waarin de meerderheid religieuze en culturele waarden oplegt, is niet het India van iedereen, luidt de kritiek.

Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, een brahmaan en arts uit Maharashtra richtte in 1925 de Nationale Vrijwilligersorganisatie RSS opom de verdeeldheid van zijn in zijn ogen door buitenlanders onderdrukt land, weg te nemen. Hij vond dat hindoes zich moesten verenigen in hetgeen hen uniek maakt, het hindoeïsme. Hervoor ontwikkelde hij het shakha-systeem.

De basis voor een welvarende hindoesamenleving lag volgens hem in ‘de fysieke en mentale ontwikkeling van de jonge hindoeman’, ofwel het creëren van eenheden gedisciplineerde mannen vol vaderlandsliefde die uitzwermen in de samenleving en zich van onderuit inzetten voor een egalitaire, solidaire hindoestaat.

Inmiddels kent de RSS ook duizenden pracharaks, mannen die zich voltijds in dienst stellen van de organisatie en haar ideaal. Hun eigen leven en hun familieleven is hieraan ondergeschikt. Ook premier Modi heeft het pad tot pracharak gevolgd.

Anno 2019 is de RSS het moederschip van 36 verenigingen die actief zijn in alle geledingen van de Indiase samenleving. RSS-leden richtten in 1951 de eerste politieke partij op, de Bharatiya Jana Sangh. In 1955 kwam er een arbeidersvereniging bij en inmiddels er is een vereniging die zich bezighoudt met academische vraagstukken, en verenigingen die zich richten op respectievelijk lepra, de kunsten, Sanskriet, veteranen, sport, gezondheid, noodhulp.

Met de oprichting van scholen en vorming van de mensen omtrent hun beoogde ideaal, worden heel wat mensen in de richting gestuurd om voor dat ideaal te gaan. Zij beseffen dat zij in hun eentje niets, kunnen bereiken en dat zij moeten samenwerken en dit wel om zich te verzetten tegen de westerse en islamitische overheersingen, die de hindoecultuur in de verdrukking gebracht zouden hebben, en samen te zoeken naar een nieuwe onafhankelijke maatschappijvorm, egalitair en solidair, gestoeld op de eigen hindoe-identiteit. Die ideologie van de RSS worst ook wel Hindutva genoemd.


Lees ook:

© saskia Konniger

Duizenden bijbels verband in aanloop naar de Indiase parlementsverkiezingen

De Amerikaanse tak van Open Doors merkt op dat een radicale sekte die onderdeel is van het hindoeïsme in India,steeds meer als antichristelijk manifesteert.

De nationalisten schrikken er niet voor terug om uitgebreid geweld te gebruiken om aan hun verlangen te voldoen en hebben, in aanloop naar de parlementsverkiezingen die momenteel plaatsvinden, duizenden bijbels verbrand.

Radicale hindoes vervolgen christenen op gewelddadige manieren: ze vallen huizen van christenen aan, vernietigen christelijke boeken en sturen bedreigingen via sociale media. De hindoes worden hierin indirect gesteund door lokale overheden die antibekeringswetten in werking hebben gesteld. Bekering tot het christendom is hierdoor strafbaar.

Wanneer christenen aangifte doen van geweld of wanneer er daadwerkelijk geweld plaatsvindt, grijpt de politie vaak niet in.

Ondanks de toename van het aantal antichristelijke incidenten, blijven veel christenen vasthoudend Jezus volgen.
 "Vervolging is voor mij een zegen,"
 laat een pastor weten die het recente incident met verbrande bijbels van dichtbij heeft meegemaakt.
"Niet iedereen heeft het voorrecht om voor Jezus te mogen lijden."

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

The country of Rape & sexually abusing children

In Madhya Pradesh, nearly 2,500 rapes against minors were recorded in 2016.
India has a poor record of convicting those accused of sexually abusing children –  around 28 percent were convicted in 2016.
It is unbelievable, that in a country it could happen that children of 4 years old are raped, and that often this passes unpennalised.

In a 2008 study, Amnesty International called for a moratorium on the death penalty, citing the risks it poses to marginalised communities. 

A few years ago, New Delhi-based research group Project 39A examined death penalties handed out between 2000 and 2015 and found that less than five percent were upheld in the Supreme Court and almost 30 percent of death row prisoners were eventually acquitted.

Supreme Court judge Madan B Lokur claimed in 2016 that death row prisoners often failed to get quality representation, saying:
 “Legal aid in India is nothing but a joke.”
Kumar, the director-general of prosecution in Madhya Pradesh, however, said the speed of sentencing was a sign of efficiency.
“You might say that [conviction in] five days is fast but we had given all possible evidences,”
 he told Al Jazeera.
 “The high court has already confirmed [death sentences in] seven cases. Three to four cases were commuted to life imprisonment. But it never said the trials conducted were faulty.”
In 2018 twenty-one defendants were accused of sexually assaulting minors. Under pressure of the Western world India now tries to bring penalties very soon. Today for such case can be given a death penalties and this penalty can even be given within three days, seven days, 11 days and one month.
By the end of 2018, 426 prisoners were on death row.

Critics are worried over the rising use of the death penalty.
“If you look at the statistical data, most of those on the death row are extremely poor, with very little or no education and belong to India’s most marginalised groups,”
 said Ankita Sarkar, associate litigator at Project 39A, a New Delhi-based research group.
“The quality of legal representation that prisoners of death row receive is very often abysmal. These extremely short trials make for a terrible quality of justice especially in a system where fabrication of evidence and suppression of exculpatory evidence is rampant."
“India’s stand to retain the death penalty when the world is moving to abolish it thus ends up perpetuating a lot of prejudices and biases,”
 she added.
 “States like Madhya Pradesh, in this context, starts to look like the Texas of India.”
According to several of these individuals, the eagerness to dispense justice was a result of media clamour, legal reforms and a systemic push for the maximum punishment – often at the cost of due process.

Find to read:
Madhya Pradesh: The Indian state with the most death row inmates

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

The Christadelphian Shunem Home, Hyderabad India Change of treasurer

Previously we have indicated there would be some changes to the management of fund raising and volunteering in the UK. These plans are progressing and we are delighted that brethren Wayne Leadbeater (Halifax Salterhebblle), Mike Page (Pershore) and Ben Standeven (Nottingham South) have joined the committee. This means as from 1st July bro Mike Page will be responsible for receiving donations and all communication regarding finance should be addressed to him at 5 Hillview Lane Twyning Tewkesbury GL20 6JW. Tel: 01684 299854 or email

Those who already donate by direct banking need to make no changes as the account details remain the same. From the 1st July cheques should be sent to Bro Mike and made payable to: Christadelphian Shunem Home.

All those involved and living in the Home are very grateful for the support received from brethren and sisters and would wish to express their heartfelt thanks.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

How importance on religion is placed

In the past India has always been a special place concerning the spiritual. Today still close to 80 per cent Indians think religion is an important part of their lives, according to a recent Pew Research Center report, where they ask if the American public is becoming less religious.

The most populous landlocked country in the world, as well as the second-most populous nation on the African continent after Nigeria, Ethiopia, which has a close historical ties with all three of the world's major Abrahamic religions, tops the chart with 98 per cent nationals saying that faith plays a crucial role in their lives.

In the November survey of more than 35,000 U.S. adults it was found that the percentages who say they believe in God, pray daily and regularly go to church or other religious services all have declined modestly in recent years, from 56 per cent in 2007 to 53 per cent in 2015.

The share of U.S. adults who say they believe in God, while still remarkably high by comparison with other advanced industrial countries, has declined modestly, from approximately 92% to 89%, since Pew Research Center conducted its first Landscape Study in 2007.
The share of Americans who say they are “absolutely certain” God exists has dropped more sharply, from 71% in 2007 to 63% in 2014. And the percentages who say they pray every day, attend religious services regularly and consider religion to be very important in their lives also have ticked down by small but statistically significant margins.
The figures suggest Americans place less importance on religion than those from African and Asian countries.
U.S. is in the middle of pack when it comes to importance of religion in people's lives
Pakistan with 93 per cent and Indonesia with 95 per cent, come ahead of India in believing that religion is very important in their lives. On the other hand, France (14 per cent), Japan (11 per cent) and China (three per cent) rank the the lowest.
Generally, poorer nations tend to be religious; wealthy less so, except for U.S.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Ffirst timeIndian Census included a “non-faith” category

Map showing the prevalence of Abrahamic (pink)...
Map showing the prevalence of Abrahamic (pink) and Dharmic religions (yellow) in each country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are about 2.87 million people in India who do not subscribe to any religion. In a country that has given birth to some of the world’s major religions, that’s 0.24 percent of the total population of 1.2 billion, as per the latest estimate given by the 2011 Indian Census. This is the first time that the Indian Census has included a “non-faith” category.

Interestingly, a majority (about 57 percent) of those who told census officials that they do not have faith in any organized religion belong to the country’s rural areas. A much higher percentage of women appear to have no faith in religion. According to latest estimates, there are 940 women for every 1000 men in India.
 — Huffington Post, 8/31/2015


Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Europe and much-vaunted bastions of multiculturalism becoming No God Zones

for the Daily Telegraph looking at the situation in Europe about religious groups remarks that Jews are not alone envisioned to be mocked at. or endangered for life In some parts of the world, wearing the label "Christian" also carries a death sentence.
Whether executed for the crime of apostasy in Pakistan, or attacked as "kefirs" (infidels) in Mosul, in northern Iraq, Christians are forced to die for their faith in parts of the Middle East.
We do not have to think Muslims are safe and that they are the ones threatening others. Muslims are not spared the persecution the other Abrahamic religions suffer: in western China and episodically in India, public allegiance to Islam is punishable by death.
In ever-greater swathes of the world, being a believer means embracing martyrdom. "Civilised" countries have failed to defend the persecuted – and in fact have created an atmosphere where the person of faith finds themselves pushed into an intolerable place. The extremists want their blind allegiance or will claim their lives; while the secularists suspect their collusion with hot-head co-religionists
Soon Europe, even London, the much-vaunted bastion of multiculturalism, will become No God Zones, banning any public display of religiosity. ‘For your own good’, the authorities will tell their pious citizens, "you must carry out your ancient rituals in secret. We cannot vouch for your safety otherwise." Believers will have to hide their precious religious symbols, and conceal their rites. Like the early Christians in the catacombs, they will lead lives in the shadow. 
Ultra-orthodox Jewish mother wins right to send children to mainstream school

Read more > Europe is becoming a no God zone

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Quran can convert to Christianity

That the holy Quran can convert people to Christianity has been said already previously by former Muslims who became Christian. Recently also a former Muslim imam convert to Christianity and believes that God protected him from death threats and torture at the hands of his family members.

Mario Joseph, a former imam who shared the story of his conversion and subsequent persecution with the HM Television program “Changing Tracks,” broadcast by the EUK Mamie Foundation run by the Home of the Mother religious community, got the English-language interview, first posted in April 2014, by now has more than 250,000 views on YouTube.

Mario Joseph got onto this world because his mother rejected doctors’ advice to abort him when she had an infected womb during pregnancy. After his birth she dedicated him to God. Studying the Quran, he noticed that the name of Jesus was mentioned more often than the name of Islam’s prophet Mohammed and that Mary, known in Arabic as Mariam, was the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran. In Islam, Mary is recognized as a perpetual virgin who was conceived without sin.

Mario Joseph decided to accept Jesus, which was not happily received by his parents, who found they had to punish him. He was bound and deprived of food and water for several days and his brother forced him to drink urine as a punishment. The lack of food and water affected him severely, he recalled, adding that after as many as 20 days, his father entered his cell, choked him and threatened him with a knife unless he renounced Jesus.

“I knew my dad well that he would kill me,”
Mario Joseph said.

“When I knew that it was my last moment… I thought, ‘Jesus died, but He came back. If I believe in Jesus and die, I too may get my life’.”

At that point he felt energized, pulled his father’s hand down, and cried out Jesus’ name. His father then fell down and was cut severely by his own knife, causing him to foam at the mouth, Mario Joseph said. When family members took his father to the hospital, they forgot to lock the room.

The young man then ran out and caught a taxi. The driver was a Christian and helped get him food and drink.

“That day, really I understood, my Jesus is alive even now. When I called him for my need, he saved me.”

Mario Joseph found a Catholic retreat center in India, where he could stay and give talks in various languages.

He took the name “Mario,” a male version of Mary in Italian. He also took the name Joseph for Mary’s spouse.

Mario Joseph said he did not expect that he would still be alive 18 years after his conversion. He said people are still trying to kill him, and his parents held a mock funeral ceremony for him to signify that he was an outcast. On the mock grave, they marked as his death date the date of his baptism.

Although he has had no contact with his family members, he prays for them and believes that “God can touch them within a moment.”

Even if they never accept Christianity, he explained,
 “I’m always saying ‘Jesus, please take them to heaven’.”

This imam former Muslim imam may have found Jesus, and found many things in Catholicism where he found himself at ease.

It is strange he came to accept the Trinity and even came to do worship of the human being Mary. For such conversions Muslims are very afraid, but if some of their Muslim brothers and sisters would come to see who Jesus really is, and what the Plan of God is with humanity, they should not be so much afraid.

I do invite Christians and Muslims to come and look at the Quran and Bible verses which are presented to come to understand both writings better and see the similarities and come to see where certain Quran  verses can lead tot and how certain teachers can twist the words of those holy books.

Come and have a look at the series Quran and Bible verses comparison:

Quran versus older Holy Writings of Divine Creator


Quran quotes


Saturday, 23 August 2014

Walgelijk vrij lastig vallen van Indische vrouwen

Enkele maanden geleden werden weer eens twee jonge meisjes werden opgeknoopt aan een boom na een groepsverkrachting in de weilanden rond hun huis in India, en een minister van de regeringspartij heeft gereageerd door te zeggen dat verkrachting "een sociale misdaad is... soms is het goed, soms is het verkeerd."

Hoe zou zo iets ooit 'goed' kunnen zijn?
Het is walgelijk! Maar dit incident is geen uitzondering.
Alaphia is zelf aangevallen voor de ogen van hoge politieagenten, en ze deden niets. Zij weet dat het systeem de vrouwen van India aan hun lot overlaat. Maar zij,ik en nog enkele anderen denken dat wij hier samen verandering in kunnen brengen.
English: Varanasi, India as seen from Ganga river.
English: Varanasi, India as seen from Ganga river. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Het verkiezingsprogramma van de nieuwe leider van Alaphia haar land draaide om de belofte om van de heilige stad waar hij verkozen is, Varanasi, opnieuw een grote toeristische trekpleister te maken. Als wij met miljoenen mensen wereldwijd samenkomen om op te roepen tot de bescherming van vrouwen, en de stad van premier Modi hiermee volplakken, zal hij stappen moeten zetten om zijn toerismeplan te kunnen redden.

Een dergelijke advertentiecampagne heeft nog nooit eerder plaatsgevonden in India. Maar dit is een nationale crisis die drastische maatregelen vergt.

Teken nu -- laten we twee miljoen mensen bijeenbrengen om van Modi te eisen dat hij de meisjes en vrouwen van India beschermt:

Toen de meisjes van 14 en 15 vermist raakten, ging de vader van één van hen naar de politie en smeekte hen op handen en knieën om iets te doen. Ze lachten hem uit en stuurden hem terug naar huis. Talloze gezinnen in India die met deze nachtmerrie geconfronteerd worden, krijgen te maken met dit soort schandalige passiviteit van de politie. Na de internationale opschudding zijn uiteindelijk vijf mannen gearresteerd en twee politieagenten geschorst. Maar elke 22 minuten wordt iemand verkracht in India, en de politie, de rechterlijke macht, en zelfs ministers laten ons in de steek!
Voor de verkiezingen was er een massale beweging op gang gekomen om dringende maatregelen af te dwingen om geweld tegen vrouwen te stoppen. Deskundigen stelden een "Womanifesto" op -- een plan gebaseerd op gezond verstand met hoognodige hervormingen om een einde te maken aan de verkrachtingsepidemie. Het gaat in op wetgeving, politiewerk, medische en psychologische ondersteuning, en het allerbelangrijkste -- onderwijs en voorlichting. Andere belangrijke partijen hebben hun naam eronder gezet, maar Modi negeerde het.

Zelfs het personeel van Modi staat achter de hoofdmoot van het plan. Nu moet Modi het alleen nog uitvoeren.

Tot nu toe heeft Modi nog niets gezegd over de beledigende uitspraken van zijn partijgenoot, maar de president van India heeft aangegeven dat deze nieuwe regering “een zerotolerancebeleid voert wat betreft geweld tegen vrouwen.” Laten we een grootschalige petitie opzetten en Varanasi volplakken met aanplakbiljetten om op te roepen tot onmiddellijke vertaling van deze belofte in een actieplan. Teken nu:

De schok bij het zien van deze foto kan ons verlammen met bedroefdheid, of het kan ons aanzetten tot actie. Overal in mijn land eisen vrouwen dat er een einde komt aan deze cultuur van verkrachtingen, en zij strijden om tot gelijkheid en veiligheid voor iedereen te komen. Alsjeblieft, sluit je bij ons aan om dit geweld te stoppen!

Met hoop, 

Marcus en Alaphia, met het Avaaz-team

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Jeanne Devos honoured

Jeanne Devos was born in Kortenaken in 1935, is a trained speech therapist and joined the missionaries of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the 1960s. That led to teaching at a school for deaf children in Chennai, India. Later, together with other nuns, she set up the National Domestic Workers Movement, which protects the rights of domestic servants.
Belgian Roman-Catholic Sister and Missionary J...
Belgian Roman-Catholic Sister and Missionary Jeanne Devos, head of the National Domestic Workers Movement (India). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Last week in the Flemish Parliament she with judge Koen Lenaerts, Christine Van Den Wyngaert of he International Criminal Court in The Hague, and professor of modern European history at Pennsylvania State University  Sophie De Schaepdrijver were honoured for their services in positively representing Flanders to the rest of the world. The five received the Golden Medal of Honour from Jan Peumans, speaker of the parliament.

Jeanne Devos is a woman who brings the words of Christ into life.


Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, 9 September 2011

Euthanasie in India

Op Bio Edge werd het geval besproken van Ms Shanbaug die in een permanent vegetative staat heeft verbleven voor bijna 40 jaren.

Ms Shanbaug has been in a permanent vegetative state for nearly 40 years. In 1973 she was a nurse on duty at King Edward Memorial Hospital in Mumbai when she was savagely sexually assaulted by a wardsman. Ever since the hospital staff has taken care of her magnificently. The Court praised them as an example for all of India.

The justices declared that Ms Shanbaug should be allowed to live because she had such loyal friends, rejecting a request from an activist who felt that her life lacked human dignity. However, it set down principles which were poorly informed and badly phrased. It failed to distinguish between "passive euthanasia" and withdrawal of burdensome treatment and it appears to assume that ordinary nutrition and hydration is life support.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Financial aid requested by Nagarajan

From our Brother K.Nagarajan we got this request:

"My Dad had a heart attack on 7th of December and under emergency
conditions He was treated and had to be done ANGIOPLASTY with 3 stents
in his arteries. and is now recovering.

The medical expenses has been very high and our Christadelhians from
AUstralia and Hyderabad paid for it . There is still deficit of Rs 3.5
Lacs to pe paid.

Please , kindly , send some help from your ecclesia , directly to Bro
Tim at Hyderabad , who is coordinating here


bro Tim is co-ordinating from Austarlia,

Bro TIM HARRINGTON at Australia
email :rollaway ,
or Phone No Australia +61397267664

Please keep in your prayers and infor the ecclesia members and do the
needful at the earliest.

in Lords Love

Sis Divya
Sis Naomi

Those who would like to help this family in isolation are welcome to do so. You are welcome to contact the ACBM North West India  Secretary Tim Harrington [613] 9726 7664 e-mail:

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Zuster Jeane Devos in Asia News

In 1985 richte de Katholieke Zuster Jeane Devos de Nationale Binnenlandse Werkers Beweging (NDWM) op in Indië, een organisatie die nu 53 takken in 23 staten heeft.
 Binnenlandse werkers in India worden dikwijls hun rechten ontkend, onderbetaald en behandeld als dieren.

In de Asia News wordt er aan haar een artikel geweid.

> Asia News >

“We broke a wall of silence, slavery and exploitation,” Sr Jeane said. “Our movement has grown and we can change the situation of domestic workers through solidarity, dignity, justice and empowerment.”

> Belgian nun helps two million domestic workers in India regain dignity and rights

Monday, 25 January 2010

2009-2010 news update for India

December 21st was a joyous occasion in India with the marriage of Sis. Diana from Bangalore (originally Mandya) to bro. Karole, the eldest son of bro Mathews P Jacobs and his wife Sister Lily who run the Moinabad Home.
Sis. Diana is the sister-in-the flesh of Sis. Bernadin, usually known as Bernie, who is quite widely known through her visits to the U.K. and Australia. The Moinabad Home was all freshened up for this happy occasion – and the End of Year Gathering in the days which followed.

There is a big political move toward having a separate State based on Hyderabad. This will be called Telagana. Originally the State Govt. approved of this development but then changed their minds and said it needed to be more thoroughly evaluated.
This led to a total shut down of all trains and buses within the state at the end of December 2009.
The chaos affected the End of Year Gathering at Moinabad. With bro. Tim absent speaking at the Bible School in N.Z. bre. Malcolm Scott and Jonathan Wallace were in charge of the
situation and the running of the Gathering for the end of Year Camp. The effect here has been that some of the brothers and sisters that would normally be here have not come, some
due to lack of transport but more properly out of fear that has been put out by the media.
There were 120 in the camp.

Ther were first principles classes for those who have been going though for baptism with the ecclesias in the areas which they live, they had a discussion group for sisters and young woman to talk about the issues they face in marriage and finding a suitable marriage
While it was a ladies only class a few of the young sisters came and told they were so happy to have had the opportunity to talk though such issues with understanding sisters.

On the morning of New Years Day, they had the privilege of witnessing the baptism of 5 new brothers and 3 new sisters.

Bro. Sudheer from Maddur started a Study based on the theme "Seek the Kingdom of God First" of the 2 day camp at Bhadravathi.
He went on to explain how each and every person strives hard to lead a happy and prosperous
life in this world, but in vain. He kept in mind the young people who had gathered and stressed upon the facts that how they struggle for things which seems to give happiness but as time passes life gets to look dimmer and disappointing. Therefore, we need to seek the kingdom of
God First as this is the only place where people would be happy forever as promised. He ended his study by quoting examples of things we should avoid doing and things we should be doing instead in preparation for the kingdom.
Bro Balan exhorted on the cleansing, and purity of the temple explaining the analogy
between the temple, the ecclesia and ourselves.
Bro. Jimmy Matthews gave a first study explaining the creation process and a study on Salvation explaining what all need to do to attain salvation and how we need to put on Christ in our day to day life.

For the past 18 months bro. Malcolm Scott has been the mainstay of the fieldwork in India. He has been helped by a lot of short term fieldworkers.
Jonny Connolly from New Zealand and bro. Jonathan Wallace are leaving Hyderabad at the end of this month and they are looking for somebody to come over there to help Malcolm
Treva Peres who is there until the beginning of March. There is also great scope for sisters, sis. Sarah Wallace and sis Shoshannah Williams returned on Jan 12, sis Sarah
after 10 months helping the work in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, mainly the latter. Bro. Malcolm is appealing to us for additional support as he tries to help the more than 40 ecclesias in central India from his base in Hyderabad.

> Photo albums >