Showing posts with label stepping toes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stepping toes. Show all posts

Monday, 10 August 2015

Looking for writers for two Lifestyle Magazines

In March 2014 we had to write that a New Name became a fact.

Christadelphian World became Our World. It did not loose his Christadelphian connection, though because not so many christadelphians perhaps wanting to share thoughts with us and the rest of the world we had to go on other paths to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God and what was moving in the world of Christianity and Christendom.

Now, before the beginning of the new season, the new academic year, we made a call to several Christadelphian magazines to offer us some news we can share with you. In case we receive a positive reply we shall be back bringing more Christadelphian news.

In Counting sands and stars we also look at our community and the world of Christians which should know they have a uniform duty. Though we may be all different, as Christians we should be united in Christ and go for the same values and same goal, sharing the same hope.

As Christians we also should be looking forward to grow and to multiply. But to have our community growing we shall have to do some work. Without preaching, without witnessing it shall not be able to get non-believers to come to understand what Christianity  is all about and why it is so important to become a Bible believer.

On this site we shall continue to look at the world around us, whilst on the two lifestyle magazines Stepping toes and From Guestwriters we shall take time to go further and to go deeper in certain aspects of life matters.

The first magazine focusses on faith matters and is directing itself more at those who are looking about the differences in the different faith groups or religions we are rich (or poor).

The other magazine From Guestwriters direct itself to non-believers as well as believers of all sorts of religions. At that magazine we want to present a readers digest of interesting articles you can find on the internet, from christian as well as from non-religious writers.

The selection of writings presented is offered from our Christadelphian viewpoint and is presented there to enrich ourselves and those who come along our site. It is meant as meditation and reflection material, plus as guidance for our way of life.

In case there are historians, educators, psychologists, archeologists, analysts, architects, interior designers, a.o. who want to share their ideas, or think they could contribute to the magazine, so that it can become an interesting 'lifestyle magazine' are welcome to offer their services.

We look forward to start the season 2014-2015 with some new writers and to see more sorts of subjects tackled to reach more interested readers.

Are you called?
Are you the one we are looking for?

If you do not think you can contribute with writing but would like to find some articles on those websites, you may also let us know what sort of articles you would like to see or what your expectations are of those lifestyle magazines and of this website.
Please do let us know.

Additional reading:

  1. Broeders in Christus 2013 & 2014 in review
  2. Belgian Christadelphians 2013 & 2014 in review
  3. My blogs 2014 in review
  4. Dissolution of Bijbelvorsers (Bible scholars), Association for Bible study
  5. A new voice calling for peace
  6. Welcome to “From guestwriters”
  7. Guestwriters for you
  8. Stepping Toes 2014 in review
  9. Do you have a writer or presenter in you?


Friday, 21 March 2014

Nieuwe naam een feit

Voor hen die op zoek waren naar "Christadelphian World" en hier terecht kwamen op "Our World" wil ik gerust stellen dat zij op de juiste plaats zijn terecht gekomen. De voorgaande dagen heeft er namelijk een "aardverschuiving" plaats gevonden en hebben veranderende omstandigheden er toe geleid dat er bepaalde beslissingen zijn genomen om nieuwe wegen of andere wegen in te slaan.

Oorspronkelijk is dit blog uit een MSN groep gegroeid die bij de sluiting van die groepen overgegaan is in Multiply. Bij de sluiting van Multiply zijn de twee blogs Bijbelonderzoekers en Christadelphians samen gevoegd en was het de bedoeling in Christadelphian World de Christadelphians beter kenbaar te maken aan het grote publiek.

Op Christadelphian World zou er kennis gegeven worden van het reilen en zeilen van de Christadelphian gemeenschap. Zo werden hier aankondigingen geplaatst van Bijbel klassen, Bijbel weekends, Bijbel weken of stages en Bijbel kampen, die door verscheidene Christadelphian ecclesiae of 'kerken' werden gegeven. Door dat bepaalde groepen niet met anderen wensten geassocieerd worden en verzochten de artikelen van deze site weg te halen, bleef er niet veel echt nieuws te vertellen over die Christadelphians. Daarom kon men zich afvragen of dat woord in de naamdraging nog relevant kon genoemd worden.

Nog steeds worden alle Christadelphians uitgenodigd om mij hun activiteiten te laten kennen voor publicatie, en zal ik deze graag op deze site en andere kenbaar maken, zodat de wereld getuige kan zijn dat wij wel degelijk een gemeenschap zijn die over de gehele wereld verspreid is en actief is.

Maar vanaf nu zal ik op deze site ook terug meer aandacht geven aan andere kerkgenootschappen en andere gebeurtenissen in de wereld die ons omringt. Graag hoop ik u, lezer, een boeiend aanbod te geven van nieuwsberichten, met hier en daar een toets eigen opinie en vanuit het christelijk oogpunt dat ik met mij mee draag.

Ik hoop van ganser harte dat ik mijn christelijke visie met u zal mogen delen en dat wij samen op stap kunnen gaan in deze wereld.  Hopelijk zullen er boeiende onderwerpen onder onze ogen mogen vallen en deze aan onze kritische blik mogen onderworpen worden.

Nu deze site niet meer het "embleem" "Christadelphian" draagt, hoeft de focus niet meer zozeer op die wereld van Christadelphians te liggen maar zal u nu hier een veel bredere kijk mogen verwachten, met meerdere onderwerpen waarmee de wereld in het algemeen geconfronteerd wordt.

Dit maakt dat u nu op politiek en cultureel vlak terecht kan om mijn persoonlijke webstek "Marcus's Space" terwijl voor religieuze en spirituele onderwerpen "Stepping Toes" meerdere stemmen zal laten spreken van uit verschillende invalshoeken. Zo wel "Stepping Toes" als "Our World" zullen proberen in te spelen op de actualiteit. Op dit platform hoop ik bij de tijd te zijn en de actualiteit te kunnen opvolgen van dag tot dag zoals ik het tegen kom, terwijl op Stepping Toes iets verder zal uitgebreid worden of diepgaandere artikelen zullen voorgesteld worden door meerdere auteurs.

Hopelijk mogen wij u ook op die nieuwssites aantreffen.

U veel leesgenot toewensend,

Marcus Ampe


English justification: New name a fact


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New Name a fact

In case you where looking for "Christadelphian World" and came onto "Our World", you are at the right address.

I did not manage to create a new blog with a new url and title, so I shall keep the old url but chose for the title "Our World".

In the past most articles on this site were written to promote the Christadelphian views and have people get to know the Christadelphian teachings.
In a certain way I would love to continue to let others know the Christadelphian community and  the teachings which follow the biblical teachings of the Nazarene Jew Jeshua, better known as Jesus Christ. Today there is not so much to see of the previous announcements for Bible Classes, Bible Weekends, Bible Weeks and Bible Camps from different Christadelphian ecclesiae or 'churches', because the last few months several Christadelphians asked me to take away those articles. Because several did not wanted to be on the same site or pages as some other groups.

I invite all the Christadelphians to let me know their activities and will be glad to announce them on this site, no matter from which group they come from or with what organisation they may be connected with. For me they all are part of one community in the Body of Christ.
I personally let others know that I am a free Christadelphian, not bounded to any other organisation than the Body of Christ.

Previously the main focus of "Christadelphian World" was on the Christadelphian community, but from now on I will look again at the world from a more open vision, following also what is going on in other Christian denominations or what gets the actuality.

On my personal site Marcus's Space I also look already on the world, but from a very personal viewpoint, and mostly on matters of environment, politics, economy and culture.

I also keep presenting the lifestyle magazine "Stepping Toes" I formed a few years ago on Xanga and restarted recently on WordPress from scratch. There you shall also be able to find articles on what is in the actuality or gets attention in the media (in Belgium).

Since March this site got a dip in viewers but I do hope we shall be able to regain some confused readers and shall get more new readers, interested in the more extensive material I shall hope to offer on this site.

Please be welcome on my and your world => Our World


Please do find related:
Looking from different perspectives

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Friday, 14 March 2014

Change of name

Dear followers of the blog "Christadelphian World".

The last few months in Belgium I tried to reconcile two big Christadelphian organisations and create the possibility that the different Christadelphians could meet with each other and having worship services together.
Instead of bringing us out of isolation it brought us deeper in isolation. Several accusations went from one side to the other and I at the end became not only the pingpong ball but the target for both organisations.

At last the man from the North succeeded first to censor some of my sites and got the United Kingdom organisation also against me.

Christadelphian Church (St Mark's Presbyterian...
Christadelphian Church (St Mark's Presbyterian Church, Queen's Hall), 28 Bath Road, Bournemouth, Dorset (Photo credit: Alwyn Ladell)
The last few months I have seen several unchristian reactions taken by those organisations that I really came to doubt the group of believers.

They have created many sleepless nights for me and got me worrying several hours but got me also checking everything from the past and checking the whole Christadelphian community. I contacted people I knew from the days before I became a Christadelphian, who were then Christadelphian but had by now left the community. Several of them gave the same reason of leaving the community as I am facing now.

The last few weeks I sincerely questioned once again my believes and compared them with other faith groups. To my regret there is no other church group which believes on all points the same as I do. I encountered naturally churches were there are people who do believe exactly the same as I do, but were it is also not the general trend. It is the same as with the Christadelphians, in those churches there are several groups with small or bigger differences.

Christadelphianism has very conservative groups, moderates and a very few progressive ones.
Up until now I belonged to the English Central Fellowship and was pleased to receive support from the Christadelphian Bible Mission or CBM. But with all the trouble of the man from the North, the CBM dropped me now, plus accused me of writing unbiblical articles, having links in my articles to others than their Christadelphians and having contacts with non-christadelphian people and organisations.

Like the man from the North, they would like to have everything under control.

I would like everybody to know I am not bounded or chained to any worldly organisation or any worldly person, except my wife because I am married to her. Jesus has come to liberate us from the chains of this world. My preaching is a work for God and not as such a work for a particular Group or Organisation. I am not married to Carelinks nor to CBM. You could say I am figuratively married to Christ.

I invite everybody to look at my writings on my other religious sites, Stepping Toes, my ecclesia site and on my site which was called Broeders in Christus or Brethren in Christ. They now get the "Free" added to their name, to announce I do consider myself like some other Christadelphians a "Free Christadelphian". There you can see what I do write and compare it with your own Bibles, and compare it with other Christadelphian and other Christian websites.

John Thomas
John Thomas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In a few months time an already long ago planned series of early Christadelphian writings shall be placed on the Brethren site. This will proof that I still have the same believes as the founder of the Christadelphian movement, John Thomas.

Because I took again a lot of time to consider either changing or not of denomination, I was confronted by several Christadelphians who encouraged me to keep calling myself a Christadelphian, because I myself gave the answer in my questions and in my findings about other denominations and the Christadelphian believes.

There were also two other groups which some consider also to be Christadelphians whilst others look at them as an other denomination who would not mind taking me in their circles. One group would have meant a name change for my church. But at the end I thought, why would I change again of denomination.

I do fear what I have seen happening now with the CBM, I encountered already by the non-trinitarian Baptists in the 1980ies, having the Southern Baptist Union pressing their power onto others. They being trinitarian Baptists, made thousands of Baptist going to the Jehovah Witnesses and the Church of God, whilst others went to the Church of God of Abrahamic Faith, a few hundreds to the bible Students, a few to the Nazarene Friends and some like me to smaller non-trinitarian churches like the Christadelphians.

Those who went into the Jehovah Witnesses came in a severe controlling group but had most of their teachings in common with us, non-trinitarian Baptists. But we could not keep our name anymore because of the television productions where most people saw trinitarian Baptists and would get a wrong idea about our faith.

For that reason I shall keep the name Christadelphian, because it is a very good name, denoting being a Brother in christ, and that is what I want to be, and except the ideas of slavery and some end of day prognoses by John Thomas I adhere all the same ideas as those early Christadelphian writers.
I could not become a Jehovah Witness because there are "the pre-existence of Christ", Christ being the Archangel Michael, "the return of Christ in 1914", and the Faithful Slave or all saying and directing Watchtower Biblestudy and Tract society, in which I do not believe. No human is infallible. As such a pope or a few people in a group can not dictate what all other people do have to accept or leave the organisation. There is too much mind control in the Jehovah Witnesses organisation.

Charles Taze Russell (1852–1916).
Charles Taze Russell (1852–1916). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Though I do know Christadelphians have much more in common than they would like with the Jehovah Witnesses. Logically, because John thomas was one of the many bible Students who brought a whole new movement or reformation in the Christian religion. Charles Taze Russell, was one of the students of John Thomas. Russell founded the American Bible Students, and from some offspring directed by Rutherford came the Jehovah Witnesses. so Christadelphians, though they would not like to hear it are in some way 'family' from many other bible students and 'related' to the Jehovah Witnesses.

I only can hope they would not create such controlling bodies, though it looks like some people are trying to get a good grip on the different communities.

For now I decided to continue my preaching. Though some did many efforts to stop me, I shall continue to preach the Gospel of the good News. Financially and organisational wise I shall be very limited. I apologise to the subscribers of the Dutch magazine "Met open bible" which I shall not be able to distribute any more. Paperwork and posting shall be limited.
Those whom I send Glad Tidings I ask to do a request for the magazine at Glad Tidings themselves, but I can not send it free any more.
The same for the persons who requested literature. Sorry for those who waited already more than three weeks. I do hope they shall understand it is impossible to continue from my own family funds to buy myself and distribute those books of others. I advice my readers and those interested in Christadelphian literature or free Bibles to demand it at the publishers themselves.

This redirecting the last few weeks already to the Jehovah Witnesses to ask for their free Bibles, had upset very much the CBM and some other Christadelphians. But my till is just empty, sorry.

My spirit is not yet extinguished, so I shall try to keep going on. Some websites I shall close down and all links to those who do not want to associate to us shall be taken away by time and by request.

At the moment I shall keep linking in my articles to other articles, be it from trinitarian or non-trinitarian websites, because I strongly believe that everybody should be doing good research and should be able to compare with other writings to form a solid idea.

I do hope my readers can appreciate such linking and quoting. In case it is not appreciated or not worthwhile to put so much time in it, I shall stop doing so, but for the time being, I try to continue it on this Blogger site and on the different WordPress sites.

From March the 14th, 2014 several links will be taken away from the linking pages. I also consider going to link only to other webpages when they also link to my pages. In case we do not want to help each other than we do have to row on our own.

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Thursday, 19 December 2013

Christadelphian Youth Coalition 2013 Bo City conference

From 19th to 22nd December 2013 the Christadelphian Youth Coalition of the Christadelphian Bible Mission (CBM) is holding their annual conference at their Ecclesia Hall Water Lane in Bo City.

The event wants to bring together youths from various CBM branches in Sierra Leone (Freetown, Kenema, Bo, Blama, Wanjama, Talia etc.), for strengthening the relationship in the Body of Christ and to prepare the mindset of young people to be more focused and committed to the things of God.

In this world of materialism the spiritual is often forgotten. Youngsters are quickly taken by the modern gadgets and the facilities of internet social media and youtube video-clips.

At the conference various youth leaders shall be able to deliver messages of sound doctrine to sway the minds of youths from such worldly activities. In the Christadelphian community it is important to put the mind on the true values of life.

We and the CYC Youths believe that the youngsters are the future of the church. For that reason Stepping Toes is still looking for young people to write on the platform and to help create a magazine where youngsters also could find stuff interesting for them.

This gathering in Bo City shall enable the youngsters to come together to discuss issues of importance that ensures the development of their various Ecclesiae.

Several activities have been lined up to ensure a successful conference. These include:
  • Bible Discussions in the morning and evening,
  • general meetings to discussing and addressing issues of development that unites the Christadelphian Family in Sierra Leone,
  • outdoor preaching, elections of new executives and indoor games.

The Christadelphians, “Brothers and Sisters in Christ”, are a body of Bible believing people, who aim to live by faith in Jesus Christ, according to the teaching of his followers from the first century AD, finding their instruction in a wholly inspired Bible. Central to Christadelphian belief is that Christ will one day return to the Earth to establish the Kingdom of God and grant eternal life to his people – those who have tried to follow him and God.

The fundamental Christadelphian beliefs are:
The Bible is God’s word and the only message from him. It is without error, except for copying and translation errors. (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 1:1. See also: The Bible, Why I Believe the Bible, and Alleged Biblical Errors.)
There is only one God – the Father. The Holy Spirit is God’s power. (John 17:3, Luke 1:35, Deuteronomy 6:4. See also God, Jesus and the Crucifixion, and The Trinity.)
Jesus is the Son of God, and also the son of a human being, his mother Mary, so making him Son of Man. Jesus was tempted just like us because of this. But Jesus was not just a great man, he was the Son of the Most High God, and was perfect. (Luke 1:30-31, John 3:18.See also God, Jesus and the Crucifixion, and The Trinity)
Man is mortal, having no existence when dead. (Psalm 6:5, Isaiah 38:18, Acts 2:29,34)
By living a sinless life, ending with his sacrificial death by crucifixion, Jesus has opened the way of salvation from death. (Hebrews 4:15, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Corinthians15: 20-23, Galatians 3:27-29)
Belief and baptism are essential steps to salvation. (Mark 16:16. See also Baptism and Salvation.)
God raised Jesus from death. Jesus is currently in Heaven, on God’s right hand. He will one day return. (Acts 10:40, Romans 8:34, Acts 1:11)
When Jesus returns, he will raise his “sleeping” followers from death and grant immortality to the faithful who have tried to live by God’s precepts. (1 Corinthians 15:20-22)
His followers will help him to rule, bringing justice, righteousness and peace to the whole world – the Kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 15:23-26).

Find Stepping Toes the internet magazine composed by (more progressive) Christadelphians: Stepping Toes

Being Religious and Spiritual 8 Spiritual, Mystic and not or well religious

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