Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Weekly World Watch 1-7 August: UK and US - Iran, Israel, Elam and Media

 The intention of the WWW is to offer brief Biblical perspectives without going into detail.

The UK and US have blamed Iran for an attack on an Israeli-linked oil tanker in which two crew members, including a British national, were killed. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab accused Iran of carrying out a "deliberate, targeted" assault which constituted "a clear violation of international law". US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said he was considering "next steps" with the UK and other allies, with "an appropriate response... forthcoming". Meanwhile, the head of the British armed forces, General Sir Nick Carter, held discussions with his Israeli counterpart on Sunday. The government held a Cobra emergency meeting at the level of officials over the weekend in a sign of the serious focus on the tanker attack and how to respond, Sky News understands.
The attack occurred last Thursday when the MV Mercer Street was off Oman's Coast in the Arabian Sea. 

This week both the UK and US have also blamed Iran for the attack and have vowed to take action against Iran because the drone killed a British national. However there is some reticence on escalating the crisis with Iran as both the US and UK want to revive the nuclear deal. Experts believe that the UK might favour a more covert response such as a cyber attack against Iran’s drone capabilities. The Bible says that Elam and Media (areas of modern Iran) will rise up and besiege. We are also told this burden is connected with a desert by the sea. The sea therefore is the Persian Gulf and this is where many of these attacks occur.

Israel will no longer allow Iran to continue its aggression with impunity, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned on a visit to the IDF Northern Command on Tuesday. “Iran already knows the price that we exact when someone threatens our security,” he said. “The Iranians need to understand that it is impossible to sit peacefully in Tehran and from there ignite the entire Middle East. That is over.” The prime minister spoke of Israeli efforts to bring the international community to its side against Iran, including sharing the intelligence information showing Iran was the perpetrator, but said that “we also know how to act alone.” Bennett also criticized the European Union for sending Enrique Mora, the EU coordinator for the Iran nuclear talks and deputy secretary-general of the EU’s foreign ministry, to attend the inauguration this week of Iran’s incoming-President Ebrahim Raisi.

Israel is extremely concerned about what Iran might do next as the new hardline president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, takes control and is sworn in this week. “Raisi is the most extreme Iranian president of them all, and the competition is tough,” Israel’s prime minister Bennett said. “I call on the EU: One cannot talk about human rights and simultaneously honour a murderer, a hangman, who has eliminated hundreds of opponents of the regime.” The new Iranian president has been nicknamed “the Butcher of Tehran” because of the former judge’s role in the execution of thousands of Iranian dissidents. The Bible says that although Israel’s immediate enemies (backed by Iran) will be destroyed in the initial inner ring war – Iran itself survives to join with Russia in the outer ring war that invades Israel. That army is destroyed by God with hail and fire.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Ebrahim Raisi and divine punishment for the revolutionary regime of Iran

At the very young age of only 19 years old and lacking any university education, Ebrahim Raisi was appointed as a prosecutor, rising over the following four decades to fill the positions of attorney general, deputy chief justice and, most recently, chief justice of Iran’s theocratic dictatorship.

He is responsible over thousands of dead and now give as excuse he was still young at the time of the Iran revolution and therefore can not be called responsible for the deaths of the people who were against the theocratic regime. 

Raisi became an Islamist ideologue as a teen studying in the seminary in Qom and he does not have changed ideas or has not come to see how wrong he was and what a horrible thing he realy did.

Raisi was one of four members of a death committee responsible for the 1988 execution of thousands of Iranian prisoners of conscience in the space of a few months. The ideologically motivated mass executions constituted both a crime against humanity and genocide — a cleansing of religious infidels— according to international human rights expert Geoffrey Robertson. 

It was a massacre, he says, comparable to those at Srebrenica and the Katyn Forest.

The most ridiculous part of it all, was that mostly leftist revolutionaries who had helped bring the regime to power were envisioned to be tested for their faith. In only a few minutes times with each prisoner — some young children — asking them questions to test their allegiance to radical Islam, Raisi decided about life and death. After prolonged and brutal torture, which in some cases was personally directed and overseen by Raisi, the Muslim clergyman played for God, taking the life of about 100,000 people killed by hanging or firing squad. Even the executioners became traumatised.  Virgins were systematically raped before their execution, to circumvent the Islamic prohibition on killing virgins and to prevent women and girls from reaching heaven. The executed were ordered to write their own names on their hands before they went to their death. The massacre is a trauma etched into the collective consciousness of all of the Iranian people, throughout the country and throughout the diaspora.

Though to this day, Raisi the past was part of that what had to be done to purify the country.  In 2017, he posted to his Telegram channel a video in which he justified the massacre, and in 2018 called it “divine punishment” and a “proud achievement” for the revolutionary regime. During his tenure as attorney general (2014-2016), executions spiked significantly compared to previous years, and during his time as judiciary chief (2019-2021), the regime shot to death at least 1,500 peaceful protestors on the streets in more than 200 cities and imprisoned, tortured, and executed countless more, in the biggest act of state violence since the 1988 prison massacre.

Please read more: Meet ‘The Butcher,’ Iran’s New President Ebrahim Raisi

Monday, 13 January 2020

Persecution follows suit as the church in Iran multiplies

As the church in Iran multiplies, persecution follows suit. Over the last few months, Open Doors has learned about arrests of numerous Christians in Iran.

The crackdown on house churches continues to intensify, as officials search for and arrest anyone involved in these typically tiny fellowships. Prison sentences of varying lengths are inevitable outcomes for anyone who defies Iran’s “no house church” law.
Open Doors has reported numerous atrocities against Christians in Iranian prisons, infamous for their treatment of political prisoners.

In 2019, at least 37 Christians have been arrested: eight in Bushehr, nine in Rasht, 12 in Amol, two in Ahvaz, and one each in Hamedan, Shiraz and Isfahan.

On July 1, in the southwestern city of Bushehr, eight Christian converts, mostly in their 30s, were arrested, including five members of one family. Seven are still in prison, most likely in solitary confinement. Their homes were raided and Bibles confiscated, as well as Christian literature, wooden crosses and pictures with Christian symbols. Authorities also took laptops, phones, identity cards and bank cards. The officers are reported to have treated the Christians harshly, even though small children were present during the arrests.

Also in Bushehr, in April, 16 other converts from Bushehr reportedly lost their appeals against prison sentences for “propaganda activities against the regime through the formation of house churches.”
Another five converts submitted themselves to the central detention center in Karaj in July 2019 to begin their jail sentences for “propaganda against the state.” Manoto News broadcast footage of the Christians, four of whom have young children, waving goodbye to their loved ones.
After their arrests, the five were released in early 2018 after each posted a bail of 30 million tomans(around $7,000).
In March 2019, Milad, Yaghoob, Shahebedin and Alireza were sentenced to four months in prison. Amin, who has already spent a year in prison for his religious activities, was given 14 months. Their appeals were rejected last month.

Pray with us by name for all of these believers, recognizing that they represent only a handful of thousands of our brothers and sisters in Iran who have been threatened, arrested or imprisoned for turning to Jesus and following Him.

Your part in this expanding story

Writing in a time of great persecution for Christ followers who had lost property, been thrown into prison, were ostracized from their Jewish community, etc., the author of Hebrews offers a clear call to prayer for those who are suffering for the gospel:
“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Heb. 13:3).
And in Matthew 25:34-36, Jesus is clear that when we enter into the suffering of others, we are answering His call:
“Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.”
Jesus is strategically building His church and exhorts us to stand with and encourage our brothers and sisters as they live out the gospel.

Explosive growth of Christianity in Iran

Violence in the name of Islam has caused widespread disillusionment with the regime and has led many Iranians to question their beliefs. Multiple reports indicate that even children of political and spiritual leaders are leaving Islam for Christianity.

Already more than 20 years Christadelphians provide literature in Farsi and make huge efforts to communicate and unite with those who either felt not at home with their original religion or with their nation. Lots of those who fled the war zones and found a safe haven in Europe also found something interesting in the faith of many Europeans. Overhere there are not only the housechurches but in Great-Britain Christadelphian halls are open to bring the Farsi speaking people together.

Because Farsi-speaking services in Iran are not allowed, most converts gather in informal house-church meetings or receive information on Christianity via media, such as satellite TV and websites. The illegal house-church movement — including thousands of Christians — continues to grow in size and impact as God works through transformed lives.

Church leaders in Iran believe that millions can be added to the church in the next few years.
“If we remain faithful to our calling, our conviction is that it is possible to see the nation transformed within our lifetime,” 
one house church leader shared.
“Because Iran is a strategic gateway nation, the growing church in Iran will impact Muslim nations across the Islamic world.”
And like the church of Acts shows us, the persecution that believers suffered as a group of committed disciples — inspired and ignited by the Holy Spirit — became a catalyst for the multiplication of believers and churches. When persecution came, they didn’t scatter but remained in the city where it was most strategic and most dangerous. They were arrested, shamed and beaten for their message. Still, they stayed to lay the foundations for an earth-shaking movement.
So it is in Iran. When the Iranian revolution of 1979 established a hardline Islamic regime, the next two decades ushered in a wave of persecution that continues today. All missionaries were kicked out, evangelism was outlawed, Bibles in the Persian or Farsi language were banned, and several pastors were killed. Many feared the small, fledgling Iranian church wouldn’t survive.  Instead, the church, fueled by the devotion and passion of disciples, has multiplied exponentially. Iranians have become the Muslim people most open to the gospel in the Middle East.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Misdaden tegen de menselijkheid alsof het niets is

Heden ten dage zijn er bepaalde mensen die er prat op gaan mensen vermoord te hebben en de maatschappij kijkt er naar en laat begaan terwijl er zelfs velen trots op die moordenaars zijn en hen zelfs verheerlijken.

Hoger geplaatsten, zoals de Filipijnse president Rodrigo Duterte die gezegd heeft dat hij eigenhandig criminelen heeft vermoord, beweren er mee een voorbeeld te stellen aan anderen, zoals de politie, die volgens hem te weinig doen tegen criminaliteit of terrorisme.

Met harde hand treedt Duterte hard op tegen de drugsoverlast in zijn land. Sinds zijn aantreden eind mei zijn er zeker 5.000 drugsdealers of mensen die al dan niet terecht beschuldigd worden van drugshandel en zelfs -gebruik omgebracht door doodseskaders.

Duterte die zelfs kinderen vanaf 9 jaar oud in de gevangenis wil kunnen steken, wordt beschuldigd van het schenden van mensenrechten, maar onder de Filipino's maakt hij zich er populair mee.

Ook president Assad is met zijn verschrikkelijk optreden tegen hen die zogezegd niet voor hem zijn, zeer populair bij zijn aanhangers. Bashar al-Assad die tot president werd gekozen in 2000 en werd herkozen met 'schertsvertoningen' in 2007 met 99,8 en in 2014 met 88,7 procent van de stemmen, laat al meerdere jaren barbaarse oorlogsmidaden uitvoeren over zijn eigen volk en dat van Iran en Irak.
Onder het mom van ISIS en terrroristen te bestrijden valt hij onschuldige mensen aan. Hij gebruikt gasbommen, bomvaten en clusterbommen of het niets is.

De VN heeft gezegd geloofwaardige berichten te hebben van tientallen burgers over verschrikkelijke wandaden die pro-regeringstroepen in de stad uitvoeren. Ook de televisiebeelden die wij te zien krijgen hier in het Westen spreken boekdelen. Soldaten die huizen binnen vallen of gewoon van op straat continue door inkomdeuren en ramen blijven schieten van gewone huizen, alsook kleine onschuldige kinderen doodschieten.

Via sociale media bereiken ons ook noodoproepen van gewone burgers die laten horen hoe zij als ratten in de vall zitten, belaagd door meerdere groepen die elkaar bestrijden maar zich ook richten op de bevolking die zich afzijdig wil houden en slachtoffer is van dit al meer dan vijf jaar aanslepende conflict.

De geciviliseerde wereld haar eerste opdracht zou moeten zijn om tegen die oorlogsmisdadigers fel op te treden en om steun te leveren aan de gewone burgerbevolking die buiten deze strijd wil staan en wier levens in gevaar komen.

Het is onvoldoende om steeds maar te horen dat de VN en de westerse mogendheden zouden gaan samenwerken met partners om te kijken welke stappen ze kunnen nemen om ervoor te zorgen dat mensen ter verantwoording worden geroepen voor hun daden daar. Al jaren weet men van vele oorlogsmisdaden maar zien wij dat er nog steeds niet opgetreden is tegen die criminelen.

Groot-Brittannië zal bij de Europese Unie (EU)-leiders tijdens een top op donderdag er op aandringen om een "sterke, duidelijke verklaring" over de noodzaak van humanitaire toegang en een wapenstilstand in Aleppo veilig te stellen.

Er moet hoogdringend een einde komen aan die verschrikking die de mensen in Syrië en Irak moeten mee maken. De gruwelijke beelden die telkens opduiken van de bombardementen die Syrische en Russische troepen hebben uitvoeren op Aleppo en andere steden kunnen niet telkens gefabriceerd zijn of zo maar propaganda materiaal van de tegenpartij zijn. Weer eens wijzen de onlangs geziene fragmenten dat het leger opnieuw chemische wapens gebruikt tegen de ingesloten burgers. Zelfs kinderen worden niet ontzien.

De dodelijke slachtoffers hebben brandwonden aan de neus en de mond, hun gezichten zijn blauw verkleurd en ook hun ogen dragen de sporen van gas. Bij een klein meisje is zelfs het haar verbrand door de chemicaliën.

De Duitse krant BILD checkte de echtheid van de beelden en het nieuws bij bronnen op het terrein.
"Net voor zonsopgang hebben helikopters van president Assad twee bommen op de wijk al-Sakhour gedropt en één ervan was gevuld met chloorgas",
 aldus een correspondent van het nieuwsagentschap ElDorar AlShamia.

Volgens bronnen in rebellenkringen worden conventionele explosieven gecombineerd met chemische bommen om de schade bij de slachtoffers nog groter te maken. 

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Bringing into safety from Irak and Iran

English: Map of Iran-Irak war, Furthest ground...
English: Map of Iran-Irak war, Furthest ground gains. Red = Irak / Yellow = Iran Deutsch: Irak-Iran-Krieg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Belgian Christadelphians did not have much luck with keeping in contact with those from Irak and Iran, they brought  into safety and gave financial assistance. Even those which got baptised, once in the West in safety did not keep to the faith and enjoyed their renewed life in the capitalist world in the same way as most people do who are surrounded by all the materialistic tempting goods.

Brother Mehdi escaped persecution in Iran and recently left Turkey, being granted asylum in the United States. His wife and daughter remain in Turkey awaiting permission to resettle. After originally being sent to Kentucky by the resettlement agency, the Bloomington ecclesia supported his relocation to their city, so that he might be in the company of brethren and be able to benefit from ecclesial life. 
Although the federal government provides some funding to refugees, many expenses are not covered.
There are also numerous practical issues that need to be addressed such as enrolling in ESL classes, finding suitable housing, obtaining employment and securing transportation. At the request of the Bloomington ecclesia, WCF has provided financial assistance to cover rent and utility expenses until our brother becomes self-sufficient. 
The Foundation also continues to financially support many of the brethren remaining in Turkey as they await the slow process of resettlement to a new home in the West.


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Pastor Saeed Abedini and the other U.S. citizens wrongly imprisoned in Iran

For the United States of America it seems very difficult to to discuss the Americans being held hostage by Iran at the bargaining table, interfering with the ongoing negotiations for the nuclear deal

It is not opportune for the States to discuss American Pastor Saeed Abedini and the other U.S. citizens wrongly imprisoned in Iran.

Some senators are proposing amendments to pressure Iran to end its support of terrorist groups, stop threatening to destroy Israel and recognize its right to exist, and release U.S. citizens held in Iran.
Other amendments would prevent sanctions relief if Iran cooperates with nuclear-armed North Korea, or until international nuclear inspectors are guaranteed access to Iranian military sites. . . .
A third set of amendments would prevent sanctions relief until they meet goals the U.S. established at the beginning of the negotiations.

Pastor Saeed  has to face demands that he become Muslim or face an extended prison sentence.

Read more:
Obama Deserting Pastor Abedini to Iran Prison

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Lacking legitimacy in the eyes of his people

United States Secretary of State Condoleezza R...
United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at their trilateral meeting at the David Citadel Hotel, Jerusalem. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
With the threat of Islamic terrorism hanging over the Middle East, Mortimer B. Zuckerman for US News & World Report reads Netanyahu's comments as doubt that a Palestinian state established this very day would work, because "today the leader of the Palestinians, Mahmoud Abbas, 'lacks legitimacy in the eyes of his people.'"
"They key word is 'today,'" Zuckerman writes.  "Today is when the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS, has taken territory in neighboring Syria.  Today is when Iran, whose regime swears to destroy Israel, has surrounded the Jewish state with allies in Gaza and Lebanon, not to mention revolutionary guards on the Golan Heights.
"Today is when Iraq is allying with Iran, which holds its sway over Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.  Today is when President Obama is nearing an Iranian nuclear deal that could put Israel at fundamental risk of destruction, much to the advantage of its regional Islamist enemies."
Without a legitimate leader administrating the people of the PA, and with a partner that refuses peace and celebrates campaigns—both terrorist and political—against Israel, Netanyahu was not refuting his two-state stance, he was making an observation of today's climate where it would be impossible to set up a viable Palestinian state.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing

Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (We...
Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Golan Heights, and portions of neighbouring countries. Also United Nations deployment areas in countries adjoining Israel or Israeli-held territory, as of January 2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Is Israel building up their weaponry in preparation of their defence of their nation as part of the stage  set in fulfilment of Psalm 83?

We can see the nations listed are currently the nations being mentioned in the media, Iran working at obtaining a nuclear weapon, Hamas working on plots to terrorize Israel in an attempt to provoke Israel’s hand to do the unthinkable and that is to completely destroy the Gaza strip that would cause the international community to come down hard on the nation.

For the Saudis there is the heat building up as the Sunnis and the Shias fight over who will become the dominant player in the Middle East.

We are told in Scriptures that in the end Israel will become the dominant player when Jesus returns to establish his kingdom on earth.


Israel is Preparing for war

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Zionism occupier

Simin Rafati writes:

Judaism Rejects Zionism
Judaism Rejects Zionism (Photo credit: danny.hammontree)
Iran's Armenians, Assyrians, Jews and Zoroastrians have members in the parliament which is rarely, if any, seen in countries with Christian majority (needless to say I mean representing Islam and not being Muslim but standing for other political parties).
Judaism has always been separated from Zionism at least since the 1979 revolution and it is Zionism which is considered as occupier, militarist, and a defamation to even Judaism, which is hardly a position for Iran only. Even archbishop Desmond Tutu who experienced apartheid himself was surprised by the Israeli apartheid. Judism is respected as other true religions.
Last but not least, Iran's religion was Shi'ism in the time of the Shah too while with the 1979 revolution people chose for a religious regime. I hope that other countries and those carrying out pew researches can recognize the democratic right of the Iranian people for their choice.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Syria peace talks in doubt over 'credible partners'

Billboard with portrait of Assad and the text ...
Billboard with portrait of Assad and the text God protects Syria on the old city wall of Damascus 2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Peace talks in Geneva between Syria's warring parties are almost certain to be postponed after further diplomatic setbacks on Friday, as Russia announced its intention to ship more weaponry to the Assad regime. Heavy fighting continued on the ground in Syria, where it emerged that a British man and American woman had been killed, apparently while fighting with the rebels in Idlib, in the north, earlier this week.
The US and Russia had together conceived the Geneva talks between the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition, raising hopes that the two superpowers, long at odds over the civil war raging in the country, could at last make some progress in curbing the violence. But after the Syrian National Coalition leader George Sabra ruled out taking part while civilians were being killed and "in light of Hezbollah and Iran's militia's invasion of Syria", diplomats admitted that the talks would not take place in early June as scheduled.

A peace summit to try to resolve the situation in Syria was scheduled to take place on June 5th. However it is looking increasingly unlikely this will happen. Instead of finding diplomatic solutions both sides (Russia / Syria v UK / UK / Israel) are resorting to ever increasing arms shipments and military strikes. They cannot even agree who should attend this peace conference! Russia (and the UN!) want Iran there – America, Britain, Saudi Arabia refuse to allow Iran to attend. Many reports are saying that a failure to convene the Geneva meeting within weeks could see the escalation into war.
This conflict in Syria is lining up the nations ready for Ezekiel 38 to take place. We may not have long to wait to see many prophecies in relation to Syria being fulfilled. And like a domino falling over it will set in place a chain of events that will lead to Armageddon...
- Andy Walton
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. The nations are perplexed – this means no way out – no answers….
Luke 21:25

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Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Weekly World Watch 26th Sept - 9th Oct 2010‏

Weekly World Watch 26th Sept - 2nd Oct 2010‏


In this weeks WWW

The peace process - what's happening?
Iran attacked by a cyber worm
Protests in Europe

Weekly World Watch 3rd - 9th Oct 2010‏


In this weeks WWW

How the division of Israel may end up with the United Nations
Turkey teams up with Iran
What has Iran built on Lebanon's border?

Monday, 14 June 2010

Weekly World Watch 6th - 12th June 2010‏

This weeks WWW is now available.

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In this weeks WWW

The fallout from the "freedom flotilla" continues.

Iran sought to push Israel into a potentially explosive confrontation in the Mediterranean Sea after a charity close to the Islamic regime announced plans to send two aid ships to Gaza.  President Barack Obama urged Israel on Wednesday to help ease restrictions on humanitarian aid and civilian goods for Gaza after a deadly flotilla raid, saying the situation in the blockaded coastal strip was unsustainable.

Suddenly everyone is concerned about the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza.  Europe wants to help and send in ships with aid.  Even America, Israel staunchest ally has fallen for the “humanitarian aid” ruse.  According to Andy walton the so called “freedom flotilla” has one thing in mind.
The end of the state of Israel as we know it.

+ Leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran convened at a security summit meeting in Istanbul on Tuesday in a display of regional power that appeared to be calculated to test the United States just one day before a scheduled American-backed debate in the United Nations Security Council on imposing tighter sanctions over Iran’s nuclear program.

Further sanctions were put on Iran this week.  By a twist of fate (we would say “by God’s hand) Turkey is currently one of the member of the UN Security Council.

+ A study by Doron Behar from Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, shows that in God’s sight there are 2 gene pools for humans.
Jewish and Gentile but though we technically belong to the Gentile gene pool we can be grafted in to the Jewish one and share in their wonderful promises made to the original father of the Jewish nation – Abraham.