Showing posts with label levenswandel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label levenswandel. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 June 2009

A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2

Our Manner of Life

Having explored in some measure a broad overview of some of the attributes of character that disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ must develop if they are to truly be his disciples, it is time to draw our thoughts towards a conclusion. Jesus in his prayer as recorded in John 17 has this to say:

“This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:3 

This sums up the crux of the matter. The whole purpose of life is not to have existence for the sake of living, but rather that the created order of things fulfils the purpose of its creation. The purpose of Yahweh was not that we should have life merely to exist, but that we, as created beings, give Him pleasure by reflecting His Divine Glory. Yahweh has graciously extended His love toward you and me; He has invited us to be part of His great divine family. Because of our response by accepting baptism and becoming ‘in Christ’ we have been adopted into that divine household. Adoption has brought many joys, many privileges, many hopes, but also an immense responsibility. 

The wise man wrote:

“Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come... .. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:1, 13-14

Now is the time of opportunity. Now is the time to seek Yahweh. Now is the time to keep His commandments. The commandments govern and guide all aspects of daily life and continuing the line of thought about personalising those commandments some areas to examine could be:

         My place in the Body of Christ and my Ecclesia.
         My private and public worship.
         My relationships with my brethren and sisters. What is true fellowship?
         My relationships within my work and with other people in general.
         My character and behaviour

All things are open to the sight of Him who created us, it is easy to deceive oneself but Yahweh sees all, our every thought and action is known to Him. He knows our frame, He knows our sorrows and joys, our motives are laid bare before Him. Our love may be feeble and faith frail, yet mercy triumphs over judgement (James 2:13).  If we truly love the Lord our God, if we have a living and active faith holding fast to that which so good, then with David we rejoice:

“O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.” Psalm 139:1-4

Surely with such lofty thoughts in mind our hearts are filled with awe and indeed David continues:

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. (v6)

Thus we are brought to realise our own imperfection and limitations. It is not within man to guide his own footsteps, nor within us to foresee the path must we take. Yahweh knows what is best for each of His children; His goal is not our present comfort, but our eternal welfare. All present joys and sorrows are transitory and ephemeral, only having meaning within the context of Yahweh’s plan and purpose with His creation. 

How great a love has the Lord our God and Father bestowed upon us that we should be His children (1John 3:1). Is your love for Him such that with David the heartfelt response comes:

“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17

Only a living and active faith will look deep inside the inner person and know the honest answer.

  Andy Peel

Next:  ‘My place in the Body of Christ and my Ecclesia’.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Bij honderd mijl negenennegentig als halverwege overwegen

"Wie honderd mijl zou gaan
moet negenennegentig als halverwege overwegen."
- Japans spreekwoord

"Als iemand u dwingt een mijl te gaan, ga met hem twee mijl.
Geef aan degene die u vraagt, en
keer je niet af van degene die wil lenen van je.
U hebt gehoord dat er werd gezegd, 'Houdt van uw buurman en haat uw vijand. "
Maar ik zeg u: Heb uw vijanden lief en bidt voor wie u vervolgen,
dat u zonen kan worden van uw Vader in de hemel. "
Matteüs 5:41-45

In dit leven heb ik nog een zeer lange weg af te leggen.
God geef dat ik nog vele krachten over heb om de wedstrijd te voleindigen.
En laat mij met velen mee lopen om hen mee op het rechte pad te brengen
en samen het Koninkrijk binnen te treden.

He who would go a hundred miles should consider ninety-nine as halfway

"He who would go a hundred miles should
consider ninety-nine as halfway."
- Japanese Proverb

"If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.
Give to the one who asks you, and
do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be sons of your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:41-45

In this life I still have a very long way to go.
God give that I may many forces to finish the game.
And let me run with many of them to bring them on the straight path
and let us run together to enter the Kingdom.

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Hebt U gerealiseerd dat je leven de inhoud bepaalt van uw doodsbrief

"Tot vandaag, hebt u mogelijk niet gerealiseerd dat je leven de inhoud bepaalt van uw doodsbrief.
Alleen voor vandaag, onderzoek uw leven.
Denk na over alle dingen die je wilt achterlaten.
Denk eraan, het goede aan dit vandaag te doen is dat
u nog tijd hebt om de inhoud van uw leven te herschrijven indien nodig. "
- Iyanla Vanzant

"Vergeet niet uw Schepper in de dagen van je jeugd,
voor de dagen van problemen komen
en de jaren aankomen wanneer u zal zeggen,
'Ik vind geen plezier in hen' ... "
Prediker 12:1

God laat mij tot de jaren van wijsheid komen
waarin ik besef hoe belangrijk het is wat ik doe met mijn leven.
Geef dat ik in de toekomst de juiste keuzes zal maken
en mijn leven zal vullen met nuttige zaken
in overeenstemming zullen zijn met Uw wensen.

Did you realized that your life provides the content of your obituary

"Until today, you may not have realized that your life provides the content of your obituary.
Just for today, examine your life.
Think about all the things you want to leave behind.
Remember, the good thing about doing this today is that
you still have time to rewrite your life's content if necessary."
- Iyanla Vanzant

"Remember your Creator in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say,
'I find no pleasure in them' ..."
Ecclesiastes 12:1

God let me come to the years of wisdom
in which I realize how important it is what I do with my life.
Give that in the future I will make the right choices
and that my life will be filled with useful things
in line with your wishes.

Friday, 1 May 2009

A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice


When we contemplate the great love and mercy of Yahweh, our utter reliance upon Him and our own inability to overcome sin despite our best efforts, then faith will conclude that the only reasonable course of action is one of humble submission.  Effort and perseverance is required, yet still something is lacking if we are to develop a truly living faith. Now Paul writes:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1

Paul exhorts his readers to respond whole heartedly to the mercies of Yahweh by presenting themselves as living sacrifices. This becoming a living sacrifice involves a willing giving over of oneself, being set apart to His service, in order that we might be well pleasing to Him. Moreover Paul says that this attitude of heart and mind is a reasonable or logical outcome of appreciating the unmerited love and mercy that has been extended towards us.

Considering that whatever we possess, be it health, possessions, skills, abilities, knowledge, yes and even life itself, it has been given to us. We were born with nothing and will die leaving everything that we have behind. We have nothing whatsoever that we can call our own. What then can we offer to Yahweh who gave us all things in the first place? What can we offer to Yahweh in return for His goodness and love apart from the willing offering of ourselves back to Him?  A willing giving of ourselves involved obedience to His Word and His commandments as exemplified in the ‘Commandments of Christ’. It requires the sacrifice of self and obedient service even when it hurts!

The Law of Moses required sacrifice, but the offering of animals in themselves was insufficient. It was the attitude of the heart and mind of the person making the sacrifice that was all important. David wrote:

English: Yahweh sends fire from heaven to cons...
English: Yahweh sends fire from heaven to consume Elijah's sacrifice. (1 Kings 18) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
“I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving, And will call upon the name of the LORD. I will pay my vows to the LORD Now in the presence of all His people, In the courts of the LORD’S house, In the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Praise the LORD!” Psalm 116:17-19

Praise the Lord indeed! But praise Him in deed as well as by word says David. Fulfil your vows, the covenant entered into at baptism, and render thanksgiving to Him for all that He has done for you. We praise and honour Him by conforming to His will and putting aside humanistic thought. Paul continues in that quote from Romans 12:

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”  Rom 12:1-2

This then is the outworking of a living faith put into action, the presenting of oneself as a living sacrifice by a life dedicated to Yahweh. Living sacrifice involves:

Ø A life dedicated to His honour, to knowing and obeying His will as revealed in His Word.
Ø A life that strives to no longer be conformed to human nature and selfish desires, but rather longs to be renewed and purified from all evil.
Ø A life that willingly separates from whatever may lead to sin and will not fellowship with whoever is astray.

When we think of the great hope set before the children of God, a hope that not one of them deserve and then consider that we have been invited to join that Divine family, then joyous praise should spring forth from our lips. Paul writes:

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Heb 13:15-16

Not one of us is perfect, yet how often we judge others by their shortcomings in matters that deep down inside we know that we also fail at. Sadly we live in a world that asserts what it perceives as human rights and this attitude  of having ‘rights’ infiltrates the ecclesia’s of Christ. The body of him who died that we might have life. Willing self sacrifice has the opposite attitude for:

Ø  A living faith in humility enacts the royal law to love one another and show that we are truly the disciples of Christ (John 13:35).
Ø  A living faith in action strives to avoid giving offence or put stumbling blocks in the way of any brother or sister.
Ø  A living faith is not self orientated, but strives to carry another’s burdens, considering others better than themselves. (Phil 2:3)

Jesus speaks of this underpinning principle of self sacrifice saying:

"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, "that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:1:44-45

If our Creator and Father makes His sun to shine and rain to fall upon both the just and the unjust, then we are His children only if we show in some measure that same spirit of compassion. The more so of course to our fellow brethren and sisters for whom Christ died.  Therefore if our true desire is to be children of God, we must strive to do good, offering the willing sacrifice of a life dedicated to Him, desiring the attainment of godliness:

“For "He who would love life and see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the LORD is against those who do evil." 1Peter 3:10-12

A living faith tries to put His Word into action day by day, no matter what the cost. A living faith put into action seeks and desires peace above all. Not a peaceful life, not peace of mind, nor peace with others, but the greatest treasure that transcends all we could ever desire, peace with Yahweh. To be reconciled to Him is the true and only goal of a living faith.

To be continued…… A Living faith #7 Prayer

Andy Peel

In this series:

A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
A living faith #2 State of your faith
A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
A Living Faith #4 Effort
A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
A Living faith #7 Prayer
A Living Faith #8 Change
A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia
A Living Faith #12 The Love for Jesus

Of interest: >
Faith Requires a Basis

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Friday, 27 March 2009

Now if you are going to win any battle you have to make the mind run the body

"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing.
You have to make the mind run the body.
Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up.
It is always tired morning, noon, and night.
But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.
When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night,
and the body was never tired ...
You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going."
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian

“and that all this assembly may know that Jehovah saveth
not with sword and spear: for the battle is Jehovah’s, and he will give you into our hand.”
1 Samuel 17:47

"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul."
Psalm 143:8
Let my spirit be stronger then my body,
and let it guide me.

Nu, als je eender gevecht gaat winnen dan moet je de geest het lichaam laten lopen

"Nu, als je eender gevechtgaat winnen  dan moet je één ding doen,
Je moet de geest het lichaam laten lopen.
Laat nooit het lichaam de geest vertellen wat te doen. Het lichaam zal altijd opgeven.
Het is altijd moe ‘s ochtends, middags en ‘s avonds.
Maar het lichaam is nooit moe als de geest niet moe is.
Toen je jonger was kon de geest je de hele nacht laten dansen,
en het lichaam werd nooit moe ...
Je hebt altijd te maken dat de geest het overneemt en blijft doorgaan. "
- George S. Patton, US Army General en 1912 Olympian

"En dat heel deze vergadering weet dat Jehova red
niet met zwaard en speer: voor de strijd behoort Jehova, en hij zal u in onze hand geven."
1 Samuël 17:47

"Laat de ochtend mij Uw woord van aflatende liefde brengen,
Ik heb mijn vertrouwen in U.
Toon me de manier waarop ik moet gaan, voor u til Ik mijn ziel. "
Psalm 143:8
Laat mijn geest sterker zijn dan mijn lichaam
en mij leiden.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

With every deed you are sowing a seed.

Dutch version / Nederlands > Met elke daad zaait u zaad.

"With every deed you are sowing a seed."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Even now the reaper draws his wages,
even now he harvests the crop for eternal life,
so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.
Thus the saying 'One sows and another reaps' is true."
John 4:36-37

Lord of the heavenly powers,
make sure that I would dare to come out for what Jesus has done for me.
Let me not get my head on something else to speak about Christ to stand by my conclusion. He has brought, by my words and deeds, people from all nations to obedience to God.
Give that my actions will allow for the conversion of more Gentiles by word and deed.

Met elke daad zaait u zaad.

"Met elke daad zaait u zaad."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"Zelfs nu trekt de maaier zijn lonen,
Zelfs nu hij van het gewas voor het eeuwige leven oogst,
zodat de zaaier en de maaier samen blij kunnen zijn.
Dus het gezegde 'Eén zaait en een ander plukt' is waar. "
Johannes 4:36-37

Heer der hemelse machten,
zorg er voor dat ik er durf voor uit komen wat Jezus voor mij gedaan heeft.
Laat mij het niet in mijn hoofd halen over iets anders te spreken dan over wat Christus door mij tot stand heeft gebracht.
Hij heeft, door mijn woorden en daden, mensen uit allerlei volken tot gehoorzaamheid aan God gebracht.
Geef dat mijn daden kunnen zorgen voor de bekering van meer heidenen, door woord en daad.

Monday, 23 March 2009

Status Quo

English version >

Status Quo
"Er is geen status quo.
Ofwel breiden wij uit en groeien we
Of krimpen in elkaar en verwelken op de wijnstokken.
Wij vergeven, of houden vast aan het verleden;
We verkennen de wereld of negeren ze;
Wij beminnen en delen of oordelen en beslissen;
We ontsnappen uit het leven of nemen er aan deel.
Groei of entropie?
De keuze is aan ons. "
Suzanne Zoglio, Ph.D.

"Blijf in mij, en ik zal in je blijven.
Geen. tak kan vruchten afwerpen op zichzelf;
het moet aan de wijnstokken blijven.
Ook kun je geen vrucht dragen, tenzij je blijft in mij.
Ik ben de wijnstok, u bent de takken.
Als een man blijft in mij en ik in hem, zal hij veel vrucht dragen;
afgezien van mij kun je niets doen. "
Johannes 15:4-5

Soms ben ik een kabbelend watertje andere keren een denderende waterval,
mijn leven overvalt mij soms maar ik wil positief vooruit gaan.
Geef dat ik de ongemakken in mijn leven kan vergeten en de veroorzakers kan vergeven.
Laat mij deel uitmaken van het leven rondom mij en laat mij erin groeien.
Geef dat ik een sterke rots wordt in de branding.
Dat ik uit Jezus zijn voorbeeld mag leren en wordt als hem, vredelievend en goedhartig.
Dat ik veel vrucht mag dragen, vraag ik U in Jezus naam, amen.

Friday, 13 March 2009

For those who make other choices

“If you were from the world of humankind, the world of humankind would certainly have affection for their own. But, because you are not from the world of humankind–but rather I chose you [apostles] out of the world of humankind–for this reason the world of humankind continues to hate all of you.” (Joh 15:19 MHM)

 “For a certainty the time is coming when they will no longer tolerate healthy teaching, but instead they will appoint their own teachers to suit their fancy and to tickle their ears. They will turn away for sure from listening to the Truth, and instead they will turn aside to myths. As for you, [Timothy], always be sober-minded in everything–be willing to suffer difficulties, do the work of an evangelist, completely fulfill your ministry.” (2Ti 4:3-5 MHM)

 “And now because you do not continue running with them in their headlong rush into a licentious course, they think you the strange ones and speak abusively of you.” (1Pe 4:4 MHM)

Dutch version / Nederlands > Voor hen die andere keuzes maken

Voor hen die andere keuzes maken

“Als gij van de wereld zoudt zijn, zou de wereld liefhebben wat haar toebehoort. Daar gij echter niet van de wereld zijt, maar Ik u uit de wereld heb uitgekozen, daarom haat de wereld u.” (Joh 15:19 WV78)

 “Want er komt een tijd dat de mensen de gezonde leer niet meer zullen verdragen. Zij zullen zich een menigte leraars aanschaffen naar eigen smaak, die hun naar de mond praten. En zij zullen hun oren sluiten voor de waarheid om te luisteren naar allerlei mythen. Maar gij, blijf nuchter bij dit alles, aanvaard uw lijden, doe het werk van een evangelist, wijd u geheel aan uw dienst.” (2Ti 4:3-5 WV78)

 “Nu het hen bevreemdt dat gij niet meer aan die buitensporigheden meedoet, weten zij niet beter te doen dan u te belasteren.” (1Pe 4:4 WV78)

Thursday, 12 March 2009

We find by losing. We hold fast by letting go.

"We find by losing. We hold fast by letting go.

We become something new by ceasing to be something old."
- Frederick Buechner

"And He was also telling them a parable:
'No one tears a piece of cloth from a new garment and puts it on an old garment;
otherwise he will both tear the new, and the piece from the new will not match the old.'"
Luke 5:36

I realize that the temple of the Creator of the earth can not have a covenant with idols.
Let me find You as the True-one,
and let me cast away the bad things in my life and let me stick to the correct values.
Let me be a temple of the living God.
Jehovah, come living among us and be my Lord God the Almighty.

2013 update:

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Wij vinden door te verliezen. We houden vast door te laten gaan.

"Wij vinden door te verliezen. We houden vast door te laten gaan.

We worden iets nieuws door op te houden iets oud te zijn. "
- Frederick Buechner

"En Hij vertelde ze ook een gelijkenis:
"Niemand scheurt een stuk doek van een nieuw kledingstuk en zet het op een oud kledingstuk;
anders zal hij zowel het nieuwe scheuren, en het stuk van het nieuwe zal niet overeenkomen met het oude. "
Lukas 5:36

Ik besef dat de tempel van de Schepper der aarde geen verbond kan aangaan met de afgoden. Laat mij u als de Ware vinden en laat mij de slechte dingen in mijn leven weg doen en laat mij vasthouden aan de juiste waarden. Laat mij een tempel van de levende God zijn. Jehovah, kom onder ons wonen en wees mijn God en allerhoogste Heer.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Mik Hoog: Voorbeelden van te volgen Goddelijke karakters

Mik Hoog: Voorbeelden van te volgen Goddelijke karakters

Wordt Abrahams in het geloof.

Wordt Isaacs in angst (Gen 31:42).

Wordt Jacobs in worstelen.

Wordt Abels of Noahs in gerechtigheid.

Wordt Enochs in heiligheid.

Wordt Jobs in geduld.

Wordt Mozes' in het opofferen van de geneugten van de zonde.

Wordt Jethro's in vreugde (Exod 18:9).

Wordt Samuels bij het verdedigen van gehoorzaamheid.

Wordt Josephs in vergeving.

Wordt Davids in gebed en lof.

Wordt Nehemiahs in onbeschroomdheid.

Wordt Calebs of Joshuas gehele bemoediging.

Wordt Johannesen en Jonathans in liefde.

Wordt Josiahs in zachtheid.

Wordt Aarons in consecratie.

Wordt Jeremiahs in verzuchting.

Wordt Paulus in zijn enthousiasme en ijver.

Wordt Habakkuks in heilig trillen.

Wordt Esthers in adellijk lossen (Esther 4:16).

Wordt Persis in de arbeidsproductiviteit.

Wordt Cornelius' of Dorcas' in welwillende werk en wapendaden.

Wordt Isaiahs in hoogheid.

Wordt Phebes in dienst en bijstand.

Wordt Stephens in onweerstaanbare argument.

Wordt Antipas' in trouw.

Wordt Nathaniels in argeloosheid.

Wordt Arimathean Josephs op zoek na het lichaam van Christus.

Wordt Daniels in moedige toewijding.

Wordt Marias in de vergadering aan de voeten van Jezus, en in duur blijken van liefde.

Wordt Johannes de doper in de brandende en lichtende getuigenis.

Wordt Mordecais bij het zoeken naar het belang van Israël.

Wordt Timotheus in het lezen van de Schrift.

Wordt Gideons in dapperheid.

Wordt Samsons in sterkte.

Wordt Salomons in wijsheid.

Wordt Elijahs in vurige gebed.

Wordt Lydias in aanbidding.

Wordt Sarahs in rust en onderwerping.

Wordt Titus' in "serieuze zorg".

Wordt Marcussen in vruchtbaarheid (2 Tim. 4:11).

Wordt Appolos' in welsprekendheid, en kennis van de Schrift.

Wordt Annas in getuigen van Christus (Lukas 2:38).

Wees James in trouwe vermaning.

Wordt Peters in durf (Handelingen 4:13).

Wordt Philemons in het verfrissen van de heiligen (Phil 7).

Wordt Lois' of Eunices in ongeveinsde overtuiging.

Wordt Hezekiahs in tranenvolle erkenning van de kastijdende hand van God.

Wordt Abigails in milddadige erkenning van de verleende dienst.

Nathans Wordt in eenvoudige beschuldiging (2 Sam 7:7).

Wordt Elishas in onderscheidingsvermogen, als naar tijd en omstandigheden waarin geschenken mogen ontvangen of geweigerd (2 Koningen 6:26).

Wordt Ezras in compromisloze raad.

Wordt Ezekials in de trouwe tentoonstelling van boosheid en de gevolgen ervan.

Wordt Lukassen in schriftuur aan de uitstekenden van de aarde (Lukas 1:3).

Wordt Malachis in het trouw getuigenis afleggen tegen het kwaad.

Wordt Jepthahs in overeenstemming houden met uw woord (Rechters 11:35).

Wordt Ruths in de resolutie en het doel.

Wordt Zadocks in het niet dwalen.

Wordt Andronicus, en Junias in opmerkingswaardigheid.

Wordt Priscillas en Aquillas in hulpvaardigheid.

Wordt Samaritanen in goede verstandhouding met de buren.

Wordt Efeziërs medeplichtigheid weigerend met het kwaad.

Wordt Pergamians in vasthoudendheid aan het geloof.

Wordt Thyratirains in werken van het geloof, geduld en liefde.

Wordt Philadelphians in de lijn het woord, en erkennend de naam van Christus.


In een woord, wordt Christus' in geest en in waarheid (Romeinen 8:9).



Aim High: Examples of Godly Characters to follow

Be Abraham in faith.
Be Isaac in fear (Gen 31:42).
Be Jacobs in wrestling.
Be Abels or Noahs in righteousness.
Be Enochs in holiness.
Be Jobs in patience.
Be Moses' in sacrificing the pleasures of sin.
Be Jethro's in rejoicing (Exod 18:9).
Be Samuels in upholding obedience.
Be Josephs in forgiveness.
Be Davids in prayer and praise.
Be Nehemiahs in fearlessness.
Be Calebs or Joshua in whole heartedness.
Be Johns and Jonathans in love.
Be Josiahs in tenderness.
Be Aarons in consecration.
Be Jeremiahs in lamentation.
Be Pauls in enthusiasm and zeal.
Be Habakkuks in holy trembling.
Be Esthers in noble resolve (Esther 4:16).
Be Persis in labour.
Be Cornelius' or Dorcas' in benevolent work and arms deeds.
Be Isaiahs in sublimity.
Be Phebes in service and succour.
Be Stephens in irresistible argument.
Be Antipas' in faithfulness.
Be Nathaniels in guilelessness.
Be Arimathean Josephs in looking after the body of Christ.
Be Daniels in courageous devotion.
Be Marys in sitting at the feet of Jesus, and in expensive expressions of love.
Be John the Baptists in burning and shining testimony.
Be Mordecais in seeking the good of Israel.
Be Timothys in reading the Scriptures.
Be Gideons in valour.
Be Samsons in strength.
Be Solomons in wisdom.
Be Elijahs in fervent prayer.
Be Lydias in worship.
Be Sarahs in quietness and subjection.
Be Titus' in "earnest care".
Be Mark's in profitableness (2 Tim. 4:11).
Be Appolos' in eloquence, and might of the Scriptures.
Be Annas in testifying of Christ (Luke 2:38).
Be James' in faithful admonition.
Be Peters in boldness (Acts 4:13).
Be Philemons in refreshing the saints (Phil 7).
Be Lois' or Eunices in unfeigned conviction.
Be Hezekiahs in tearful recognition of the chastening hand of God.
Be Abigails in bountiful recognition of service rendered.
Be Nathans in straightforward accusation (2 Sam 7:7).
Be Elishas in discernment, as to time and circumstances when gifts may be
received and when refused (2 Kings 6:26).
Be Ezras in uncompromising counsel.
Be Ezekials in the faithful exhibition of wickedness and its consequences.
Be Lukes in writing to the excellent of the earth (Luke 1:3).
Be Malachis in bearing faithful testimony against evil.
Be Jepthahs in keeping your word (Judges 11:35).
Be Ruths in resolution and purpose.
Be Zadocks in not going astray.
Be Andronicus, and Junias in noteworthiness.
Be Priscillas and Aquillas in helpership.
Be Samaritans in neighbourly kindness.
Be Ephesians in refusing complicity with evil.
Be Pergamians in holding fast to the faith.
Be Thyratirains in works of faith, patience and charity.
Be Philadelphians in keeping the word, and confessing the name of Christ.

In a word, be Christ's in Spirit and in truth (Romans 8:9).

2013 update

Several characters from the game; left to righ...
Several characters from the game; left to right, Eliwood, Sain, Dorcas, Lyn, Rebecca, Hector and Serra (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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Thursday, 5 March 2009

If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority

Daniel Webster was one of the great orators of the mid-1800s. As a Member of Congress; debater before the Supreme Court; and twice Secretary of State, he loved America. He once said: “If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority, violate the rules of eternal justice, trifle with the injunctions of morality, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us that shall bury all of our glory in profound obscurity.”
  We have become a nation of idol worshippers. No, I don’t mean that we carve out little forms, put them on an altar and kneel before them. Though that would be no more offensive to God than the things we do. When we think only of our man-made security; when the things we treasure are material (for “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”); when we believe that we ourselves are responsible for our successes; when we drag God down and turn Him into mortal man and worship that man as God - then we have turned away from God and are worshipping idols. We have been warned that, as the result of such abandonment, “there shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world nor ever shall be.” We are asking for that “great tribulation.” Our conduct as a nation, is begging to be destroyed. Our hearts should be repentant and our prayer should be for forgiveness before we have the nerve to ask God for His blessing.
  Abraham Lincoln wrote: “We have forgotten the gracious Hand which has preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and have vainly imagined in the deceitfulness of our hearts that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.”
  - A Christian in California

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Only a life lived for others is worth living

Only a life lived for others is worth living.

-- Albert Einstein

God always let me be open to others and make
sure that my life can contribute something to this world.