Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christians. Show all posts

Monday 8 February 2016

Faith, storms and actions to be taken

Today it is very windy. Storms are coming over West Europe. With winds up to 150 km per hour and hail going against the windows we do hear a lot of noise.

In the past Jesus once stilled a storm and got the other men in the boat surprised, wondering who such a man could be that he had control over the weather. they were afraid of the storm but we can imagine that they also could get some fear from that man who could use his voice in such away that even wind and sea obeyed him. (Mark 4:41).
Tempestad Calmada.jpg

We have already read in Mark of Jesus doing many marvellous healings; a paralysed man, a leper, a man with a withered hand, etc., so that “his fame spread everywhere” (1:28): yet when he stills the storm and “the wind ceased and there was a great calm” (4:39) the  disciples of Jesus then asked each other “Who then is this?”.

Jesus had asked those fishermen to follow him and they had trusted him, being convinced this was a special man sent from higher regions, namely the promised Messiah. though at that time they probably still thought he would come to fight the Romans and get them liberated from this worldly oppression.

Knowing the risks at sea, that storm seemed to have come like not foreseen or not announced. They were very familiar with the lake, so we can imagine that they also knew how the water was behaving. But that time it seemed so different and they were really frightened. Surely they had learnt when there was a risk of weather of this this nature they would not venture out. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record this dramatic event, it was etched in their memory. It is described as “a great windstorm” and the “waves were breaking into the boat”.

As Jesus dramatically stills the storm, he asks, “Have you still no faith?” (verse 40). Faith is something which seems difficult to blend with mankind. People seem to have faith in lots of things, like being it dangerous to walk under a ladder, or to live on the 13th floor, having faith in a lot of people even making some of them into their gods. But having faith in God is a total different matter. who wants to believe in some one or something which can not be seen nor heard, nor felt?

Abraham is one example of faith we do have who showed what happens when a person has the right faith and does the right works. Lots of Christians do not want to believe we need to have works of faith, but in the Holy Scriptures we get many examples of people who showed their faith and got called righteous also because their works. We even find people like the prostitute Rahab and king David who had killed some one to have sex with his wife.

Though at moments going into the wrong the Old testament (and the New testament with Peter for example), shows us how they were taken by faith and regretted their wrongdoing. They repented and took the path of God.

Today we also see lots of people who live like the nation of Israel which had witnessed miracles, the plagues, walking through the sea on dry land and the destruction of the Egyptians armies at the hands of their all-powerful God – the one whose name / reputation was being established by these events, grumbling like their ancestors did against Moses [because of the lack of food (verse 2)]. Moses then could have said, “Have you still no faith?” and we also could ask those who got to know about those miracles and who received so many blessings if they still have no faith.

When we look at how the world is going we can see many who call themselves Christian, but have a life which is not worthy of a Christian. so called Christians do enjoy having sex with more than one person of the opposite or even same sex. Lots of them do not mind telling lies (so called for the good), or taking things from others (it is from work and as such does not belong to a person or would not do any harm, they say as excuse). They use public transport trying to avoid paying for their fair. They look for the cheapest bargain,no matter if their had to be children or other slaves working for it. they do not mind using articles with a big ecological footprint. Many of them also do not mind bullying others at work or in their club. They think they have to live today and not to worry about tomorrow.

Such attitudes we can hardly call an attitude of a real Christian.
Jesus in his parables also warns his listeners about the danger when we do not do the right works that we can miss the entrance of the gates of the Kingdom of God.

Are we willing to here that story or do we prefer to enjoy our life like we have ever done before? do we prefer to follow those teachers who mislead the world saying Christians are saved for ever?

We better listen to what is written in the Holy Bible and see that the storms of God’s judgements are starting to break out on this world. They are going to get worse. News bulletins are full of the detail of countries with problems and catastrophes.
We all need to really get to know our Lord and develop such a measure of faith that makes us certain God is in control whatever may come on this earth.

Meditate on James 1:5-8 and on the second chapter about faith and works.

Please also look at our series on From Guestwriters:

  1. Leading people astray!
  2. Restitution
  3. Comments to James remarks, about Faith and works
  4. Luther’s misunderstanding
  5. January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works
  6. Our life depending on faith
  7. Romans 4 and the Sacraments
  8. Is Justification a process?
  9. Justification – salvation is by grace through faith – JI Packer
  10. Faith itself not the cause of justification – Louis Berkhof
  11. Letter to the Romans, chapter 3
  12. Letter to the Romans, chapter 4
  13. Additional comments to the 3rd Letter to the Romans
  14. Additional comments to the Letter to the Romans 4
  15. Which is worse–works without faith, or faith without works?
  16. James 2:14-23 — Justified Dynamic Faith & works
  17. James 2:24 – You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.
  18. James 2:25. Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?

and read also other articles as:
  1. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  2. Our relationship with God, Jesus and eachother
  3. Christ’s ethical teaching
  4.  Being Justified by faith
  5. Faith Alone Does Not Save . . . No Matter How Many Times Protestants Say It Does
  6. A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
  7. A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
  8. Faith and works
  9. Bearing fruit
  10. Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word
  11. The first on the list of the concerns of the saint
  12. Be holy
  13. She who sows thistles will reap prickles
  14. Love for each other attracting others
  15. Outflow of foundational relationship based on acceptance of Jesus

Saturday 2 January 2016

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

Christians Decline Sharply as Share of Population; Unaffiliated and Other Faiths Continue to Grow
Changing U.S. Religious LandscapeThe Christian share of the U.S. population is declining, while the number of U.S. adults who do not identify with any organized religion is growing, according to an extensive new survey by the Pew Research Center. Moreover, these changes are taking place across the religious landscape, affecting all regions of the country and many demographic groups. While the drop in Christian affiliation is particularly pronounced among young adults, it is occurring among Americans of all ages. The same trends are seen among whites, blacks and Latinos; among both college graduates and adults with only a high school education; and among women as well as men. (Explore the data with the Pew Research Center interactive database tool.)

The percentage of adults (ages 18 and older) who describe themselves as Christians has dropped by nearly eight percentage points in just seven years, from 78.4% in an equally massive Pew Research survey in 2007 to 70.6% in 2014. Over the same period, the percentage of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated – describing themselves as atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular” – has jumped more than six points, from 16.1% to 22.8%. And the share of Americans who identify with non-Christian faiths also has inched up, rising 1.2 percentage points, from 4.7% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2014. Growth has been especially great among Muslims and Hindus, albeit from a very low base.

continue reading:

America’s Changing Religious Landscape

Friday 25 December 2015

Most probable and accurate image of Jesus Christ according British scientists

British scientists used the forensic anthropology, used by police for solving crimes, to put together the most probable and accurate image of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
According to this portrait, Jesus is not the light skinned man he was posed to be throughout history in the West, where the Caucasian Jesus was almost presented to bring out the white supremacy, being the race which would be like Jesus or like many Christians would say like God.

For many centuries certain Christians wanted to believe man created in the image of God was white and therefore Jesus had to be white and God should be white because he is an all knowing supreme being, and lots of white Christians considered coloured people as the lesser beings of this world.
According to certain Christians for ages the black human beings, often called monkeys, were given to mankind to serve them and therefore could be sold as slaves. To say Jesus would have been coloured is still an insult for them.

Regularly around Christmas we are confronted with arguments about the colour of Jesus Christ, when somebody tried to put a coloured baby in the crypt or mangler.

For the purpose of their prediction, the scientists studied three skulls found at the archaeological dig sites and were able to draw a possible share of Jesus' facial muscles and his head. However, the colour of his skin and hair could not be accurately predicted. The discovery was made after the researchers examined a few drawings that they found in Israel and that explains the dark skin, flowy hair and Jewish beard. The latest image by the scientists is an absolute contrast to the traditional image portrayed in the pictures and paintings that we are used to seeing, reported AOL.

The retired medical artist Richard Neave, created the face of 'Jesus' by analyzing the Semite skulls by employing the modern day techniques that are used in forensics.

The portrait he made shows a stronger build person than we  are used to figure when we think of Christ. Most people look strange when they hear that Jesus' face may have been wide, his eyes dark and his beard bushy with short curly hair and be tanned, but when they would consider how many hours Jesus was walking and preaching outdoors in the sun that should not surprise them.

Many people also do forget the origin of Jesus Christ; Though there are many Christians who believe it was God who came to the earth, according to the Bible it was Maria who gave birth to her son who was recognised by God as His only begotten son and not Him. Being part of Mary, from the tribe of King David, Jesus would have the DNA string of that tribe and as such would have been a Palestinian, having from birth already a darker skin than Europeans.

Jesus his dark skin and his features were typical of the Middle Eastern Jews located in the Galilee area in Northern Israel.

According to Dr. Neave, the portrait is of an adult man who was alive in the same era as Jesus and lived in the same place. The experts also say that his depiction of Jesus is likely to be more accurate than the paintings made by some of the most famous masters.
The technique uses archeological and cultural data along with those that are used to solve crimes, said Daily Mail. Detectives used the Turin Shroud, believed to display a picture of Jesus and then created a similar fit from that material.


Additional reading

A season for truth and peace
A dark skinned Jesus


Wednesday 23 December 2015

Is the practice of religious freedom in danger in the United States of America

U.S Postage Stamp, 1957
U.S Postage Stamp, 1957 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Islamophobia in many democratic countries makes it a danger for the religious freedom. Even the coutnry that always says it is so proud to be the 'Country of the free' and where they shout carrying weapons is part of the freedom, they seem to be willing to restrict the freedom of religion.

Lots of Americans are wanting that others only believe what they believe and how they practice their Christian faith.

According to many their president is an obstruction for Christians but I think he is the best for all Americans, believers and non-believers who all should have the same right when living in a free country. America at the moment has also a president with sense. At the moment he is also aware of the danger coming over America.

With all the fear going on and a bully shouting America should put up walls against others coming in, the president sees it useful to call to his people

The recent terrorist attack that was carried out by Muslim extremists in San Bernardino, California was a tragic event. The killing of 14 innocent people have caused many U.S. citizens to live in fear, and they would like special measures and surveillance placed on all Muslims. Some people would even like them all deported from the country.
What people need to understand is that there have been many hundreds, if not thousands of attacks and killings in the history of this country carried out by American Christian and non-Muslim terrorists than there have been by Muslims. The crime facts show that if you or a loved one was to be murdered, it would most likely to be done by the hands of a family member or friend than anyone else. The next most probable terrorist that may try and take your life would be at church by a crazed Christian hell bent on doing God's work or at school or a movie theater by a drugged up teenager who wants their 5 minutes of sick fame.

So, let us use logic and reason to show us our true realities and do not let media fear and or religious nuts sway you from the truth.
The facts are that there are currently over 7 million Muslims living in the United States of America and their numbers are growing every year. To put it simply, there will be many more people of this faith coming to the states in the near future, and Muslims will always be a part of the American landscape. In fact, they have been here since the founding of our country.


Additional reading

  1. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism
  2. Economic crisis danger for the rise of political extremism
  3. Migrants to the West #2
  4. Migrants to the West #3
  5. Migrants to the West #5
  6. Migrants to the West #10 Religious freedom
  7. Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam
  8. Being Charlie 2
  9. Being Charlie 9
  10. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  11. Don’t be Muslim
  12. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  13. Back from gone #3 Giving worries to God and believing in His promises
  14. Before you blame All Muslims for the terrorist attack in Paris
  15. Solidarité: The Paris Attack and the Refugee Crisis
  16. A world with or without religion
  17. The Meaning of Paris
  18. Spike In Anti-Muslim Attacks Casts Spotlight On Government Policies
  19. Islamophobic hate crimes rise in UK following terror attacks
  20. Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Paris attacks darkning the world

Dena Johnson last weekend watched in horror as terror unfolded in Paris, France. Bombings. Hostages. Shootings. Innocent people targeted. Her heart broke for the people of Paris.

For lives lost. For lives shattered, forever changed.

Her writing for Daily Update shows unnecessary fear.
As I watched the non-stop news coverage, I began to wonder what kind of world my kids will inherit from us. What dangers are lurking behind every corner? Will they be forced to live in seclusion for their own safety? Will they fear for their lives every time they are on the street? Will they be targeted simply because they choose Christ?
It’s almost more than a mama’s heart can handle. Watching the news on a regular basis makes me fearful for my kids. Gone are the days of solid Christian morals, where seeking to follow Christ is the accepted norm.
The people in France were not targeted because they choose Christ. Many were no believers in Christ or in any god and others worshipped Allah as faithful Muslims.

She thinks the world is invaded by terrorists, but they are still in the minority.
She writes
Citizens struck at a soccer game and a concert. Shootings in the middle of a church service. We even had a beheading last year right here in Oklahoma as a woman simply went about doing her job.
How do we deal with the fear? How do we teach our children to live boldly in an increasingly dangerous world? How do we live in light of the terror that surrounds us? How do we shine our lights for Christ when we know that we could easily be targeted for our faith?
All people who have a strong opinion and or a faith they want to hold on strongly, can be a useful target because the opponent knows they can be hurt. Jesus Christ also warned those who wanted to follow him they would be target of mocking, bullying and even worse having the possibility to having to give their life for their faith.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the dangers and immorality in this world. It’s easy to wonder if God really sees us, understands our plight. It can be confusing to sort through the myriad of emotions, to know where we should stand on certain issues. Do we lean toward compassion or do we choose discernment? Both are present in scriptures. Both are necessary.

Christian, Jew or Muslim should follow their Holy Scriptures and should get to know them properly, knowing we may not kill innocent people and do have to respect every creation of God.

From the beginning of times man riposted. Already very early man went against the commandments of God and let evil come into his heart.

Evil has existed in the human heart since time began. Nothing. Has. Changed.

There’s still incredible evil in this world. And there are still heroes of the faith. While ISIS prowls around looking for lives to devour, God is raising up an army of believers with faith that shines bright. While terror seems to be the constant news of the day, Christians around the world are standing strong in their faith, determined to let their lights shine in the midst of the darkness.

We must trust that God is our salvation, our fortress, watching over and protecting us. We must trust that he sees and knows the truth about this world, about our hearts. We must trust that he has the power to protect us, to rescue us from these very real troubles. We must remain confident that he is able, he is greater than this world.

We must cry out to him for wisdom, discernment, direction. We must seek to know him deeply, intimately. We must strive to follow him, every step, every day. We must wait patiently, expectantly, for him to rescue us. We must cling to every word, every promise, he has made. We must be brave and courageous, knowing that he has overcome the world.

The darker this world gets, the brighter our light shines. Hang on to God, my friends. He is our hope.

The LORD is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? When evil people come to devour me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall. Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.

The one thing I ask of the LORD—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock. Then I will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me. At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy, singing and praising the LORD with music.

Teach me how to live, O LORD. Lead me along the right path, for my enemies are waiting for me. Do not let me fall into their hands. For they accuse me of things I’ve never done; with every breath they threaten me with violence. Yet I am confident I will see the LORD’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living.
Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.

Psalm 27:1-6, 11-14 (NLT)


Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
Trump brand of migrant demonization #2 


Additional reading
  1. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  2. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  3. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  4. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity? 
  5. Human tragedy need to be addressed at source 
  6. Vatican against Opponents of immigration