Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Friday 21 October 2016

Jews the next scapegoat for Donald Trump

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...
speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the United States of America Ashkenazi American Jews have had white privilege since at least after World War II. Most Jews could build up a nice life in the States and managed to get in some high positions.

Until the preparation for the election of the new president this year they never experienced some examples of it that other ethnicities have and had not to worry about showing to others which religion they belonged to. But when Donald trump came into the picture as a candidate for the presidency this changed in the negative sense.

Suddenly it became clear that Jews are still more “ethnic” than other white Americans, leaving them more vulnerable to prejudice. And that prejudice grew by the many remarks which were made at the sideline as well on several speakers platforms of the Republicans.

During his campaign Trump showed his right-wing tendencies and welcomed many of his volatile anti-Semites supporters. Being a right-wing, populist, authoritarian demagogue with no political credentials and not with enough political knowledge. all the time he never came up with some serious political propositions for the future, but did everything to attack his opponents and telling lots of things which were far from the truth.

I cannot understand ho this man of 'big words', showing no respect for others, got such a following even from women whom he considers a lower species, having no right to decide for themselves. We can see that by his daring to attack the system and doubting the integrity of the state, enjoying fear-mongering and open bigotry he could build up an unbelievable group of followers who seem to take everything he says, though quite often he came to say the opposite of what he said before. He managed to have those who do not think for themselves behind him.

Trump in his debate yesterday clearly expressed when he would be president he would people on the major posts  who follow his ideas. And that would make it very dangerously for the freedom of the American citizen. All the previous months he showed his contempt for the American system and called for a ban on Muslim, Mexican and other immigration of noon-white folks as well as on the deportation of American citizens born to undocumented immigrants and the loosening of libel laws, proposals which blatantly violate the First, Fifth and 14th Amendments.

That Trump is loved by Putin may be not a surprise both being cut of the same wood. But this also meaning that when Trump would come into power he also could start taking care to get rid of all who oppose him and to make a dictatorial state.
Americans better would look to some other lunatics in Europe who managed to promise the people a lot, but who once in power created a horrible place for many living in the country of their demagogy.

We can only hope the majority of Americans shall use their brains and shall prefer to chose for their country more than for their party. Because Americans should be aware of the danger this man could bring not only to their own country but also to the whole world. That is the reason why this election has also become so important for us Europeans and for other nations who can see this man who would not mind creating one or another war or being the cause of it.

Americans should also be aware that once in power this man who showed his disgust for non-whites and non-christians (though I wonder to which denomination he belongs and if he is an active Christian) As a dictator, one can only imagine what Trump would be willing and able to do to the various ethnic, racial, and religious minorities toward whom he has promoted animosity throughout his campaign. Once he has his way with African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Muslim-Americans, Trump will need to find a new scapegoat to preserve the paranoia his supporters experience which drives them to rally behind him, and he clearly gave already enough signs that it will be those Jews of which he would be happy that they clear out of his country with the Zionists as soon as possible to Israel where they can fight with the Arabs on their own.



Wednesday 17 August 2016

Amerikaanse verkiezingen zullen ook economische invloed hebben op ons

speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on Februar...
speaking at CPAC in Washington D.C. on February 10, 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Op 8 november van dit jaar wordt er een nieuwe Amerikaanse president verkozen en velen houden in Europa hun hart vast en hopen maar dat de clown van de republikeinen het niet zal halen.

Het land mag dan wel goed scoren op de economische vrijheidsindex in de betekenis dat eigendomsrechten er gerespecteerd worden en er veel handelsvrijheid is met een duidelijk wetgevend kader en een stabiel monetair beleid onder een efficiënt overheidsapparaat. Dat alles creëert een gunstig klimaat voor bedrijven om te investeren en winst te maken.

Maar indien Donald Trum aan zou komen kan er veel roet in de havermoutpap terecht komen. Kalmte zal er dan niet meer heersen en de wisselende uitspraken en totaal omkerende houdingen van de republikeinse kandidaat zullen zeker niet zorgen voor stabiliteit en vertrouwen van de buitenlanders.

Geen enkele redelijke president zal moedwillig die bovengenoemde sterke punten van de economie overboord gooien. Maar Donald Trump heeft meermaals aangetoond dat rede bij hem ver te zoeken is en dat hij ook geen inlevingsvermogen heeft.

Dat democraten en republikeinen wel een typisch andere visie op de overheid hebben kan in wezen geen kwaad. Naargelang de situatie zal een bepaalde aanpak naar voor moeten geschoven worden. Hierbij zal de verantwoordelijke president in samenspraak met adviseurs en gereputeerde economisten een zo goed mogelijk beleid moeten trachten uit te stippelen. Geen enkele president staat er dus alleen voor, gelukkig maar.

Als men weet dat meer dan 4 % van de wereldeconomie (ex-USA), ontstaat door import vanuit de Verenigde Staten valt de te nemen beslissing wel ernstig te nemen. Men kan zich geen frivoliteiten of tussendoortje veroorloven. Een zotskap aan het bewind voor enkele maanden zal voldoende schade kunnen aanrichten om op wereldvlak ernstige schade aan te richten. De presidentskandidaat zijn bolde uitspraken dat hij bijvoorbeeld an een derde wereldoorlog zou begonnen zijn met de huidige situatie in Europa zou de Amerikanen al hebben moeten doen steigeren. Maar dat deden zij niet en nog maar weinigen hebben hun bezorgdheid geuit. Gelukkig zijn er nu wel al enkele republikeinen die het gezond verstand hebben en beseffen dat de veiligheid van het land belangrijker is dan de eenheid in een staatspartij.

Indien er een president aan de macht komt die het wereldgebeuren in onevenwicht brengt en de handelsrelaties in moeilijkheden brengt kan ook de Amerikaanse import in gevaar worden gebracht. Veel niet-Amerikaanse (en dus ook Europese) bedrijven zijn rechtstreeks afhankelijk van de koopkracht van Amerikaanse bedrijven en consumenten. Hierbij komt dan ook de afhankelijkheid van de koopkracht die gevormd wordt door de wisselkoers.
De sterkte of zwakte van de Amerikaanse munt speelt een grote rol in die import. De Amerikaanse dollar is bovendien de munt van veel internationale transacties en beïnvloedt zo onder andere ook de grondstoffenprijzen.
zeggen bankanalisten.

Men mag ook de kettingreacties niet onderschatten.

De president kan een grote rol spelen door samen met zijn of haar budgetbureau  begrotingsvoorstellen over te maken aan het parlement. De begroting omvat de inkomsten uit belastingen en de uitgaven van de overheid. Die voorstellen moeten vervolgens worden goedgekeurd door het parlement (the Congress). De president krijgt wel geregeld de kans om de beleidsrichting aan te geven en parlementsleden te overtuigen.
Budgettaire stimulusmaatregelen zoals belastingverlagingen en verhoogde uitgaven kunnen de economie aanzwengelen, maar de begrotingsschuld mag niet ongebreideld oplopen. Daarin moeten de president en het budgetbureau een evenwichtsoefening maken.

Beide kandidaten hebben onder hun verschillende actiepunten ook punten van eensgezindheid. Zowel Hillary Clinton als Donald Trump beloven zeer grote investeringen in infrastructuur. doch hier moeten wij opmerken dat Trump heel wat meer beloofd dan hij ooit zal kunnen waarmaken. Als populist doet hij hetzelfde als Farage heeft gedaan met zijn beloftes naar het Britse volk indien zij voor de Brexit zouden stemmen. Toen die mensen dan daarvoor gekozen hadden stoorde Farage zich helemaal niet om toe te geven dat de door hem aangehaalde cijfers nooit kunnen behaald worden en dat hij dat maar moest beloven om Groot Brittannië uit de Europese Unie te krijgen.

Met al de belastingverlagingen zal het voor Trump moeilijk zijn om te kunnen instaan voor de nodige infrastructuur werken. Zo is het wegennetwerk en het elektriciteitsnetwerk dringend aan vernieuwing toe en die investeringen kunnen nu nog wel aan lage rentes gefinancierd worden, maar op lange termijn zal het volk toch voor die kosten moeten opdraaien. Die uitgaven zouden ook de industriële economie en de werkgelegenheid kunnen ondersteunen.

In ieder geval zal een zeer restrictief budgettair beleid, zoals we dat in sommige landen in de Europese Unie kennen, negatief wegen op de economische groei. Vraag is wel of de kandidaten de beloofde investeringen in de infrastructuur zullen kunnen waar maken.

Het meest belangrijke voor het goede verloop in de financiële toestand van Amerika en voor de wereld economie zal de stabiliteit in het land zijn; Hoe men een evenwicht krijgt tussen werkenden, werkzoekenden en werklozen alsook verouderende en vernieuwende bevolking of immigratie, waarbij Trump niet veel mogelijkheden toe zal laten.

Indien de president van die grote statenvereniging dan al het mogelijke zal doen om de problemen van zijn land af te wenden op anderen, dreigt er een onevenwicht in goede diplomatie wat ook het economisch klimaat zal doen verzuren en donkere wolken zal laten vertekenen.


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Trump brand of migrant demonization #1

'We were once foreigners': pope attacks Trump brand of migrant demonization 

The fourth of five children of Frederick C. and Mary MacLeod Trump for sure did not fall on his mouth.  As an energetic, assertive child, he was sent to the New York Military Academy at age 13 by  his parents hoping the discipline of the school would channel his energy in a positive manner. 

Perhaps it was there that he learned to shout at others in an impolite way. Convinced of the economic opportunity in the city, Trump became involved in large building projects in Manhattan, that would offer opportunities for earning high profits, utilizing attractive architectural design, and winning public recognition. In business he has been very successful.

Donald Trump's two marriages failed and when we do hear him talking about women this does not surprise us. though it surprises us how he gained popularity, though this might be because of his outspoken nature. the Americans finding not enough politicians are saying what they think could find a good partner in Donald Trump.

In September a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters say they want the government to allow no refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries into the United States. Another 20% only support President Obama’s initial proposal of allowing 10,000 refugees to resettle in the States. Just 22% agree with the administration's decision to allow in even more refugees, including seven percent (7%) who favour resettling 100,000 or more in the country which was so loved in the previous centuries by Europeans looking for a better future.

The children of those many migrants now seem to have a problem with others which try to do the same as their grandparents or their ancestors from Europe. 

From 2004 "the Donald," Trump stared in his own reality television show, which I never have seen, but wonder if he talks and treat the others the same way as he did at the Republican debates.
But his rude behaviour against people of his own republican party does not seem to bring him the hoped popularity, because after some months of shouting and calling names he never succeeded to bring real answers for the issues brought forward. The joker or the clown can not bring some new tricks and the public now has seen it all.

Trump's performance during the October debate had "taken its toll" on his poll numbers. The Washington Post said that the reality-television star's "slide in the polls was beginning to look real."
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has climbed into a virtual tie with real-estate magnate Donald Trump, according to a new poll.

carson and trump
Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson, left, and Donald Trump talk before the start of the CNN Republican presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum on September 16, 2015, in Simi Valley, California.
Trump naturally has his answer ready concerning those polls and calling them absurd, dishonest reporting and
 "Because the polls speak for themselves. I'm up. Check out Zogby. Check out Reuters — the Reuters — what do they call that? The Reuters average. Even The Huffington Post. Check all of them."
In September Trump lashed out at The New York Times for suggesting that the relatively small crowd size at an event was an indicator that the real-estate mogul may be struggling to expand his base of support.

Good news for him, after a week in which he hosted Saturday Night Live and stood center-stage at a Republican debate, Donald Trump is surging among Republicans likely to cast votes in the party’s presidential primary.
According to the five-day rolling Reuters/Ipsos presidential poll, Trump has leapt some 17 percentage points among likely Republican voters since Nov. 6, when he was essentially tied with Ben Carson at about 25 percent. Trump now captures 42 percent of those voters while Carson has fallen off slightly. 

Maybe this might be because Trump has opened the cupboard of popular issues, making use of an always working strategic, bringing fear to the American citizens.  

The Republican establishment has long expected the outspoken billionaire to fade, and he has yet to give it the satisfaction. Trump has consistently held more than 25 percent of the support among all Republicans in the Reuters/Ipsos rolling poll for more than two months. 

59 percent of Hispanic Americans have a “very unfavorable” opinion of the real estate tycoon heading into 2016. Thirty-two percent of Hispanics polled view retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson favorably, while 37 percent have not heard of him.

Trump has repeatedly vowed he is winning the Hispanic vote next year despite his harsh rhetoric on border security and illegal immigration.
Critics frequently argue his message on illegal immigrants, particularly Hispanics, is derogatory.
He has nonetheless made sharply curbing illegal immigration and building up border defences central parts of his campaign message.

As thousands travel from Mexico and Central America to the US, Trump uses the ongoing European migration crisis to fight against all who dare to set their hopes on entering the United States and wanting to live and work there.

He even is not ashamed to give totally unrealistic or untrue figures.

For Trump when politicians talk about “immigration reform” they mean: amnesty, cheap labour and open borders. According to him the Schumer-Rubio immigration bill was nothing more than a give away to the corporate patrons who run both parties. 

For him
 A nation without borders is not a nation.
He also present immigrants as criminals with no other means than to profit from the American citizens.
For him
the Mexican government has taken the United States to the cleaners. They are responsible for this problem, and they must help pay to clean it up.
He also warns for the Syrian refugees which could lead America in a Islamisation. he would not mind allowing more European immigration and a legal status to those graduating from U.S. colleges, but for sure they may not be Muslim or have roots in the Middle East.

Trump knocked former Florida governor Jeb Bush, calling him "weak on immigration." Trump specifically mentioned a view Bush espoused in a 2014 Fox News interview that immigrants cross the U.S.-Mexico border as an "act of love."
"We need strong borders. We need a wall,"
 Trump said, addressing his solutions to the immigration issue.
 "The king of building buildings, the king of building walls--none of them can build them like Donald Trump." {CBS News on 2015 Conservative Political Action Conf. , Feb 27, 2015}
Trump is opposed to new people coming in. He says
 “We have to take care of the people who are here.”
With the terrible Islamic State terrorist attack in Paris, immigration and our open border with Mexico just became the No. 1 issue in America. All the presidential candidates are now playing on Trump’s home turf. Trump is in command of the most important issue in America.

The billionaire wants to "deport millions of illegal aliens" which puts him in the drivers seat to get what he really wants.
He now points out at the French president who closed the boarders after the attacks.
Even a Socialist just proved how important it is to control your borders. It’s how you keep your citizens safe from terror. It’s literally the difference between life and death.
For him walls work.
Ask Israel. After they built their wall, terrorist attacks were stopped cold in their tracks. If America wants to keep Islamic State out of America, we must seal and control our border.
Many Americans hear the Republican and conservative Christmas bells ringing having created a strong defensive wall, singing
Under Trump the days of America being stupid are over.
 Wayne Allyn Root, known as “the Capitalist Evangelist” writes
It’s a new dawn in America under Trump. You can’t break into our home and then expect us to pay your bills. You can work, you won’t be deported, you’re in. That’s the American Dream. Welfare is not the American Dream. You can never collect welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, aid to dependent children, or all the hundreds of other entitlements available to citizens. You get a work permit, but you’ll never be a citizen. That’s the deal under Trump. Take it, or leave. {Islamic State Terrorist Attack Proves Donald Trump was Right About Border and Immigration}
At Saturday night’s Democratic debate, criticizing the GOP candidate’s stance on immigration presidential candidate Martin O’ Malley called Donald Trump an
“immigrant-bashing carnival barker”
The former Maryland governor noted that net immigration from Mexico last year was zero, after drawing a distinction between border security and a comprehensive immigration policy.
“We’ve actually been focusing on border security to the exclusion of talking about comprehensive immigration reform,”
 said O’ Malley.

As he has in the past, Trump referenced President Eisenhower’s program from the 1950s, fatuously insisting that it must be “nice” since everybody “liked Ike,” even as he assiduously avoided calling the plan by its name: “Operation Wetback.”

Here’s Trump’s exact quote from the debate:
Let me just tell you that Dwight Eisenhower, good president, great president, people liked him. “I like Ike,” right? The expression. “I like Ike.” Moved a 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country, moved them just beyond the border. They came back.
Moved them again beyond the border, they came back. Didn’t like it. Moved them way south. They never came back.
Dwight Eisenhower. You don’t get nicer. You don’t get friendlier. They moved a 1.5 million out. We have no choice. We have no choice.
The hearty laughter at that reprehensible tale certainly confirms those poll findings. He sounds as though he speaking of animals not human beings. And it would cruel to do that to animals. {The GOP’s totalitarian nightmare: Donald Trump’s immigration plan is insane—and insanely popular}

> Please read also: Donald Trump on Immigration 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President
> More and more Republicans support Trump's draconian—and downright inhumane—deportation proposal
> Operation Wetback, the 1950s immigration policy Donald Trump loves, explained


Continues: Trump brand of migrant demonization #2


Additional reading
  1. Brussels-born Salah Abdeslam key suspect Paris terrorist attacks
  2. Refugee crisis, terrorist attacks and created fear
  3. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others
  4. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  5. State of Europe 2015 – Addressing Europe’s crises
  6. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  7. The New gulf of migration and seed for far right parties
  8. Asylum seekers crisis and Europe’s paralysis
  9. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity?
  10. What we don’t say about the refugee crisis?
  11. Human tragedy need to be addressed at source
  12. Poster: Please help the refugees
  13. Real progress leaves nobody behind
  14. Swallowed in the Sea but belonging to earth
  15. The natural beauties of life
  16. How to make sustainable, green habits second nature
  17. Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  18. Republican member of Congress from Arizona to boycott pope’s address over climate change
  19. Vatican against Opponents of immigration 
  20. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #12 Conclusion
