Showing posts with label christadelphians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christadelphians. Show all posts

Monday 17 June 2019

Continuïteit van eeuwenoude kerkelijke teksten

 Vervolg van Wanneer een Kerk gelooft dat de hele Schrift van God komt
Hier in België heb ik ook vele jaren moeilijkheden gehad om mijn mede broeders in Nederland er van te overtuigen een hedendaagse versie van de Bijbel te gebruiken.

Zij gebruikten op het einde van de vorige eeuw nog steeds de Oude Nederlandse Statenvertaling met haar oubollig woordgebruik. Dit deed mijn inziens veel meer mensen afstappen om niet met onze gemeenschap vertrouwd te geraken dan mensen te lokken.

Ik had zelf enkele jaren mee gewerkt aan een hedendaagse vertaling en promote deze dan ook om te gebruiken. Vele jaren later hebben zij dan eindelijk die stap gemaakt. (Maar het heeft wel zeer lang geduurd) Nochtans vind ik het spijtig dat zij niet meerdere Bijbelvertalingen durven te gebruiken, zodat er geen misverstand kan ontstaan dat de Broeders in Christus of Christadelphians een "eigen Bijbelvertaling" zouden gebruiken om hun eigen leerstellingen te staven.

Het gebeurd namelijk zeer dikwijls dat mensen beweren dat een Bijbelvertaling door een bepaalde gemeenschap zodanig zou herschreven zijn dat zij in de kraam van die geloofsgroep zouden passen. Zo beweren heel veel mensen dat de Getuigen van Jehovah hun eigen Bijbel hebben geschreven zodat deze hun leer zou bevestigen.
De Nieuwe Wereld Vertaling die de Getuigen van Jehovah uitgeven, mag dan al door een niet geliefde geloofsgroep uitgegeven zijn, het is één van de nauwkeurigste Nederlandstalige Bijbelvertalingen in een goede hedendaagse schrijftrant.

Speciaal voor Nederlandse lezers heeft Prof. dr. Benno A. Zuiddam een samenvatting gemaakt van de onderzoeksresultaten van zijn artikel in Neotestamentica (Neotestamentica, Volume 52 Number 2, Dec 2018, p. 433 -470), dat ook een lijst bevat van de betrokken verzen zodat die na te slaan zijn in de godsdienstklas of catechisatie. Daarbij heeft hij gebruik gemaakt van Google translate, zodat vooral in de voetnoten het Nederlands niet altijd vlekkeloos is. 

Voor hem valt het op dat er drie verschillende categorieën van weglatingen zijn: speciale statusverzen, 'ontbrekende' verzen en belangrijke weglatingen uit de huidige verzen. Dit zijn allemaal bijbelgedeelten die door latere tekstreconstructies niet authentiek zijn bevonden. 
Men mag niet vergeten dat in vele Bijbelvertalingne ook wordt aangegeven wanneer er twijfel is over een bepaalde tekst of ontbrekende tekst.  Hoewel ze niet echt 'ontbreken', worden ze gemarkeerd als dubieus of niet authentiek.  Het feit dat de meeste Bijbels deze verzen toch afdrukken, moet ons niet doen denken dat bijbels die deze verzen niet vermelden dan tekort zouden schieten. (Lees hier over: De verdwenen verzen in moderne Bijbels)
In dat artikel staan meer dan twintig verzen die uit moderne Bijbels verdwenen zijn, maar wel in de Statenvertaling staan. Dit controleren is een leuk project voor de godsdienstles of de catechisatie.
Benno Zuiddam merkt op
De overlevering zit vol fouten, zegt men, en wij moeten de oorspronkelijke tekst van de Schrift proberen te reconstrueren. Pas sinds een kleine honderd jaar denken we dat dit wenselijk en mogelijk is. Of benaderd kan worden.

Heel wat Nederlandse kerkgemeenschappen gaan voort met hun eeuwenoude traditie van een bepaald woordgebruik.  Bepaalde protestantse groepen gaan daarin zo ver dat zelfs hun zogenaamde nieuwe Bijbelvertalingen nog vol ouderwetse woorden een zinsvormen staan. De Herziene Statenvertaling blinkt niet echt uit van een hedendaags taalgebruik.

Omtrent vertalingen merkt Zuidma nog op
Door zinsdeel voor zinsdeel uit duizenden handschriften te kiezen, werd een reconstructie van de oorspronkelijke tekst beoogd. Technisch werd het echter een nieuwe tekst, waarvoor als zodanig echter primaire bronnen ontbreken. Het is dus een zaak van geloof in de afwegingen van het comité en in de religieuze wenselijkheid van zo’n reconstructie.

Lees verder meer in: Maakt het uit welke Bijbel je gebruikt?

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Christadelphians, the Kindertransport, and Rescue from the Holocaust

English: Kindertransport monument at Liverpool...
English: Kindertransport monument at Liverpool Street Station. A project established by the Association of Jewish Refugees, it pays tribute to those Britons who aided the rescue of 10,000 Jewish children from the Nazi persecution which led onto the holocaust. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Breaking Israel News which  offers news from Israel from an Orthodox Jewish perspective to both Jewish and Christian readers has an article on the new book concerning what happened after the  Kristallnacht in November 1938.
Britain, the only willing host country, began the Kindertransport, taking in over 10,000 Jewish children from Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Germany. Conscientious objectors and shunners of politics our faith group which the magazine falsely accuses to be "an obscure Christian sect", were according to them "unlikely hosts". For us Christadelphians we have to have respect for the creatures of God and we do have to protect the weaker ones. Therefore is was very clear by the changing times we had to do something against the cruelty one group of people caused to an other group of human beings. In the face of the growing evil that threatened the Jews, our faith-group found we could not let everything happen just like that; We had to undertake action.
Today we can look back at the secret and other work the Christadelphians have done during the war years. Not wanting to take up the arms, the Christadelphians as pacifists, used their hands and their love to contribute to the humanitarian actions.
It is known that their participation in the Kindertransport saved 250 Jewish children from almost certain death.

The book project came as a result of Jason Hensley’s visit last year to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC for a national conference of educators. Hensley, M.Ed, a principal of a small private school in California, was so affected by what he learned that he created a Holocaust course in his school. The message from the conference that impressed him most deeply was the reminder that the Holocaust is not about statistics, but about individuals.
The Lost Story of How One Christian Sect’s Biblical Beliefs Kept 250 Jewish Children Alive


Part of the Family: Christadelphians, the Kindertransport, and Rescue from the Holocaust

In 1938 and 1939, the Kindertransport occurred––a movement to bring thousands of Jewish children out of Nazi occupied territories to safety in Great Britain. These children came without their parents, almost always without a knowledge of English, and also little experience with English culture. They came to a new family, a new country, and a new life. Approximately 250 of these children were sponsored by Christadelphians, a small Christian group.

They came and lived in houses with Christadelphian families, or lived in hostels that the Christadelphians had started. So often the Holocaust is considered in terms of statistics––how many perished and how many were affected. Yet it is often the individual stories that provide the most powerful human connection and the opportunity to learn. Rather than focus on the statistics, this series examines the experiences of these people, who came to England as children, and lived with Christadelphians. Ten of the former Jewish refugees, and their families, were contacted and collaborated in this effort to bring about this first volume. These are their stories.


Monday 28 March 2016

Christadelphians’ role in the rescue of Jewish children from Nazi Germany

Jason Hensley, principal of Christadelphia Heritage School in Simi Valley, is writing a book on the Christadelphians’ role in the rescue of Jewish children from Nazi Germany just before the outbreak of World War II. The project stems from Hensley’s visit last year to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., where he was one of 200 teachers who participated in the Arthur and Rochelle Belfer National Conference for Educators.  

From 1938 to 1940, an estimated 10,000 Jewish children under age 17 were transported from Nazi Germany to Britain in the Kindertransport. A majority were housed with families through the efforts of two main organizations, the British Committee for the Jews of Germany and the Movement for the Care of Children from Germany.
About 200 of the refugees found homes with Christadelphian families

We too shall publish in a short-while a (secret) booklet printed in World war II, on the matter.

> Find more to read:
Principal uncovers his church’s role in aiding child victims of the Holocaust 


Monday 15 February 2016

Information Wanted - Kindertransport

English: Kindertransport Memorial in front of ...
Kindertransport Memorial in front of Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse, Berlin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Information Wanted - Kindertransport

Sent: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:10:02 -0800

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Lord willing, Im hoping to put together a book on Christadelphians and their involvement in the Kindertransport. If you have any information or any sources of information that you would like to share, please contact me at or +1 (805) 304-7860. 

Additionally, in gathering materials, I have heard about a book called *Elpis Lodge Scrapbook: 1940-1948*.Ive been trying to locate a copy through the Holocaust archivist here in Los Angeles, but to no avail. If you can help in locating a copy of this book, please reach out to me.

Thank you very much.

With love in the Hope of Israel,
Jason Hensley

Simi Hills Ecclesia,
California, United States 
 NB Quick definition: Kindertransport was the informal name of a series of rescue efforts which brought thousands of refugee Jewish children to Great Britain from Nazi Germany between 1938 and 1940.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Finding dachas to live in peace

Change in traditional settlement forms in Russia continued
When we read the old Russian literature we can see that the folks in Russia went from one place to the other. Many Russians still are nomads at heart,
something that “radically distinguishes them from [their] European neighbors who tend to live in one place only. Russians on the other hand may live in Arkhangelsk but work elsewhere in central Russia or the Far East much of the year.
From those many Russian stories we do have lots of ideas of those dachas. "Dacha" is one of those Russian words ("dacha" derives from the Russian verb "to give," dat') which entered many languages, giving people many dreams about that what seems to be more than just a place.
it is a phenomenon that defies translation. {Putting the Dacha in Its Place}
The dacha made itself integral to Russian life and culture. It is not any-more that what began as a token of elite status. Today society has totally changed
The dramatic increase in the number of dacha owners – now some 60 million people – and the concomitant growth of the 40 to 50 million people who support them represent another aspect of life outside traditional Russian cities and villages. Such people are often far more numerous on any given territory than are the original residents. {Rural Russia is alive and well}

In the cities people are seen and noticed also by federal institutions. There the state has still a lot in control. Outside the cities the state control seems to be less. That makes that those who do prefer an other way of living, than the previous state structures imposed on their citizens, escape to the country.

In the rural areas we may find more people who do not adhere to the traditional thought. We may find more people who have stepped away from communism, atheism but also from Russian Orthodox Church. As such in the rural areas you may find several Christadelphians doing everything to survive according to the Will of the Most High. Also the Jehovah Witnesses may find it easier to live in such areas. Furthermore we can find many sectarians who also found their way to the countryside.

There are some 10 million sectarians and almost as many more agriculturalists who often take over villages that have become vacant. In many cases, both groups remain “’outside the state’s field of vision.’” But they are very much there in fact.
Many of these new or new-old settlements have no official status. That often means that any structures that are erected have no official status and that those who live “outside the state” are at least formally without the social services other Russians receive. {Rural Russia is alive and well}
> Please do read more about what, for the last decade, Simon Kordonsky with his group of scholars at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics found by investigating what rural Russia is like, why it is now so different from what it was in the past, and why because of these changes Moscow often fails to take it into account in its approach to the country.
 > Rural Russia is alive and well
>>Кочевой образ жизни помогает выжить российской глубинке


Friday 25 September 2015

Wanting to know more about basic teachings of Christadelphianism

Those who would like to know more about what the founder of the Christadelphians wrote, can find several parts of his writings and some other authors from the early days of the brotherhood in the new look at "Messiah for all".

At the new website concerning the messiah, Jesus Christ from Nazareth, whose real name was Jeshua, an effort is made to place the master rabbi and his teachings in a clear biblical light. To come to know Jesus better it is important to go back to the early times of mankind. Therefore the site starts by the total beginning of mankind and looks at the evolution of man. Eden was the original place that God created where He would meet with man and later we shall see this place recreated in Ezekiel’s vision and how the choices of those first people triggered the need of a provision made by God, which came to fulfilment with the life of the Nazarene born in Bethlehem.
Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden with the task “to dress it and to keep it” (Genesis 2:15). Ezekiel’s vision of a temple was given with a similar command to “keep the whole form thereof, and all the ordinances thereof’’ (Ezekiel 43:11). Adam failed to keep the Garden of Eden and its ordinances and was cast out. Israel had likewise failed to keep the first temple and its ordinances and had been exiled.

After placing the first man in the spotlight the site "Messiah for all" will continue to look at the position of man and what human thinking introduced by the years of different approaches to the Word of God and to the religious attitude.

To do this it uses also writings from brothers of the begin years of the Brotherhood of the Christadelphians. One of the major works is the exposition of the Kingdom of God with reference to the time of the end and the age to come as presented by John Thomas, writer of a.o. Apostolic Advocate 5 volumes, 1834-38), Herald of the Future Age (4 volumes, 1845-48) and Herald of the Kingdom and Age to Come (11 volumes, 1851-61). Like Christendom Astray, the book Elpis Israel also emerged as a result of a series of lectures (given in 1848) dealing with the Hope of Israel. It sets out in systematic form Bible teaching about sin, death and reconciliation, and the purpose of God to fill the earth with His glory as the waters cover the sea.

You may find the book Elpis Israel in the Christadelphian bookstore.

Fragments from Elpis Israel and added Bible quotes, starting from the article:

Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man


Find additionally to read:

  1. To whom do we want to be enslaved
  2. Not words of any organisation should bind you, but the Word of God
  3. Priority to form a loving brotherhood
  4. Two new encyclopaedic articles
  5. What are Brothers in Christ
  6. Who are the Christadelphians
  7. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews
  8. February 2015 got new little lights shining on internet
  9. The Christadelphian magazine 150th anniversary
  10. Christadelphian people