Thursday 11 December 2008


A choice to make.
The sacrifice of one bought hope for the future.

"Most", the story of a bridge operator who is forced to choose between the life of the son he loves dearly and a train filled with people. "Most" received an Academy Award Nomination for Best Live-Action Short Film. For more information on the film, or to order a copy for your church, visit This is a fan-made video, and not affiliated with the producers, director, or actors in any way. I simply loved the messsage of this film and wanted to share it with as many people as possible to give it the recognition it deserves. God bless! 

Unconditional love

Jesse Dean Robertson senior writes on multiply.: One hears a lot these days about 'Unconditional Love'. The dictionary defines unconditional as 'absolute, with no conditions or reservations'. Thus, to love unconditionally is to love with no restrictions, no qualifications, no 'I love you... but...'. Do you love yourself and others unconditionally? Do you love and approve of yourself and others even when a 'foul-up' occurs or when a behaviour is not one you judge 'right'? Have you achieved that ideal state of being, even once in a while? To love yourself and others no matter what the situation is.

continue reading > Loving_Unconditionally... and find that
 the first steps towards Unconditional love include patience, understanding, and acceptance of what is. To create a world for yourself where unconditional love abounds, you can also hold the thought that the world is a friendly place. As thought is creative, you will indeed attract to yourself a friendly world. Your attitude will bring out the best in people. You will be a factor in inspiring others to opt for their highest thought. It is sometimes difficult to love unconditionally when some person or situation has 'pushed your button', so to speak. You have a choice as to how to react. You can get angry, you can pout, you can pretend that nothing is happening (ignore the person and event), or perhaps, a better way to handle it is to deal with the situation or person in a non-attached way. Taking care of what needs to be done, responding with patience and understanding, and moving on.

Unconditional love has to do with always coming from a loving, giving, and responsive viewpoint, recognizing the value and worth of yourself and others, and thereby producing a state of pleasure. Unconditional love is the highest truth and is not afraid to tell it.
unconditional love means giving people the space to make their own choices, their own mis-takes, their own successes.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Recordaantal buitenlanders neemt deel aan hadj

Recordaantal buitenlanders neemt deel aan hadj

MEKKA – Een recordaantal buitenlanders neemt dit jaar deel aan de bedevaart naar Mekka (hadj). Volgens Saoedische media maandag nemen ruim 2,4 miljoen mensen deel aan de hadj van wie meer dan 1,72 miljoen buitenlanders.

Maandag trokken de pelgrims naar berg Arafat om daar symbolisch de duivel te stenigen. Het is ook de eerste dag van het Offerfeest. Alle moslims moeten volgens de islam een keer in hun leven de hadj maken indien zij daartoe in staat zijn.

De pelgrimstocht verliep tot dusver zonder incidenten. Meer dan 100.000 man veiligheidspersoneel is ingezet om de hadj probleemloos te laten verlopen.

Bron: ANP

Theologie moet nieuwe weg vinden

De universitaire studie theologie staat op een kruispunt van wegen. Opgaan in religie- en cultuurwetenschappen betekent opheffing van de theologie, een door de kerkelijke praktijk gedomineerde ambtsopleiding een academisch isolement.

Intensieve reflectie hierop is nodig, betoogde prof. dr. H.-M. Kirn maandag in de Leidse Lokhorstkerk. Hij hield een diesrede ter ere van de tweede verjaardag van de Protestantse Theologische Universiteit.

Wetenschappelijke theologiebeoefening zal steeds meer te maken krijgen met andere disciplines en hun waarheidsclaims. Want scheidslijnen tussen theologie als een praktijkopleiding tot predikant en 'religious studies' als wetenschappelijke discipline vervagen.

Volgens prof. Kirn moet de theologie „kunnen laten zien dat elke concrete geloofservaring en elke concrete ontmoeting met God in een gereflecteerde vorm terechtkomt in de bredere kaders van antropologisch, historisch of cultureel redeneren.” De overdracht van een persoonlijke overtuiging naar een "communicabel discursief niveau" is voorbehouden aan de theologie. Door het in de breedte van religious studies te brengen, wordt niet alleen het geloof beter begrepen, maar krijgt ook de theologiestudie meer waardering.

Lees verder in het Reformatorisch Dagblad

Better things

Better Things

Hebrews 5:11-6:4, 9-12

Dear Father,

I am eager to be a good learner.
I want to get beyond needing milk meant for babies.
I want to digest the solid food of your word.
I want to be skilled in righteousness, able to distinguish good from evil.

Let me move past the elementary teachings of Christ
and go on to maturity,
not laying again the foundation of repentance.
Help me to lay hold of those "better things" that belong to salvation.

Thank you, God, for remembering the work and love that I render for your sake
in serving your holy people.
May I realize the assurance of hope right to the end,
so that I may not be sluggish,
but may imitate those who through faith and patience inherit your promises.

In the name of Jesus I ask.
