In the Weekly World Watch 30th Oct - 5th Nov 2011 Preparations are under way to attack Iran. What will Israel and America do? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW
6th - 12th Nov 2011 Still not sure if Israel attack Iran ... Speculation mounts that they will.... CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW
13th - 19th Nov 2011 It's all talk of war - even nuclear.... CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW
20th - 26th Nov 2011
Syria threatens Israel... CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW
The last few weeks we can see that more social workers do come under attack and that older people do become more fragile in their environment. In several countries the home carers are independent, voluntary, or working in the not-for-profit and statutory sectors who are under grated and not as such respected for what they have to do. A model for monitoring the supply and demand of social workers in England was been made public at the National Children and Adult Services Conference (NCAS) in October > Home care industry not valued.The financial markets got out of hands and pulled down many countries.Several people felt it in their pocket and found it high time to react. Many got panicking over the state of the economy and the effect it might have on their money if the country’s banking system would collapse and went to collect their money, which made it worse. collapses While some people thought it best to transfer their money to an other bank, an Occupy Movement came as a virus over the world and is obviously growing into a bigger social revolution. But those acting upon their desire for significant, positive change in a broken system were being physically attacked for their non-violent resistance. The world got a 'New Spring' revolt in the Arabic countries and undignified ‘Los Indignados’ went from Portugal and Spain to Belgium to let Europe hear that it could not go on like this. People questioned if they could belong to one or an other group but saw that there is a major group of 99% against 1% or another 53% (Tot de 99% of de 53% behorende +Oprukkende armoede in Noord Amerika + Onderbroeken, vreemdelingen en rechtsstaat + Occuppy Acties en Sociaal Engagement)
With all those problems people wondered who could bring them safety. The world could also wonder how far they want to go in their solidarity.When we look at President Obama how he has to fight against a brick wall to get some social measure to protect the fragile you can wonder.
> Voice for the plebs + Oproep van president Obama om stem te laten horen +
Steering captain Obama + Occuppy Acties en Sociaal Engagement + Violence or an other way to win + Justififiable anger or just anarchism + Banktransfer to one bank bad idea + Shame on American police
In a certain way people can find solutions to have an reasonable good life. Some crisis brought the country were people were living in such danger that it either broke down and became part of an other country or it grew stronger and became more united. But at the moment the world should note that several people are deprived of the necessary materials to stay in life. too many people are dying from bad conditions created by other human beings.
Kwetsbare mens in het Europa van morgen #1 Colloquium +
Kwetsbare mens in Europa van morgen #2 Te veel mensen gaan kapot aan deze samenleving +
Nearly 50 milion poor North Americans + Ecological economics in the stomach #1 Alarmbell + Ecological economics in the stomach #2 Resources + Ecological economics in the stomach #3 Food and Populace + Ecological economics in the stomach #4 Water + Ecological economics in the stomach #5 Right to food + Stimulating ideas on how to re-engineer our monetary systems + Ability for a community to come back from a crisis +
Sense or nonsense of “Human Fragility” should make us think about the situation now and about the future. As Christians we should be aware that we do have to take the right attitude in all of this.
In November we looked at the language of the Holy Scriptures and looked forward to celebrations people hold to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.