Wednesday 30 June 2010

Charity never humiliates

Charity never humiliated him who profited from it,
nor ever bound him by the chains of gratitude,
since it was not to him but to God that the gift was made.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Liefdadigheid vernedert nooit

Liefdadigheid vernedert nooit

Liefdadigheid vernederde nooit hem die er van profiteerde
noch bond het
hem ooit door de kettingen van dankbaarheid,
aangezien het niet naar hem, maar tot God was dat het geschenk werd gemaakt.

Engelse versie / English  version   > Charity never humiliates


2016 linkupdate

Call for prayer to help with unity crisis

Peter Wisniowski on behalf of the Church St. Ecclesial Arranging Board writes

Greetings in the Master's Name!

The Church St. Ecclesia wishes to warmly invite all the ecclesias to join with us in a day of prayer to petition our Heaveny Father during this difficult time. The attached letter seeks the involvement of every member to join with us in a day of prayer on, God willing, Sunday July 11, 10:30 AM, 2010 EST. The purpose of this is to join hearts and hands to call upon our God to help with our unity crisis and the many problems facing the Brotherhood in this day and age. It is with great desire that we humbly ask you to consider agreeing with this initiative and sharing this request with your ecclesias. We believe that we all seek to worship in spirit and in truth and that, as one body, we yearn for Biblical unity. And we know that God can help, for nothing is impossible for Him!

Church St. Ecclesia has greatly responded to this prayer meeting request and will have a half hour early start time before our breaking of bread service , having arranged ahead of time the brethren who will offer up prayer for Biblical unity and other necessary things. We will have a continuous sequence of prayer with little interuption and end with the memorial. You may however have your own way of performing this prayer meeting - whatever works for you. As stated in the accompanying letter , we wish this day of prayer go even beyond the borders of this province. Please pass this message on far and wide!

Your brother by Providence,
On behalf of the Church St. Ecclesial Arranging Board,
Peter Wisniowski

2013 update:

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