Friday 30 July 2010

Believing to understand

“For I do not seek to understand that I may believe,
but I believe in order to understand.
For this I believe -
that unless I believe,
I should not understand.”
Anselm Of Canterbury

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Geloven om te begrijpen

Geloven om te begrijpen

"Ik zoek niet iets te begrijpen dat ik kan geloven,
maar ik geloof om te begrijpen.
Voor dit is wat ik geloof -
dat tenzij ik geloof, ik niet
zou moeten begrijpen"
Anselm Van Canterbury

English version / Engelse versie > Believing to understand 

Thursday 29 July 2010

A gift of 86,400 seconds

"God gave you the gift of 86,400 seconds today.
Have you used one to say, 'thank you?'"
- William Arthur Ward

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise:
be thankful unto him, and bless his name."
Psalm 100:4
Dear God,
I thank you for all the things around me,
and appreciate your works every minute of the day.

Een geschenk van 86.400 seconden

"God gaf u het geschenk van 86.400 seconden vandaag.
Hebt u er één gebruikt om
"dank u" te zeggen?
- William Arthur Ward

"Ga in Zijn poorten
binnen met dankviering
en in zijn rechtbanken met lof :
Wees dankbaar naar Hem en zegen Zijn naam".
Psalm 100:4

Beste God,
ik dank u voor alle dingen rond mij
en waardeer uw
werken iedere minuut van de dag.

Canadian Anglicans to apply for incorporation as Catholic ordinariate

Traditionalist Anglicans in Canada have voted overwhelmingly in favor of union with the Roman Catholic Church.

The Anglican Catholic Church of Canada (ACCC), meeting for a provincial synod in Surrey, British Columbia, voiced strong support for union with the Holy See, under the terms of the apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus. The Anglican delegates authorized their provincial, Bishop Peter Wilkinson, to seek canonical approval for an Anglican-Catholic ordinariate, and voted that Bishop Wilkinson should be the first bishop of that ordinariate.

The ACCC claims the allegiance of two dozens Anglican parishes.
