Saturday 30 July 2011

Groot Drie-eenheidsdebat

Enkele maanden geleden gingen twee ernstige denkers over de Bijbel met elkaar in debat over een zeer moeilijk onderwerp in het Christendom, dat al honderden jaren de Kerk in beroering heeft gehouden en waar reeds veel bloed, letterlijk en figuurlijk, is over gevloeid.

The Great Trinity Debate

Rob Bowman vs Dave Burke
Now this is eternal life — that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent. (John 17:3)
It is a matter of eternal life to know the true God and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to understand the one true God. But do we really know him? Or do we just believe in a God that we've learned about from others?

The identity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is a fundamental belief in Christianity and increasingly Christians don't know why they believe in what they do, unable to defend the doctrine of the Trinity when challenged.
There seems to be a kind of complacency that comes from being a mainstream Christian, thinking that being in the majority is enough to make the doctrine true without needing proof.

The Bereans searched their scriptures daily to make sure what they heard was true and that's no different with the doctrine of the Trinity, we have to search our scriptures to decide if it's true or not, not take it for granted or rely on someone else to tell us that it is or isn't true.
The debate about the Trinity has been raging on since the early church and it still rages on today. Rob Bowman, a Trinitarian issued a challenge last year for a non-Trinitarian to debate him on the subject of the Trinity. This year, Dave Burke a non-Trinitarian, took up that challenge and presented his case for the unity of God. A fascinating debate resulted and was captured on the Parchment and Pen blog.
I recommend you read both sides of the argument thoroughly, it's not all as black and white as you might think as both sides have strong arguments.
The Great Trinity Debate
The Challenge | Introduction | Resources List
Part 1: God & Scripture Burke vs Bowman
Part 2: Jesus Christ Burke vs Bowman
Part 3: Jesus Christ (continued) Burke vs Bowman
Part 4: Holy Spirit Burke vs Bowman
Part 5: Father, Son & Holy Spirit / The Trinity Burke vs Bowman
Part 6: Closing Statement Burke vs Bowman

A Trinitarian blogger (Dale) provides useful commentary on the debate... Final Summary | Full Commentary List ... concluding that Burke won the debate.
P.S. If you are a Trinitarian and still think 1 John 5:7-8 is a valid proof for the doctrine of the Trinity, you most definitely need to read this debate to learn some better proofs! Also read "The Trinity is Like 3-in-1 Shampoo". . . And Other Stupid Statements

The Great Trinity debate

The Great Trinity Debate

Rob Bowman vs Dave Burke
Now this is eternal life — that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent. (John 17:3)
It is a matter of eternal life to know the true God and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to understand the one true God. But do we really know him? Or do we just believe in a God that we've learned about from others?

The identity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is a fundamental belief in Christianity and increasingly Christians don't know why they believe in what they do, unable to defend the doctrine of the Trinity when challenged.

There seems to be a kind of complacency that comes from being a mainstream Christian, thinking that being in the majority is enough to make the doctrine true without needing proof.
The Bereans searched their scriptures daily to make sure what they heard was true and that's no different with the doctrine of the Trinity, we have to search our scriptures to decide if it's true or not, not take it for granted or rely on someone else to tell us that it is or isn't true.

The debate about the Trinity has been raging on since the early church and it still rages on today. Rob Bowman, a Trinitarian issued a challenge last year for a non-Trinitarian to debate him on the subject of the Trinity. This year, Dave Burke a non-Trinitarian, took up that challenge and presented his case for the unity of God. A fascinating debate resulted and was captured on the Parchment and Pen blog.

I recommend you read both sides of the argument thoroughly, it's not all as black and white as you might think as both sides have strong arguments.
The Great Trinity Debate
The Challenge | Introduction | Resources List
Part 1: God & Scripture Burke vs Bowman
Part 2: Jesus Christ Burke vs Bowman
Part 3: Jesus Christ (continued) Burke vs Bowman
Part 4: Holy Spirit Burke vs Bowman
Part 5: Father, Son & Holy Spirit / The Trinity Burke vs Bowman
Part 6: Closing Statement Burke vs Bowman

A Trinitarian blogger (Dale) provides useful commentary on the debate... Final Summary | Full Commentary List ... concluding that Burke won the debate.
P.S. If you are a Trinitarian and still think 1 John 5:7-8 is a valid proof for the doctrine of the Trinity, you most definitely need to read this debate to learn some better proofs! Also read "The Trinity is Like 3-in-1 Shampoo". . . And Other Stupid Statements

Thursday 28 July 2011

Bloodless medicine aproach in military hospital

A report featuring the remarkable developments at Englewood Hospital, New Jersey, USA.
A bloodless management to avoid negative outcomes and saving more lives.
Dr Shander says medics only should go over to blood transfusion at a last resort. Recycling the patients own blood is much better than using blood from somebody else.



2015 update:

Jehovah Yahweh Gods Name

The Divine Name of God in pictures.

The Tetragrammaton, 6828 times mentioned in the Hebrew Writings of the Old Testament, can be found on bookrolls, pages, illustrations, paintings, statues and buildings around the world.

Gods Naam wordt wel 6828 keren aangehaald in de Hebreeuwse Geschriften van het Oude Testament. Het tetragram kan op verscheiden plaatsen in de wereld terug gevonden worden op schriftrollen, boekbladen, prenten, schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken en gebouwen.

Iehova, Iehovae, Jihovah, Jiova, Jheva, Jehoah, Jehova, Jehowah,Yehova, Yehowa, Yehwowah,
Jahwe, Jahweh, Yahweh



In the quotes Jesus used when he spoke he probably also used Gods Name because he knew that his Father wanted His Name to be know over the whole world
True Christians should sanctify God's Name by following Jesus and his disciples.

Wanneer Jezus de Schrift aanhaalde (teksten van het Oude Testament) gebruikte hij waarschijnlijk Gods Naam zoals deze reeds van de oudheid gekend was.
Ware Christenen zouden Gods Naam moeten heiligen door het voorbeeld van Jezus en zijn apostelen te volgen en deze Naam kenbaar te maken over de gehele wereld.


“That they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah,
Art the Most High over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 ASV)

"That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth." (Psalms 83:18 NWT)

“That men may know that you, whose name alone is YAHWEH,
are the most high over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 KJBPNV)


"Dat men zal weten dat u alleen, wiens naam Jehovah is,
de Allergrootste bent over de gehele aarde. (Psalmen 83:18 ASVMAV)

Opdat men weet dat gij, wiens naam Jehovah is,
Gij alleen de Allerhoogste zijt over heel de aarde. (Psalmen 83:18 NWV)

“(83-19) dan zullen zij weten, dat "Jahweh" uw naam is;
dat gij de allerhoogste zijt op heel de aarde, gij alleen!” (Psalmen 83:18 Canis)




Consequences of Breivik's mass murder

Breivik's mass shooting on the holiday island of Utoeya targeted youth members of Norway's Labour Party, which heads a relatively pro-immigrant, pro-multicultural government in coalition with the Socialist Left Party and the Center Party.
Utøya - killing spree's sequence of events ins...
Utøya - killing spree's sequence of events inscribed onto the island (Photo credit: quapan)

Breivik's actions could help the current government, and in particular the Labour Party, analysts said.
"In the short term, the parties are not going to touch the immigration issue ... I think it's going to make politicians quite cautious in their wording, their rhetoric," said Hanne Marthe Narud, political science professor at Oslo University.

"In a time of tragedy, voters normally flock around the established parties, particularly those in office. The Labour Party has been particularly harmed by this, and the way the prime minister has acted is extremely good. His popularity will spill over to the Labour Party," she added.

Norway's Muslim leaders were hopeful for the future, seeing Breivik's violent call for Europe to shun Muslims as actually more likely to bring Muslims and Christians together.
"I think minorities will think of themselves as more Norwegian ... religion, ethnicity, color will go into the background. The Norwegian identity will be strengthened," said Mehtab Afsar, Islamic Council of Norway general-secretary.
"We are standing shoulder to shoulder with our Christian brothers and sisters in Norway," he added.

Breivik_GP3 (Photo credit: Uppdragsmedia)

Read more:

  1. Breivik geen enkeling

  2. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism

  3. Problems by losing the borders


    2013 update:

    Breivik, held in isolation in a high security prison near Oslo for killing 77 people in twin attacks in 2011, placed an application to create an association he wanted to call "The Norwegian fascist party and the Nordic league."
    But Mette Siri Brønmo, a spokeswoman for the body that registers such applications, told the Aftenposten daily that Breivik's bid fell short of the legal requirements.
    "To be an association, you need to have two people or more ... and in this case, there's only Breivik," she said.

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