Wednesday 10 July 2013

Walking alone?

Often times in our Christian lives we feel that we are walking alone. Not only are we walking alone, but when it comes to following the direction of God, we feel that we are standing alone. We feel as if there is no one who will stand beside us. We just feel alone.

But are we alone? Do we want to be alone?

There will be times where we must Stand Alone, but that does not mean we are really standing on our own without without Christ or without his Father, our God, the divine Creator Who as a Spirit is everywhere every time. God is always with His creation.

The apostle Paul did know that he had to do a big battle, but that he was not left alone to do it.
Luke was mentioned as being present with Paul at the end, but Paul still did felt “at my first answer no man stood with me…” except “…the Lord stood with me…”

We may have no guilt in life, no fear in death because we can find the power of Christ in us.
From life’s first cry to final breath Jesus should command our destiny. By following Christ Jesus, Jeshua the son of God, no power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck us from Jesus his hand nor from God His hand.

Like the apostle Paul and the first Christians we have to do more than our part at first. We might feel alone in this big world of materialism which does not seem to be interested in a future life nor a god.

Often we are thinking we are important in this world. But are we really that? Are we not just like a little grain of sand on the beach?
We may become of certain importance but than we also have to make others feel important – because they are. We should be concerned about their future and let them feel that we are not only interested in ourselves.

When we are willing to willing to get uncomfortable, at the same time trusting in the Creator God, we should not worry so much. We may trust that He Who started to work in us will bring us further on our way. (Philippians 1:6)

We also mostly forget that when we need a helping hand, we may find one at the end of our arm.

As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands.  One for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”
- Audrey Hepburn
“What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?”
- George Eliot
“Determine never to be idle… It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.”
— Thomas Jefferson
How bouncy are you? Can you use setbacks to spring you into new realizations? Use insults or criticisms to lift you into new heights?
The next time you get knocked down, remember that you have a choice whether you want to rest first, or bounce right back up.
Try it right now. See if you can bounce off any resistance or bad feelings. See how high you can go. See if you can shift your view.
- From Thought For Today.

In the power of Christ we shall be able to stand .

Please do find:

Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #6 Prayer #4 Attitude 

Stand Alone

Taming the Beast

Thinking Like an Elephant


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Monday 8 July 2013

Turning - Not Easy - Quite Simple

Turning - Not Easy - Quite Simple

often worried
often weak
far too bothered
to try and speak

too much coffee
too much tea
cannot sleep
don't feel free

turned to drugs
it didn't work
turned to drink
made me a jerk

hate my friends
hate my job
hate my family
just sob and sob

saw my Bible
opened it up
prayed to God
to help me stop

learned the Truth
prayed again
changed my thinking
stopped the sin

then got baptised
came into Christ
no more worry
no more strife

still some worry
still too weak
but no bother
and now I speak

eat the bread
drink the wine
changed my thinking
now I'm fine

The simple truth is
Turn to Christ
Learn the Truth
Get a new Life.

It worked for me
It can for you
If you Open Your Bible
And learn the Truth.

mgm 2013
Michael Morrell 

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The Christ, the anointed of God

Jeshua a prophet like Moses after teaching the way of salvation laid down his life in obedience to his God, the Only One God, creator of heaven and earth.
For that obedience God raised him first form the dead. Being the first-born from the dead he became through birthright the ruler of all who will be resurrected into eternal life through his teachings as he was.
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2 sites remaniés

Au cours des derniers mois les 2 sites de la Mission Biblique Christadelphe (CBM) en langue française CBM ont été remaniés et ont maintenant été lancés. donne des informations sur les Christadelphes et répertorie nos diverses publications en langue française, y compris des articles tirés du Héraut du Royaume – un magazine trimestriel en français distribué un peu partout dans le monde. donne les détails de notre programme de lectures quotidiennes dans la Bible, et permet un accès direct à la lecture en français.
Accueil | Les Christadelphes
Il y a sans doute beaucoup de gens qui n'ignorent pas que la personne et la doctrine de Jésus-Christ...

A disciple of Christ “hating” the world

Since so many seem so offended by the concept...
Renee Lillquist writes:6 juli 16:06
Since so many seem so offended by the concept of a disciple of Christ “hating” the world, its people, and even his or her own life perhaps it's time to set the record straight.

Possibly the best example of the “hate” commanded by Christ (and as it is used in the Facebookgroup Christadelphians) can be found in Genesis 29:30-31. We are told Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. We are also told when Yahweh saw Leah was “hated” He took steps to make her more desirable to Jacob. Occasionally in Scripture the words “hate” or “hatred” are not meant to convey hostility or disgust. Rather, they merely indicate a level of feeling. 
Context, as always, indicates when they are to be taken in such a way. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. In the same sense, Yeshua says: "Those who come to me and do not hate their fathers, mothers, wives, husbands, children, brothers, sisters, and even their own lives cannot be my disciples.” (Lk 14:26) Surely, he isn't teaching the need for disgust, dislike, hostility, or any other destructive attitude or action. He is attempting to convey the idea that his disciples must love him more than they love their families and even their own selves. Loving the Truth more than others or even self is absolutely necessary for anyone who wants to become Yeshua's disciple.

English: Steps To Christ
English: Steps To Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At the time of Christ, most Jewish families were involved in religious traditions of human origin. These people and practices did not please Yahweh. Later, when Gentiles received the gospel, there were Gentile families involved in idolatry and other forms of false worship. Yahweh was also not pleased by these people and practices. To believe and follow Christ (then and now) meant leaving these people and their fake religions behind, even if it required a person to forsake his or her own family. It is obvious from Christ's own words that family rules and traditions must never come before Christ's commands. It is obvious we must never cave in to family pressure if it means putting Christ in second place. And it is obvious above all else that discipleship without cost or obligation isn't taught anywhere in Scripture.

Some who are trying to be true disciples may be yoked to a spouse not involved with the Truth, or one who is involved but has chosen not to follow Christ's commandments. There may be a temptation to compromise. There may be a strong tendency to break faith with Christ to keep peace in the marriage. The level of loyalty Yeshua demands enables true disciples to overcome this temptation. There is another test having to do with family pressure. Children can often draw parents away from Christ and his commandments. Again, disciples with the level of loyalty Yeshua demands will convey this message to their children: “You know what we believe and where we stand. We are committed to the Truth and if you turn from it we will not be turning with you.” If love for a child causes a disciple to compromise, it is not the type of love required by Yahweh and Christ. If love for a child causes a disciple to ignore the Child's sinful conduct or become involved in the sin, that is also not the kind of love required. Loyalty to Christ is the highest priority and it does not allow for any adjustments in belief or conduct because of anybody, family or not.


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