Saturday 3 August 2013

Died climbing

Alan Hermann
Alan Hermann wrote:
3 augustus 6:59
I read recently of the epitaph of a Swiss mountain climbing guide. All it said was ‘died climbing’. After considering this I realised that this is a perfect epitaph for every Christian.

The Christian life is well described as a race, a journey or a climb. The good news is that we have a guide and support on the climb who has descended from the highest peak to take our hand and help and encourage us. We never climb alone. It doesn’t matter if we are near the top or still making our way through the foothills. The important thing is that we are still moving upward, still climbing.
A rock climber with a collection of climbing n...
A rock climber with a collection of climbing nuts preparing to climb. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

 It has been said that the Christian life is ‘three steps forward and two steps backward’ and I believe that there is some truth in this but again it is not how fast we are ascending but the fact that we are still climbing. We must put aside doubts about our distance from the peak or rate of progress and ask His continual help to climb on. It is his strength, not ours, that makes the difference. In the worst bits he carries us.

 The greatest praise we can receive while alive is, ‘still climbing’. May our epitaphs read, ‘died climbing’.
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Jehovah's Witnesses convention won't return to Tri-Cities in 2014

It seems to be a hard time also for the JW 's Organisation. They seem to be cutting down in expenses. The decision has been made nationally to downsize the number of conventions from 400 to 100.

                                       For years the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has held a regional convention in the Tri-Cities, attracting about 16,000 of the faithful who spend an estimated $8.6 million while in town.
But they won't be coming in 2014.

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Monday 29 July 2013

Slum pope joins Catholic jamboree on famous beach of Copacabana

Up to three million people descended on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro to hear an address by Pope Francis.
From all over the world Catholic youngsters found their way to Brasil to meat other Catholic believers. they also did not want to miss the head of the Catholic Church Pope Francis I.
English: Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Bra...
 Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The whole happening you could have called a Christian Carnival.
The 76-year-old Argentine seemed entirely at home, wading into cheering crowds, kissing people young and old and telling them the Catholic Church is on their side.
Called the “slum pope” for his work with the poor, Francis received a rapturous welcome in the Varginha shantytown, part of a slum area of northern Rio so violent it’s known as the Gaza Strip.
The Varginha visit was one of the highlights of Francis’ weeklong trip to Brazil, his first as pope and one seemingly tailor-made for the first pontiff from the Americas.
Further surprise came though during his encounter with Argentine pilgrims, scheduled at the last minute in yet another sign of how this spontaneous pope is shaking up the Vatican’s staid and often stuffy protocol.
From the slum, Francis traveled to Rio's modern cathedral, where he received a roaring welcome from tens of thousands of young Argentines who were in Rio for the Catholic jamboree.
The Pope showed his awareness of the bad circumstances those people have to live in:
“No one can remain insensitive to the inequalities that persist in the world!” Francis told the crowd of thousands who braved a cold rain and stood in a muddy soccer field to welcome him.“No amount of peace-building will be able to last, nor will harmony and happiness be attained in a society that ignores, pushes to the margins or excludes a part of it”.
The pope made an appeal to those in possession of greater resources:
"to public authorities and to all people of good will who are working for social justice: never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity!” he said.
He insisted more needed to be done to bridge the gap between rich and poor at the root of social injustice, in what seemed a clear reference to the Brazilian situation, and the forcible ‘pacification’ of a few of the favela slums.
The previous popes may have had difficulties with the priests and bishops who had problems with the rich church and the poor population. this pope also wants the church getting closer to the people. It would even be nice if the Catholic church could get rid of clericalism and  the mundane uttered Pope Francis.
He compared the purity of the Catholic faith with the blended fruit drinks popular in Brazil:
 “Please, don’t blend faith in Jesus. There are apple shakes, orange shakes, banana shakes, but, please, don’t drink a ‘licuado de fe (faith shake)!’ Faith is complete!”
Francis urged the 3 million young Catholics present on the world famous beach of Copacabana, to go out and spread their faith
 “to the fringes of society, even to those who seem farthest away, most indifferent.”“The church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of you!” he said to applause in his final homily of World Youth Day.
It is incredible that so many youngsters can be brought to travel such far distances to come and see the pope and to spend some days with each other.This year it where two million ore than the last World Youth Day in Madrid in 2011 or the 850,000 at Toronto’s 2002 concluding Mass.
Only Pope John Paul II’s Mass during his 1995 visit to Manila, the capital of the Philippines, topped Rio’s numbers, with an estimated 5 million people taking part. Third place among papal Masses now goes to Rome World Youth Day in the 2000 Jubilee year, when 2 million people participated. A similar number attended John Paul’s final Mass in Krakow, his Polish hometown, in 1979, during his first visit to his homeland as pope.
Saturday night's vigil capped a busy day for the pope in which he drove home a message he has emphasised throughout the week in speeches, homilies and off-the-cuff remarks: the need for Catholics – lay and religious – to shake up the status quo, get out of their stuffy sacristies and reach the faithful on the margins of society or risk losing them to rival churches.
In the longest and most important speech yet of his four-month pontificate, Francis took a direct swipe at the "intellectual" message of the church that so characterised the pontificate of his predecessor, Benedict XVI. Speaking to Brazil's bishops, he said ordinary Catholics did not understand such lofty ideas and needed to hear the simpler message of love, forgiveness and mercy that was at the core of the Catholic faith.
"At times we lose people because they don't understand what we are saying, because we have forgotten the language of simplicity and import an intellectualism foreign to our people," he said. "Without the grammar of simplicity, the church loses the very conditions which make it possible to fish for God in the deep waters of his mystery."
"You are often disappointed by facts that speak of corruption on the part of people who put their own interests before the common good," Francis told the crowd. "To you and all, I repeat: Never yield to discouragement, do not lose trust, do not allow your hope to be extinguished." 
In a speech outlining the kind of church he wants, Francis asked bishops to reflect on why hundreds of thousands of Catholics had left the church for Protestant and Pentecostal congregations that have grown exponentially in recent decades in Brazil, particularly in its slums.

Nuns joined the beachfront vigil led by Pope Francis for the 28th World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, with many of the three million-strong crowd staying put for mass
Nuns joined the beachfront vigil led by Pope Francis for the 28th World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, with many of the three million-strong crowd staying put for mass

Read more:

Once in a lifetime: Nuns mixed with bikini-clad young women as nearly the entire 2.5-mile crescent of Copacabana¿s broad beach in Rio overflowed with people
Once in a lifetime: Nuns mixed with bikini-clad young women as nearly the entire 2.5-mile crescent of Copacabana's broad beach in Rio overflowed with people

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Sunday 28 July 2013

Lastigheid om te bidden

'Gebed is moeilijker dan ik dacht' en 'Ik zou meer tijd vrij moeten maken voor gebed'. Dit zijn opmerkingen die onder christenen regelmatig voorbij komen.
 Chuck Lawless, onderwijzer op het gebied van zending en evangelisatie, vroeg zich af waarom christenen worstelen met bidden. Hij stelde negen redenen samen, waarbij hij zich in het bijzonder richtte op kerkleiders.

Vindt hier over:

Negen redenen waarom we gebed lastig vinden

1. We willen het allereerst zelf oplossen
2. We hebben niet geleerd hoe we mogen bidden
3. Gebed is meer een ritueel dan relatie
4. Gebedsloosheid kunnen we verbergen
5. We geloven eigenlijk niet dat gebed werkt6. We ervaren onvoldoende zwakke momenten
7. We lezen de Bijbel op een eenzijdige manier
8. We hebben hoop verloren 
9. We missen de focus op het gebedsleven van Jezus 


Christelijke, geestelijke zaken kunnen leiden tot hoogmoed

Dick Pieterman ziet om zich heen dat ook christelijke, geestelijke zaken kunnen leiden tot hoogmoed. En daarom is het volgens hem nodig om te leven vanuit genade, "een levensprincipe dat God ons wil leren." Deze maand leidde Pieterman op conferentiecentrum De Betteld Bijbelstudies voor zowel jongeren als volwassenen over het thema 'Genade, Gods mooiste woord'.

De spreker, actief op de Bijbelschool van Nehemia Ministries, legde uit dat de Bijbel bestaat uit het oude en nieuwe verbond. "Het nieuwe verbond heeft het oude (de wet) geannuleerd. Dat verbond is afhankelijk van ons geloof in Christus. Er zijn bepaalde voorwaarden waardoor we ons kunnen verbinden met God. In het oude verbond was dat onze gehoorzaamheid. Dat is tegelijkertijd een probleem, want we zijn niet altijd gehoorzaam. De wet openbaarde dan ook de verdorvenheid van de mens. In het nieuwe verbond is onze relatie niet langer afhankelijk van het feit of we het wel of niet goed doen. Onze relatie met God is nu gebaseerd op het bloed van Jezus. En dus hoeven we niet in een kramp te zitten en kunnen we ontspannen leven."

Pieterman geeft voorbeelden over het "ellebogenwerk" dat er in de huidige kerken op valt.
 "Men kan zeggen: 'Mijn kerk is beter dan jouw kerk, want wij hebben de juiste leer' of 'Wij zijn veel charismatischer dan jullie'. Het goede kan soms nog giftiger zijn dan het kwade. Jezus had geen enkel probleem met hoeren en tollenaren, maar wel met religieuze mensen die dachten het goede te doen. Dat principe zien we in het oude en nieuwe verbond."
"De wet is door Mozes gegeven, de genade en waarheid zijn door Jezus Christus gekomen. De wet was bedoeld voor een tussenfase. Christus is het einde van de wet en zorgt ervoor dat een ander principe gaat gelden."
Wij kunnen er in komen dat hij verlangd te zien dat mensen die Jezus Christus volgen dan ook onder die genade van christus zullen vallen en er ook naar zullen leven. Naar de leer van Christus Jezus leven valt echter veel mensen moeilijker dan hij doet voorschijnen. Eerst en vooral wensen de meeste mensen vast te houden aan de tradities en geven er ook de voorkeur aan om bij een gekende of grotere kerkgemeenschap deel uit te maken.

Het is wel zo dat genade ons van eigen eer berooft, maar dan moeten wij ons in alle nederigheid aan die Genade durven onderwerpen. En onderwerping is nu net iets dat bij de meeste mensen moeilijk valt te rijmen met hun ego.

De spreker geeft toe.
 "We willen graag eer behalen door bijvoorbeeld te zeggen: 'toen ik veertig dagen had gevast, gaf God opwekking in Nederland'. Maar bij genade moeten we ons verlies erkennen. In genade kunnen we alleen roemen in Christus. Hoe ruiterlijker we ons verlies toegeven, hoe overvloediger de genade over ons leven toestroomt. Daarom is genade de kracht van God, die ons in staat stelt te leven zoals God wilt. Dit geeft mij een passie om Hem te kunnen gehoorzamen en voorkomt dat we roemen in onszelf. Genade kost de ontvanger niets en de Gever alles."