Wednesday 23 July 2014

2014 August 17-23, 25th Anniversary Ontario Christadelphian Bible School

Ontario Christadelphian Bible School encourages a spirit of family unity for parents, teens, young children, and elders alike. The natural and peaceful setting serves as an inspirational backdrop as members of the school enjoy family fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The theme verse for this year's Bible School is Psalm 121:1-2
 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth."
Lord willing you will be able to attend OCBC 2014 this year and help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary! Our heavenly Father has blessed OCBC with a fantastic venue: Camp Starlight, Starlight, PA. The 385 acre campus includes its own private lake, many recreational facilities and is surrounded by the beautiful Pennsylvania Pocono Mountains. Lord willing, check-in will begin at 3:00 pm on Sunday, August 17 and the school will end on Saturday, August 23.  

Adult Teachers:
Bro. Bill Yake
Bro. Matt Swift
Bro. Josh Lindeblad
Young Adult Teachers:
Bro. Scott Wentworth
Bro. Colton Walker
Bro. Mike Robinson

We're pleased to have a good sized group already registered for the 25th anniversary and we want to make sure everyone knows there is plenty of space at this facility and we want you to be there, too!
Please go to the OCBC website to register -

Monday 14 July 2014

Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown

Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown
              are always defeated by faith.  

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Faalangst, en angst voor het onbekende 

Faalangst, en angst voor het onbekende

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Faalangst, en angst voor het onbekende

               worden altijd verslagen door het geloof.

- Georgette Mosbacher

English version version / Engelse versie > Fear of failure, and fear of the unknown


Thursday 10 July 2014

Believing what Jesus says

How many people are really willing to believe what Jesus says. In Christendom we do find many Christians who prefer to keep to the traditional doctrines of the doctrinal churches, instead of willing to take the words of the Bible like they are written there.
Evangelistar von Speyer, um 1220 Manuscript in...
Evangelistar von Speyer, um 1220 Manuscript in the Badische Landesbibliothek, Karlsruhe, Germany Cod. Bruchsal 1, Bl. 1v Shows Christ in vesica shape surrounded by the "animal" symbols of the four evangelists. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The barrier to fully accepting Jesus’ words is the cost involved in following him and his teachings. To follow his teachings, and the teaching of the Bible at large, requires a different type of focus. That is, one not focussed upon material or present benefits, but rather upon following the truths of God no matter what the present cost, because something far greater has been purposed and promised by God.
You as a Christian or as a unbeliever, what do you want to come to believe? Where do you want to put your focus?

What does it mean to you when Jesus says God is greater than him? What does it mean when he says we do have to pray to God his Father and do not may worship him, but should give all honour to the Only One Divine God, Creator of heaven and earth?

Jesus concentrated himself on the words and works of his heavenly Father and asked others not to focus on his (Jesus) works, because he (Jesus) could do nothing without his Father. Jesus his focus was on his heavenly Father who had appeared above him and had spoken "This is my beloved son." How many Christians are willing to accept those words of God Who spoke about His only begotten son?

Do you want to focus on the doctrines of the many churches, or are you willing to focus on the Word of God as it is presented to the world in the Bible?


Please read also:  A Different Life Focus


Flowing out from a genuine spiritual “heart”

True religion must flow out from a genuine spiritual “heart”.
English: Illumination of Christ before Pilate ...
Illumination of Christ before Pilate Deutsch: Jesus vor Pilatus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Much of the New Testament illustrates the endeavour of Christ and the Apostles to make this happen. Yet in the centuries that followed the purity of the “new wine” has so often been diluted and polluted. We must recapture the purity of the “new wine” if we are to be wondrously blessed in participating at the return of Jesus in “the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Revelation 19:9)