Wednesday 28 March 2018

Moed opbrengen voor één grote sprong

''Soms moet je de moed kunnen opbrengen voor één grote sprong;
een kloof kan je niet oversteken met twee kleine sprongetjes.''
David Lloyd George

Saturday 24 March 2018

Unhappy people in empty churches

The last decade lots of people have turned their back to their church. 10% of those having left church have left the faith completely, but that means the others did not give up faith totally. Many because of the many questions and of seeing contradictions in their church, left the institution, but wanted to stay spiritual.
When the big institutional churches may still count on 20% who are still in churches and are happy, their members may not see major problems within their congregations or problems resulting from their institutional practice of faith. To them, church attendance is a practical and enjoyable expression of faith.

Though of the 30% who are in churches can not say they are happy, but indicate they are unhappy. They see major problems but continue with church attendance for a variety of reasons. The important thing for this group is that, despite all it’s flaws churches are still worth supporting through attendance and possibly finances.

We may wonder why they do not dare to question their pastors or ministers more and go not look for the real happiness in their Scriptures. For many a real confrontation with what is written in the Book of books seems to dangerous and to much bringing them in confusion, and that is something they do not like; They want a certain certainty? When reading the Bible they encounter too many things which seem so muddling or confusing with the many church doctrines and to leave church doctrines aside looks for them as treason to the community. They forget they are better to do treason to the world of man than to the world of God. That is what Jesus and the other prophets are all about when they talk not to be of this world but to belong to God.

40%of those who abandoned their church see the institutional churches of our era as more damaging than helpful to the Kingdom, and have walked out on the institutions their parents and grandparents built, to practice faith in a far more personal way, a far more tight-knit community.

It becomes time that those who left the institution churches come to see there are other ways to come to God and to please God, but that we still have to come together to unite as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The "Unchurching" is a growing movement of Christians who are leaving churches and the allegiance to trappings churches demand in order to find God, experience him more personally, and enjoy smaller, tight-knit communities that don’t put institutional concerns in front of godliness.

We can only hope they shall be able to find like minded people who find it more important to come to Biblical truth and to worship God in the way that God wants to be worshipped.

For those who left their big institutional church they, when they look for an other community of believers, should know
It isn’t about moving the same old church practices to a smaller venue. It’s about reassessing every one of those practices to see if they meet the needs of the Kingdom, advance the message of the Gospel, and draw closer to God.

Friday 23 March 2018

Spirituele diversiteit in Europa

In 2010 was de grootste wereldreligie nog steeds het christendom. 2,2 miljard mensen voelen zich aangesproken door het christelijke verhaal. Dat is 31,5 procent van de wereldpopulatie. 87 procent van de christenen leefde toen in landen waar ze in de meerderheid waren. De top vijf van landen waar het grootste aantal christenen leefde, bestond uit de Verenigde Staten (243 miljoen), Brazilië (173 miljoen), Mexico (107 miljoen), Rusland (104 miljoen) en Filipijnen (86 miljoen).

In 2016 liet een rapport zien dat niet-christelijke religies, waaronder moslims, hindoes en joden, in Groot-Brittannië goed waren voor een op de vijf van de bevolking van de hoofdstad, veel hoger dan in andere delen van Engeland en Wales, zoals het zuidwesten, waar ze slechts één op de honderd vertegenwoordigden. Ondertussen is Wales, ooit bekend als het 'land van opwekkingen' vanwege de vele religieuze herrijzenissen in zijn geschiedenis, het minst religieuze gebied met een aanzienlijke meerderheid die geen religieuze overtuiging heeft (59,3%).

Een internationaal onderzoek in opdracht van de bisschoppensynode toont in 2018 aan hoe in Europa de kaarten zeer verdeeld liggen.
In Polen zegt 17% van de 16- tot 29 jarigen dat ze niet gelovig zijn, alhoewel dat land voor ons gekend staat als het meest katholieke. In 19 van de 22 onderzochte landen zegt minstens een derde van de ondervraagden zicht te identificeren met een religie.

Stephen Bullivant, de socioloog en theoloog die het onderzoek van de Britse St Mary’s University en het Institut catholique de Paris (ICP) uitvoerde, vindt het opmerkelijk dat “de zes meest christelijke landen, landen zijn die historisch gezien een katholieke meerderheid hebben”, en geen protestantse of orthodoxe. Bovendien merkt hij op dat bij de landen waar de jeugd het meest gelovig is, zowel landen uit West-Europa (Ierland, Portugal en Oostenrijk) als landen uit Centraal-Europa (Polen, Litouwen en Slovenië) zijn. Italië en Griekenland zijn niet opgenomen in de studie.

De twee landen met de meest seculiere jeugd (91% in Tsjechië en 80% in Estland) en de twee met de minst seculier jeugd (25% in Litouwen en 17% in Polen) zijn allemaal post-communistische landen.

In  Groot-Brittannië is de groep van Christelijk gelovigen erg geslonken. Maar 22% zegt tot het Christelijk geloof te behoren, terwijl 8% een niet-christelijk geloof aanhangt. De Britse jeugd tussen 16 en 29 jaar is wel meer praktiserend dan de Franse. Zo’n 17% van de bevraagde jongeren over Het Kanaal gaat wekelijks naar de mis, tegenover slechts 7% bij onze zuiderburen.

Tegenover 25% Christenen en 11% niet gelovigen in Frankrijk kan men daar 10% van de Franse jongeren als praktiserend moslim vinden, tegenover 6% van de Britse jongeren.

Uit onderzoek blijkt dat over de hele wereld meer dan 84% van de mensen lid is van of verbonden zijn met een religieuze groep. En uit het meest recente onderzoek blijkt dat individuele religiositeit en het ontwikkelingsniveau van hun land zowel het geluk als de tevredenheid van het leven beïnvloeden voor de inwoners.

Bevindingen suggereren dat protestanten, boeddhisten en rooms-katholieken gelukkiger en meer tevreden zijn met hun leven, in vergelijking met andere groepen. Joden, hindoes, moslims en niet-religieuzen lagen ertussenin, terwijl orthodoxe christenen de laagste tevredenheidscijfers tussen geluk en leven bleken te hebben. 

Violence against the Rohingya community

In the wake of persistent violence against the Rohingya community, UN officials have expressed growing fears that genocide is being incited and committed in Myanmar.

Since violence renewed in Myanmar’s Rakhine state in August 2017, almost 700,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees have fled to neighboring Bangladesh.

UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar Yanghee Lee told the Geneva-based Human Rights Council:
"I am becoming more convinced that the crimes committed following 9 October 2016 and 25 August 2017 bear the hallmarks of genocide and call in the strongest terms for accountability.”

Earlier this month, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) found that Rohingyas who try to leave their villages
 “are taken away and never return” and found a “recurring theme” of women and girls being abducted.
The agency also found an ongoing systematic campaign of “terror and forced starvation” which are forcing Rohingya out of the country.

In a recent report, Amnesty International reported that forces are bulldozing land and building military bases where Rohingya villages were burned down.
Not only does this prevent refugees from returning, but it also hides authorities’ crimes.
“The bulldozing of entire villages is incredibly worrying. Myanmar’s authorities are erasing evidence of crimes against humanity, making any future attempts to hold those responsible to account extremely difficult,”
said Amnesty International’s Crisis Response Director Tirana Hassan.

This has raised concerns for both Amnesty International and the Special Rapporteur over the Bangladesh-Myanmar arrangement to repatriate Rohingya refugees as they will return to find their homes gone and face continued discrimination.
“No one should be returned to Myanmar until they can do so voluntarily, in safety and dignity – something that is clearly not possible today,”
 Amnesty International said.

Monday 12 March 2018

Declining commitment to democracy : What’s going on around the world ?

The European Parliamentary Research Service organised a roundtable on the global state of democracy as seen by citizens on 7 March 2018.
EPRS Policy Roundtable 'Declining commitment to democracy : What's going on around the world ?' We should carefully look at those politicians who recruit so called fighters for human rights who want the freedom of religion and freedom of clothing limited as well as the right of parents to decide over their children. By bringing in restriction on what people may do with their family or not allowing them to decide what clothes their kids have to wear, they endanger the fundamental rights of liberty and go in again the human rights in general.

The EU is at the forefront of efforts to support democracy in third countries in the world but shall have its hands full the coming months to secure the democratic rights in its own phalanxes.

People expect democratic systems to deliver a good system to live in peace in which the economy booms. Economic success and good governance (and EU aid can play an important supportive role) is important for the strength and resilience of democracies. In this respect, EU development aid, as well as the human rights and democracy conditionality enshrined in many of its bilateral relations, can ensure that democratic and economic progress go hand in hand.  But people do have to be made aware of the danger of the extreme right groups which become more and more popular.

Please read about it:
  1. Populism endangering democracy
  2. Pushing people in a corner danger for indoctrination and loss of democratic values 
  3. It’s Time real lovers of God to Stand and Speak Out!