Showing posts with label gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gods. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Reflect on how much idolizing happens

In several countries people go mad about their stars. In certain countries, like in Belgium, on television they may talk about people who are called "wereldberoemd" ("world-famous") though they might be just some ordinary people who had some more screening on one of the commercial television stations or be spoken of in the gossip magazines.

Today we have the modern equivalents of the feasting in Corinth on the food that had been offered to the idols, especially in prosperous countries in the things that the masses idolize. In Corinth athletic sports were idolized, it is no different today – people call them ‘Stars’ or 'gods' . We better reflect on how much idolizing happens!

The apostle Paul also look at those athletes and recognised
“Every athlete exercises self control …they do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable”(1 Corinthians 9:25).
He tells believers,
 “So run that you may obtain it …I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified”(1 Corinthians 9:24,27).
When we look at those athletes and film icons, how do we appreciate their work. How much recognition do we give to the television star or to a footballer, and to the doctor who saves many lives. When we look at the wages the footballer earns and than look at what a doctor or a nurse receives monthly, it show how much life has become worth in our society. A very good barometer to get to know what a human person is worth is looking at the prizes of hitman. the prizes of contract killers have gone down enormously the last few years.
The prize of surrogate mothers kept about the same for the last 5 years.

The policy of looking at human beings has worsened the last few years. Most people got more interested in the car or electric gadgets the neighbour has than in the person himself. World has become so commercialised and so materialistic that there is no place for the common man and certainly not for the Creator of all things.

Not many are interested in getting to know the other human beings and being ready to come to their help. To get to know a Spirit, Which they can not see or hear, is even worse... Why should they show any interest in Such an unreachable Bearing?

Those who love the God of gods, should come out and show the world their love for the Most High of all. They should show the world that That eternal Spirit is One of a kind. In Him they should put all their trust and come forwards to tell people about all His Works and promises.

Being aware of the particular love they received, believers in the Only One God, should be willing to share that love with others.
Love is, above all, an active quality; genuine love causes us to do things: it motivates our heart. Now, the things love causes us to do are not things we do out of a sense of obligation, there should not be occasions when we say,
 “I suppose I had better do …”
especially when it comes to serving the Lord.

Time is at hand that we come in to the public to serve the Most High Almighty.

When Jehovah God, who sees all things through his spirit (Psalm 139:1-6) knows that our professions of love for him come right from our hearts – we are “known by God”. But this is more than a one sided sense of knowing, to truly know God results in a two-way relationship, David’s Psalms show this, we read this morning,
 “Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his”(100:3).
We are the ones who belong to God and are willing to show that to the world.

We read a few days ago in Exodus,
 “Moses said to the LORD …you have said, ‘I know you by name …therefore if I have found favour in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you…””(33:12,13).

Knowing God comes through knowing his ways; leading to the realization that we are “working together with him”(2 Corinthians 6:1).

One of the wonders of this, Paul told the Corinthians, is to realize that
 “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it”(1 Corinthians 10:13).
Let us endure all tribulation which may come over us because we our lovers of God. Let us be brightened by His Glory and pronounce His Name with full dignity.

Not the idols and stars of this world should receive all honour, but title should be given to the Most High, Divine Creator, Jehovah God.


Please do find additional reading:

  1. The business of this life
  2. Materialism, would be life, and aspirations
  3. Christian values and voting not just a game
  4. Idolatry or idol worship
  5. Worship and worshipping
  6. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God 
  7. A God between many gods 
  8. Finding God amid all the religious externals
  9. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God
  10. People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers
  11. People Seeking for God 2 Human interpretations
  12. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions
  13. People Seeking for God 4 Biblical terms
  14. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life 
  15. Only worship the Creator of all things
  16. Praise the God with His Name
  17. Jehovah Yahweh Gods Name
  18. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name
  19. “If anyone loves God, he is known by God” (February 25 thought)
  20. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #5 Prayer #1 Listening Sovereign Maker
  21. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #5 Prayer #3 Callers upon God
  22. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #10 Prayer #8 Condition
  23. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #14 Prayer #12 The other name
  24. In the death of Christ, the son of God, is glorification

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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Hello America and atheists

In response to the article

ATHEISTS EXPOSED! shared by Greg Liebig Sr.

I wrote a reply which I also would like to share with you here.

In the article the author does like he is God writing to the people of the United states of America.

“First, let it be known, that I created each and every person on this planet; also, That I Love Each And Every One Of Them. Furthermore, let it be known unto them, that I have a purpose for them now, during the millennial reign of my Son Jesus (Yeshua) and Then Throught All Eternity!
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - NARA - 515673 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
“My precious humans are eternal spiritual beings: yes, for the time being they are in flesh, blood and bone bodies, at death, that changes. When I send Yeshua to rapture up the church they will be changed as well. I am having you tell humanity this because it won’t be long before I tell My Son to get His Bride, the Church, the believers.”
Strange that this God calls those human beings eternal spirits, when He has created them as mortal elements in the universe.

Then that god speaks about the Satans or adversaries of God and the ones who fool the world, with their own false teachings.
As he (the Satan or devil) sees the approaching of Christ’s appearing, he and a few of his partners (doubt and fear) have really been stepping it up.”
One of his lies is,” God (Yahweh) does not exist.”
Another is, “Jesus (Yeshua) did not really die and rise again.”
“So, consequently he has turned a great number of people against me. He really does hate my precious humans.”
“Another one of his tactics is he has chosen very weak minded individuals to enlist in his destructive task and they have fallen for his lies, hook, line and sinker.
He tells them to go to various places and spread these lies. He even pushes his agenda onto governments. He even tells people that it is not right to have people display Godly things in government institutions; like the Ten Commandments for instance.
He has them say it is offensive to pray in public places.”
The author calls all those who do not want to believe and those who agreed to let such things happen "atheists, non-believers, heathen or just plain lost".  But he reminds the people they have to remember that God, no matter what happens, still loves these people: "don’t ever loose sight of that fact."

And that is very important: god loves His creation and all what we can see around us is part of that creation. All people on this planet earth are also created in the image of God and are loved by the Divine Creator.
He also gives them the necessary time to be able to find Him and to come closer to Him. though many also donot want to recognise the person God provided to save the world, He gave His only begotten son, to offer himself as the most justified ransom and to become the mediator between Him (Jehovah God) and men.

English: It is really a nice building. I took ...
A nice building in the United States of America. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So therefore I also would call like that author to the United States of America and to other nations:

Hello America, are you not the New World, where so many of the Europeans went to because at the continent many denominations limited their people and because many governments brought strong limitations of all sorts of freedom?

Did you America also forgot that many of your ancestors looked for the Truth and looked for God His Word and His Will?

Though many descendants from those pioneers went far away from those Bible Students and Bible researchers, and prefered to follow 'standard churches' or even more 'mega churches'. With times (you or) they became not so interested any more in reading regularly the word of God, available in much more versions now in their own or in their new language. You also wanted to be called Christians but pick and choose which laws to live by and to impose on others living around you.
II (The Presidents of the United States of Ame...
II (The Presidents of the United States of America album) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They prefered to make new gods, like the many movie stars, football and other sports idols, but also the fashion models and idols form other worlds like the cooking world. In this some did not mind to fit their other god, Jesus. So many americans are not willing to accept hat he was a real Jewish man, of flesh and blood, who could be seen by many, who was tempted more than once and who really was brought to death in a cruel way, but less cruel than many other tortured people.

God is an eternal spirit, who can not be seen by men or they would die. God also can not be tempted. that is all be written in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, many do not want to take for the words which are there black on white, but they do prefer to hold fast on tradition and denominational dogma's, like the 'Holy Trinity'.

Yes, America, wants to stay blind and does not want to have its eyes opened by the Biblical truth. Do they ever wounder if it is not because of their blindness, their ignorance that america is turning upside down?

But is it not the disease which is spreading all over the world, where money is the Manon, the new god worshipped by so many?
The Love of money is the root of all evil church in America and every other culture that has turned its back on Christ and his Father, the Only One God.  

The Biblical message has been corrupted to such a degree that seminaries are supporting a “priest class” that has elevated itself above the laity. This shift toward relying on a seminary educated expert trained in Christian theology to lead the church is inherently risky and flawed.  The body of Christ and it’s shepherds are to be vigilant with discerning and testing the doctrines being introduced into the churches.  The modern day Protestant denominations have completely capitulated the hard won gains of the Reformation and the American bible Student movement. America and with it other nations are re-instituting the old Catholic paradigm of ignorant congregation and all knowing priest class.  On top of the increase in creating Biblically ignorant congregations, America has hybridized Biblical Christianity with of all things “The American Dream”. 

The dream has been shattered.  The New Atheism has made it safer for people to declare their godlessness. 

Godlessness and Unbelief is it there to stay?!? Or not?

It can change, but we shall need time and lots of people wanting and daring to come out into the world to assign their love for Christ and to show the world the work this son of god has done, and which blessings we have received by his offering himself for us.

You, like every other humans on the face of this planet, have one overwhelming and stupendously important need … to be forgiven for the sins you have already been condemned for, and released from the death sentence that you have already been sentenced to. No matter what happens in this world, as long as Christ shall not have returned, all people shall share the same 'lot', the same burden of finding death at the end of the road. We all shall die, believers and unbelievers.
But do know, afterwards there shall be something different for believers and non-believers. Than it shall be too late to change direction  God has given each of us and you, time enough to think, to consider, to find out, to look for the right way, for the right path.


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Friday 11 June 2010

God or a god

In one of the topics on our sistergroup Tigger2 spoke about the use of theos and Elohim in the gospel writings of John.

used elohim in a few scriptures to mean "a god" in its positive, subordinate, secondary sense, while he applies the title theos directly to Jesus.

John 10:33 The word [theos] in the NEB it reads on the basis of the Greek text:
" 'We are not going to stone you for any good deed, but for your blasphemy. You, a mere man, claim to be a god.'  Jesus answered, 'Is it not written in your own Law, "I said: You are gods"?  Those are called gods to whom the word of God was delivered - and Scripture cannot be set aside.  Then why do you charge me with blasphemy because I, consecrated and sent into the world by the Father, said, "I am God's SON"?'"
Not only do we see John using theos in its positive alternate meaning here, but we also see Jesus clarifying it.  When some of the Jews were ready to stone him because they said he was claiming to be a god (Jesus’ reply about men being called gods in the scriptures would have been nonsensical if he were replying to an accusation of being God), Jesus first pointed out that God himself had called judges of Israel gods (Ps. 82:6)!

Tigger2 his discourse in God or a god and please do find more on this subject in:

God of gods
God is one

In Dutch / In het Nederlands kan u een nota vinden over wat Tigger2 opmerkt betreft Johannes zijn gebruik van theos en elohim in zijn geschriften > God of een god

Lees ook meer hierover in:

God versus goden
Is god drie-eenheid
Geloof in slechts één god