Showing posts with label syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label syria. Show all posts

Friday 22 August 2014

ISIS, Mosul Dam and threatening lives of those who want to live in freedom

Flag of islamic state of iraq
Flag of islamic state of iraq (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The day before Yesterday the National Flemish Television (VRT) did not want to show the video of Islamic State (IS) [formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS] with the terrible beheading of the American journalist James Foley. The commercial television programs showed some parts of it, but not the beheading itself.
Hearing the voice of the hangman we could notice his English accent which would not be found by a real Arabic. This could give us the impression that the American white man was killed by an European (white) man. For a second time James Folley had been abducted in 2012, this time by the extremist group ISIS, which calls itself the Islamic State. We can imagine which torture he had to endure and may wonder why he agreed to tell the world it is all the fault of the Americans, when he did, not the IS terrorist were going to kill him anyway. The executioner stayed standing straight and wanted to prove it is serious business with IS going for America and its allies. By threatening to do the same to another American journalist in Syria, identified as Steven Sotloff, the 50,000-strong Islamic militant group wants the Obama administration to meet its demands. The extremists want to intimidate the Obama administration into halting U.S. airstrikes on ISIS strongholds in Iraq. These airstrikes seem to be impeding ISIS’ultimate objective: to maintain and expand its self-declared caliphate.

The extremists have already seized large parts of Iraq and Syria, taking control of several of the towns’ main resources, like wheat and oil fields. Having those bases or strongholds of water and fuel provision in their hands will give them enough power to prove to the world they are a real state to be taken serious. Previously having seized the largest dam in Iraq, controlling the water supplies over a very big area, made them a feared competitor for the regional politicians. Already some governments gave already in and did not mid buying water and fuel supplies from IS. But by having the U.S. and Iraqi forces successfully regaining control of the Mosul dam, IS felt weakened again.
Mosul Dam
Kurdish forces claim they have recaptured the Mosul Dam on Monday. - Reuters
Iraq's largest dam (fourth-largest dam in the Middle East), built in the 1980s not being any more in the hands of IS they can not use it as a weapon to hold back electricity or water, or can not destroy it to flood lots of land and wreaking havoc. According to the BBC the United States recently spent $27 million to shore up the dam.
If ISIS breached the dam, or if it somehow failed, it could send a 65-foot wave of water crashing into Mosul and floodwaters could reach as far as Baghdad. "A catastrophic failure of the Mosul Dam would result in flooding along the Tigris River all the way to Baghdad," a 2006 report from the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction warns. A failure of the Mosul Dam could kill 500,000 people. {International Business Times: Mosul Dam: Why The US Aided Kurdish Forces To Recapture Strategic Structure From ISIS}
I did not see the video, because I did not watch television companies which do not take notice of 'decency'. There has to be a certain decorum for bringing news. Respectability and 'dignity' should be on the agenda. I also have no urge to be presented with images of grotesque violence on a daily basis. Since the wars in Syria and Gaza this seems to be daily food.
Do the newspapers and television-stations remember that when they bring a portrait in view, the death person or the broken body of a child was someone’s son, someone’s brother, someone’s friend? Are they aware that in this world of modern technology, were so many people can be easily connected, there can be a high chance some family member may be confronted with a family member, even before he or she got the news from official sources?
Also Foley’s parents saw the latest awful images of their loved one. They were courageous to tell the world about their children, having had more worries about their two sons fighting as a soldier, than fearing for the one who was trying to bring news from both sites so that the world could get to know what really happened.

In a way IS cuts down the possibility to have her voice in the free world, because they themselves cut down the strings of free speech and make it that other journalists would not be eager to come to tell ISIS their story. IS also makes it that more and more they, but also the Islam, comes in a bad footlights.

At last in the UK some imams and the spokesman of the Islamic Woman Rights spoke out yesterday on the Breakfast show, telling the world that IS does everything against Islam and misuses the name of Allah. In many more countries Muslims should come to defend their faith. The imam also asked faithful Muslims to be aware that they could do much more for their faith in their own democratic counties where they also could vote for the right persons and have their voice heard much more than by going to fight in Syria. The IS militants and all Muslims should wonder what good it would do by threatening people with murder and rape to get them converting to the Muslim faith. Are they not aware that doing conversions under threat, like happened already in the past with Catholicism and Islam, got those religions infected with false teachings and pagan actions or heathen rites. In case they would like to have a pure faith they better would live according to their Holy Scriptures and try to convince others by their good example. violence is and always has been the wrong way to get somewhere and had always turn the ball against themselves like the boomerang always returns.

English: The hydroelectric power plant at Mosu...
The hydroelectric power plant at Mosul Dam with four surge tanks in background (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
By its actions IS also pushes the west in providing the Kurds with food and water-supplies but also with weapons. These weapons later can be used to make the Kurds stronger in getting their rights and invading Turkey and Syria to get their own state Kurdistan which they already should have had. At the moment the moment the Kurds are one of those people who are still not recognised in their own rights. They still are the largest ethnic group without a country of their own. When IS tries to put them in such corner that they shall have no other way to come out fighting their way to freedom, they shall see in that the opportunity to make an end to them having to live across the borders of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey and parts of the former Soviet Union. Their culture and identity have been oppressed by the regimes of the nations within which they live. Religion, language, culture and perhaps, most importantly, a common history of persecution tie together the more than 20 million Kurds worldwide. Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government says:
"I offer my condolences to Mr Foley’s family and the American people. They have lost a brave son who wanted to document the horrible aspects of war and conflict and shed light on their human costs."
The Prime Minister Barzani told yesterday (21 August 2014) the Christian leaders that international coalition is needed to defeat ISIS and made a plight of internally displaced people. Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi arrived in the Kurdistan Region to express his country’s support for the KRG and its fight against the terrorists.
The Kurdistan Regional Government would like to express its gratitude, appreciation, and indebtedness to President Barack Obama for taking the timely decision to provide airstrikes against the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) terrorist group that was killing, hunting, and terrifying innocent people in Kurdistan as well as Iraq's ancient minorities
  Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani yesterday welcomed Sweden’s Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, the European Union’s Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid Kristalina Georgieva, and a number of European Union officials to Kurdistan to review the current crisis. On Monday, President Barack Obama said the American operation has helped drive ISIS from strategic cities and infrastructure in northern Iraq, which apparently angered the Muslim militants. Today we see journalists trying to cover conflicts, having to face they being silenced by the ones who create the conflicts. The man in black, wielding a knife, on the video, asked God to cross the “cosmic reach of the universe” and soothe his family. The ISIS militant said:
“Any attempt by you, Obama, to deny Muslims liberty and safety under the Islamic caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people.”
Lots of Islam fundamentalists do not seem to see that in many Western countries lots of freedom is given to Muslims and other religious people, but that in those countries where there is worked on democracy, they try to have all people getting the free choice to have whatever religion they want to keep unto, or if they want to be an atheist to give them that freedom not to worship any god. In the war which is going on around the borders of Syria and Iraq it is clearly not about religion, because even brothers and sisters who have faith in Allah and use the Koran, are often not considered to be of the right faith. Like Obama points out:
“Their victims are overwhelmingly Muslim, and no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day.”
At last we can hear some more Muslim voices condemning what IS does. Muslims were among the first to lament Foley’s killing and have repeatedly condemned ISIS’ reign of terror in Iraq and Syria. They are victims, too, of the crimes committed in the name of Islam. Many have worked tirelessly to combat them. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, said in a video released in June:
“Do jihad in the cause of God, incite the believers and be patient in the face of this hardship.”
Abu Bakr al-BaghdadiAs Kurdish forces, called Peshmerga, were succeeding in halting ISIL’s advance through Kurdistan as well as in the Diyala province to the south, the ISIL commander Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, from the al-Bu Badri tribe, left his headquarters in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul around Aug. 10 and fled from Iraq to neighbouring Syria as Iraq and the United States intensified air strikes on IS positions. This leader indoctrinates the people telling them he is the wali (leader) who presides over them and who will bring the best of things to their life. “Caliph Ibrahim,” the name Baghdadi took when the group declared on June 29 a “caliphate,” a pan-Islamic state last seen in Ottoman times in which the leader is both political and religious, asks the people to let him know when he is doing wrong. But nobody would dare to being afraid to be killed. According to the Guardian, of all the prominent jihadi leaders, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis), is among the most mysterious and described by some as "the new Osama bin Laden". And his mystique – for now at least – has only been burnished by his group's capture of the city of Mosul. His words:
“If you see that I am wrong, advise me and put me on the right track, and obey me as long as I obey God.”
are just hollow phrases, because I would think he should have heard already enough from real honest Muslims who tried to show the world the truth of Islam. There is at least no mystery about what Baghdadi wants concerning an Islamic State. the way he wants to get those believes reality are going totally against Koranic believes.

It may be a good idea for many Muslims to be able to live in one state where they are free to do all that their belief demands. He therefore wants to bring the world's Muslims living under one Islamic state ruled by sharia law, the first step of which is establishing a caliphate spanning Syria and Iraq. After Al-Qaeda the western world may see again an Islamic warrior threatening free democratic principles. After the French military delivered heavy weapons, Kurdish Security Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen. Halgurd Hikmat said:
“We are still waiting for more weapons from our allies.”
As the west shall feel the need to provide such weapons to halt IS, they shall have to be aware they also give the opportunity of the Kurds to go on to fight for getting recognition and having their own state. A danger looming.

For sure the West certainly has to take care that Islamic youngsters may come to see and understand that in the West they also shall find enough chances to liberally fulfil their duties like Allah asks from them. A democratic system may give more equal rights to all sorts of people and all sorts of religions. In case their religion is the right one and other religious people would not be able to live under Allah, they should not fear if they keep to the Laws of Allah, because than they would be able to be safe. But when they are going to do things which endanger their acceptance for Allah they should be more careful, because they could be worse off than the irreligious. The religious leaders of the Islamic world should come out and let the world see their true face. If their will is to follow Allah the world should have nothing to fear and they will recognise the faithful by their words and deeds. But the unfaithful to God shall be unmasked. The imposters hall soon be imposed.

In the meantime the European Union is very clear: In the Statement by the Spokesperson on the murder of US journalist James Foley is said:
"We strongly condemn the outrageous murder of the US journalist James Foley by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. We express our sincere condolences to the family of this distinguished journalist, to his friends and colleagues. This brutal act, like the many other human rights violations which are perpetrated by the Islamic State, denies universally recognized values and rights, including the freedom of press for which Mr Foley had risked his life on several occasions. The EU will continue to promote the safety of journalists in the Middle-East and worldwide. Such forms of terrorism constitute one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. The EU is more committed than ever to support international efforts to fight terrorism, to combat human rights violations and to restore the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria. The EU will use all means at its disposal to contribute to this endeavour."
Kurdistan regional government The Kurdistan regional government emblems


Note:The Islamic State of Iraq (ISI)—also known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq or AQI—was the Iraqi division of the international Islamist militant organization al-Qaeda. Al-Baghdadi was announced as leader of the ISI on 16 May 2010, following the death of his predecessor Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in a raid the month before.


 Please find also to read:
  1. Religions and Mainliners
  2. Patriarch Abraham, Muslims, Christians and the son of God
  3. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #3 Of the earth or of God
  4. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #4 Mozaic and Noachide laws
  5. Mocking, Agitation and Religious Persecution
  6. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism
  7. Turkey a wolf in the sheep house of the European Union
  8. Migrants to the West #1
  9. Migrants to the West #2
  10. Migrants to the West #3
  11. Migrants to the West #4
  12. Migrants to the West #5
  13. Migrants to the West #6
  14. Catherine Ashton on the EU annual report on human rights
  15. Palestine, Israel, God’s people and democracy
  16. Gaza in Bible Prophecy
  17. Syrian capital facing total destruction in the coming months
  18. Brunei introducing a raft of tough sharia punishments
  19. Female Imams Blaze Trail Amid China's Muslims
  20. Religion, fundamentalism and murder
  21. Will Islam conquer europe
  22. Consequences of Breivik's mass murder
  23. Falling figures for identifying Christians
  24. American atheists most religiously literate Americans
  25. Muslim Grooming (Rape) Gangs and Sharia
  26. Forced marriage and Islam
  27. Abu Hamza is gone, but Britain is still a hotbed of radical hatred
  28. Zionism occupierAn Ex-Muslim’s Open Letter
  29. Facing disaster fatigue
  30. Fear of God reason to return to Holy Scriptures

Other websites to look at:

  1. Akakurdistan
  2. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: Islamic State's driving force
  3. Tag Archives: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
  4. ISIS Leader Calls For War
  5. ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, NSA Documents Reveal
  6. The Biography Of Sheikh Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi
  7. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: The Isis chief with the ambition to overtake al-Qaida
  8. James Foley 'beheaded': Isis video shows militant with British accent 'execute US journalist' – as hunt begins for killer
  9. James Foley and the daily horrors of the internet: think hard before clicking

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Chemical warsite and Pushing king of the South

Marcus Ampe, Andy Walton and Christadelphian World report

In Explosive situation in Egypt part of what was said in old times Marcus Ampe looked at the situation in Egypt, Syria and the developments in the Middle East which follow the outline predicted in the Holy Scriptures.

At the end of July Syria’s civil war had claimed over 100,000 lives, the UN announced on Thursday July 25 2013, after the number of deaths rose by more than 7,000 in just over a month.

Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General, used the announcement of the landmark death toll to appeal for new efforts to convene a peace conference to end the Syrian conflict that began with protests against President Bashar al-Assad in March 2011.

 “More than 100,000 people have been killed, millions of people have either been displaced or become refugees in neighbouring countries,” Mr Ban said.
 “We have to bring this to an end, the military and violent actions must be stopped by both parties and it is thus imperative to have a peace conference in Geneva as soon as possible.” 
The death toll was placed at 93,000 on June 13, with Thursday’s announcement marking a steep increase in the number casualties in recent weeks.

Both sides in the Syrian civil war have committed atrocities and both sides have misrepresented photos and falsified reports. But the burden appears to be on the government’s side.

Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF), which is above partisanship as well as devoted to saving lives, has reported that the hospitals it supports in Damascus have treated thousands of victims for neuro-toxicity. Their reports say that the symptoms are a result of the presence of Sarin gas.

Photo credit: AFP. A handout image released by the Syrian opposition's Shaam News Network shows bodies of children and adults laying on the ground as Syrian rebels claim they were killed in a toxic gas attack by pro-government forces in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus on August 21st 2013.

A doctor from Irbin and a volunteer from Douma said that it wasn't until the mosque loudspeakers repeatedly announced warnings of a gas attack and residents were told to keep all doors and windows closed that they realized what had happened. "I was familiar with the patients' symptoms from earlier attacks," doctor Abu Akram recounts from the emergency hospital in Irbin. "People are externally unharmed, but they are foaming at the mouth and trembling, and their heartbeat becomes weaker and weaker. It was only a few victims in the past, but this time it was hundreds. They were lying on the floors of the treatment rooms, in the corridors, everywhere, and more and more kept coming. One after another, the patients around us lost consciousness. We injected atropine," a drug used to counteract the effects of Sarin nerve gas, "until we ran out. Then we used hydrocortisone, and finally we dripped onion juice. Most were revived, but 73 people died."
- Spiegel Online International 
The world looks out for the reaction against the use of chemical weapons. An attack on Syria is now being planned by the US and its allies will be the ninth direct western military intervention in an Arab or Muslim country in 15 years.

The Syrian atrocity, where the death toll has been reported by opposition-linked sources at 322 but is likely to rise, was damned as a "moral obscenity" by US secretary of state John Kerry. The killings in Egypt, the vast majority of them of civilians, have been estimated at 1,295 over two days. But Barack Obama said the US wasn't "taking sides", while Kerry earlier claimed the army was "restoring democracy".

Hafez al-Assad. Taken sometime before April 1987.
Hafez al-Assad. Taken sometime before April 1987. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The latest massacres have suppressed hopes of unity and will encourage radicalism. Last month’s coup by the Egyptian army was supposed to have saved Egypt. The deposition of President Mohammed Morsi was, it was argued, the only way that the country could be saved from a vortex of political polarisation, repression and violence. US Secretary of State John Kerry – speaking, ironically, from Islamabad, the spiritual home of the popular coup – took this line, insisting that the army was “in effect, restoring democracy” and preventing a “descent into chaos”.

President Morsi became Egypt's first  ever democratically elected leader. But he has lasted only 18 months. The people have once again taken to the streets to remove him. This is people power. Obama promised freedom and democracy and human rights. But it has bought only violence, discontent and people wanting their rights above others. It is this godless spirit that Revelation 16 speaks about going forth from the kings of the world and infecting all the world – it  leads to Armageddon....

Events in Syria might well be reaching a conclusion with the chemical weapon attack this week.

The conflict in Syria will Not have a peaceful outcome. Assad has made gains in recent weeks and is in no mood to compromise with the rebels. Why should he when he has the support of Russia  - a nuclear super power?

In fact Assad’s comments the week of August the 5th speak of even greater trouble to come. He wants to crush his opponents with an “iron fist”. We know he has weapons to do this – chemical and biological. We also know he is not afraid to use them. Even this week there were reports of “toxic gas” wounding many in Damascus itself.

Syrian aleppo
A victim of an air strike by regime forces on Aleppo is carried away, on August 26 2013. 'Chemical weapons are far from being the greatest threat to Syria’s people. That is the war itself and the death and destruction that has engulfed the country.' Photograph: Abo Al-Nur Sadk/AFP/Getty Images

The Bible says that things will not end peacefully. In fact it clearly says that events in Syria will come to a sudden and dramatic end. It will culminate in the complete destruction of Damascus and the actual kingdom of Syria will cease to exist. We don’t know when this will happen – but we know it will – we keep watching….

Step by step Russia and America are being driven apart. This is God’s work. He said through his prophet Daniel over 2500 years ago that at the time of the end there would be a conflict between these two powers. Ezekiel 38 clearly identifies these powers as Russia on the one side and Britain and America (based in Saudi Arabia) on the other.

Over the last few years we have witnessed Russian / US disagreement over Iraq, Libya, Syria, Nato. Each time it gets worse. Now with this spy case they have even resorted to name calling! Obama said this week that Putin acted like a “bored kid” in their meetings. But much worse is to come. Events in Syria will be the final straw for Russia. When Syria is removed from being a power Russia will have been pushed too far. At that point (or shortly afterwards) Russia will descend into the Middle East….

July 21 - 27, 2013: Syria civil war death toll passes 100,000 people; Egypt crisis: 'Scores killed' at Cairo protest; Israel: considers 'serious territorial concessions'; Russia pushes ahead with arms shipments to Syria; Vladimir Putin dives to bottom of the sea in latest stunt; David Cameron: I'd like to export gay marriage

July 28 – August 3, 2013: Israel: The continuing conflict in the Middle East and focus on Jerusalem.; Europe:  Its developing union, both political and religious; Russia: Its return to anti-Western ways as Bible prophecy’s “king of the north.”; The UK and the US: Bible prophecy’s “king of the south.”; Moral standards in decline and violence on the increase; Increasing natural disasters: including earthquake, famine etc

August 4 - 10, 2013: Assad vows to stamp out 'terror' with iron fist; Sinai airstrike on militants in Egypt kills five; Obama cancels meeting with Putin over Snowden; US steps up drone strikes in Yemen
August 11 - 17, 2013: Cairo devastation day after Egypt violence; US-Egyptian relations on the rocks; Temperature records broken in Austria and Hungary

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
- Daniel 11:40

Please find also to read:
Guttering, choking, drowning  
Chemical warfare in Syria: who and why? 

Assad's Cold Calculation: The Poison Gas War on the Syrian People


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Temperatures rising

July 28 – August 3, 2013:

Temperatures in parts of China have hit record highs, prompting an emergency level-two nationwide heat alert for the first time. In Shanghai, at least 10 people have died from heatstroke, as the city experiences its hottest July in 140 years, reports say.
I call this Fire In The Sky. A sunrise from th...
I call this Fire In The Sky. A sunrise from the workshop at the Hotel Lafayette in downtown Buffalo, New York on January 8, 2008. Photo was captured at roughly 7:30 a.m. (EST). That morning was followed by a day of record temperatures with the highs reaching nearly 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius) despite it being in the dead of winter. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Local journalists have demonstrated the heat by frying meat on the pavement.

The national heat alert covers nine provinces, including Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Shanghai and Chongqing. According to figures from the Shanghai Meteorological bureau, Shanghai has seen 24 days with temperatures at or above 35C in July. "It should be a new record since Shanghai had its own weather recording," said chief service officer Wu Rui."Also, in July of this year Shanghai reached 40.6 degrees Celsius, its highest ever temperature. So the highest temperature in July also broke a record."

Temperatures have hit all-time highs in Austria and neighbouring Hungary as a stubborn heat wave nears the end of its second week.  Thursday's 40.5 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit Thursday eclipsed the previous record of 39.9 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) set just five days before. In Hungary, temperatures were fractionally lower at 40 C Thursday. Officials there have issued a heat warning, while some government ministries have relaxed dress codes. For men, that means ties and jackets can be left at home. For women, pantyhose is optional. Croatia sent two water-dropping planes to Bosnia earlier in the week to help battle wildfires set off by drought and sweltering heat that threatened several villages. A Russian aircraft was dispatched to fight blazes in Serbia. Temperatures also nearly broke records in Poland.

More temperatures reaching record highs in Europe in the last few weeks.
Global Temperature Map for Exoplanet HD 189733b
Global Temperature Map for Exoplanet HD 189733b (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Creation is groaning. Hardly a week goes by without some new record being broken in some part of the world. The hottest, the wettest, the driest etc.
Amazingly a BBC report out today links increasing temperatures to a rise in violence.
The report shows that shifts in climate are strongly linked to increases in violence around the world. US scientists found that even small changes in temperature or rainfall correlated with a rise in assaults, rapes and murders, as well as group conflicts and war! The team says with the current projected levels of climate change, the world is likely to become a more violent place. They show that weather influences behaviour. There are numerous instances of God controlling the weather to change events and bring about his plan and purpose. We are told the earth would be full of violence at the time Christ returned. The weather is contributing to this….

The world is heating up in more ways than one.
We see it physically heating up with temperatures rising around the world and breaking new records. But we also see it heating up in the Middle East.

The situation north and south of Israel is incredibly volatile and it might not take much for there to be conflict.

But are we looking for a time of peace or a time of war? I believe we are looking for a time of war. There is conflict coming not peace. Yes there will be talk of peace (there is at the moment)– there may even be a peace agreement – but it won’t be real peace. There is great conflict coming between Israel and Syria. It could start anytime. It will involve the inner ring of people’s around Israel leading to an even greater conflict….



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Monday 3 June 2013

Syria peace talks in doubt over 'credible partners'

Billboard with portrait of Assad and the text ...
Billboard with portrait of Assad and the text God protects Syria on the old city wall of Damascus 2006 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Peace talks in Geneva between Syria's warring parties are almost certain to be postponed after further diplomatic setbacks on Friday, as Russia announced its intention to ship more weaponry to the Assad regime. Heavy fighting continued on the ground in Syria, where it emerged that a British man and American woman had been killed, apparently while fighting with the rebels in Idlib, in the north, earlier this week.
The US and Russia had together conceived the Geneva talks between the Assad regime and the Syrian opposition, raising hopes that the two superpowers, long at odds over the civil war raging in the country, could at last make some progress in curbing the violence. But after the Syrian National Coalition leader George Sabra ruled out taking part while civilians were being killed and "in light of Hezbollah and Iran's militia's invasion of Syria", diplomats admitted that the talks would not take place in early June as scheduled.

A peace summit to try to resolve the situation in Syria was scheduled to take place on June 5th. However it is looking increasingly unlikely this will happen. Instead of finding diplomatic solutions both sides (Russia / Syria v UK / UK / Israel) are resorting to ever increasing arms shipments and military strikes. They cannot even agree who should attend this peace conference! Russia (and the UN!) want Iran there – America, Britain, Saudi Arabia refuse to allow Iran to attend. Many reports are saying that a failure to convene the Geneva meeting within weeks could see the escalation into war.
This conflict in Syria is lining up the nations ready for Ezekiel 38 to take place. We may not have long to wait to see many prophecies in relation to Syria being fulfilled. And like a domino falling over it will set in place a chain of events that will lead to Armageddon...
- Andy Walton
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. The nations are perplexed – this means no way out – no answers….
Luke 21:25

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