Showing posts with label trinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trinity. Show all posts

Friday 26 July 2019

Gospel of Thomas and Nature of Jesus

Jesus  Christ his original name was Jeshua ben Joseph. He was born in a Essene family and as such as a devout Jew he only worshipped the Only One True God of Israel, the God of Abraham Who is a singular eternal Spirit Being no man can see.

Throughout the times we can see Jews also at times came to worship several gods. At that time - Moses had to fight with that fact already and Jesus encountered it again. For Jesus it was clear that there is Only One True God, and that it was not him, but the one Who is greater than him and without Him Jesus can do nothing..

It is strange to find Jesus being aware of the plans for his future. So in the Gospel of Thomas Jesus is having a slap against Trinitarian doctrine, declaring that a doctrine of 3 gods is polytheistic if one understands that each of the gods is a separate god. Thus there is only one true God

(30) Jesus said, "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him."
Translated by Thomas O. Lambdin (from Coptic)

(30) Jesus said "Where there are three, they are without God, and where there is only one, I say, I am with that one."
Translated by Marvin Meyer (from Greek)

Jesus has always been with that One God of Israel Who is One, and not two or three.
Jesus is denouncing the idea of trinity, whether that be 3 in 1 or three separate beings.
To Jesus, for whom there is only One, denounces a cluster of three gods, also known as a trinity of gods.
This teaches us that the Father is the Undivided One, the Deity he is not divided into 3 persons.
Lots of Trinitarians argue with the first phrases of John's Gospel that Jesus would be God. Though they forget there is spoken about a word and The Word, the Speaking of God. 

The 'Word" appearing in flesh does not mean that Jesus was part of the trinity or an angel in heaven before he was born. First of all taht word becoming in the flesh gives us to understand taht what God spoke in the Garden of Edne had become a reality. For the apostle John it was very clear that his master teacher Jeshua (Jesus Christ) was that promised one who would break the curse of death.
Secondly, “to appear” means to look at behold, to allow one’s self to be seen, Jesus was in the world but the world did not know him until he made his appearance on the world stage, when he was about 30 years old.

It was the word that became flesh when Jesus says 
"I appeared in the flesh"
The Logos or word, which is identical with Theos or Deity, now Theos was the Logos, that is Deity and was the word having become flesh. This is Deity manifested in flesh. Jesus came from the seed of David according to the flesh that is in the sameness of sinful flesh but being the son of God his character was clean so he was without sin (that is transgression of God's law) but we may not forget he had the sinful nature and as such could be tempted and could sin. (Remember also that God can not be tempted and can not sin.)

From the Messianic Writings we come to know that it is in the sinless man of flesh and blood, who did not do his own will, but managed always to do God His Will that God condemned sin in the flesh when Jesus was made sin for us, for it was in the flesh of Jesus that God condemned sin in the flesh and killed the one who has the power of death that is the devil which is our own desires and when desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

In the Gospel of Thomas it is said
(101) Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to Me. And whoever does [not] love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a [disciple] to Me. For My mother [gave me falsehood], but [My] true [Mother] gave me life."
For My birth mother [gave me death], but [My] true [Mother] gave me life."
Jesus birth mother (Miryam/Miriam/Mary/Maria) could only give him death or falsehood which we understand to be sin in the flesh. But his true mother give him life and as such the promised one by God, came into being only some 2 millennia ago (and not earlier). 

According to this physical law, the Seed of the woman spoken about in the Garden of Eden,  was born into the world from a woman of flesh and blood who also had a sinful nature. The nature of Mary was as unclean as that of other women; and therefore could give birth only to "a body" like her own, though especially "prepared of God" (Heb. 10:5).
Had Mary's nature been immaculate, as some claim, an immaculate body would have been born of her; which, therefore, would not have answered the purpose of God; which was to condemn sin in the flesh; a thing that could not have been accomplished, if there were no sin there.

This view of sin in the flesh is enlightening in the things concerning Jesus. The apostle says,

 "God made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin" (2 Cor. 5:21);
and this he explains in another place by saying, that
 "He sent his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh" (Rom. 8:3)
 in the offering of his body once (Heb. 10:10,12,14).

Far too many people forget that Jesus is the sent one from God who came to declare God and showing the world that he is the Way to God.

In case Jesus would not have the nature of man or when he would be God, we would not have anything of the then fraudulent actions, like his so called death, because God can not die. Then we would also have nothing with his so called resurrection, because when Jesus would be God than we still have no proof that man can step out of the dead.

Sin could also not have been condemned in the body of Jesus, if it had not existed there. Therefore Jesus had not to be God, but had to be a man of flesh and blood, able to sin and able to fail as well able to have a free choice to do as he wanted to do or to follow (and putting his own will aside) his heavenly Father, the Only One true God.

Jesus his body was as unclean as the bodies of those for whom he died; for he was born of a woman, and "not one" can bring a clean body out of a defiled body; for "that", says Jesus himself,
 "which is born of the flesh is flesh" (John 3:6).


Find also to read:

Looking at what the Gospel of Thomas Teaches

Friday 22 June 2018

For those who do everything to stop the work of Christadelphians

In this godless world we do find lots of people who try to get people away from their faith in the only One True God. The majority of the people who are against Christadelpians are people who call themselves Christian. They tell all sort of lies about the founding fathers of the Christadelphians and mostly have no idea how they wanted to be seen in a movement which was to follow Christ and not as such an other human person. What disturbs them so much is that Christadelphians do not worship a triune godhead or the Trinity. This makes them so cross that they find they can use all sort of means to get the Christadelphians or Brothers in Christ, out of the picture. Though the Christadelphians are not the only one they fight against. The other even more well-known denomination is the Jehovah's Witnesses, which they hate even more.

Looking at those people who fight against the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) and the Christadelphians (Cd) is that they really go against the Only One True God Who is One. In reality their action can be more seen as a fight against Jehovah the God of gods Himself and against Jehovah and the organisations He uses on this earth.

What they also do not seem to understand properly is how the JW and Cd are structures or not structured and how they organise their meetings or worship services. For the JW it is more clear for them how the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society directs everything. For the Cd they also think there is a general governing body like the Governing Body of the JW. But then they see some differences in the several groups and claim than those groups are not following John Thomas or are having their own weird teachings. Looking at their discussions about those teaching we mostly see that they did not take the effort to really look in detail to the teachings of the Christadelphians, and continue to build their fantasies on sayings from other trinitarian denominations who wrote untrue things of the Christadelphians.

It is clear that their agenda is not only to destroy those non-trinitarian denominations, but that they really want to try every one away from the Only One True God Who is an unseen eternal Spirit. Because they want to get every body to believe in their Trinity and to their denomination, we can say that their aim is really to work against Jehovah's followers and therefore it can be said that they are anti-Jehovah.
They may call us the anti-christ, but it are more them that are the Anti-Christ, spoken about in Scriptures.

Please do find out more  about how can be reacted against those who do not love God, nor His people and find also some ways to look at several Christian denominations  and how we should look at the Bible, the book of books that should be our Guide and Anchor. On the new site is shown how we should trust the bible more than those sites which cling to human doctrines.

Please find > Unmasking anti Jehovah sites and people


Friday 30 December 2016

Immanuel looking at Jewish and Christian visions

On the 30th of November a "Lastige Vragensteller" or "Troublesome Asker or Inquirer" started placing his questions and responses on WordPress. Questiontime-Vragenuurtje has already touched some controversial subjects. Querrying about this world – Deze wereld bevragend, you may find articles in English as well as in Dutch. In the articles is being looked at writings from Muslim, Christian and Jewish teachers and are those teachings from the different groups compared. Being a site for people from the Muslim community you may think it would not be interesting for Christians; Though they better look at those writing which can shed a light on what is wrong in the teachings of Muslims but also on what is wrong in the teachings of many Christian groups.

A few days later, just before the celebrations of Chanukah, Immanuel Verbondskind started a blog with similar intentions, showing the world where Jews, Christians and eventually also Muslims have different groups who often go wrong in their teachings because they are not keeping to what is really written in what they call their Holy Scriptures.

For the "Tiresome Questioner" and "Immanuel Verbondskind" it should be clear that man has to keep to the Given Word of the Most High Almighty God of gods. Both recognise that this world has many gods but that there is only One True God to Whom all people should come. It is That Almighty Elohim, they say, Who is expecting mankind to come back to Him in a restored relationship.

On both sites shall be looked at religions where their members say that they are monotheists, like the Christians say so, though lots of them worship a Trinity, and as such worshipping three gods.

For both of them it is clear that man may have drifted from the truth because they do not read the Word of God. We have to find it again. It is also the task of lovers of God to show others that Word of God and the Truth. For that reason I also want to invite you to have a look at both new sites and to thing about the material presented over there.

It might well be that you do not belong to a religious groups similar to that one of the writers,but let it not hold you back to enjoy their writing and to react there where you think it is necessary.

Only started on the 23rd of December you may already find following articles

Wednesday 6 July 2016

For Getting to know Jesus

The three new websites are there on the net to bring people closer to the promised one who brings salvation for those who want to accept him and believe that he is the send one from God, the Kristos or Christ, the Messiah long awaited.

Because today there are still lots of people who do not want to accept what Jesus really says and really has done. They keep saying it was impossible for a man to do such thing as Jesus did. By saying so they nullify the act of Jesus and create a position where God could be thought of as a cruel God Who created human beings and imposed on them a Law which He knew they would never be able to keep.

We may not forget what happened in the Garden of Eden and how God provided a plan offering mankind a Redeemer.

On the newly created site "The human Jesus" Xavier Carlos Jimenez writes
 The first we are aware of this is at Genesis 3:15, where we see the seed of the woman, that is a descendant of Eve, is the future Messiah. Jesus Christ is prophesied throughout the OT, but does not come into existence until the NT where his birth was foretold by the angel Gabriel to Mary (Luke 1:26-38).
In the knowledge that God is an eternal Spirit, having no beginning (no birth) and no end (cannot die) much more Christians should wonder who they praise and Who they should worship. We also know from the Biblical account that the Nazarene man Jeshua was going to be called a god, a special some one. though never was it the intention to have him being called the god son.
In Luke 1:32-33 Gabriel says,
“He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father, David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever, and his Kingdom will never end” (cp. 1Chron 17:10-14).
Through a biological miracle God procreated Jesus in the womb of Mary, who was a virgin. “For this reason alone”, and no other, Jesus became the Son of God, descendant of King David of the tribe of Judah through Mary (Luke 1.35).
We should remember that it was only some two millennia ago that Jesus became an existing being on this earth. Before that he may have been written down in the books of life and death, but he did not exit yet as a real person. Already before Abraham was born he was in God's head, like Abraham, Isaac but also we are already in God's head and in those books. It was only after the prophet Mica and earlier prophets of the Hebrew writings that the send one from God became a reality in the flesh.

At the time of Joseph and Mary.
This was the moment when Jesus was begotten, that is, brought into existence. There is no pre-existence of Jesus Christ, and it is when we become aware of this fact through our prayerful study of Holy Scripture that we really get to know him as the human being that he was and remains.
Too many who call themselves Christian never read the whole Scripture (Old and New Testament) and often they only read some passages with their doctrinal glasses on.

Let yourself not being carried away by human doctrines but listen to the proper words of the Holy Scriptures. Read what is really written there. when there is written "son of God" do not read "god the son" or do not think "God" but think "Jesus" or just what is written their "son of God".
Knowing the truth about who is Jesus, we begin to see him in a whole new light. The scriptures open up to us more fully and we see how the prophesies in the OT are brought clearly into focus in the NT through the Good News of the Kingdom of God. We see our future as heirs ruling with Jesus in the Kingdom on earth, and we are humbled to think of such a privilege to be with our King. It is when we understand the true nature of Jesus Christ, that he is a man, and not a pre-existent God or part of a trinity, that we can really get to know him as our brother.
“For there is one God and one mediator between God and humanity, Christ Jesus, himself human” (1 Tim 2:5).

Preceding articles:

Focussing on the man Jesus and the relationship with God

Having now three different websites focussing on the man Jesus and his relationship with God we only can hope more people shall come to listen to the very challenging things Jesus said.

Hopefully those Christians who take Jesus as their god will consider those words Jesus spoke like
“on that day” (Matthew 7:22),
i.e., the day of judgement. Jesus speaks of those who will come before him, but to some of them he will say,
 “Depart from me; I never knew you” (verse 23).
 These will be among the
 “many (who) will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name … and do many mighty works in your name?” 
In Christendom we can see many  who try to build mega churches and attract lots of people by laying of hands and claiming to do miracles in the name of God, though “works” does not necessarily mean, perform miracles, and his reference to those who prophecy, we should not think of him as meaning those who have some gift to foretell the future.

It is God Who calls people, but it is the way how they react to God's call which shall be important. We also should be aware that when people hear about Jesus and his heavenly Father they shall come to make decisions. How and why they take them shall be important for God and on the final day of judgement.

Those who Jesus tells to depart are described as “workers of lawlessness”, the ones who are “outside” excluded from a place in God’s “city” because their names were not found in “the book of life” (20:12). them who did things which are not acceptable for God, perhaps wanting to keep to human traditions, participating to heathen rituals and preferring to be popular, i.e. being of this world, instead of becoming a child of God belonging to the world of Christ.

You may wonder when a person does not want to accept the words Jesus speaks, like saying the Father is greater than him, how they sincerely can be called a follower of Christ when they keep holding fast to human traditions and human doctrines like the trinity, worshipping a three-headed god instead worshipping the Only One True God.

How can they who consider Jesus to be God build up a proper relationship with Jesus, when they keep ignoring that Jesus did not do his own will and demands from us to do the same, coming in unity with his heavenly Father like Jesus is one with God

We must make sure we have developed a really strong and committed relationship to and with Christ – only then will we be able to “conquer” our human nature and become more and more like our Saviour. Let us remember what we read last week in Revelation 21:7
 “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son” – then “on that day” he will declare “I … knew you”.

Monday 20 June 2016

1691 years ago on June the 20th in 325

1691 years ago, on June the 20th in 325, the Roman Emperor Constantine I got the clergy into his hands and got them to accept the Roman Greek idea of multiple headed gods. Zeus had to be the upper god and rabbi Jeshua was allowed to be his equal when his name became changed to "Issou" or "Hail Zeus" today in english "Jesus".

At the First Council of Nicaea, which was the first ecumenical council of the Church, the disagreements arising from within the Church of Alexandria over the nature of the Son in his relationship to the Father was so called solved by making him part of a godhead, existing further of  a God the Father and a God the Holy Spirit.

Also for the 14th of Nisan was decided to take the pagan celebration of Estra/Eostra as the mid year festival for fertility, instead of celebrating it in the first month of the year (Nisan) on the day Jeshua with his fellow Jews prepared for the remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt.


Monday 2 May 2016

Afraid to see the man of the heavens opened

Icon of St. Athanasius of Alexandria
Icon of St. Athanasius of Alexandria (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When Stephen had to come before the High Priest and the religious leaders after he had been arrested and charged made against him because he never ceased to speak words against the holy place and the law …” (Acts 6:13) he was not afraid to tell about the truth and what we should believe.

Still today lots of Christians are afraid to accept what Jesus told about himself and his heavenly Father. They prefer to continue in the thought of the early Christian leader Athanasius who many years after the disciples of Christ castrated their ideas.

Looking at Stephen his process we may find comparisons in more recent centuries with the persecution and killing of those who spoke to expose the false teachings the churches developed about humans having an immortal soul and the teaching of the Trinity, a word foreign to Scripture. It was Athanasius, who is celebrated in many Christian communities today as a saint, who in various writings defended the teaching that the Son and the Holy Spirit were of equal divinity with God the Father and so shared a three-fold being. (See Athanasian Creed)

Stephen was one of those men who was not afraid to give a reply and gives those gathered around him, a long history lesson of all the follies of belief and actions in the past and how God worked through faithful men to fulfil his purpose.

Like him we should show others how God has sent a man to the world to declare the Works of God. But this son of man who is the son of God was killed like other prophets, who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, were persecuted and killed. (Acts 7:52).

Like today we can see that mots people think only about themselves and want to have all the advantages the world has to offer, and as such exclude the world of God, the reaction of the accusers of Stephen was totally human, totally self-centred! Their minds were blind to the ways of God.

The Holy Spirit gave Stephen a vision of “… the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And he said,
 ‘Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God’” (verses 55,56).
How long before we see such a vision – and then realize it is more than a vision: it is reality – and the words of the two angels to the astonished disciples we read in Acts 1 come true,
 “This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven” (verse 11).
Our minds cannot comprehend this event, yet it will happen, over 200 scripture passages testify to this.

Finally look at what we read on April the 27th, in chapter 3 and Peter’s testimony about the return of Jesus,
 “whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago” (Acts 3:21).

Stephen and his friends did believe in the man he had followed and which we also should follow and believe, because only by accepting who he is and what he did we shall be able to come under the grace of salvation.
“For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life”.
For the Gentiles God offered also a solution to become children of God, becoming part of the people of God who may enter the Kingdom of God. for being able to come under that blessing they only have to accept this sent one from God, who is the son of God. He gave his life as a lamb but was taken out of the dead as an example for what can happen to us. His resurrection is there to look at as our liberation out of death and the Way to a new life for us all. We should be pleased to find him now sitting at the right hand of God, being a mediator between God and man. His intercession for us even now before the throne of God The Father should convince us of his importance for us and how heavens are opened for us.

Dare to step away from the false teaching of a three-headed god and come to the same believe as St. Stephen and the early followers of the Nazarene teacher Jeshua, the son of man and son of David who, when the heavens opened up above him after his baptism, God declared to be His only begotten beloved son.

During May we will start reading the heart-stirring prophecies God gave through Isaiah – some of these will enable us, in a spiritual sense, to “see the heavens opened”. How long now before we literally see this?

Preceding article: It happened on May 2nd 295


Tuesday 2 February 2016

Jewish and Christian traditions of elders

How can a Christian book possibly write":
"nowhere in the old testament is there one single word about 'GOD, THE FATHER,' and yet, that phrase dominates the New Testament and Christs teachings."
Also strange to find written
Christ also, according to scientists who were finally able to extract blood from the shroud of Turin, had AB negative blood which is stated to be the original blood of humans, on the planet.  
Michael A. Hoffman II was educated at the University of New York and is a former reporter for the New York Bureau of the Associated Press. He is the author of several books, including the well known, Judaism's Strange in which we may find very strange remarks.
According to  but being based on the "Oral Law.".
He says
The New Testament speaks of this as the "traditions of the elders." Jesus Christ denounced and condemned the "traditions of the elders" in the Gospel of John Chapter 5 and in the Gospel of Mark Chapter 7.
It is known that the rabbis teach that the revelation granted to Moses had been delivered in two forms, a smaller revelation in writing, and the larger one kept oral.
The rabbis claim that the so-called "oral revelation" had been transmitted by the leaders of each generation to their successors — by Moses to Joshua; and then to the elders; to the prophets; to the men of the Sanhedrin; to the leaders of the Pharisees; and finally to the earliest rabbis who saw themselves as heirs of the Pharisees.
It is because having so much accent been given to the oral tradition that lots of human doctrines entered mankind's teaching. Also in Christendom we can find such an evolution, having lots of people preferring to follow the human doctrines instead of the Biblical doctrines.

According to Michael A. Hoffman the oral tradition of the Jews is not consonant with the Old Testament. He says

The spurious claim of an "oral tradition of the elders" bequeathed by God to Moses is anti-Biblical, just as Jesus asserted. Christ very simply illuminated the fact that if the Pharisees' tradition had indeed been from Moses, then they would have become Christians. For Christ rebuked them saying, "Had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe My words?"
Here Jesus annihilated in one stroke the basis for the religion of Judaism and its conceit of an oral tradition given to it by Moses. For had such a tradition existed it would have testified of Jesus the Messiah. Instead, Christ tells them point blank that they don't follow Moses!

We must be aware that in Judaism as in Christendom we do have the same problem that many do not know their Holy Scriptures. Michael A. Hoffman says:
 When presenting Old Testament proofs of the Messiahship of Jesus to the rabbis and their followers - one must penetrate the iron-clad grid of the Talmudic mind-set which according to Christ’s assertion makes the Scriptures "of none effect."
From the outset, the Christian must realize that the rabbis and their followers do not know their own Scriptures, and for that matter, do not care to know them. For they view the Talmud as superceding the Scriptures. Much patience is required when bringing the Gospel message to them, and perhaps at times, stern reproofs are necessary.

The same as we do have to have much patience to try to convince those who call themselves Christian we do need lots of time to bring Jews to come to see what it is about the Messiah and why Jesus really can be seen as that promised sent one from God

We do not agree with those people who say Jews have their own God and Muslims have their own God. It is very easy to come with such accusation as excuse for promoting their own teachings which are often also based more on human or church doctrines instead of Biblical doctrines.

Unlike the writer of the boos says, the main tenet of Judaism is not Jewish self-worship. Judaism has not as its "god," another God than the one of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We can more say that lots of Christians do have an other god than the God Who is worshipped by the Jewish people. The People of God never worshipped a trintiarian god. They all knew and know very well that there is only One true God of gods according to the infallible Word of God.

for the author Jewish self-worship is at the core of the Talmud.
The secularist amongst them shares in this self-worship. For the Talmud teaches that the Gentile is a lower form of humanity.
 Michael A. Hoffman says.
He also finds that the Talmud blasphemes Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.
Tractate Sanhedrin 106a says that Jesus’ mother was a harlot: "She who was a descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in Tractate Shabbath 104b of the Talmud, it is stated: "Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men."
As regard the Talmud's treatment of Jesus Christ, Tractates Sanhedrin 107b and Sotah 47a say: "Jesus was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone and brick, was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent." And even a more vile blasphemy is written in Tractate Gitten 57: "Jesus is in hell, being boiled in hot excrement."
 The Jews know that in the Scriptures is written that Jesus was three days in hell, something lots of Christians do seem to overlook. But naturally the sheol or hell from the bible is not such a place of torment as many Christians and Muslims understand it. there does not exist a place of hellfire where people would be tortured for ever. The Creator God is not such an awful sadistic Being which would enjoy such torment for His creatures. For Him when a person dies he or she has paid for his or her sins and everything ends with it.

Michael A. Hoffman is totally wrong in saying:
Christians must understand that the religion of Judaism is anti-Biblical. The true religion of the God of Israel is Christianity not Judaism. Judaism is simply a perversion of God’s original revelation to the Hebrew nation. It is the very religion of nullification of the Old Testament.
All Christians should know that the Jews are God His chosen people. They always shall have a preferred place in God's Plan. The heathen or gentiles may not expect that they would get a higher place than the Jews. they should be happy that , when they agree to follow Christ Jesus, have their sins washed away by baptism, can also enter the Kingdom of God, when from their conversion onwards they are willing to follow the commandments of Christ and the commandments of God.

Mr Hoffman with so many Christians do seem to forget that whatever happens God shall keep His promises He made centuries ago to Abraham. The seed of Abraham is in first instance the Jewish people and in second instance those who have become the new children of the patriarch Abraham, the reborn people in Christ or the Christians then new sons of Abraham


Please also do find to read:
  1. Bible Word of God, inspired and infallible
  2. God-breathed prophetic words written torah and the mitzvot to teach us
  3. The very very beginning 2 The Word and words
  4. Creator and Blogger God 7 A Blog of a Book 1 Believing the Blogger
  5. Missional hermeneutics 1/5
  6. Missional hermeneutics 2/5
  7. Missional hermeneutics 3/5
  8. Missional hermeneutics 4/5
  9. Missional hermeneutics 5/5 
  10. Jesus begotten Son of God #3 Messiah or Anointed one
  11. Jesus’ answers about our Creator
  12. Believing what Jesus says
  13. Many forgot how Christ should be our anchor and our focus 
  14. Not bounded by labels but liberated in Christ
  15.  Our relationship with God, Jesus and with each other
  16. People are turning their back on Christianity
  17.  Manifests for believers #5 Christian Union
  18. Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man
  19. Necessity of a revelation of creation 3 Getting understanding by Word of God 1
  20. Necessity of a revelation of creation 4 Getting understanding by Word of God 2
  21. Religion and spirituality
  22. Faith related boycotts
  23. Built on or Belonging to Jewish tradition #4 Mozaic and Noachide laws
  24. After the Sabbath after Passover, the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  25. Disobedient man and God’s promises
  26. Position and power
  27. Truth, doubt or blindness
  28. Being Religious and Spiritual 1 Immateriality and Spiritual experience
  29. Statutes given unto us 
  30. Why is it that Christians don’t understand Muslims and Muslims do not understand Christians? 
  31. Luther’s misunderstanding
  32. January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works
  33. Our life depending on faith
  34. Romans 4 and the Sacraments
  35. Is Justification a process?
  36. Letter to the Romans, chapter 3
  37. Letter to the Romans, chapter 4
  38. Additional comments to the 3rd Letter to the Romans
  39. Additional comments to the Letter to the Romans 4
  40. Comments to James remarks about Faith and works
  41. A god who gave his people commandments and laws he knew they never could keep to it
  42. Necessity of a revelation of creation 8 By no means unintelligible or mysterious to people
  43. Creation of the earth and man #8 Of the Sabbath day #6 If it be necessary to keep Sunday
  44. Were Gentiles excluded from entering the synagogue?
  45. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  46. Belonging to or being judged by
  47. Israeli leaders delight in Europe’s cruelty toward refugees
  48. Daring to speak in multicultural environment
  49. A Synod to speak freely and to listen without reservations