Tuesday 29 June 2010

Focus on Jehovah's Witnesses

Restoration Light Pages about the Jehovah Witnesses. Examing "Jehovah's Witnesses" Teachings and Organization.

Jesus and His God

Devoted to the defense of the “Hebraic background” explanation of the relationship of the Father and the Son, as opposed to Trinitarian, Oneness, Modalist and traditional Unitarian theories.

Focus on Charles Taze Russell

Focus on the Biblestudent Russell who was not the founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, nor did ever believe in such an authoritarian organization.

Creation and the Bible

Restoration Light Studies resource site concerning creation, the Bible, evolution, etc.

God, Creation and the Bible Hope

Ronald Day's site concerning Biblical creation, salvation, and various other related matters.

The Only True God is Not a Trinity

Multiply Group for non-Trinitarians.

Hoop tot Leven Redding door Christus Jezus

Pagina van Marcus Ampe voor diegenen die met moeilijkheden zitten en een uitweg zoeken.

Monday 28 June 2010

Bijbelvorsers Webs

Men heeft verscheidene Bijbelonderzoekers met elk hun eigen verschillende geloofspuntjes, maar er loopt wel een algemene draad door die bij elke ernstige Bijbelstudent terug te vinden is.

Belgian Christadelphians - Belgische Christadelphians

Hoofd Website van de Belgische Broeders in Christus of Christadelphians te België.
Main Website of the Belgian Christadelphians or Flemish Brethren in Christ.

Freewebs Groups - Non Trinitarian Christians


WebRing voor Niet Trinitarische Christenen.