Sunday 30 May 2010

Was Jesus Religious

Jesus showed an adamant indifference to dogmas, systems, priestly sacrifices, altars with emphasis on outward forms - including fasting and the sabbath, which were part of the law of Moses.

It is noteworthy that while Paul referred to his life as a Pharisee as “the strictest sect of our religion,” he never refers to his faith in Christ as religion. While he at least once referred to pagans as religious, he never describes Christians that way. No writer of the New Testament even hints of Jesus introducing a new religion.

> Read >

Saturday 29 May 2010

The Divine name of the Creator

The Name of the Creator.
Do you know him?

Look at the comparison.

The NIV Leaving out the Divine Name of God for monetary reasons.

Brief introduction to translator preferences to the interpretation and use of the "Divine Name" (JWHW/YHWH) and, or use of surrogates within the Hebrew Bible, and Christian Greek Scriptures. New World Translation NWT, New International Version NIV Comparison.

Friday 28 May 2010

Weekly World Watch 9th - 22nd May 2010‏


In this weeks WWW

A new coalition with the Liberals in the UK. What does this mean?
Israel's peace talks continue
The oil spill - a perplexing problem...
Why believe in God now scientists have supposedly created artificial life?!

Victory in rebirth

To be able to share in the victory that Jesus brought for us we must have our 'old man', that in Adam is, being killed and become an entire 'new man' in Christ.

Jezus describes this as 'rebirth', for no other image will in state to describe sufficiently this radical renewal .  And that rebirth is something that we our selfs shall have to bring till position.  In such a way we may count for it on Christ' help: we our self are  the only ones that can take this decision, and take action to fulfil it.  From now on our fight against the sin is against the temptation back now to turn till our old man.  Only when we persevere the victory has been promised, because the sin is robbed of its power.  And then is there also no power in the world, of whichever nature, that  would be able to separate us of Christ, and for which we thus yet would have to need fear.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie> Overwinnen in wedergeboorte

Overwinnen in wedergeboorte

Om te kunnen delen in de overwinning die Jezus voor ons heeft gebracht moeten wij onze ‘oude mens’, die in Adam is, doden en een geheel ‘nieuwe mens’ in Christus worden.
Jezus beschrijft dat als een ‘wedergeboorte’, want geen enkel ander beeld zou in staat zijn deze radicale vernieuwing afdoende te beschrijven. En die wedergeboorte is iets dat wijzelf tot stand moeten brengen. Ook al mogen wij daarbij rekenen op Christus’ hulp: wijzelf zijn de enige die deze beslissing kunnen nemen, en hem ook uitvoeren. En van nu af is onze strijd tegen de zonde een strijd tegen de verleiding terug te keren tot onze oude mens. Maar wanneer wij volharden is de overwinning ons toegezegd, want dan is de zonde van zijn kracht beroofd. En dan is er ook geen macht ter wereld, van welke aard ook, die ons zou kunnen scheiden van Christus, en waarvoor wij dus nog angst zouden hoeven te hebben.

Engelse versie / English version > Victory in rebirth