Tuesday 3 March 2009

1,147 miljard rooms-katholieken


BRUSSEL (KerkNet/RadVat/Metro/Belga) – In 2007 waren 1,147 miljard mensen of ongeveer 17,3 procent van de wereldbevolking rooms-katholiek. In 2006 waren er wereldwijd 1,13 miljard katholieken. Dat blijkt uit het pas gepubliceerde Vaticaanse Jaarboek, dat gisteren zaterdag werd voorgesteld. Het ‘Annuario Pontificio’ biedt een statistisch overzicht en een analyse van de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen in de rooms-katholieke Kerk. Het aantal katholieke doopsels steeg met 1,4%, iets meer dan de aangroei van de wereldbevolking met 1,1%. Ook het aantal priesters blijft toenemen. De groei daarvan is het sterkst in Afrika en Azië, met een aangroei van 27,6 en respectievelijk 21,2 procent. In Europa en Oceanië daalde hun aantal met respectievelijk 6,8 en 5,5%. Wereldwijd steeg het aantal priesters van 405.178 in 2000 naar 408.024 in 2007.


Ontmoeting Pauselijke Raad voor Interreligieuze Dialoog en de Al-Azharuniversiteit


Overleg van christenen en moslims in ons land (oktober 2008)

Overleg van christenen en moslims in ons land (oktober 2008) Bron: Kerknet

BRUSSEL (KerkNet/VIS/RadVat/Kathpress) – Christelijke en islamitische leiders klaagden na een twee dagen durende ontmoeting in Rome het misbruik van godsdienst als rechtvaardiging voor fanatisme en geweld aan. De ontmoeting vond plaats op initiatief van de Pauselijke Raad voor Interreligieuze Dialoog en de Al-Azharuniversiteit in Cairo, een van de belangrijkste islamitische onderwijsinstellingen wereldwijd. De slotverklaring roept religieuze leiders op zich voor een ‘cultuur van vrede’ in te zetten. Die moet in alle levensdomeinen doordringen. De politieke leiders in het Midden-Oosten wordt op het hart gedrukt hun conflicten via dialoog en met respect voor het internationaal recht op te lossen.


Onvergevendheid ... houdt je in een zonde syndroom

Onvergevendheid ... houdt je in een zonde syndroom ...
En hoewel God jou heeft vergeven ... je bent niet vrij,
... Omdat u de zonde van anderen behoudt ...
... En daardoor jezelf bindt !

Weest dus barmhartig, zoals ook uw Vader barmhartig is.
Oordeel niet, en gij zult niet worden beoordeeld: veroordeel niet,
en gij zult niet worden veroordeeld: vergeef, en gij zult vergeven worden:
Geef, en het zal aan u gegeven worden; voor de maat die gij gebruikt ...
--- Lukas 6:36-38

Vergeef en u zal worden vergeven

Unforgiveness … keeps you in a sin syndrome

Unforgiveness … keeps you in a sin syndrome …
And although God has forgiven you … you are not free,
… because you are retaining the sin of others …
… and thereby binding yourself!

Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
Judge not, and ye shall not be judged:
condemn not,
and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure …
Luke 6:36-38

Forgive and you will be forgiven

Free Of Thorns

Free Of Thorns

We desire God's Word to grow on the fertile ground of our heart 

In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:3-8), Jesus told about a farmer who scattered seed on four different types of soil: packed, shallow, thorny, and fertile.  In this parable, the seed refers to the Word of God and the soil refers to those who hear the Word.

Those of packed soil have hearts which are so hard that they immediately turn away.  Those of shallow soil may quickly germinate and grow, but they also quickly lose interest and die.  Most of us reading this type of message fall into one of the last two types of soil.  We desire God's Word to grow on the fertile ground of our heart and produce a bountiful crop, but we seem to continually battle the thorns.

Matthew 13:22
"The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the Word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful."

We have more opportunity to receive God's Word today than any other time in history.  We can hear good preaching in church, on radio, on tape, or even over the internet.  We can read God's Word in a variety of translations and receive an abundance of help with interpretation.  Our soil is definitely receiving seed.  But the challenge is to keep our lives free of the distractions which hinder growth.

Here's a simple test of our soil.  Jesus said the number one commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37).  When was the last time our heart overflowed with love for God?  When was the last time we considered the sacrifice of Jesus and nearly bubbled over with "Thank You!"?

God desires for us to love Him.  In fact, His entire Word is a message of calling us back to a loving relationship.  If we have a hard time following His most basic desire, it's no wonder we're confused about where He's leading.  We look for specific direction with where to live and work, yet we fail to give Him the entirety of our heart and simply worship at His feet.

When God's Word comes into our life, we should receive it and cherish it as a precious gift.  We ought to immediately look for ways to apply His Word and make it grow, not process it through the distractions of deadlines, appointments, bills, and worldly relationships and ambitions.

Is the Word growing in our life, or is it being choked by unnecessary demands of the world?  "The world and its desires pass away" (1 John 2:17), but the things of God are eternal.  He is calling us to live a life fully dedicated to Him in ALL we do.  Let's weed our garden and remove distractions so the seed of His Word can grow and bear fruit.  Let's begin to develop fertile soil which is free of thorns.

Have a Christ Centered Day!

Steve Troxel
God's Daily Word Ministries

My earliest thought shall be

My Earliest Thought I Desire Shall Be:

“What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the Lord [for grace to help]. I will pay my vows unto the Most High.”—Psalm 116:12-14

Remembering the Divine call, “Gather My saints together unto Me; those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice” (Psalm 50:5), I resolve that by the Lord’s assisting grace I will today, as a saint of God, fulfil my vows, continuing the work of sacrificing the flesh and its interests, that I may attain to the Heavenly inheritance in joint-heirship with my redeemer.

I will strive to be simple and sincere toward all.

I will seek not to please and honor self, but the Lord.

I will be careful to honor the Lord with my lips, that my words may be unctuous and blessed to all.

I will seek to be faithful to the Lord, the Truth, the brethren and all with whom I have to do, not only in great matters, but also in the little things of life.

Trusting myself to Divine care and the Providential overruling of all my interests for my highest welfare, I will seek not only to be pure in heart, but to repel all anxiety, all discontent, all discouragement.

I will neither murmur nor repine at what the Lord’s providence may permit, because
“Faith can firmly trust Him,
Come what may.”

 -  My Morning Resolve

Observing the commandments and becoming doers of the Word

““If you [apostles] continue to love me, you will continue to observe my commandments.” (Joh 14:15 MHM)

 “The person having my commandments and continuing to observe them, that person is the one who continues to love me. Also, the person who continues to love me will be loved by my Father, and I shall love him, and I shall make myself visible to him.”” (Joh 14:21 MHM)

 “Jesus answered and said to him: “If anyone continues to love me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come toward him and we will make an abode alongside him.” (Joh 14:23 MHM)

 “You remain in my love if you continue to observe my commandments, even as I have observed my Father’s commandments and continue to remain in Him.”” (Joh 15:10 MHM)

 “For this is the love of The God, that we observe His commandments, and his commandments are not a burden,” (1Jo 5:3 MHM)

 “Now this is how such compassionate affection is manifest: so that we may continue to walk in [God’s] commandments, just as you originally heard, that you continue walking in [that same compassionate affection].” (2Jo 1:6 MHM)

“I am giving to you [disciples] a new commandment, so that you may love one another just as I loved all of you, so you may love one another.” (Joh 13:34 MHM)

“You remain in my love if you continue to observe my commandments, even as I have observed my Father’s commandments and continue to remain in Him.”” (Joh 15:10 MHM)

“Now, be doers of the Word and not just hearers, deceiving yourselves.” (Jas 1:22 MHM)

Dutch / Nederlandse versie > De geboden observerend, uitvoerders wordend van het Woord
2013 update:

A Ten Commandments monument which includes the...
A Ten Commandments monument which includes the command to "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Enhanced by Zemanta

De geboden observerend, uitvoerders wordend van het Woord

“Als je mij liefhebt, houd je dan aan mijn geboden.” (Joh 14:15 Nbv)

 “Wie mijn geboden kent en zich eraan houdt, heeft mij lief. Wie mij liefheeft zal de liefde van mijn Vader en mij ontvangen, en ik zal mij aan hem bekendmaken.’” (Joh 14:21 Nbv)

 “Jezus antwoordde: ‘Wanneer iemand mij liefheeft zal hij zich houden aan wat ik zeg, mijn Vader zal hem liefhebben en mijn Vader en ik zullen bij hem komen en bij hem wonen.” (Joh 14:23 Nbv)

 “je blijft in mijn liefde als je je aan mijn geboden houdt, zoals ik me ook aan de geboden van mijn Vader gehouden heb en in zijn liefde blijf.” (Joh 15:10 Nbv)

 “Want God liefhebben houdt in dat we ons aan zijn geboden houden. Zijn geboden zijn geen zware last,” (1Jo 5:3 Nbv)

 “Liefhebben houdt in dat we leven volgens Gods geboden. Volgens dit gebod, dat u vanaf het begin gehoord hebt, moet u leven.” (2Jo 1:6 Nbv)

 “Ik geef jullie een nieuw gebod: heb elkaar lief. Zoals ik jullie heb liefgehad, zo moeten jullie elkaar liefhebben.” (Joh 13:34 Nbv)

 “je blijft in mijn liefde als je je aan mijn geboden houdt, zoals ik me ook aan de geboden van mijn Vader gehouden heb en in zijn liefde blijf.” (Joh 15:10 Nbv)

 “Vergis u niet: alleen horen is niet genoeg, u moet wat u gehoord hebt ook doen.” (Jak 1:22 Nbv)

Can we not do what Jesus did?

"We cannot do what Jesus would do because we are not divine." (popular saying)

Of course mainstream theology attributes the sinless obedience of Jesus to the superior moral attributes of his alleged "divinity". But think about it. That amounts to a serious a slander against the justice of God!  What justice would there be in a God who condemned humans who were born unable to obey because of their lack of divinity? How could one ever truly love a God like that?

The Scriptures are clear that Jesus was NOT divine, but totally human, just like us; and that His victory over sin was achieved with exactly the same human resources available to all other men. His obedience is the standard against which all other men will be judged. That is a fundamental issue in the Gospel call to repentance and obedience. Other humans are called to forsake their sins and learn the same obedience as that rendered by the human Son of God.

"If you love me keep my commandments". (John 14: 15)

Praise God! It is NOT too hard! (Deut 30:11) Jesus has shown us how to do it,. And GRACE comes complete with a "training course" which makes it possible. (Titus 2:11-12)

Paul also says that the goal for completed growth is nothing less than:
1. ALL the fullness of God. (Eph 3:14-19)
2. The measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:11-15)

Now that contains a promise which really is GOOD NEWS.

Allon Maxwell

People could argue that there are 

significant ways in which Jesus differed from us, which enabled him to "overcome" and be the acceptable sacrifice which took away the sin of the world. 
Jesus was the son of "The Father"  in the fullest sense as he said on numerous occasions. Jesus being conceived through the Holy Spirit, and not through any human agency.
Jesus was given  the Spirit from God without measure, John.3:34.
Jesus did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth 1Peter 2:22. Whereas "all (others) have sinned and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:33.

People could also utter: that during the time period between birth and the commencement of his ministry at which time he received the Spirit without measure, Jesus was "shielded" from harm. According to them there are a number of scriptures which describe this shield. Psalm 22:9, Psalm 71:6, Isaia 49:5-6.

In a certain sense I would call Jesus divine, meaning belonging to or proceeding from a god. Jesus is not God and may never be a god, but he is the only one who can say he had God has his real Father.
Though we just come from human people, and Christ was born from our Holy Father, this is no excuse not to try to become as Jesus. Because of our shortcomings we do have a harder job to be without sin, but we have to work on it. Jesus had also the choice to take other ways, which would make him also a sinner, but he did choose not, and because of his choice he stayed without sin. For our protection today we have the Holy Bible, which brings us enough Words from God to give us full guidance. We only have to read it carefully and learn from it, to incorporate it in our life.

In the New Testament we have enough examples of what Jesus did and how he reacted. Learning from that we could always say WWJD "What Would Jesus Do?" and bear it in our mind to prepare our way of living and reacting to others.

Marcus Ampe

Monday 2 March 2009

Kapitalistisch vooruitgangsgeloof


BRUSSEL (KerkNet/RKK) – Het kapitalistische vooruitgangsgeloof dat ervan uitgaat dat de markteconomie ook in andere levensdomeinen vooruitgang brengt, is een vorm van fundamentalisme. Dat stellen de Nederlandse bisschoppen in hun vastenbrief. “Geld en bezit zijn intrinsiek niet slecht, maar de mens kan niet tegelijk God en de (geldgod ndr.) mammon dienen. Wie de mammon dient, durft het waagstuk van het leven niet aan in vertrouwen op Gods liefde.” De Nederlandse bisschoppen buigen zich in hun vastenbrief over de oorzaken en gevolgen van de huidige financiële crisis en ze sporen aan tot solidariteit en bezinning. Als oorzaken van de crisis noemen ze onder meer de onvoldoende gecontroleerde geldstromen in het bankwezen, de speculatiedrift op de beurs en de gerichtheid op kortetermijnwinsten. Natuurlijk worden de Nederlandse gelovigen ook aangespoord om te vasten. Dat kan door minder te eten en te drinken, maar ook door hun vasten te betrekken op hun koopgedrag evenals op hun gebruik van internet en televisie.
