Thursday 6 May 2010

How do you find peace through Jesus

'Peace through Jesus' is at the heart of the gospel message.

Jeremy Pearce did a survey on “How do you find peace through Jesus?”.
The 28 answers could be sorted into 3 distinct groups, really representing Jesus in the past, future and present. A show of hands in the audience of around 400 also split into roughly these three categories. There were lots of positive comments afterwards.

> Jesus is Lord

Acts 10:36
"You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all."

> How do you find peace through Jesus?

Not liking your Christians

"I do like your Christ, I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ!"
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

And he has reason to say that. If more Christians would do what Jesus told them to do, and how God wants them to behave and handle, there would be less problems in the world.

Dutch version: Niet houden van dat soort Christenen

Mohandas Gandhi gave rise to a whole new gener...
Mohandas Gandhi gave rise to a whole new generation of nationalists, and a whole new form of revolution. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

2013 update:
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Niet houden van dat soort Christenen

"Ik houd van uw Christus, ik houd niet van je christenen.
Uw christenen zijn zo anders dan uw Christus! "
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

En hij
heeft reden om dat te zeggen. Als er meer christenen zouden doen wat Jezus hen vertelde te doen, en zouden leven hoe God wenst dat ze zich gedragen en handelen, zouden er minder problemen in de wereld zijn.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Prayers for the day

On this Journal you can find some prayers in English, while several Dutch Prayers placed in this Journal are placed in the English version on our sistergroup under the Tag: 'Prayers'..

Underneath you can find the tag 'prayers'. When you click on that tag you shall come to the listed pages with prayers like:

For the prayers in Dutch, please find them under the tag 'gebeden' on this blog and on our sisterblog Christadelphians idem dito under the tag 'gebeden'.

Voor gebeden in het Nederlands kan u deze hier vinden onder de tag 'gebeden', waar u o.a. zal kunnen vinden: