Tuesday 21 December 2010

Carol Service

Thursday 23rd December 2010 Westleigh Christadelphians
7:30pm – 8:45pm
Start your family Christmas outside with us, carols and roast chestnuts, a warm inviting service inside celebrating the birth of Jesus, followed by mince pies and mulled wine.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Citizens to take an oath of loyalty to Israel

The Israel Democracy Institute’s latest Democracy Index reports that 54 percent of Israelis favour requiring citizens to take an oath of loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state” as a condition for being allowed to vote. This bad idea should be opposed on principled and pragmatic grounds alike.

Of the approximately 7.23 million Israelis in 2009, about 76% were counted as Jewish, though some of those are not considered Jewish under Orthodox Jewish law. Since 1989, nearly a million immigrants from the former Soviet Union have arrived in Israel, making this the largest wave of immigration since independence. In addition, an estimated 105,000 members of the Ethiopian Jewish community have immigrated to Israel, 14,000 of them during the dramatic May 1991 Operation Solomon airlift. 32.9% of Israelis were born outside of Israel.
Story here. . .

Marcus' Space

Just another WordPress.com site with thoughts by Marcus Ampe

WordPress Blog by Marcus Ampe. Continuation from the Windows Live Spaces.
+ Een stekje waar Marcus Ampe enkele gedachten neerpent die vallen buiten het bereik van de verscheidene andere platformen waar hij op schrijft. dit platform is een verder zetting van de vroegere Windows Live Space van hem.

Belgian Biblestudents – Belgische Bijbelstudenten


Mainpage of the Belgian Biblestudents. Looking in the Bible to find the Truth and comparing it with what people make of it. - Hoofdwebpagina van de Belgische Bijbelstudenten waarin wordt gekeken naar wat er in de Bijbel staat en wat mensen er van maken.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Wie gaat er tegen ons zijn

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Who' s going to be be against us?

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Hanukkah Feast of light

In 167 BCE, Jason did away with Jewish law and rebuilt Jerusalem in a Greek model. This included banning genital mutilation and Jewish sacrifice, permitting Jews to marry gentiles and instituting an internationalist program exemplified by participation in the Olympic Games.

J.A. Myerson calls for celebrating the Hellenistic Jews and their struggle, rather than the violent extremists and their victory.  The greatest Jewish tradition is not one of following any commandments whatever, but rather of investigating, examining, discovering. The secular Jewish tradition holds that it is through those processes that one learns truth, not through the revelation of commandment.

Read more in: Rethinking Hanukkah: The Dark History of the Festival of Lights

Tot het Joodse of het Christelijk geloof behorende

Op WordPress kan men een heel interessant debat volgen naar aanleiding van een schrijven van Jacqueline Moss over haar identiteitscrisis. Dochter zijnde van een Joodse man en een Katholieke vrouw wordt zij door de Joodse gemeenschap niet aanzien als een Joodse terwijl zij zelf zich Joods voelt. Reeds van uit haar kindertijd werd zij tot het Judaïsme aangetrokken alhoewel zij het Joodse geloof niet echt praktiseerde. Ook in de Katholieke gemeenschap is zij niet echt actief betrokken doordat zij een diepgeworteld wantrouwen heeft in elke vorm van georganiseerde religie.

De vraag die gesteld wordt is eigenlijk waar het geloof ligt. Wie bepaald waartoe jij behoort?

De Joodse zoals elke andere godsdienst identiteit worden bepaalt door veel factoren.  Godsdienst en cultuur zijn complex en die een Jood of geen Jood is hangt dikwijls af van die factoren en van aan wie je die vraag stelt. Alsook van welk stel van standaarden en welke denominatie men wil gebruiken om tot een besluit te komen.

De schrijfster waarschuwt ook dat indien in de Verenigde Staten en veel van de Westelijke Wereld de Joodse onderneming vermengde huwelijken en de kinderen, die de producten van zulke huwelijken zijn, er van blijft weigeren om aan te nemen, de Joodse gemeenschap echt in gevaar zal van uitsterven zal komen. Judaïsme en Joodse identiteit veranderen en de wereld, met in bijzonderheid de Joodse Gemeenschap, zou daar rekening mee moeten houden.

Lees haar artikel:(My) Jewish Identity Crisis op the Busy Signal

... I have been told by Jews and Gentiles alike that I am not Jewish.  This struggle with Jewish identity was brought into sharp focus by the experience of one of my close friends (who is not Jewish), as she faced her own struggle with Judaism and Jewish identity as her wedding to her Jewish fiancé approached. ...

... One of the reasons my friend was hesitant to convert was because she did not want to be a member of a religious community that rejected her–and her marriage–as a non-Jewish person of mixed race.  In the Jewish community, the issue of interfaith marriages is very contentious.  Some Temples and denominations openly accept intermarriage, but the Jewish establishment vehemently rejects intermarriage, claiming it is the leading cause of the dying out of Jewish practice, religiosity, and even the Jewish “race”.  Many Rabbis will not perform marriages for interfaith couples.  Despite this, intermarriage rates among Jews are high, and so are the numbers of children born to those interfaith couples.   ...

To me, Jewishness–and other religious and cultural identities–are not something that can only be passed from mother to child.  Jewishness not just a religious, but a cultural identity.  And how does it make any sense for boards of Rabbis to decide who is and is not Jewish, simply based on the faith of ones’ mother?

... Jewish identity, religion, and culture are complex, and who is a Jew or not a Jew often depends on who you ask and by what set of standards and what denomination one uses to make that determination. ...

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Merry Christmas with the King of Kings

On Nov.13 2010 unsuspecting shoppers got a big surprise while enjoying their lunch. Over 100 participants in this awesome Christmas Flash Mob. This is a must see!

This flash mob was organized by http://www.AlphabetPhotography.com to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Special thanks to Robert Cooper and Chorus Niagara, The Welland Seaway Mall, and Fagan Media Group.



Monday 6 December 2010

Christmas, Saturnalia and the birth of Jesus

The days are shortening already for some a time.  It always becomes quicker dark and there is now not many light during the day. 

Over a few days a celebration would take place in many houselholds, by which trees are decorated and one not only in the tree extra lights are brought in, but also around the houses.  Extra light and atmossphere bringers can be welcome now.  But we must be conscious that we focus us rightly. 

Christmas as generally celebrated today is one of many carry-overs from Roman Catholicism
that survived the Reformation. Historian Will Durant reminds us that Roman Catholicism grew out of the merger between paganism and Christianity that took place under Constantine in the early 300s. Commenting upon the resulting "Christianization" of the Roman Empire, which Reconstructionists such as Coalition on Revival (COR) director Jay Grimstead look back to fondly as a model of what they hope to achieve, Durant wrote:

Paganism survived...in the form of ancient rites and customs condoned...by an often indulgent Church....Statues of Isis and Horus were renamed Mary and Jesus...the Saturnalia [Festival of Saturn in celebration of the winter solstice] was replaced by Christmas celebration...[ I]ncense, lights, flowers, processions, vestments...which had pleased the people in older [pagan] cults were domesticated and cleansed in the Ritual of the Church....

In spite of its pagan/Roman Catholic origins and crass commercialization, we can perhaps rejoice that Christmas annually brings a reminder of the Savior's birth. Unfortunately, however, Christmas festivities generally perpetuate the confusion concerning who Jesus Christ really is, why He came, and what He accomplished.
This is not surprising, considering the misunderstandings even among His own disciples at the first advent--and the far greater confusion that the Bible warns will precede His second coming.

Christmas is only a few weeks away, and it's meant to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, but how many people celebrate Christmas in ignorance of who Jesus actually is?
I'm sure you know who Jesus is, but download it anyway and forward it to your friends who might not know. This is a great time of the year to tell people about God and his plan for the earth as many are often more willing to listen because of all the Christmas celebrations going on around them. Use every opportunity possible to make the saving name of Jesus known to those around you this Christmas!

Free eBook - Who Is Jesus?

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie:Kerstmis, Saturnalia en de geboorte van Jezus