Monday 12 October 2015

Volgens vele Belgen over tien jaar in de problemen door te soepele asiel opnamen vandaag

Dit weekend werden zowel in verscheiden kranten als op de televisie stations resultaten voorgelegd van gehouden enquêtes omtrent de asielzoekers.

Opvallend daarbij is dat voor veel Belgen hun land zich veel te makkelijk opstelt voor diegenen die hier hun geluk komen zoeken. Een grote meerderheid denkt ook dat zij een gevaar inhouden voor ons land en meerderen vrezen dat wij hier over tien jaar problemen zullen hebben door de instroom die wij vandaag toestaan.

Een enquête van Ipsos op vraag van Le Soir en RTL-TVI geeft te kennen dat 74% van de ondervraagden bovendien voorstander is van de invoering van meer grenscontrole.
Uit de bevraging blijkt dat 55% van de Belgen vindt dat ons land te veel asielzoekers opvangt. Het gaat om 53% van de Vlamingen en 49% van de Brusselaars. In Wallonië is 60% van mening dat ons land te ver gaat in het dossier.
 Voor de enquête werden van 28 september tot 4 oktober 2.571 mensen ondervraagd.

  1. Refugees At The Border- A Blessing Or Burden?
  2. Poster: Please Help The Refugees
  3. The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it
  4. My two cents on the refugee crisis
  5. Helping to create a Positive Attitude
  6. Tolerance Ends When There Is No Tolerance Shown Towards Us
  7. Migrants to the West #6Migrants to the West #10 Religious freedomISIL will find no safe haven
  8. Sharing a common security and a common set of values 
  9. Propaganda war and ISIS
  10. Continues Syrian conflict needing not only dialogue
  11.  Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity?
  12. Are people willing to take the responsibility for others 
  13. Because of doing too much social work put to silence 
  14. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for 
  15. State of Europe 2015 – Addressing Europe’s crises
  16. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before 
  17. Europe’s refugees just follow the ancient routes for the peopling of Europe in the Neolithic


Antwerpse tien dagen moslima voor sociaal experiment

Hoe zou het voelen om als moslima doorheen Antwerpen te lopen? Silke Raats, een 21-jarige scholiere uit Antwerpen wou graag bij wijze van sociaal experiment een maand lang gekleed lopen als een moslima met hoofddoek om zo reacties uit te lokken in haar sociale omgeving.
Het zijn er slechts tien dagen lang geworden daar de reacties zo negatief waren dat Silke Raats er wel mee moest stoppen.

De Vlaamse werd naar eigen zeggen 'overspoeld met vragen'. "Of ik me had bekeerd, of ik samen was met een moslim, of ik wel besefte dat ik nooit meer aan een baan zou geraken." Raats zegt vooral geschokt te zijn door de vele negatieve reacties van haar vrienden en kennissen. "Ik kreeg meer en meer scheve blikken, ik werd voorbijgelopen en compleet genegeerd. Ook door vrienden die ik al jarenlang ken en met wie ik in de zomer nog op vakantie ben geweest."
Uiteindelijk zette ze haar sociale experiment om in een filmpje met de titel '10 gesluierde dagen'.

Naar aanleiding van een onderzoek op Universiteit Gent i.v.m. “reacties van de omgeving op gedragingen afwijkend van de norm” en een project rond “jezelf kunnen zijn” bij mijn leerlingen in mijn bijlesklasje, deed ik de afgelopen 10 dagen een sociaal experiment. Ik deed mijn uiterste best om een hoofddoek mooi geknoopt te krijgen en postte hiervan een foto op Facebook. Het resultaat en de reacties van mijn omgeving zijn te zien in dit filmpje. Trek zelf jullie conclusies…

Saturday 10 October 2015

Christadelphian Samaritan Fund Refugee Crisis Appeal

In the light of the developing refugee crisis affecting North Africa, the Middle East and Europe, CSF has made a further donation of 5,000 pounds to the British Red Cross Refugee Crisis Appeal. This is in addition to the donation of 5,000 pounds to the Child Refugee Crisis Appeal by the Save the Children Fund.
We will continue to monitor this developing crisis and CSF is very willing to forward donations from ecclesias and brethren and sisters wishing to support either or both of these appeals.
Donations should be sent to the CSF Treasurer, Brother Ken Smith, Westhaven House, Arleston Way, Shirley, Solihull, West Mids., B90 4LH, with a note earmarking it for the Save the Children Fund Child Refugee Crisis Appeal or the British Red Cross Refugee Crisis Appeal. As always, the amount we can give is pitiful in relation to the need, which will only be fully addressed when Christ returns. 
Additional reading: 
  1. Learning that stuff is just stuff
  2. Can We Pay The Price To Free Humanity?
  3. Refugees At The Border- A Blessing Or Burden? 
  4. Poster: Please Help The Refugees
  5. The World Wide Refugee and Migrant Crisis and a possible solution for it
  6. Social media and asylum seekers
  7. Israeli leaders delight in Europe’s cruelty toward refugees
  8. My two cents on the refugee crisis
  9. Blow to legitimacy of the capitalist system
  10. Propaganda war and ISIS
  11. Meeting to focus on humanitarian issues for Syria
  12. Are people willing to take the responsibility for other
  13. If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for
  14. Schengen area and Freedom for Europeans being put to the test as never before
  15. The New gulf of migration and seed for far right parties
  16. Consequences of Mass Immigration in Sweden
  17. Asylum seekers crisis and Europe’s paralysis
  18. See how you can use your skills, resources, and energy to help Syrians and other refugees in need
  19. A former war refugee’s views on the current refugee crisis
  20. Europe’s refugees just follow the ancient routes for the peopling of Europe in the Neolithic
  21. Forms of slavery, human trafficking and disrespectful attitude to creation to be changed
  22. Britain’s position in an age of increasing globalisation
  23. Complaining and fighting asylum seekers not giving signs of thankfulness
  24. Crisis man needed in this world

Sri Lankan annual Bible School from December 24th to 27th

The Sri Lankan annual Bible School is open for bookings. The school will run from December 24th to 27th.
Bro Greg Hurn from Perth Australia will lead the studies on Daniel - A Man of Conscience. This is a lovely time of the year to visit Sri Lanka, weather wise. The Bible School is to held in a small hotel complex and should be very comfortable.
Enquiries should be made to Bro Tony Ilango tonyi {at} Direct flights from London to Colombo are available via Air Sri Lanka. Most other countries require a change of flights getting to Sri Lanka.

Looking at the Source of joy

These months many denominations do have their conferences where they want to discuss matters of this world.
At the Vatican the cardinals look at the family. Lots of things are decided there and lots of happenings in the family make it that people may be happy or unhappy. The joy or gladness people may have depends a lot on what happens in the family and at work.

When we look at the people around us it looks like many have lost the 'joy de vivre'. We see many faces with their chin hanging unto the ground and people walking like zombies or with droopy eyes. Many seem to have lost the joy in their life.

Perhaps it is not bad for them to resource and to go looking for the reasons why they have lost that preciousness energy of life. It would not be bad if they, like us, would go looking for the source of joy. Perhaps you think that is not really necessary, or you think it is only having enough money that can bring joy.

For over 40 years, the Williamsburg Conference has provided a unique opportunity for praise and fellowship. From December 27th until December 31st at 12:00 noon, Christadelphians will be looking at joy and gladness, at the Holiday Inn Patriot in Williamsburg, VA.

Morning sessions are devoted to building an understanding of the chosen theme through numerous sets of scriptural readings, exhortations, and hymns. Periods of quiet meditation throughout the morning allow us to focus on the personal implications of what we have considered and on our individual relationships with God.
The afternoons are devoted to smaller group sessions that again centre on the theme. The goal is to discuss how we can apply the thoughts developed in the morning sessions to our own service. Group leaders guide but never dominate the discussions. Group selection is random, so there is no age segregation and many brothers and sisters meet for the first time. This is all intentional. Participants find that they are able to speak from the heart. For this reason many consider the afternoons extremely beneficial and the heart of the Conference.
Evening programs are more relaxed and varied. Usually, a music program will occupy one evening. A discussion of the “Signs of the Times” and “Prayer for Others” sessions will now be part of the evening programs.
Classes for young children ages 4-13 will be available, with parent participation. Please indicate on your registration if you are willing to help teach a children’s class for one hour on one day during the Conference.
A generous continental breakfast is available for free. All other meals are taken in local restaurants, at your own expense. These are wonderful times of getting to know new friends, and renewing old friendships.
Please plan to join us for several days of intensive spiritual growth and introspection—a period of close fellowship with our God and our spiritual family.


To register online and get more conference information, click here. Registration will end on December 22, but will reopen on December 27 at the hotel. If you know of anyone who wants to register but does not have internet access, please print the form below and give it to them or have them contact:
Sis. Emilyclaire V. Walker
7515 Axton St
Springfield, VA 22151
(315) 651-3207

> Williamsburg Conference 2015 December 27-31 Joy and Gladness
>> Williamsburg Conference December 27-31, 2015

Thursday 8 October 2015

A Synod to speak freely and to listen without reservations

English: A Roman Catholic priest baptizes an i...
A Roman Catholic priest baptizes an infant as his parents look on. what about baptisism of children of gay people or same sex marriages? (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Often referred as the "Pope John Paul II generation," or now the "Benedict XVI generation," the younger leaders today are often far more receptive to the principles articulated in twenty years old Apostolic Constitution that defined Roman Catholic colleges and created guidelines to assist them in fulfilling their missions, Ex corde Ecclesiae (From the Heart of the Church) issued by Pope John Paul II.

Coming together in Rome conservatives and more progressive cardinals do have to find a solution for the changes in our society and how the world today looks at marriage and gender relations. They can not ignore the changes that took place in civil society the last three decades. Several gender-problems did find the light but haven't yet find solutions.

We can see that the Roman Catholic church like always has found 'temporarily' local solutions. Yesterday in 'Koppen' on Canvas we could see how homosexual men are working as pastoral-workers in Belgium. Belgium has the problem that there are not only many homosexual priests, there are not  enough priests in the diminishing parishes. For that reason the Catholic Church accepted the transfer from other denominational clergy into their community and when those pastors were married they could keep their wife and family as a Catholic priest. Male who did not want to take on the priesthood no matter their gender feelings could become a pastoral co-worker and take office in parishes.

In the Ex corde were laid out rules for academic freedom in order to justify positions that contradict the faith and the teaching of the church would obstruct or even betray the university's identity and mission but also the parish its intentions. Several Catholics in Belgium do find Pope Francis I his main interest in preaching the Gospel. Though many also urge Roman Catholic institutions to abide by traditional church teachings.

The Fourteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Family taking place on the theme "The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World" as the continuation of last year special synod on the family, may wind up in a situation similar to that one.

Many Cardinals made it already clear that no one should have to expect new church teachings or some changes in church doctrine. Though others expect that this time key leaders can not go around the agenda to emphasize "innovative" pastoral practice..

Pope Francis I wishes for an open discussion yielding a well-grounded unity, but it could well be that this synod may result in even more confusion and dissension.
To prevent this, some are looking upon the synod as a summons to return to the established teachings of the Church, to revert to Scripture and tradition, which were largely sidelined at the last synod. Critics of last year's meeting believe that, after years of poor catechises, doctrine must be reasserted and proclaimed, ending the false dichotomy underlying the notion that upholding the Church's teaching and practice somehow means being unpastoral. Jesus, they point out, took pity on the crowd, who were "like sheep without a shepherd," not by affirming them in their worldly thinking and values, but by first "teaching them many things."

There are several clergy who warn about false doctrine cloaked under the seductive guise of "innovative" pastoral practice. This is not new, of course, and no shortage of scriptural passages warn against it. Also not new is the passion shown during a synod, which can, at times, be wearying....

In the Catholic church today doctrine and pastoral theology seem to stand irreconcilably against each other never being able of reconciliation.  One reads about “The Rigging of a Vatican Synod?” and alleged manipulations and the now famous Cardinal Burke stated that the final report of the extraordinary Synod produced a
“gravely flawed document that does not express adequately the teaching and discipline of the Church and, in some aspects, propagates doctrinal error and a false pastoral approach” {Ideology or Faith?}
Being a Roman - Catholic priest and working in the fields of HIV and AIDS in Africa, the blogger of

God, AIDS, Africa & HOPE writes:
Pope Francis encouraged the participants of the Synod to speak freely and to listen without reservations. These are the basis of deliberation and discernment to find consent, to build bridges, to see realities, to encourage dialogue and to give Pope Francis the tools to extract what is needed for the development of the church. Synods are advisory boards – they are not a parliament and they should have the openness to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who – in my humble opinion – can’t work freely if there is nothing to reflect or to develop as everything must remain as it is. {Ideology or Faith?}

Lots of discussions have gone on the last few months about laity in church and gender issues. since the clergy sex-scandals in Belgium "Mercy" has been a much uttered word, though for many civilians this seems to work only from one site for the Catholic church. Many divorced people who wanted to stay in the Catholic Church and wanted still to be partakers of the sacraments, are often refused to take them.

Concerning the theology of marriage a lot of discussions found their way into the community. The government accepting gay marriage brought also forth that from those wanting to seal their bond of marriage, they asked for a marriage ceremony in church. Most churches refuses such actions but gay people still could find their way out by renting a priest and having a sacramental services in their own environment, which made it even cosier.

The above mentioned priest warns:
There is no need to build up theological barricades or fortresses to defend yesterday – look at Abraham and Moses and be aware that faith always means to set out trusting that God is in the lead. If one only holds firm what one knows already there is the danger that faith turns into ideology and that would be the worst outcome of any such church assembly.


Additional reading:

  1. Two synods and life in the church community
  2. A synod not leading to doctrinal changes because it is about pastoral attention
  3. Different assessment criteria and a new language to be found for communicating the faith
  4. 72 Synod Fathers on the topic “The vocation and mission of the family in the Church and the contemporary world”
