Friday 19 December 2008

Doctrine for today

Brothers Peter Cresswell & John Eastbury bring

DOCTRINE FOR TODAY at symposium of the

Carelinks UK Conference, Chippenham, UK

Two talks and structured discussion. How important and valuable is doctrine today? If it doesn't matter at all, why remain Christadelphians? If it does matter, why does it matter? And how much does it matter? If a person agrees on everything apart from demons, are they lost? On everything apart from... ? 

What should our attitude be to other Christians? That they are part of the beast, harlot daughters, and the enemies of God? That they need re-education, re-baptism? That we can partner with them in reaching a post-Christian world? How best can we engage Christian folk today over issues like the trinity, devil etc?

Saturday 17 January

Colerne Village Hall, Martins Croft, Colerne  SN14 8DS

January 16-18 2009

> Upcoming events

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