Saturday 29 October 2016

Juji Nakada the "Moody of Japan"

English: A portrait of Bishop Juji Nakada in sepia
English: A portrait of Bishop Juji Nakada in sepia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At the age of thirteen Charles Cowman had become a Christian though for for ten years he drifted away. Once back on track he tried to bring others to the Gospel. Within six months he had converted seventy-five of his co-workers, including the first man with whom he shared the gospel, Ernest Kilbourne.

October 29, 1870 Juji Nakada saw the light of this world and when grown up he found that so many people knew nothing about the true God.
When he was twenty-six he enrolled at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago,  to "get filled with the Holy Spirit." Dwight L. Moody's fame as an evangelist had spread around the world. Eventually Juji would himself be known as the "Moody of Japan." His vision was to found a similar institute and train national pastors for his native land.
Still at study he met Charles Cowman in church and became befriended.

Kilbourne and Cowman founded the Telegraphers' Missions Band. This group supported Juji when he returned to Japan in 1898. Three years later, Charles Cowman and his wife Lettie sailed for Japan.
Together with Juji and Ernest Kilbourne, they founded the Bible institute that Juji had dreamed of. Juji became its first president. In 1910, the team incorporated the Oriental Missionary Society in Tokyo. This became a significant world mission, now known simply as OMS.

Thursday 27 October 2016

The stone of essential truth

Jeshua - Jesus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:11,12).


 And that has been the essential truth of the message ever since!


According the vatican ashes and bone fragments cannot be kept at home

emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Fr...
emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Français : emblème pontifical Italiano: emblema del Papato Português: Emblema papal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Roman Catholics with their idea that a person has something extra in his body that can leave him when he dies, do want to avoid that that spiritual being would be shattered and as such be destroyed, not able to find its pieces together.

For the Vatican their members should know that the church maintains the deceased should be buried. For the Roman Catholic Church cremation is a "brutal destruction" of the body. Though many countries in the West, like Belgium seem to ignore that saying of their pope and allow cremations by their members, though they do not encourage it. And the Catholics got to hear church-approved ways to conserve ashes for the increasing numbers of Catholics who choose cremation "for economic, ecological or other reasons".

The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reports ashes and bone fragments cannot be kept at home because it would deprive the Christian community of remembering the dead. Rather, church authorities should designate a sacred place, such as a cemetery or church area, to hold them. Only in extraordinary cases can a bishop allow ashes to be kept at home, it said.
"The dead body isn't the private property of relatives, but rather a son of God who is part of the people of God," author of the text, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, said. "We have to get over this individualistic thinking."


Monday 24 October 2016

Believe and speak and act in ways which show we have life in Christ's name

When Jesus said,
 “Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19)
 it is evident that he was not talking of normal human life. His resurrection will reveal that it will turn their hearts from utter despair – to absolute wonderment! Jesus is saying to all who listen to him through reading his word,
 “Because I live, you also will live”.
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
Let us  “believe” and speak: and act in ways which show this – every day.


Strong-coderingen en Nederlandse Bijbelvertalingen

Wanneer wij de Bijbel in het Nederlands bestuderen zijn wij een beetje meer beperkt dan bijvoorbeeld in de Engelse taal. In die taal kunnen meerdere Engelse  concordanties een ware hulp zijn.
Het probleem van een concordantie is dat de woorden een vertaling zijn van het Grieks en het Hebreeuws en verschillende betekenissen kunnen hebben. Een Nederlands woord behoeft niet altijd de vertaling te zijn van steeds hetzelfde Griekse of Hebreeuwse woord. Zo kan het woord ‘wil’ een onderdeel zijn van het werkwoord uit de vervoeging ‘ik wil’, maar het kan ook een zelfstandig naamwoord zijn van ‘de wil’. Aan de vertaling kan je dus niet altijd zien wat er in het Grieks of Hebreeuws staat. Sterker nog: als er in het Nederlands een werkwoord staat, kan er soms in het Grieks of Hebreeuws iets anders staan.
merkt uitgever bij Importantia Publishing,

Over de publicaties van Importantia Publishing heeft hij in de afgelopen decennia heel wat moeten uitleggen. Frapant was de steeds terugkerende reactie in de beginjaren. Als hij vertelde dat de Online Bijbel voorzien is van Strong-coderingen kreeg hij steevast dezelfde reactie:
"Ik heb geen verstand van computers".
Blijkbaar werd het woord "Strong-codering" meer geassocieerd met de technische kant van computers dan met iets dat met de bijbel te maken heeft.

Gelukkig is in de loop van de jaren deze reactie naar de achtergrond verdwenen. Toch moet hij nog steeds aan mensen uitleggen wat een Strong-codering is en wat je er mee kan doen.

Hij heeft daarom besloten een serie artikelen te schrijven over Strong-coderingen en het gebruik daarvan.
Het eerste artikel heeft hij gepubliceerd op zijn persoonlijke blog "over ... Theologie". Het heeft als titel Wat is een Strong-codering?