Wednesday 8 May 2013

Guelph a center of Christadelphia now in database

Guelph Public Library building, demolished in ...
Guelph Public Library building, demolished in 1964. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Guelph Public Library has a rich database filled with historical photos of Guelph – some dating back as far as the 1800s – but library staff want to see more.
“We were pretty much looking for any photo of Guelph,” said Guelph Public Library archivist Darcy Hiltz.
The library asked people to poke around in their attics and basements, and to flip through their old photo albums and boxes to find long-lost photos of the Royal City for the “Guelph’s Hidden Past” photography contest.

Guelph has always been a center of Christadelphia, as long as there have been Christadelphains in Canada. In fact, it is older than almost any ecclesia in Ontario.
Guelph Public Library
A gathering of Christadelphians in front of Guelph’s former Carnegie Library.

Continue reading: Photo contest shows Guelph’s hidden past
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Great Lakes Christadelphian Bible School

The 2013 Great Lakes Christadelphian Bible School will convene on June 29th-July 6th, at Lakeland College, near Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

 Lakeland College is a small school located approximately 50 miles north of Milwaukee. Lakeland College has a campus situated on 140 acres with a quiet country setting, yet is within easy access of Interstate 43 near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The College can easily accommodate 450 people in dormitory facilities suitable for families as well as individuals. The classroom and babysitting facilities are excellent.

Speakers for this year’s school are are Brethren David Burke, Mark Drabenstott and John Mannell. The theme for this year is Jeremiah 29:12-14. 

See the post here:
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Calling all Christadelphian Composers

Looking across Hobsons Bay towards the Melbour...
Looking across Hobsons Bay towards the Melbourne central business district (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The January 2014 Melbourne Conference is producing an exciting new musical based on the novel A Time To Hear by SJ Knight. The script and some key songs have been written. Casting Auditions will be held in Melbourne in June 2013, God Willing, and we encourage anyone in Victoria to apply. There are roles for all ages from young children to the elderly.

Now we are seeking composers/song-writers who can go beyond writing tunes and ballads. We need people to write chorus numbers, and orchestral music. We also need an experienced arranger to spin straw into gold!

This production is an ego-free zone, and musicians must be willing to collaborate, work closely with other writers, and take direction in order to produce a professionally harmonious whole. Compositions used will be assigned due credit and copyright, and it is hoped that a CD might be produced as a result.

This project is a rare opportunity for musicians of all ages to use their composing talents in our community. Experience in writing for musical theatre is not essential, but would be particularly welcome. Thanks to the internet, it is not necessary that you live in Victoria, or even Australia, to contribute to this vital side of the production.

For further information, or to express your interest, please contact Meg Green via Facebook message or email:

Please share this post so we can reach as many talented people as possible. Thank you.
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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Wim Verdouw zijn tocht naar geloof in slechts één God

Het gebeurd wel meer dat mensen zich beginnen af te vragen wie God nu toch werkelijk was. Zo ook deed Wim Verdouw , voorganger van de Messiaanse gemeente Immanuël dat.

In een interview verteld hij over zijn meest heftige jaren van zijn leven toen hij belandde bij een Evangelisch-Charismatische gemeente waar hij zich enthousiast verdiepte in het Pinkstergeloof, maar tot de conclusie kwam dat er Bijbels gezien niets van al die geesten en tongenbidden klopte. Bovendien verwierp men de Tora: het moest allemaal vanuit het gevoel. De Wet was immers ‘weggedaan’.”
Hij vertelt ook hoe hij samen met zeven andere gelovigen de moed bijeen schraapte om niet meer enkel in zijn huis samen te komen op Sabbatmorgen, maar om na een jaar een zaaltje te gaan huren en een gemeente te starten. Ze stapten dus naar de notaris voor een officiële registratie. ‘Een kerk beginnen? Dat hoor je niet zo vaak meer tegenwoordig’, zei de notaris hen.

Lees het interview: Interview W. Verdouw – “Alleen de Vader is God”

Thursday 2 May 2013

Don't Envy the World

Don't Envy the World SermonOur flesh has the basic characteristic of envy and it’s something that our spiritual mind has to keep under control. It is something that the Psalmist says almost got the better of him. 

Have you ever thought sometimes that being a disciple of Christ means you are missing out on the things of the world? Have you ever thought about what life would be like if you had never come to a knowledge of Jesus. Imagine what it would be like to live our lives in pursuit of happiness through money, possessions, social status and to not have the moral constraints places upon us having accepted Christ as our saviour.
Are we ever envious of those who live in the world? Does it seem like they get all the freedom and fun in life? I'm sure we can all think of examples in our own lives where our beliefs have prevented us from doing something that we would have liked to do.
Continue reading.... Don't Envy the World - Sermon

We have a choice. The riches of God, or the riches of the world. Will we allow ourselves to get caught up in the prosperity of the world like in the parable of the rich man who built bigger barns to store his wealth? Or when we look over the fence in to the world outside as the Psalmist did, will we come to our senses and realise that true riches lie within God’s sanctuary.  


Envy (Photo credit: NRK P3)

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