Tuesday 17 December 2013

Muziek van imam Ahmet Muhsin Tuzer al of niet 'onislamitisch'

De Turkse religieuze autoriteiten onderzoeken of de muziek die imam Ahmet Muhsin Tuzer maakt, 'onislamitisch' is. Zijn band kreeg bedreigingen van conservatieve moslims.

Turkse rockimam veroorzaakt controverse
Ahmet Muhsin Tuzer in concert (foto:facebook.com/firock.org
Pas nog deed Ahmet Muhsin Tuzer zijn gebruikelijke oproep tot gebed in het Turkse dorp Pinarbasi. Daarna ging de 42-jarige imam naar huis om enkele van zijn favoriete nummers te draaien: Fear of the Dark van Iron Maiden, Hey You van Pink Floyd en Wherever I may roam van Metallica. Zijn hoofd beweegt ritmisch mee met de muziek.
"Als God het wil", schreeuwt Tuzer boven de muziek uit, "zou ik graag voor honderdduizenden mensen spelen, net als zij."
Zo ver is het echter nog niet. Wel trad hij met zijn band FiRock afgelopen zomer op voor duizend mensen in zijn geboortestad Kas, een toeristenstad aan de Middellandse Zee. De Turkse staat is echter niet zo gecharmeerd van zijn muzikale talent. Het door de overheid gefinancierde religieuze directoraat, Diyanet, dat controle heeft over meer dan 80.000 moskeeën, doet onderzoek naar de imam.
Uit het onderzoek moet blijken of Tuzers muziekkeuze en instrumenten 'onislamitisch' zijn. Ook moet Tuzer, die in dienst is van de overheid, de commerciële aard van zijn activiteiten toelichten.
"Het probleem is dat hij niet officieel toestemming heeft gevraagd. Hij heeft gewoon een aantal video's en audio-opnamen gemaakt. Daarom wordt er nu onderzoek gedaan", zei Abdul Kadir Ozkan, een woordvoerder van Diyanet, tegen persbureau Al Jazeera. Ozkan wil verder niets zeggen totdat het onderzoek is afgerond. Dat zal vermoedelijk over een paar weken zijn.

Lees er meer over: 

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Monday 16 December 2013

Religious imagery used by pop artists

English: Lady GaGa visit Sweden at Sommarkryss...
 Lady GaGa visit Sweden at Sommarkrysset, Gröna Lund, Stockholm. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In the last few decades, post-Christian Western societies have seen large numbers of people leave the church. These people "have largely lost their way" and explored other paths, says Ted Turnau who thinks Pop artists are fond of provocative religious imagery.

The use of religious imagery in pop music is a reflection of the trend in society to want religion on our own terms. It should not be surprising for Christians and rather than getting offended, they should be looking for ways to come alongside today's secularised pop stars to help them use such religious imagery appropriately.

On the pop scene the impression might be given that it is not such a marvellous world any more to live in.  though many have found their freedom and can have a lot of material goods they do not seem to find the right direction in their life.
"besides proclaiming their freedom to live as they please and endorse an increasing number of alternative lifestyles, there really is little by way of positive direction for living".
Ted Turnau thinks most people looking to live a good life end up concluding that
 "consumerism makes a lousy life-philosophy"
 and they turn inevitably to spirituality. But again, he stresses, they want it on their own  terms.
"Many popular cultural figures grasp at religious symbols in a gambit to find something meaningful, while also attempting to domesticate it to their own perspective."
High profile artists like David Bowie, Lady Gaga and Madonna have used religious imagery in a way that has upset Christians or just left them plain confused. Much has been written about Lady Gaga's song "Judas" and the many ways it can be understood.
"In the age of Madonna and Lady Gaga, this kind of use of religious imagery is to be expected," says Turnau.
A lot of the religious imagery used by pop artists seems to make the point that there is
 "corruption in the church, but Jesus is OK".
David Bowie is no exception with his video for "The Next Day", which portrayed religious figures in debauched scenes and a prostitute experiencing stigmata.
Find more about it: Pop culture and spirituality without religion

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Monday 9 December 2013

Westboro Baptist Church and Catholic Truth against Nelson Mandela

English: Young Nelson Mandela. This photo date...
English: Young Nelson Mandela. This photo dates from 1937. South Africa protect the copyright of photographs for 50 years from their first publication. See . Since this image would have been PD in South Africa in 1996, when the URAA took effect, this image is PD in the U.S. Image source: http://www.anc.org.za/people/mandela/index.html (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Much like Martin Luther King in America, Mandela had a score of powerful detractors and enemies while he was alive — and more particularly when he was fighting and imprisoned trying to obliterate the unjust South African apartheid system.
Now he died some enemies still show their hate against this South African.

The Westboro Baptist Church which has gained international infamy for picketing the funerals of dead soldiers with offensive signs such as “God hates f*gs” and is widely considered to be a hate group which is still kicking alive after their founder Fred Phelps his death.

In a series of deliberately-provocative Twitter posts, the church says it is buying plane tickets to South Africa and is hoping to coordinate with South African police while they stage a protest at the funeral, citing Mandela’s divorce and remarriage as evidence of damnation.

Like some Catholics they claim that Nelson Mandela was a communist, a pro-abortionist and pro gays person.
Catholic Truth asks given the facts about Nelson Mandela’s support of abortion and homosexuality, should Catholics up to and including the Pope himself, be lavishing unqualified praise on him?
 Or should they speak the truth?
They forget the pope may speak the truth, like many other who have known and met Nelson Mandela at tdifferent stages in his life.

Both groups do forget that it is not because human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell writing for PinkNews  Commenting on the death of Nelson Mandela,  of how the former president became a “gay icon” that it does not mean Mandela would have agreed with everything those gay people did. But he respected their 'nature' and foudn others also had to repsect other people who felt different than the majority.

Peter Tatchell says Mandela “failed” when it came to dealing with the HIV epidemic, challenging Robert Mugabe, and tackling poverty during his time in office.
Mandela was a political and moral giant. He led the victorious liberation struggle against apartheid, and then pioneered the peaceful transition to multi-racial democracy. He was the first African leader to embrace LGBT rights. His extraordinary compassion and forgiveness led to reconciliation with his former white supremacist oppressors. For all these reasons, he is a global icon and a gay icon. Few people in history can match his moral stature.
 Tatchell continues:
Although a staunch supporter of the anti-apartheid struggle, I was never an uncritical yes man. In 1987, I exposed the ugly homophobia within Mandela’s liberation movement, the African National Congress (ANC).
I wrote to Thabo Mbeki, who was in exile in Lusaka at the time and who later become the second post-apartheid South African president. My letter criticised ANC homophobia and appealed to the leadership to support LGBT equality. I was delighted when Mbeki replied to me making the ANC’s first public condemnation of homophobia and its first public pledge to LGBT equality under a future ANC-led government – and with a request that I publicise this new ANC commitment, which I did.
Heartened by this commitment, in 1989 I proposed to the ANC that their post-apartheid South African constitution should have a comprehensive anti-discrimination clause, including a prohibition of discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.
 The Westboro Baptist Church in the USA say they thank God for killing Mandela. They claim that is because Nelson Mandela divorced and remarried. Extremely probably, they hate Mandela too for abolishing the anti-LGBTQ laws of the Apartheid regime in South Africa.

 Geert Wilders admirer Joost Niemoller claimed in the Dutch neo-nazi party Nederlandse Volksunie (NVU) Facebook page on 6 December 2013 changed a South Africa to a “hell on earth”.
Constant Kusters, Nederlandse Volksunie fuehrer, proposes in the election platforms of his party for the 2014 Dutch local elections, to remove the name Nelson Mandela from streets, bridges etc. named after the South African freedom fighter in various towns in the Netherlands.


Please do find to read:
  2. Fareed’s take on Nelson Mandela
  3. Mandela Day by Simple minds in remembrance
  4. Politicians who opposed Nelson Mandela and supported apartheid
  5. Should Catholics Praise Nelson Mandela?
  6. Westboro Baptists ‘booking flights’ to protest Mandela’s funeral



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Saturday 7 December 2013

Eldon Wesley Booker fell asleep in the hope of the resurrection

Texas State University: central promenade with...
Texas State University: central promenade with Old Main at the end. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dear brothers, sisters and friends:

Eldon Wesley Booker

Wesley was born June 25, 1951, in San Saba, Texas, the second son of Eldon S. Booker and Ruth Hatcher Booker. He was baptized into Christ by the Christadelphians of Lampasas, Texas, on June 28, 1970, and remained faithful to the gospel for the remainder of his life. He fell asleep in the hope of the resurrection, in Austin, on December 4, 2013, at the age of 62.

Wesley was married to Mary Ellen Miller in 1976. He has two children, Elizabeth Ruth Booker Hudson (of Austin) and Daniel Thomas Booker (of Oakland, California), who survive him. Wesley is also survived by his brother George Booker, his sister-in-law Barbara Booker, and his nephew Adam Booker, along with Adam's wife Wallesha and their daughter Miriam (all of Austin). He will be remembered with love and fondness by many others, both in Austin and around the world, whom he touched by his preaching and practicing his Bible-based faith.

In 1974, Wesley graduated from Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University)
in San Marcos. For almost 30 years he taught school, mainly in the Round Rock ISD and mostly fifth-graders. He often said that teaching 11 and 12-year-old students helped him develop his method of teaching people of all ages, by the simplest means possible. He developed the facility of making difficult subjects easy to grasp, following the principle that you can teach anyone almost anything if you make it as simple as possible, but no simpler.

Many of his summer vacations were spent training young Christadelphians how to present the gospel message to others, while leading them in the "Truth Corps" program -- putting what they were learning into practice by teaching vacation Bible schools and talking to interested friends and family about the Bible and its simple message. Many of the graduates of that program returned to their homes in North America and elsewhere, to continue the work of teaching Sunday school and outreach to others.

Wesley had an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, quoting verses practically at will, and invariably relating each verse to its immediate context without the need to consult his Bible. Even though he taught a simple Bible message, his eagerness to learn more about the Bible made him quite capable of carrying on more detailed and advanced discussions about its message and teachings. In 1985, Wesley entered a national Bible knowledge competition, in which he won a regional competition. Out of quite a number of competitors at the national tournament in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he placed second. The winner, after talking with Wesley for a while, admitted that he envied Wesley's good knowledge of the Bible and its message -- whereas his own knowledge (aided by what he called a photographic memory) was confined to facts without practical application.

In characteristic fashion, Wesley then donated his prize money to a couple of Christadelphian charities.

After his retirement from teaching, Wesley devoted himself to preaching and teaching the Bible in various places, along with pastoral work and some prison ministry. Many Christadelphians throughout the United States and Canada met Wesley and became his friends during that time.

While in Austin, Wesley served as a volunteer delivering meals for Meals on Wheels. He also used his ability to teach in various ways. He was an expert tennis player, and he often coached young people in the sport. In later years he taught retired folks to play bridge at the senior center in south Austin. In addition to his natural family and his faith-based family of Christadelphians, he had what might be called his "tennis" family (with whom he played regularly until the last few months), as well as his "bridge" family (with whom he also played regularly). While a strong competitor in all sports and games, who won much more often than he lost, he was a gracious and humble person, without pretense, of whom many people speak well and absolutely no one speaks ill.

Wesley was in practically perfect health for his entire life, and the brain tumor (a glioblastoma multiforme) which took him came on suddenly and without warning. His illness, while not lingering, did take away his wonderful mind over the course of several months, step by painful step. As long as he could, however, Wesley read his old Bible, well-marked with his own comments and cross-references, while taking time to watch his beloved Atlanta Braves in the baseball playoffs. He died in the sure hope of the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, to raise and judge the dead and to establish God's kingdom. He will be laid to rest at the Johnson Family Cemetery in Stonewall, Texas, alongside his father and mother, and near his grandmother and his great-grandparents.


Those who would like to donate to a charity in Wesley's name may send their contributions to: Agape in Action -- U.S., 521 Valmont Drive, Monrovia, CA 91016. Agape in Action builds and operates homes and schools for orphaned and poor children in Africa and India.

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Jonny Webborn has fought the good fight (1988-2013)

Jonny Webborn can  not share his beautiful photographs any more.

"He has fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith........"

The family looks forward to seeing him again at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ on that wonderful resurrection morning, when we shall see him risen and live again with him on this earth ( see 2 Tim 3:8, 1 Thess 4:13-18, Col 1:13-14 )

Until then, sleep well, and we will cherish his lovely memory every day as long as we ourselves have life. 

Our thoughts and prayers are by the family. We wish them lots of strength and do hope they shall carry with them the many nice memories of a lovely son.