Wednesday 5 August 2015

Ethiopia jails 18 Muslims for plotting to create an Islamic state in the country

Ethiopian-Muslim-Protest-Dimtsachin-YisemaEthiopia (AP)A court in Ethiopia has handed jail terms ranging from seven to 22 years against 18 Muslims who were convicted on terror charges, including allegedly attempting to establish a religious government.

Dimtsachin Yisema, a group lobbying for the release of Muslim detainees, said the sentences were “unjust” and called the Federal High Court a “kangaroo court,” railroading them for decrying its interference in religious matters. In other words, they are claiming victim status. 

According to some:
The verdict passed on muslim leaders & journalist by woyane is politically motivated and it is historical crime  on all Ethiopian Muslims. It is the sign of the regime's deep hate and hostility to the Muslims. Their hostility is expected as the regim's composition is more than 90 percent  non Muslim in the country of 50 percent  muslim community. Until  the form of the of the government  change, we Ethiopian muslims never expect justice.  This can be achieved through struggle by whatever means necessary.  That is all!

> “Ethiopia jails 18 Muslims over alleged terror,” Associated Press, August 3, 2015:
Ethiopian Kangaroo court sentences 18 Ethiopian Muslim Leaders, Preachers and Journalists 7-22 years in prison

Aantal burgerslachtoffers in Afghanistan bereikt een nieuw record

English: Afghanistan orthographic_projection
Afghanistan orthographic_projection (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In haar halfjaarlijks rapport schrijft de VN-missie in Afghanistan (Unama) dat het aantal doden, in vergelijking met dezelfde periode vorig jaar, met zes procent gedaald is. Het aantal aanslagen, moorden en gewonden bij gevechten tussen opstandelingen en Afghaanse veiligheidsdiensten, is met vier procent gestegen.

Het totale aantal burgerslachtoffers van het conflict is met één procent gestegen, tot 4.921. dat is het hoogste cijfer sinds 2009. Sinds dat jaar, toen het geweld in het land opflakkerde, worden die cijfers bijgehouden.

Sinds de Navo-gevechtsmissie zich terugtrok staan de Afghaanse politie en het leger alleen om te strijden tegen de islamstrijders, vooral taliban. Ongeveer 13.000 buitenlandse soldaten bevinden zich nog altijd in Afghanistan, maar hun takenpakket beperkt zich tot het opleiden van hun Afghaanse collega's. (BELGA/NSK)

Friday 31 July 2015

Let us make sure we are not stiff-necked

Today, God’s word is available to be read in every language, but how many “hear” by properly reading it?

In God’s perception of humans today, nearly all are stiff-necked! Let us make sure we are not.

Let us become like Abraham of whom we read today in Romans 4,
“No distrust made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised”.
Those who call themselves Christian should be following up the teachings and the tasks given by the master teacher Jeshua, Jesus Christ. Too many forget how important the preaching of the Word of God is. Too many do not care to bring the Good News of the coming Kingdom to others. they better consider what Jeshua had asked his followers. they should know like the apostles knew that great emphasis must be placed on the preaching of the Gospel. This should be the sacred duty of every Christian, to place himself or herself under that preaching.

Preaching is at the heart of our liturgy. Our spiritual health and our Christian lives, like the lives of those around us, utterly depend upon hearing and heeding the voice of Christ and up hearing the Voice of his heavenly Father, the God of him, Abraham and us.

We may not neglect that which is most needful for our Christian lives and for the salvation of us and our beloved ones.


Find more about preaching at our ecclesia site: Articles on Preaching or on Stepping toes and preaching


Preachers should know and continue the task Jesus has given his followers

English: Carving on the marble pulpit of St St...
Carving on the marble pulpit of St Stephen's Church in Bournemouth. Hampshire. The work of Nathaniel Hitch. The carvings represent three scenes from the New Testament. In the central panel Jesus is seen preaching the sermon on the mount. On each side we have St Peter preaching on the first Whitsunday(Pentecost) and St Paul preaching in Athens. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Primarily through the preached Word of God people can hear about God and His works. By all this preaching work all over the world Christ is present with his people.

Preachers, be it layman, priests, pastors may be attacked, but they should know and continue the task Jesus has given his followers.

The Word of God must occupy a central place in the life of every Christian. Luther very well knew this and therefore placed the utmost emphasis on the necessity of the preaching of the gospel for the Christian life.
Without the preaching of the Word of God, the Christian’s spiritual life will be sapped. He or she will become spiritually malnourished and waste away. It can be said without exaggeration that to be removed from the preaching of the Gospel is to be removed from Christ’s presence.


You may find to read:

Luther on the Christian Life (3)


Nigerian-born South African pastor assaulted by street thugs for preaching the word of God on the streets

English: looking out over Johannesburg from Br...
looking out over Johannesburg from Braamfontein. Nelson Mandela bridge over the train station. CBD in the background (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A 48-year-old Nigerian-born South African pastor, of The Evangelical Christian Assembly, South Africa, Zander Emenogo, was waylaid and assaulted by street thugs for preaching the word of God on the streets.

Already been talking about drugs, crime and violence in the streets and parks of Johannesburg for 10 years he encountered two young men who did not like it and wanted that had to shut his big mouth.

The  scared father of two said he had to pass on the message whether someone got upset or not.

He said
“I didn’t know I was stepping on toes as I preached on. I only realized that when I rounded off my preaching and wanted to go home.”
“When I turned around to find my way out of the street, I felt a heavy blow on my head and passed out. I only woke up after 4 hours in a hospital bed,”
he added.

He said he didn’t give up. He went back to the street after been discharged yesterday and was threatened.
“A man told me what the guys did on Saturday was nothing compared to what they would do if I didn’t stop preaching.”
“I told him I preach what the Lord tells me,”
 Zander said.

As the story goes, the police are currently investigating the incident and no arrest has so far been made.


Thursday 30 July 2015

Human beings and creation

Homo sapiens sapiens - Deliberate deformity of...
Homo sapiens sapiens - Deliberate deformity of the skull, "Toulouse deformity ". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Human species think they are superior to other species and behave uncontrolled hautain.

Over the years they made not only a mess of their own society and history, they also intruded the life of the other species and made it for many impossible to survive.

Throughout history we got a species which wanted not to be associated with animals though they often behave worse than animals. they also became a sort which liked to bring forward many excuses for things they did. As such they say that they are susceptible to weaknesses:
they are only human, and therefore mistakes do occur the risk of human error

It is a created being which has many weaknesses and makes lots of errors. Often for their wrongdoing they try to blame others. Or they use the mistakes from others to make themselves seem better. They like to show of their better 'Me' with better qualities, such as kindness or sensitivity.

As a human being we like to see the primate mammal of the genus Homo, the only living species of which is Homo sapiens.
Some like to compare them with near relatives like the chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan, an d are intrigued by their several distinct features.
Normally they walk upright, often hiding their patchily hairy body, but not afraid to boast with their musculature or specific bodily design.

They consider themselves the brightest of all creatures and like to see the proof of it in their brains and their forehead which is higher than that of any ape.

Microscopically, humans are distinct from great apes by the size, number, and shape of their chromosomes. Another distinction is the human capacity for language. Socially, humans are similar to lesser primates, preferring a family or other small group.

Humans have always actively made great changes to both their immediate environment and to ecosystems. And there lies a big problem, because most often they did not take much notice of the consequences of their actions in nature.

Being five for twelve it is getting time that those human beings wake up from their self-esteem dreams. They often being full of selfishness have to start thinking about others more.

Many leaders also think they should interfere with what man is doing to himself and to other creatures living on this planet earth.

Please do continue reading about man's position in this universe and how the human being has to take up his responsibility.

  1. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #1
  2. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #2
  3. Paris World Summit of Conscience, International interfaith gathering #3
  4. Vatican against Opponents of immigration
  5. Message of Pope Francis I for the 48th World Communications Day
  6. Mayors from all over the world at the Vatican to talk about climate change
  7. Climate change guilty of doing too little
  8. Postponing once more
  9. Forms of slavery, human trafficking and disrespectful attitude to creation to be changed
  10. Vatican meeting of mayors talking about global warming, human trafficking and modern-day slavery
  11. Senator Loren Legarda says climate change not impossible to address
  12. Why “Selfishness” Doesn’t Properly Mean Being Shortsighted and Harmful to Others
  13. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  14. How to Find the Meaning of Life and Reach a State of Peace
  15. Inner feeling, morality and Inter-connection with creation

Readings about human beings:

  1. Genesis 1 story does not take away an evolution
  2. Challenging claim 2 Inspired by God 1 Simple words
  3. Looking at three “I am” s
  4. Means of creations
  5. Coming to the creation of human beings in the image of God
  6. Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man
  7. Necessity of a revelation of creation 2 Organisation of a system of things
  8. Necessity of a revelation of creation 8 By no means unintelligible or mysterious to people
  9. What is life?
  10. Born to Shine not to fear!
  11. Denis Wright looking at the world of human beings
  12. Every creature is a divine word because it proclaims God.
  13. Inequality, Injustice, Sustainability and the Free World Charter
  14. A last note concerning civil rights
  15. Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends
  16. He Speaks
  17. The faithful God
  18. A voice cries out: context
  19. Time Has A Way Of Healing
  20. Let you not be defined by the effect of your wrong choice
  21. Birds, Birds Everywhere
  22. Accents in schools and tools of survival against aliens
  23. Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places
  24. Science, 2013 word of the year, and Scepticism
  25. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions
  26. Being Religious and Spiritual 4 Philosophical, religious and spiritual people
  27. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  28. Sharing thoughts and philosophical writings
  29. Glory of God appearing in our character
  30. Eternity depends upon this short time on earth
  31. Building up the spirit of the soul
