Sunday 19 March 2017

March 19, 1263 First significant concordane of the Bible

English: Page from the Dutsch Professorenbijbe...
English: Page from the Dutsch Professorenbijbel ("Professors Bible"), a translation of the Latin Vulgate of the Books of the New Testament. This part, covering the Pentateuch, was published in 1904. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
March 19, 1263
Hugh of St. Cher, a Dominican, made the first significant concordance of the Bible. This was for the Latin Bible, the Vulgate. He is said to have had the help of 500 Dominican friars. The only other person known to have attempted to compile a Bible concordance before him was St. Anthony of Padua. Hugh's concordance only gave the Latin word but did not give any of the text around it. This made it crude by modern standards. All the same, it served as a basis for the work of men who soon came after him.
Bible chapters had not yet been broken into verses. In order to help scholars find words, Hugh broke each chapter into seven parts to which he gave letters of the alphabet.
The concordance was only one of three tools that Hugh gave the Dominicans. Each of them was needed to assist the order to meet their goal of preaching the Gospel. One of his other efforts was an attempt to correct the errors of the Vulgate. However, he did not know that Jerome had made the original translation and often turned down Jerome's comments in favor of the ideas of other writers. When the church learned that Jerome had actually made the Vulgate translation, Hugh's work lost all credibility.


Friday 17 March 2017

Donald Trump after declining numbers of people victimised for their religion managed to increase the numbers again

Emblem of the Ku Klux Klan
Emblem of the Ku Klux Klan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to an article from the National Review, the most reliable data on hate crimes comes from the FBI, which shows that the number of people victimized for their religion declined dramatically from 2010 to 2014: from 1,552 victims to 1,140 victims, or by 36 percent.

The number of victims of anti-Jewish bias declined similarly: from 1,039 to 648 victims, or by 38 percent. The FBI then records an uptick in 2015, to 1,402 total victims and 730 victims of anti-Jewish bias.

Since Donald Trump  heated up the crowd in 2016 many North Americans came to see a threat in other religious groups than their christians denominations. Not only immigrants and refugees became the bad guys. The hate speeches of Donald Trump took care that the KKK and far right fundamentalist evangelicals could find enough reasons to go against Jews.


Thursday 9 March 2017

Discussie over zendingsbevel in Lutherbijbel

De voormalige Thüringse landsbisschop Christoph Kähler (Leipzig), die de revisie van Lutherbijbel leidde, stelt dat Luther bewust zo vertaald heeft zoals nu in de nieuwe Lutherbijbel is opgenomen, omdat mensen andere volken niet tot christenen kunnen maken.
In De Lutherse gemeenschap is er discussie ontstaan over de zendingsopdracht die Jezus heeft gegeven aan zijn volgers.

Het zendingsbevel in Mattheüs 28:19 in de vorig jaar opnieuw uitgegeven Lutherbijbel is niet goed weergegeven, zo vinden critici.
In de vertaling staat niet: 
„Gaat heen en maak alle volkeren tot discipelen”
, maar:
 „Gaat heen en leert alle volken.”
 Ds. Jochen Teuffel (Vöhringen/Iller) noemt het een vervalsing. Luther volgde hier niet de Griekse grondtekst maar de Latijnse Vulgaat. Het woord ”mateteuo” betekent meer dan leren en heeft betrekking op een betrokken levenshouding. 

Praying to see troubles in the proper perspective

I pray to see my troubles in the proper perspective.
I know that, as I have suffered, others have suffered and still suffer more.
I pray that I may help to relieve their pain. Amen

Real love releases hidden possibilities

Real love releases hidden possibilities.

...God is love.
He reveals deep and secret things, He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.'
1 John 4:8 - Daniel 2:22t

Dear God give me the opportunity to share the agapè love with others around me and let me show them the Way to You