Tuesday 5 September 2017

Ontstaan van eigen vrijheid

''Mijn vrijheid ontstond op de dag dat ik de dingen niet meer zo persoonlijk nam.''
Eigen gedachte van: Dirk Draelants, Antwerpen BE

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Jeshuaists or Followers of Jeshua

Because there being lots of Messianics (Messianic Jews and Messianic Christians) who say they are following the Nazarene master teacher Jeshua, but having made him into their god, several Messianic Jews as well as some Christians want to separate or distance themselves from those trinitarian believers.

Jeshua-ists are believers in only One God, the God of Israel. The God about Whom Jesus came to tell and show the Way to Him. for Jeshua-ist there is no place for worshipping a three-headed god. For them there is only One True God, Who was and is the God of Abraham and Jesus.

Jeshua-ists want to honour the Nazarene Jewish rabbi and want to make his name better known. They want to let the people know that he is the Way to God and the sent one from God who gave his life as a payment for the sins of all, to redeem them from slavery of death for sin.

The majority of Jeshua-ists may have a Jewish background, but there is also a connection made with non-trinitarian Christians who follow the same master teacher and Messiah Jesus Christ..

You may find some WordPress Jeshua-ist websites on the net:

A general platform: Jeshua-ists - Jeshuaisten

A personal site with the name Jeshuaist

A personal site of Immanuel Verbondskind

Friday 25 August 2017

Sometimes we face trials

In life we encounter many difficulties. Even as an organisation we can have to face trials or having to look at people who tell lies about us and have people defending the false accuser.

Sometimes we lack this necessary wisdom to face trials and persevere faithfully. These are the times when our suffering is so overwhelming that we are tempted to question whether God is either sovereign or good or to come to question if the organisation we are with might be the right one.

In such circumstances we may not forget that the adversary of God may be everywhere and in all sorts of disguises. There are enough people who shall try to get you away from your church or from your faith group. Their aim shall be to discourage you and to destroy your faith in that group you where doing so much for.

Though when we look at the matter, take distance form it we shall see some good things in it as well. It shall give us an opportunity to check if we are connected  with the right persons. Also it shall remind us that if we lack the wisdom needed to face such trials with faith and steadfastness, we can ask God.
We should ask God.

We must ask God.

In the very first chapter of his letter, James reminds us that the God we are to ask is not only sovereign, He is also faithful.

Many people may try to annoy us and get us so far that we start doing the wrong things; They may tempt us or want us to lure in saying things which can harm us more.

Many may use many ways to tempt us or to get us so far that we might react in the way they would love us to see, bringing damage to us. God does not tempt us to sin; He is good. He doesn’t make fun of us when we ask for wisdom; He is the God who gives generously.
James 1:5 The Scriptures 1998+  (5)  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of Elohim, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it shall be given to him.
When tempted by evil doers, we should not be afraid to ask God for advice. At moments we may feel left abandoned. We may feel as if so many are turning against us. We also may feel like we once more failed.

When daring to talk to God and asking His advice, He shall come to us and by our guide. Our good and sovereign God will grant to us the very thing we are lacking, the very thing we need to face suffering well.

So, let us ask God for wisdom, believing that He is sovereign, faithful, and good, and that God uses our suffering to make us look more like Jesus.
James 1:4 The Scriptures 1998+  (4)  And let endurance have a perfect work, so that you be perfect and complete, lacking in naught.
Life might not always be easy and may demand a lot of us. Often we have to show a lot of patience.

When believing in God, trusting Him, we might find out that everything comes all right in due time.

Do you believe? Ask Him! He is a generous God who delights in giving good gifts to His children in order that we may patiently and faithfully endure to the end.


Additional reading
  1. An other look at the events of today by one of our magazines
  2. Today’s thought “Be aware of what went on” (August 15) He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him.
  3. The post-Christian world
  4. Through much tribulation
  5. About transgression, law and punishments
  6. The ecclesia Facebook account from now on restricted access 
  7. Golden rule for understanding in spiritual matters obedience
  8. The Golden rule not always as easy as its sounds
  9. Gates to different belief systems in this world
  10. Matthew 6:1-34 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Leviticus 19:18 Continued 1 Charity and neighbour love
  11. Matthew 6:1-34 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Leviticus 19:18 Continued 2 Prayer and neighbour love
  12. Matthew 6:1-34 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Leviticus 19:18 Continued 3 Forgiveness and neighbour love
  13. Matthew 6:1-34 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Leviticus 19:18 Continued 4 Treasures’ and neighbour love
  14. Matthew 6:1-34 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Leviticus 19:18 Continued 5 Matthew 6: 24-34: e) Anxiety and neighbor love
  15. Matthew 7:1-11 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Neighbor Love Continued 6: Matthew 7:1-5 Judgment and neighbor love
  16. Matthew 7:1-11 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Neighbor Love Continued 8: Matthew 7:6-11 Giving and neighbor love
  17. Matthew 7:12 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Summary on the Torah’s Fulfillment
  18. Matthew 7:13-14 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: The True Disciple #1 The Narrow Gate and the way to destruction 
  19. Religious Theology – The wide gate!


Thursday 17 August 2017

Mijn gebed voor vandaag

Here God, help mij
 om me niet te ergeren aan frustrerende onderbrekingen die mij afhouden van de dingen die ik meen te moeten doen.
 Geef mij geduld.
Help mij om m’n ik-gerichte geldingsdrang aan de kant te schuiven
 en me open te stellen voor alles wat U wilt dat ik vandaag doe. 

Leer mij ongewenste onderbrekingen te zien als onverwachte mogelijkheden! 

  Als die standvastigheid ook daadwerkelijk blijkt, zult u volmaakt en volkomen zijn, zonder enige tekortkoming (Jacobus 1 vers 4).

God, Strengthen my human weaknesses

I pray that Your Almighty power will strengthen my human weaknesses.

Hear my prayer, O God,
may it echo in Your ear.

In Jesus name, amen