Thursday, 23 April 2009

Pakistaanse Christenen aangevallen

In verschillende delen van Karachi hebben extremisten (de media zegt dat het de Taliban is) 4 kerken aangevallen.
Wanneeer de Christenen de aanvallen trachtten te stoppen werd het vuur op hen geopend en werden twee christenen gewond.
Ook in Khuda Ki waar de Christadelphian ecclesia 31 leden heeft, is de situatie zeer gespannen.

De Christadelphians in Pakistan hebben voor uw gebeden gevraagd.

1 comment:

  1. The situation in Karachi is worsening. The city is very tense and terrorists are attacking properties, burning vehicles and firing on passers-by. We have received reports from the brethren that they been without electricity, and power has just been restored after 7 hours.

    There are clashes going on between pro-Taliban and anti-Taliban ethnic groups with killing and burning of restaurants and shops without discrimination. Thy City Mayor has just announced that all schools will be closed for two days to save children from any harmful actions.

    In earlier news from Pakistan, several churches in Karachi have been sent threatening letters demanding that Christian missionary activity should stop. The letters include threats of suicide attacks. The Government has recommended that all small Christian groups should worship together until the situation is normal again. They have also offered Police security during worship times. Two Christadelphian ecclesias in Karachi declined the offer of Police security and have consequently removed all signs from their meeting places and last Sunday they met in homes instead.

    Thanks for your prayers.
    Please continue to pray for the safety and protection of our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.
