Saturday 17 September 2011



There draweth near the day of God,
When messengers are sent abroad,
To gather from the world’s bye-ways,
All who these dark evil days
Holding Yahweh’s word supreme,
Make it their daily active theme
That they may judg’d  be;
And I am wondering always,
What will the manner of that day be,
And its time of coming be?

Will it be  the early morning hours,
Before  the day has gained its powers
(So strong to draw our thoughts away
From  things of God to things of clay)
That in its duties lurk?
Or will the angel’s quiet hand
Stay the imperious demand
Of the swift noonday work;
And a grave voice tell me I must be gone,
And let the dead with the dead work on?
Or when the evening morning sweet,
And rest is pleasant and musing meet,
Or when the darkness covers me,
Will the light shine round me suddenly,
And at midnight come the cry?

Ah! The time is little; the thought for me

Is, what will the manner of that day be?
If the angel should meet me on the way,
Or come to me in the house, and say
“The Master is come and calleth for thee,”
What will the summons be to me,
What will my heart reply?
Shall I hear it as a longed-for-word?
And rise up quickly to meet the Lord?
Or will my spirit quail,
And my heart sink down ,with a dread dismay,

A speechless fear, that the Judgment Day

I had not watched for, can only be
One of  contempt and shame for me?
While tremblingly and pale,
I follow the angel forth to stand
Rejected, at the Lord’s left hand?    

Forbid it Lord! Oh grant  to me

Grace to follow hard after Thee,
Studying daily Thy written word
With purpose of heart to serve Thee Lord,
And walk with Thee always.
To let my eyelids look straight on
Unto the prize that must be won,
Yea, fought for, agonized for (Ah me!
How the flesh strives for the mastery
How heavy this weight of clay).

Lord help me that flesh to crucify,

Cut off  the hand, pluck out the eye,
And having entered the straight gate
To lay away each heavy weight.
And the sins that besets so easily,
Still looking, looking unto thee
And gathering strength thereby;
To meet  temptation steadfastly,
As thy hast met the same,

Watching and praying, day by day,

That when the angel comes, I may
Meet him with joy (though tremblingly),
Daring to hope that even I
May have the white stone given to me,
May join the acclaim,
And with the twelve twelve thousand be
Clothed with Immortality
Part of “the Yahweh Name”

Christadelphian  1882

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