Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Teach children the Bible

When we start a family we do have to take in mind how we are going to lay out the path of the children.

From the moment we realize God has given our next generation life, we should be thankful to God and pray for them.

As the blogwriter Sheena Steve remarks: A" positive pregnancy test or seeing the child’s heart beating on the monitor for the first time is a reminder of the responsibility God is entrusting in our hands."

We can train our kids to behave well, and we can try to get them to know God. But whatever happens always shall be there the influences from outside, school, comrades, friends, media, etc.. But God has to call them and pull them towards Him. We only can express our hopes that they shall get to learn the importance of religion and the belief in One God, Creator of heaven and earth.

We can read parts of the Bible regularly and discuss what is going on in the world in relation to the Master Worker. It is important that as soon as possible we let the children feel that God is in our midst.

As parents, we hold the bottom-line responsibility to teach our children about God. It is not something we can pass on to the church or the Sunday school teachers. But what do we teach them and when do we start?

Ex-software engineer, Sheena Steve, whose life turned right side up when she gave birth to triplets (all boys too!) started  “An Imperfect Life” as an attempt to document her day to day experiences as she enjoys the ride of her life as a stay-at-home wife and mom.

She brings a blog worthwhile to read or to follow how she allows God to enter her life and that of her family. It can be uplifting to see that not only your life can be troublesome and far from perfect but that you are not the only one who tries with falling and getting up to learn everyday that no matter how hard you try… only Jesus Christ and God can perfect it.

Sheena Steve believes that “God will perfect that which concerns me” (Psalm 138:8) and “In my weakness, God’s strength will be made perfect”  (II Corinthians 12:9).

An Imperfect Life” wants to be a mosaic of life stories compiled to encourage and inspire you. 

It wouldn’t do any good if we taught our kids how awesome God is, and failed to mention how personal He is to each of them. It will be of no use either when we do not show the kids how God interferes in our lives and helps us to grow. We also have to show the changes God makes in us. We do have to live a Christian life, breathing the spirit of Christ, before we can get our kids to see and feel Christ in our and their life.

We can pray all day for our children and diligently teach them the Bible, but all that won’t make a difference, if our kids don’t see us practising what we teach them. We can teach them that God’s given us everything we need, but if they see us being discontent and grumbling about what little we have, what are they taking away from it?
Even as babies, our kids imitate us – they smile, wave their hands and learn to clap, after seeing us do the same. Toddlers learn new words and mannerisms by observing us. If they see us reading the Bible and praying on a regular basis, won’t they want to do the same?
Your children will become who you are; so be who you want them to be. ~ Anonymous

We always should be patient and show how Christ works in us. For all that we teach our kids about God, none of it matters until they seek Him for themselves. While that may take a few years, we should remain obedient to God and teach our kids about Him and about His son, God's Salvation and the Kingdom of God.

Please do find:

  1. Let The Children Come ~ Teach Them About God

  2. Let The Children Come ~ Pray for Them

  3. Let The Children Come ~ Be An Example



Friday 9 November 2012

Words in the world

The world is revolving all the time and we are just a small part in it.

For thousands of years humans had to find themselves a rightful space to live adequately and looked for different ways to make their life as enjoyable as possible. Men thought a lot about the reasons why we live and what we have to do, where we going to and what happens as we die.

There have always been more questions in a human life than answers. Many humans used their brains to find answers and solutions and where willing to share their thoughts with others.

In previous times some people wanted to present the world as a tree bringing knowledge tradition, extending between earth and heaven, being a vital connection between the world of the unknown, possible heavenly creatures or spirits, gods and the world of man.
Today people are more rational and think of a black hole and a big bang followed by an evolution to come back to an end by a big explosion.

Many ideas, many scientific explanations. Lots of writings, lots of discussions.

In between all those books and words of human beings, you can find people who consider it more worthwhile to listen to the words written in some very old books. They believe those ancient writings are timeless, and do bring us the history of the people of God and show us the way to come to a better life. We can believe it or not, we can take it or leave it.

Men has been intrigued from the beginning about his position in the world. Many also wondered about gods or higher spiritual beings. Christadelphians are no different. They also questioned the existence of man. They too are concerned with earth, the plants and the animals, and the human beings who can make or destroy a lot of things in the universe.

We also wonder about the world and face the stories about creation, myths and doctrines. We too are confronted with different opinions and religions. Myth and mythology have fostered for many years many thinkers. There have come a lot of fields in existence were scholarship took time and effort to study the importance of the world and the human being.
Buddhism, Christianity,Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism and so many more forms of thinking religious or mythical gave the world lots of books and many words which turn around our ears to bring us either in confusion or to bring us along several paths in this world.

In the Christadelphian World humble pacifist people would like to share their love with others all over the world. Here you will be able to find thoughts from a specific angle. Christadelphians, could be seen as people who live in the phila delphia or in christadelphia as brothers in the city of Christ. As brothers and sisters we want to share our time and knowledge, to educate each other and to grow in Christ. The Jewish teacher who lived about two thousand years ago, and wanted the world to show the works of his Father, the Only One God in heaven. Yes that is the only thing we should take as a sort of dogma. For all the rest we do not need any dogma. Everything is explained in the Words of that One God, who is One.

That is the only facet which requires full faith without a clear proof. Christadelphian people believe in that One God, who is a spirit and not something physical touchable. This Spirit who is One God of gods has created everything around us. It may be a ghost but we do not have to be afraid of him, who also has a Name of which we should not be afraid. He is the Most High in which we should have faith and confidence.
We have the Creator of heaven and earth and everything around יהוה who exists and has given His Word which is inspired and infallible. In a special way He took care that the world could be saved by man who was willing to give his life for many. This Jewish man, Jeshua from Nazareth, better known as Jesus Christ is the long awaited Messiah. Jesus tried to show the world what it had to believe and what would happen to it. God had put His hope in him and also we should put our hope in this humble man who could preach like none. In him we got a better future.

This man's words were written down by his disciples, who also wrote down the history of the first followers of Jesus. By his teachings and according the way the first followers of Christ wanted to build up their community we also like to build up a community according the teachings of Christ and his apostles and according the Will of God so that we can get a life with God. Christadelphians want to nurture a close relationship with God the Creator.

Many people should better get a Fear of God as reason to return to Holy Scriptures, and get to read the Bestseller of all times, The book of books, the Bible.

Monday 21 March 2011

Power in the life of certain

The human race is a study in diversity. —We are a fascinating collection of different shades, different shapes, different sizes. —We support ourselves in an amazing variety of ways. —We speak to our loved ones in over 6,000 tongues.—Yet, we are far more alike than different.

We share common concerns, needs, desires. We want economic security and satisfying work. We want our marriages to be happy. We want the best for our children. We want them to be close to us. We want them to share our values, to be safe and secure. Also we need friendship and support from others. We thrive on human contact and love. Young or old, we cherish good health. Far too often though, these desires go unfulfilled.

Children come to reject parental values and standards. Marital bliss turns into marital distress. Making a living becomes a stressful ordeal. Despite high-tech medicine, illness and death eventually conquer us all. Most people feel powerless to improve their lot in life. However there is something that can make a difference, something that has given millions of people hope, and has empowered them to change their lives for the better. Something that can make a difference in your life.

The Bible– Its Power In Your Life.

Many acknowledge the Bible as a literary masterpiece, but it is much more than that. It is the most widely circulated book in existence. Over 90% of the population of our planet have access to it. More than any other book, the Bible has the power to change people's lives, As the Bible itself says: "The word of God is alive and exerts power . . ." [Hebrews 4:12] But if this is true, then why do so many problems plague mankind? How could the Bible have the solutions to mankind's difficulties when so many of those who claim to believe in it are unfulfilled and unhappy? The World Council of Churches reports: "There is frightening and growing ignorance of the Bible in all sections of western society." Bible Societies estimate that 85% of western `Christians' have never read the whole Bible. Regrettably, many who do read the Bible simply do not understand it. God's word thus has little impact on the lives of most who claim to believe in it.

Do you understand the Bible? Do you read it?
In Belgium not many persons do take up the Book they consider just difficult to read imaginative literature or old fashioned poetry.

Are there people interested to know more about that Word of God?
Are it only Jehovah's Witnesses who have unlocked the Bible's power and put it to work in their lives.  They are known the world over as students of the Bible, but they are not the only ones.
In Belgium you also can find serious Bible researchers, people who do love to read and study the Bible, recognising that it is the invaluable Word of God, which can show us the Way to Live for ever.

We have the firm conviction that the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God.
"The Bible that we have today, is referred to by many as a divine library, a collection of sacred writings, undertaken by about 40 different men over a period of 1,500 years. Some of these writers were shepherds, fishermen, and even a physician. Remarkably though, the Bible is one harmonious book, united by a single theme, God's Kingdom. The book that we have today, called `The Bible' is a reliable library of divine information. "

By conforming to God's Law book, the Bible, not only millions of Jehovah's Witnesses have transformed their lives. Before that organisation the world could already find serious Bible Students with a.o. Thomasites or Christadelphians.

All those who looked into the Word of God to find teachings and inspiration where helped by those words in the 66 books of the Bible, in three arias: Family Life, Economics, and Health.

Bible Students as the Christadelphians are also convinced that the Bible offers any advice that can help you survive today's tough economic conditions and that there are Bible principles that can help prevent needless suffering.

The Bible has the power to change lives. But it does more than just give practical advice. The Bible is the law book of God's Kingdom. It sets forth the principles we must adhere to if we are to live forever under that kingdom's rule.
The Bible can improve our lives. Yet, as the apostle Paul wrote: "All creation keeps on groaning together, and being in pain." Faithful servants of God are not spared the ravages of illness, or the aches and pains of old age. But they are sustained by faith in the future blessings from God's Kingdom. The words of Job 33:25 will then be fulfilled on a grand scale. "Let his flesh become fresher than in youth. Let him return to the days of his youthful vigour."

Are you willing to have your life inspired and boosted up in power of the Creator?

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Immortality, eternality - onsterfelijkheid, eeuwigheid

An endless life, is it possible? - Een leven zonder einde, is het mogelijk?

Under the Tag "Onsterfelijkheid" (Immortality) you shall be able to find articles about the quality or condition of being immortal in the sense of having endless life or existence.

The the quality or state of being immortal, having or receiving an unending existence.

The articles shall look at the condition of being exempt from death or destruction, of living for ever. We shall bring forward that there are several doctrines about this matter were in many religions and philosophies there is spoken of a immortality of one part of a person and in a few instances there is a forthright belief in immortality of the body, but rare.

Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of living in a physical or spiritual form for an infinite length of time. (Concise Oxford Dictionary)

According the Catholic Encyclopedia immortality is ordinarily understood as the doctrine that the human soul will survive death, continuing in the possession of an endless conscious existence. Together with the question of the existence of God, it forms the most momentous issue with which philosophy has to deal. It belongs primarily to rational or metaphysical psychology and the philosophy of religion, though it comes also into contact with other branches of philosophy and some of the natural sciences.

Physical immortality or a state of life that allows a person to avoid death and maintain conscious thought can be there from the beginning or can enter after a stadium according certain believers. It can mean the unending existence of a person from a physical source other than organic life. By definition, all causes of death must be overcome or avoided for physical immortality to be achieved.

Biological immortality is an absence of aging, specifically the absence of a sustained increase in rate of mortality as a function of chronological age. A cell or organism that does not experience aging, or ceases to age at some point, is biologically immortal. (Wikipedia)

Spiritual immortality is the unending existence of a person from a nonphysical source, or in a nonphysical state, such as a soul. Specifically 'soul immortality' is a belief that is expressed in nearly every religious tradition. However any doctrine in this area misleads without a prior definition of 'soul'. Another problem is that 'soul' is often confused and used synonymously or interchangeably with 'spirit'. (Wikipedia)

The doctrine of immortality is essential to many of the world's religions. Many religions promise their faithful an eternal paradise in an afterlife. These presume perfection, as they are part of a divine plan, and are categorically desirable.

Adam and Eve lost physical immortality for themselves and all their descendants in the Fall of Man, though this initial "imperishability of the bodily frame of man" was "a preternatural condition." (Adler, Mortimer J., ed., et al. (1952). The Great Ideas: A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. p. 784.)

According to some religions immortality
implies that the being which survives shall preserve its personal identity and be connected by conscious memory with the previous life, while others think the person shall start afresh and enter an new phase in his life without to be remembered to the old life.
Some have held that after a future life of greater or less duration the soul will ultimately perish. Throughout the East there has been a widespread tendency to believe in metempsychosis or transmigration—that individual souls successively animate different human beings, and even the bodies of lower animals. A special form of this view is the theory of metamorphosis, that in such a series of reincarnations the soul undergoes or can undergo evolution and improvement of its condition. (Catholic Encyclopedia)

Christadelphians and many Bible Students believe the word soul (nephesh or psykhe) as used in the Bible is a person, an animal, or the life a person or animal enjoys. Hence, the soul is not part of man, but is the whole man — man as a living being. Hence, when a person or animal dies, the soul dies, and death is a state of non-existence (Ezekiel 18:4) Hell (Hades or Sheol) not being a place of fiery torment, but rather the common grave of humankind, a place of unconsciousness is the place were every dying person goes to. Those death have to wait until the return of Christ to be taken out of the grave and to appear in front of Jesus to be judged. Jesus was the first to be rewarded with heavenly immortality. After the final judgment, it is expected that the righteous will receive eternal life and live forever in an Earth turned into a paradise. From that moment they, though perhaps still having the possibility to die, shall never have to face death again. So notice the distinction that those with 'eternal life' can die though they do not succumb to disease or old age, whereas immortal ones cannot die by any cause.

In the Christadelphian and other Bible Students idea the Grace of God becomes reality in the Ransom offer of Jesus Christ who has given his life for all, so those who are justified shall not have to offer their body, or anything else, any more. They shall be granted life in the Kingdom of God without any pressure of pain and death. They fully, and not just a certain part of them called soul, shall be able to enjoy life.

God had foreseen a Plan and promissed salvation and a marvelous life in the Kingdom of God. God is bound to preserve the believers in possession of its conscious life, at least for some time, after death. All previous Bible prophesies have come to reality, so we may believe that all the rest God promissed shall also become reality. In the Kingdom of God the future life is to continue for ever.

Onder de tag "Onsterfelijkheid" zal u in staat zijn om artikelen over de kwaliteit of de conditie van het onsterfelijk zijn, in de zin van het hebben van  of het bestaan van eeuwig leven te vinden.

De de kwaliteit of de staat van het onsterfelijk zijn, het hebben van of het ontvangen van een eindeloze bestaan.
De artikelen zulllen bekijken hoe het al of niet mogelijk is dat er een conditie bestaat waarbij men
vrijgesteld  kan worden van de dood of vernietiging van leven voor altijd. We zullen naar voor brengen dat er verschillende doctrines over deze kwestie zijn in veel religies en filosofieën waarin er gesproken wordt over een onsterfelijkheid van een deel van een persoon en in enkele zeldzame gevallen waar er een openhartig geloof in onsterfelijkheid van het lichaam is.

Onsterfelijkheid (of het eeuwige leven) is het concept van het leven in een fysieke of spirituele vorm voor een oneindige lengte van de tijd. (Concise Oxford Dictionary)
Volgens de Katholieke Encyclopedie wordt
onsterfelijkheid gewoonlijk opgevat als de leer dat de menselijke ziel na de dood zal overleven en in het bezit blijft van een eindeloze bewust bestaan. Samen met de kwestie van het bestaan van God, vormen zij het meest gedenkwaardige probleem met welk filosofie te maken heeft. Het behoort in de eerste plaats tot rationele of metafysische psychologie en de filosofie van de religie, maar het komt ook in contact met andere takken van de filosofie en een aantal van de natuurwetenschappen.

Fysieke onsterfelijkheid of een staat van leven dat een persoon de dood kan voorkomen en de bewuste gedachte kan
onderhouden vanaf het begin of na een stadium kan hiertoe kan komen  volgens bepaalde gelovigen. Het kan betekenen dat het eindeloze bestaan van een persoon uit een fysieke andere bron dan het organische leven zou kunnen zijn.
Per definitie moeten alle doodsoorzaken worden overwonnen of voorkomen om fysieke onsterfelijkheid te bereiken.
Biologische onsterfelijkheid is een afwezigheid van de vergrijzing, met name het ontbreken van het ouder worden, een afwezigheid van aanhoudende stijging van sterfte als functie van de chronologische leeftijd. Een cel of organisme zal indien het onsterfelijk is dan ook niet ervaren ouder te worden, of niet langer aan leeftijd gebonden zijn op een bepaald punt, om biologisch onsterfelijk te zijn.
Geestelijke onsterfelijkheid is het oneindige bestaan van een persoon uit een niet-fysieke bron, of in een niet-fysieke toestand, zoals een ziel. Specifiek 'ziel onsterfelijkheid' is een geloof dat wordt uitgedrukt in bijna elke religieuze traditie. Maar elke doctrine op dit gebied misleidt zonder voorafgaande definitie van 'ziel'. Een ander probleem is dat 'ziel' vaak verward en als synoniem of door elkaar met 'geest' gebruikt

De leer van de onsterfelijkheid is essentieel voor tal van religies van de wereld. Veel religies beloven hun getrouwen een eeuwig paradijs in een hiernamaals. Deze leerstelling veronderstelt perfectie, omdat ze deel uitmaakt van een goddelijk plan, en is categorisch wenselijk.
Adam en Eva verloren fysieke onsterfelijkheid voor zichzelf en al hun nakomelingen door hun zondeval, hoewel deze eerste "onvergankelijkheid van de lichamelijke frame van de mens"  "een bovennatuurlijke toestand." was (Adler, Mortimer J., red., et al. (1952) de grote ideeën:... Een Syntopicon van Groot-boeken van de westerse wereld Chicago:... Encyclopaedia Britannica blz. 784)

Volgens sommige religies impliceert onsterfelijkheid dat het wezen dat overleeft haar persoonlijke identiteit zal weten te behouden en verbonden zal worden door het bewuste geheugen met het vorige leven, terwijl anderen denken dat de persoon opnieuw zal horen te beginnen en tot een nieuwe fase in zijn leven zal komen zonder te worden herinnerd aan het oude leven.Sommigen hebben geoordeeld dat na een toekomstig leven van meer of mindere duur de ziel uiteindelijk toch zal vergaan. Doorheen het oosten is er een wijdverbreide neiging om te geloven in zielsverhuizing of transmigratie, dat individuele zielen achtereenvolgens verschillende menselijke wezens, en zelfs de lichamen van lagere dieren zullen animeren. Een bijzondere vorm van deze opvatting is de theorie van de metamorfose, dat in een dergelijke reeks reïncarnaties de ziel verscheidene evoluties en verbetering van de conditie kan ondergaan. (Katholieke Encyclopedie)

Christadelphians en vele Bijbelonderzoekers geloven dat het woord ziel (nephesh of psykhe) zoals gebruikt in de Bijbel een persoon, een dier is, of het leven dat een persoon of dier geniet. Vandaar, de ziel is geen onderdeel van de mens, maar is de gehele mens - de mens als een levend wezen. Vandaar dat wanneer een persoon of dier sterft, de ziel sterft, en dood is en in een toestand van niet-bestaan (Ezechiël 18:4) Hel (Hades of sheool) is geen plaats van vurige pijniging, maar het gemeenschappelijke graf van de mensheid, een plaats van bewusteloosheid, de plaats waar elke stervende persoon naar toe gaat. Diegenen die gestorven zijn moeten wachten tot de wederkomst van Christus om te worden opgenomen uit het graf en te verschijnen  voor de rechterstoel van Jezus om te worden beoordeeld. Jezus was de eerste die werd beloond met hemelse onsterfelijkheid. Na de definitieve uitspraak wordt verwacht dat de rechtvaardigen eeuwig leven zullen ontvangen en eeuwig leven zullen op een veranderde aarde in een paradijs. Vanaf dat moment dat ze, hoewel misschien nog steeds de mogelijkheid zullen hebben om te sterven, zullen zij nooit meer worden geconfronteerd met de dood. Dus merk het onderscheid op dat mensen met 'eeuwige leven' kunnen sterven, alhoewel door de vervulling van de belofte zij niet meer zullen bezwijken voor ziekte of ouderdom, terwijl onsterfelijken niet kunnen sterven door welke oorzaak dan ook.

Volgens de mening van Christadelphian en andere Bijbelonderzoekers over de genade van God wordt deze werkelijkheid in het Loskoopoffer van Jezus Christus, die zijn leven heeft gegeven voor iedereen. Aldus zullen al degenen die gerechtvaardigd zijn hun lichaam, of iets anders, niet meer moeten aanbieden als offer. Zij worden leven in het Koninkrijk van God verleend, zonder enige druk van pijn en dood. Zij zullen volledig, en niet alleen een bepaald deel van hen, genaamd de ziel, kunnen genieten van het leven.
God had voor een plan gezorgd en beloofde heil en een prachtig leven in het Koninkrijk van God. God is gebonden aan de gelovigen hun bezit van hun bewuste leven te bewaren, althans voor enige tijd, na de dood. Alle voorgaande Bijbel profetieën zijn werkelijkheid geworden, waardoor we kunnen geloven dat al de rest wat God beloofde ook werkelijkheid zal worden. In het Koninkrijk van God zal het toekomstige leven worden voortgezet tot in eeuwigheid.

Onsterfelijk, blijvend, levenslang, definitief, perpetueel, permanent, onvergankelijk
altoos, voor altijd, immer, in alle eeuwigheid, voor goed, voor immer, for ever, ad vitam, in perpetuum, in aeternum



onvergankelijkheid, onsterfelijkheid, immortaliteit


verduurzamen, bestendigen, in stand houden, perpetueren, vereeuwigen

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Created to live in relation with God

We have been created to live in a relation with God.  However once when we have experienced a relation with God, the meaning and the sense of life becomes us clear.  We see matters that we never saw before and we will be very dumb to want to turn back to the old life.  

The life without a relation with God is as a television without antenna.  Some men are reasonably satisfied with the image of their live, because they do not realize that they can get a much better image.  A clear image with which you can see the life much sharper and clearer.  What a shame!

Dutch original / Nederlands origineel > Geschapen om te leven in relatie met God

Thursday 25 February 2010

Life in gratitude opens glory of God

“A life in gratitude opens God’s glory.”
- Bengt Sundberg

"It is always possible to be thankful for what is given,
rather than to complain about what is not given.
One or the other becomes a habit of life."
- Elizabeth Elliot

“Gratitude is not only the largest of virtues, but the parent of all other.”
 - Cicero

“Real gratitude means that we must thank God for what he has done for us,
and that we tell Him what we have done for Him.
- George R. Hendrick

"Offer to God thanksgiving,
And pay your vows to the Most High."

Psalm 50:14

God I thank You for al your works
and for supplying to be allowed to enter your kingdom.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Leven in dankbaarheid opent glorie van God

Wednesday 6 January 2010

The business of this life


As Jesus watched the people of his day criss-crossing the pathways of Palestine, and possibly thinking also of all those coming in the future, he said: “Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with ... the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares” (Luke 21:34).
 The business of this life is not adding business to business and land to land, or diploma to diploma, or dollar note to dollar note. The business of this life is a personal preparation for the coming of the Lord and the ensuing fellowship with him throughout eternity. The hope of eternity with Christ ought to be as real to every businessman as his balance sheet. It should be as real to every worker as his pay packet, but unfortunately, it is not so. The crumbling, material things that are seen are given more attention than the indestructible things that as yet are not seen.

 Above the din of the market, the buzz of social gossip, the stamping and mirth of the pleasure spots, booms the unmistakable voice of Jesus Christ with a steadying question: “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” How foolish to grasp out after possessions far and wide and in doing so pass up the most priceless treasure closest at hand - one’s own soul. Some may think this question applies only to would-be world dictators, tycoons, and top-flight entertainers. But no; it sounds into everyone’s world. The busy housewife can lose her own soul among the shopping, the baking, the washing, the social round, if she lets life slip by without seeking after God. Of what value then is all her busyness? The daughter of fashion can lose hers among the style books, the fabric counters, the dress shops, if she does not stop to pin her faith securely on the hope of a garment of righteousness obtainable only from Jesus Christ. 

There is plenty in a man’s world too, to make him lose his own soul if he will not take time to search Christ out, even though such searching be done at night as was the case with Nicodemus when he had his heart to heart talk with Christ. Then what shall it profit?
  This question contains many words used frequently today. “Profit,” “gain,” “loss” - these words escape from the lips of businessmen every second. The far-reaching deal, the sure contract, the safe investment, the “what’s-in-this-for-me” attitude, are like the taxes - for ever with us. “Steady, steady,” sounds the voice of Jesus. “See, that eternity with me is the most far-reaching deal, the surest contract, the safest investment. There is everything in it for you that could possibly be desired. I cannot reveal it to you in perfect detail now, but I must ask you to trust me. I have failed no one yet.” In times of anxiety his voice speaks again: “Steady now, I am with you.”

When we long to retaliate for wrongs done to us, again that calming voice penetrates our hurt and our angry frustration? “Vengeance is mine. Don’t you take the law into your own hands, for I will repay” (see Rom. 12:19). Anger is a great bungler, and it has well been said that we get at odds when we try to get even.
  “Steady, steady,” says the Word of God in times of financial adversity. “The silver is mine and the gold is mine. I can supply your need. I don’t let the righteous beg for bread. David will tell you that.”

  In every age God has used His faithful ministers to halt the headlong rush of His people. Haggai, the great minister of rebuke, called in loud tones to the people of his day: “Consider your ways, consider your ways. See how unprofitable all your selfish striving is. Your wages are going into bags with holes in them. Your grab-all-policy is a lose-all-policy, if only you would wake up and realize it. You are working yourself to death for nothing. There is no lasting gain for you while you let the work of God languish, and there is no satisfaction for you while you give Him no satisfaction by your conduct.”

  Paul, the fearless apostle to the Gentiles, commanded the church members at Corinth to, “Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith; prove your own selves.” Quite likely there were a number of those who heard this who felt hurt at the thought that their minister doubted them. Some would be indignant, but Paul knew what they needed, and though he did not want to upset them, he wanted to stir them to see that their nominal profession of Christianity would not save them. Their faith must be nurtured, and guarded.

  May God bless all the faithful ministers who sound just such a steady warning to the people under their care. And may God give us all the grace to listen to them and to accept their counsel in the spirit in which it is given.

  We must daily seek the Lord with the request that He will prepare us to be sounding boards for the “steady” warning.” Often friends look to us for advice when they feel that they are too close to a situation to sum it up properly. Other times they fail to see that they need some guidance, and this is when we need Divine tact to point it out to them. We are told that we should not give advice unless asked, but that doesn’t always hold good. “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” and “faithful are the wounds of a friend.”   A young girl once said how grateful she was for the timely counsel of an older friend. She had enjoyed a long acquaintance with a young man, but now he was beginning to show trends of conduct that did not fit into acceptable Christian living. The conflict in her mind was sharp. How could she marry him, and yet how could she break it all up? She hesitated, hoping things would change. Came one morning and her friend with it. They talked things over. Finally the friend said: “Remember, while you are single we can do everything to help you, but if you marry him, we can do nothing.” Then she went away. The warning penetrated her confused thinking and settled a decision in her mind. Her friend’s wise departure at that point emphasized the on-your-own-if-you-marry-him part of her message. >From that morning on the young girl determined she would marry a Christian, a true-blue one, or no one at all.

  May God help us all to be faithful and tactful friends. We need to ask the Lord to help us to speak to the point, and not to “let our train of thought be wrecked by a flood of emotion,” when we have to counsel those near and dear to us. Brief, meaningful sentences, full of logic and understanding, penetrate and motivate, whereas an emotional, verbose talk bordering on a long drawn-out speech only produces negative responses.

  In home life, in social life, in business life, and most of all in decisions for eternity, let us heed the Word of God, and the words of our ministers, parents, teachers, and friends.
- John Aldersley

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Activiteiten in dit leven nagaan
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Friday 30 October 2009

Two states of existence before God

"There are only two states of existence before God: the flesh and the spirit, darkness and light, death and life. The unbeliever walks "according to the course of this world ... according to the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience ... fulfilling the desires of the flesh ... and are by nature the children of wrath."
John Marshall,
The New Life

"This is a truth which must be courageously faced.
However good, in the worldly sense, however gentle or loving, the unbeliever is disobedient to God
- and it is He who judges, not we ourselves.
That is why Paul wrote: "do not unite yourself with unbelievers; they are no fit mates for you.
What has righteousness to do with wickedness? Can light consort with darkness?
Can Christ agree with Belial or a believer join hands with an unbeliever?
Can there be a compact between the temple of God and the idols of the heathen?
And the temple of the living God is what we are" (2 Corinthians 6:14-16, NEB).


Dutch translation / Nederlandse vertaling > Twee staten van bestaan voor God
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Wednesday 30 September 2009

Humility and the Fear of the Lord

By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honour and life . . . with the humble is wisdom . . . The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  (Pro 22:4; Pro 11:2; and Pro 9:10)Walking in humility is the pathway for living by the grace of God. "God . . . gives grace to the humble" (1Pe 5:5). In our present verses, we see that humility and the fear of the Lord are related. Humility and the fear of the Lord result in the same blessings. "By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life." The closing trio ("riches and honor and life") are an Old Testament description of a life that is fully blessed by God. The New Testament counterpart would be fullness of spiritual life. "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (Joh 10:10). Humility and the fear of the Lord also result in wisdom. "With the humble is wisdom . . . The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." Humility is the candid acknowledgement of our absolute need for the Lord to work comprehensively in our lives day by day. The fear of the Lord is respect and reverence toward our great God. It is not a fear involving terror or apprehension. Rather, it is based upon profound admiration and dependent devotion. Those who humbly fear the Lord (by placing their admiration and devotion in Him) also embrace His perspectives and values.  They develop a hatred for the things that He hates. "The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate" (Pro 8:13). Correspondingly, those who have respect and reverence for the Lord develop a love for all that He loves. The Lord loves for His people to walk in righteousness and justice. "The LORD loves the righteous . . . the LORD loves justice" (Psa 146:8 and Psa 37:28). The Lord loves Israel, His chosen nation. "The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples" (Deu 7:7). The Lord loves His church, the children of God. "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1Jo 3:1). The Lord loves the world, those who need to know Him. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (Joh 3:16).

Lord God almighty, I humbly bow before You, acknowledging my absolute need for You to work comprehensively in my life day by day. I want to walk in the fear of the Lord, placing my admiration and devotion in You. I want to hate all that You hate and love all that You love, in Jesus name, Amen.

- Hoekstra

Wednesday 24 June 2009

The Soul not a ghost


without measure." The same reasoning would show that 
man himself, as existing in this life, is a ghost, for God is 
called a man, Exo. 15 : 3, " The Lord is a man of war." 
The same principle of false reasoning would convert a 
man's heart and eyes, as well as the heart and eyes of 
beasts into so many ghosts, for they are called by the 
same name as the eyes and heart, hands, and feet of God. 
And a tree must have sense and feeling, because it is said 
to have life as well as men. But what sort of theology 
is this ? Cannot God possess an attribute that may be 
entirely spiritual, yet called by the same name as one in 
man that may be entirely corporeal ? If he cannot, then 
how shall he be able, out of these stones, to raise up 
children unto Abraham ? Matt. 3 : 9. Surely the souls 
of these children would be corporeal, if made out of stones. 

Again, God's soul cannot be separated from himself; 
for if it can, then is he two Gods. " But to us there is 
but one God." 1 Oor. 8 : 6. Allow God's soul to be him- 
self as nephesh when applied to God, is twice translated. 
Jer. 51 : 14, " The Lord of hosts hath sworn by his ne- 
phesh" (by himself). Also in Amos 6:8; or him, as in 
Pro. 6 : 16. " These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, 
seven are an abomination of his (nephesh,) of him ;" and 
we obtain the correct idea. As nephesh, the soul, com- 
prehends the whole being of God, so does the same term 
comprehend the whole being of man ; and never means a 
principle that can live independently of the man or beast, 
to both of which the term nephesh is indiscriminately ap- 
plied ; and is twenty -five times correctly translated " them- 
selves." Let two examples suffice for the present. " He 
teareth (his nephesh) himself in his anger." Job 18:4. Did 
Job tear his immaterial and immortal ghost ? u Back- 
sliding Israel hath justified herself, (her nephesh) more 
than treacherous Judah." Jer. 3:11. Has a nation a 
ghost ? 

Nay, but every nation has a being. Here, then, the 
arguments of Luther Lee, and those of like (" ptrecious .?") 
faith, are overthrown by the translators themselves, though 
they were believers in the immortal-soul theory. It is 
vain to endeavor to array the soul, which is the man him- 
self, with the attributes of independent conscious existence, 
spirituality, immateriality, and immortality, against the 
plainest declarations of God's Word. 


Sunday 14 June 2009

A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2

Our Manner of Life

Having explored in some measure a broad overview of some of the attributes of character that disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ must develop if they are to truly be his disciples, it is time to draw our thoughts towards a conclusion. Jesus in his prayer as recorded in John 17 has this to say:

“This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” John 17:3 

This sums up the crux of the matter. The whole purpose of life is not to have existence for the sake of living, but rather that the created order of things fulfils the purpose of its creation. The purpose of Yahweh was not that we should have life merely to exist, but that we, as created beings, give Him pleasure by reflecting His Divine Glory. Yahweh has graciously extended His love toward you and me; He has invited us to be part of His great divine family. Because of our response by accepting baptism and becoming ‘in Christ’ we have been adopted into that divine household. Adoption has brought many joys, many privileges, many hopes, but also an immense responsibility. 

The wise man wrote:

“Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come... .. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:1, 13-14

Now is the time of opportunity. Now is the time to seek Yahweh. Now is the time to keep His commandments. The commandments govern and guide all aspects of daily life and continuing the line of thought about personalising those commandments some areas to examine could be:

         My place in the Body of Christ and my Ecclesia.
         My private and public worship.
         My relationships with my brethren and sisters. What is true fellowship?
         My relationships within my work and with other people in general.
         My character and behaviour

All things are open to the sight of Him who created us, it is easy to deceive oneself but Yahweh sees all, our every thought and action is known to Him. He knows our frame, He knows our sorrows and joys, our motives are laid bare before Him. Our love may be feeble and faith frail, yet mercy triumphs over judgement (James 2:13).  If we truly love the Lord our God, if we have a living and active faith holding fast to that which so good, then with David we rejoice:

“O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.” Psalm 139:1-4

Surely with such lofty thoughts in mind our hearts are filled with awe and indeed David continues:

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. (v6)

Thus we are brought to realise our own imperfection and limitations. It is not within man to guide his own footsteps, nor within us to foresee the path must we take. Yahweh knows what is best for each of His children; His goal is not our present comfort, but our eternal welfare. All present joys and sorrows are transitory and ephemeral, only having meaning within the context of Yahweh’s plan and purpose with His creation. 

How great a love has the Lord our God and Father bestowed upon us that we should be His children (1John 3:1). Is your love for Him such that with David the heartfelt response comes:

“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.” Psalm 119:97

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!” Psalm 139:17

Only a living and active faith will look deep inside the inner person and know the honest answer.

  Andy Peel

Next:  ‘My place in the Body of Christ and my Ecclesia’.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Be happy that the thorn bush has roses

"Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns,
be happy that the thorn bush has roses."
- German Proverb

"Do everything without complaining or arguing,
so that you may become blameless and pure,
children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation,
in which you shine like stars in the universe"
Philippians 2:14-15

God, let me look perspective to life.
All the problems I encountered I want to overlook
and the beauty and goodness of your creation set against it.
That I may be just in your eyes
and may live impeccable according to your commandments.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Wees blij dat de doornstruik rozen draagt

Friday 15 May 2009

A Living Faith #8 Change


The ways of Yahweh are unchanging and in an ever changing and uncertain world, we can derive great comfort from that knowledge. We know for certain that what He promises, that He will also do. As Malachi records, Yahweh says, "For I am the LORD, I do not change” (Mal 3:6). Therefore, if we desire reconciliation with our Creator, if we desire to attain His mercy and if we desire to be part of His purpose, then it is we who must change. Yet how hard that process of change can be!

Now thus far we have considered faith as something that must be a living and active force in our lives. Faith requires diligence and effort to sustain; it is not gained by a one off effort and once acquired, faith can be easily lost if it is neglected. Therefore patience and perseverance are required to sustain and develop faith. Further, a willing sacrifice of self and a humble acceptance of the absolute authority of Yahweh is also required, if faith is to be a living and active part of our daily lives. Obeying the Word, obeying the commandments and following the principles of God, must be the fulcrum around which our lives revolve.

Above all there must be a conscious recognition that not by our own strength or abilities will we gain a living faith. We have no inherent merit, we deserve only condemnation, but Yahweh has graciously extended His mercy toward us. He has demonstrated His willingness to count our faith as righteousness. More than this, He has invited His children to commune with Him through prayer. Thus active personal prayer is inseparable from faith. Yahweh will hear and answer sincere prayer that flows from a humble, contrite and honest heart.

With these thoughts in mind then, there is one further step for us to consider that will be an integral component of and arise from a living faith. An active faith will incorporate change and that change will ultimately be fundamental and far reaching in its extent.  Personal change is a product of having a living faith, there must be a complete renewing of the inner man. Paul writes:

“For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.” Romans 6:5-6

We committed ourselves to ‘putting off the old man’, that is the old self that is self seeking and to be renewed according to godly characteristics. No longer enslaved to sin, but freed to serve the Lord our God. If this inner change takes place, then having been united with Christ in the likeness of his death, we will be uplifted in the likeness of his resurrection.  The resurrection to life is certain, becuase this is the express promise of Yahweh. A living faith will trust and believe His word. Yet how often do we doubt? How often do we consider the prospect of failure, rather than the prospect of being part of the divine purpose? Yes, most certainly life is a gift that we do not merit. However, equally certain is Yahweh’s love and mercy towards those who love Him, those who trust and believe in His promises. Paul writes that in Christ:

“all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” 1Corinthians 1:20

Further through Paul the Spirit says:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1-2

No condemnation! Free from sin and death! Now if those thoughts do not stir our highest emotions, our deepest gratitude and inspire a living active faith what will? A living faith will not see or contemplate failure, but rather be inspired to deny the flesh and live according to the spirit. It will desire above all things to be ‘Christ like’, being renewed in the inner man as Paul exhorts:

“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.  And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.” Philippians 2:5-8

Rarely are Yahweh’s children asked to forfeit their life in His service. No, the sacrifice and inner change demanded is greater than this. The giving up of life involves the giving up of all that is held dear in the present and dedicating all to His service. A striving to develop attributes of character that are moulded in the image of our Creator.

The death of Christ was the culmination of a life of sacrifice. The more we behold the glory and character of the Lord Jesus, the more we mediate and reflect upon his example, then the more we will grow to be like him. If we are ‘Christ like’ then our lives will exhibit a similar life of sacrifice that is engendered by a living faith. Thus we read:

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2

Children of the light have nothing in common with and no fellowship with those in darkness. Consider the enormity of this wonderful promise:

"Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." 2Corinthians 6:17-18

The calling is to be separate and this will in no measure perturb those who have an active faith that desires above all to put the Commandments of Christ into action day by day. Indeed it will be their desire to keep apart from those who do not know the Lord and those who do not love and follow the Word.

They have noting in common with those who remain or stray into darkness. A living active faith desires one thing above everything, namely to know the Lord their God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. They desire to be in the image of their Creator and will shun all who do not have this image imprinted upon them. So Paul is moved to write:

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord”  2Corinthians 3:18

How wonderful, how gracious, how longsuffering, how merciful and how loving is Yahweh! May our response be the deepest desire to have a living faith that in some small, albeit imperfect way, reflects His divine glory.

Andy Peel

In this series:
A Living Faith #1 Substance of things hoped for
A living faith #2 State of your faith
A Living Faith #3 Faith put into action
A Living Faith #4 Effort
A Living Faith #5 Perseverance
A Living Faith #6 Sacrifice
A Living faith #7 Prayer
A Living Faith #8 Change
A Living Faith #9 Our Manner of Life
A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
A Living Faith #11 My place in the body of Christ and my ecclesia
A Living Faith #12 The Love for Jesus


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