Tuesday 3 November 2009

Seeing the world through the lens of his own experience

"Everyone sees the world through the lens of his own experience. We perceive our world from a particular time and cultural background. It is easy to assume that Jesus and his disciples were much like ourselves. In our movies about Jesus he is often portrayed as a "hippie" with blond hair and blue eyes. It is not as easy to see Jesus as a homely, middle eastern Jewish rabbi who spoke Hebrew and went by the name "Yashua Ben Yoseph".

If we want to understand Jesus and his message in its original context we have to try to understand the world from his point of view. The most natural assumption in the world is that we put ourselves in the mindset of a first century Jew. If we read the Gospel from this perspective, does the message change? An intellectualized Gospel of the 20th century North American or a Social Justice Gospel which resonates so well in Third World today may miss the message found in a 1st century story of a Jewish Messiah.

Long ago, God chose a special people for himself. He promised Abraham and his descendants that through them would come a redeemer who would bless all nations. So it was that Israel looked forward to the coming Messiah (anointed one). Jesus was very clear in regard to the spiritual authority God had bestowed upon the Jews. We see this in his remark to the Samaritan woman in John 3:22. The Samaritans worshipped the God of Abraham too, but they worshipped him according to their own standards.

Jesus said:

"You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews." John 3:22

The Gospel has become many things in the name of "spirit and truth" (John 3:23) yet God chose to bring forth salvation from within a Jewish context. Jesus cannot be properly understood apart from Old Testament Judaism.

Despite this reality, the Christian world has generally abandoned the Jewish context in which the Gospel was born. Gentile believers, in a reaction against Jewish "traditionalism", commonly discard all things Jewish as obsolete. As a result, Christian traditions have replaced the old Jewish ones.

Over the centuries, the Church developed a version of faith which accommodated its own cultural expressions. This is most readily illustrated by noting the many pagan practices that have been "christianized" and assimilated into our faith experience. It is just as revealing to note how little Jewish tradition was adopted. These "new" traditions are now so embedded we can hardly imagine Christianity without them. Imagine trying to live without Christmas or Easter, both pagan in origin, now fundamental centerpieces of the Christian experience.

There has been a paradigm shift from a Middle Eastern Jewish Messiah to a Western Greco-Roman Christ. So much so, in fact, that Christianity today bears little resemblance to the religion Jesus participated in on the earth. In the minds of most Christians, Judaism may as well be a different religion altogether.

I will suggest that Judaism is not a "different" religion. Rather, Christianity and Judaism are two perspectives of One God. Christianity is no more complete without its Jewish heritage than Judaism is without the Messiah. We may not be comfortable with accepting that Jesus and his disciples were all proud Jews, but I firmly believe it is in our interest to do so.

It is good to remember that the foundation for "Jewish" culture was established directly by God himself. Judaism is the original backdrop of the Gospel story. The Jewish Torah is our own beloved Christian Old Testament. Our God is One, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christians should take pride in the fact that this Jewish heritage as it is ours as well. Even we Gentiles have a just spiritual claim to all things promised to the Jew through Jesus our Messiah (Christ)."
GB - The Agora

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: "In those days ten men from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem (tzit zit) of his robe and say, 'Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.'"
Zechariah 8:23

+ About looking throught the lens > If we view the whole world through a lens that is bright

Sunday 1 November 2009

Look for today

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

Proverbs 27:1 (27 kb)

    Humility about the future! We don't control tomorrow. At other times in our lives we may have taken tomorrow for granted; not so anymore. Tomorrow may not come. Tomorrow something horrible could happen. Tomorrow everything we possess could be gone. In the face of these discouraging possibilities, is there anything positive we can hold onto? Absolutely! We know that God holds tomorrow in his hands. We know that because our life is hidden with Christ in God (cf. Col. 3:1-4) our tomorrow is secure. It might not be what we expect. It might not go as we planned. But, it will go as God determines and it will end up with us sharing in his comfort, victory, and glory.

1   So, if all of you have been raised up together with the Christ, continue seeking those things above, where the Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. {Psalm 110:1} 2  Continue thinking about things above, and do not keep thinking about earthly things. 3  For all of you died and your life is carefully concealed with the Christ in union with The God. 4  Whenever the Christ–our Life–becomes visible, then all of you, also, together with him, will become visible in glory.” (Colossians 3:1-4 MHM)

    Father, my tomorrows all rest in your hands. I ask that I can be useful to you today; courageous enough not to worry about tomorrow, and loyal enough to not waver in my love for you and my commitment to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Christelijke Overdenking: Kijk naar vandaag
2013 update:
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Christelijke Overdenking: Kijk naar vandaag

Christelijke Overdenking

Zondag 1 november 2009

 Proverbs 27:1 (27 kb)

Spreukenv. 27:1

  • Statenvertaling
  • GNV
  • NBG 1951
  • NBV
  • Het Boek

"Beroem u niet over den dag van morgen; want gij weet niet, wat de dag zal baren." (Spr 27:1 STV)

"Praat niet altijd over morgen; je weet niet eens wat de dag van vandaag je zal brengen."

"Beroem u niet op de dag van morgen, want gij weet niet wat een dag kan baren."

"Juich niet over de dag van morgen, je weet niet wat hij brengen zal."

"Verheug u niet bij voorbaat over de dag van morgen, want u weet niet wat een dag zal brengen."


Overdenking van vandaag:

Bescheidenheid over de toekomst! Wij hebben geen controle over morgen. In het verleden kunnen we de komst van weer een nieuwe dag als vanzelfsprekend gezien hebben, maar vanaf nu niet meer. Er zou wel eens geen morgen kunnen zijn. Morgen kan er iets vreselijks gebeuren. Morgen zouden wij al onze bezittingen kunnen verliezen.  

Deze ontmoedigende mogelijkheden in ogenschouw nemend, is er dan nog iets waar wij ons aan vast kunnen houden? Ja, dat is er absoluut! Wij weten dat God iedere komende dag in zijn hand heeft. Dat weten wij omdat ons leven met Christus verborgen is in God (Kol. 3:1-4). Onze toekomst is veilig gesteld. De toekomst zou anders kunnen blijken te zijn dan wij verwachten. De dingen zouden anders kunnen gaan dan wij hadden gepland. Maar het zal gaan zoals God het bepaalt en het zal eindigen met ons delen in zijn vrede, zijn overwinning en zijn heerlijkheid.


  Als gij dan met Christus ten leven zijt gewekt, zoekt wat boven is, daar waar Christus zetelt aan de rechterhand Gods. 2   Zint op het hemelse, niet op het aardse. 3   Gij zijt immers gestorven en uw leven is nu met Christus verborgen in God. 4   Christus is uw leven, en wanneer Hij verschijnt zult ook gij met Hem verschijnen in heerlijkheid.” (Colossenzen 3:1-4 WV78)


Vader, al mijn morgens zijn in uw handen. Ik vraag u dat ik mij vandaag nuttig voor u zal kunnen maken; moedig genoeg om mij geen zorgen over morgen te maken, en trouw genoeg om niet te wispelturig te zijn in mijn liefde voor u en in mijn toewijding aan u. In de naam van Jezus. Amen.

Engelse versie / English verison > Look for today

Always set a place in your life for the unexpected guest

"Always set a place in your life for the unexpected guest."
- Unknown

When God turns away from us because of selfishness, it is not rejection.
Rather, it is an invitation to follow Him
to a place we would rather not go.
- Brennan Manning

"Let brotherly love continue.
Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels."
Hebrews 13:1-2

Even though I sometimes may be busy in my life,
let me make more time available for unexpected guests.
Dutch version / Nederlandse versie > Voorzie steeds een plek in je leven voor de onverwachte gast
2013 update

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Voorzie steeds een plek in je leven voor de onverwachte gast

" Voorzie steeds een plek in je leven voor de onverwachte gast."
- Onbekend

"Als God van ons afkeert door onze zelfzucht, is het geen verwerping.
Maar een uitnodiging om hem te volgen
naar een plek waar we eigenlijk niet willen gaan."
- Brennan Manning

”Sta steeds klaar om anderen te helpen en te ontvangen.
Sluit niemand uit.”
Marcus Ampe

"Laat broederlijke liefde blijven.
Vergeet niet om vreemden te vermaken,
door dit te doen hebben sommige ongewild engelen vermaakt."
Hebreeën 13:1-2

Ook al kan ik het soms druk hebben in mijn leven,
laat mij steeds tijd vrij kunnen maken voor onverwachte gasten.

Engelse versie / Englisch version > Always set a place in your life for the unexpected guest