Saturday 20 November 2010

Friday 19 November 2010

Which theologian are you

Just for the joke, curious to see what the outcome would be, I took pat in the quiz of Quizfarm: Which theologian are you?

I Scored as Anselm

"Anselm is the outstanding theologian of the medieval period.He sees man's primary problem as having failed to render unto God what we owe him, so God becomes man in Christ and gives God what he is due. You should read 'Cur Deus Homo?'" they write.


John Calvin

Charles Finney

Martin Luther

Karl Barth

Jürgen Moltmann


Paul Tillich

Friedrich Schleiermacher

Jonathan Edwards


What are your results?

NWT and what other scholars have to say to its critics

English: Example of appendix from New World Tr...
Example of appendix from New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures, study edition, Danish Dansk: Eksempel på tillæg i Ny-Verden Oversættelsen af De Hellige Skrifter, studieudgaven, dansk (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The NWT has its many critics, but time and again, these criticisms by biased opposers, who propagate half baked truths and even resort to out right lies at times, have been silenced many times, but they keep on coming back, as it there is absolutely no one who supports the NWT! To silence these lies, here below is a short list of scholars to recognise the truth worth of the NWT!
Below is a list of well qualified professionals, that the critics of the NWT will not show or admit to or show their flocks...!

Prof. Jason David BeDuhn:

"While it is difficult to quantify this sort of analysis, it can be said the NWT emerges as the most accurate of the translations compared."
-Greek Scholar in his book: "Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament"

Of the NWT, "If you are digging for excellent or suggestive renderings, this is among the richer mines."

Frederick Danker:

"Not to be snubbed is the New World Translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, Rendered from the Original by the New World Bible Translation Committee"
-"Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study"

Alan S. Duthie:

The "Jehovah's Witnesses' NWT,. .is certainly not 'filled with the heretical doctrines'...even though a few aberrations can be found...but the percentage of the whole Bible thus affected... does not reach even 0.1% of the whole, which is very far from 'full'.
-"How To Choose Your Bible Wisely"

Prof. Rolf Furuli:

"I read the English text of the NWT against the Hebrew text, word for word...the translators of the NWT have been extremely faithful both to their own translation principles and to the Hebrew text"
-lecturer in Semitic Languages at Oslo University

S. Maclean Gilmore:

"The New Testament edition was made by a committee...that possessed an unusual competence in Greek." -Andover Newton Quarterly

Edgar Goodspeed:

"I am...much pleased with the free, frank, and vigorous translation. It exhibits a vast array of sound serious learning, as I can testify." -Scholar and Bible Translator

Samuel Haas:

"This work indicates a great deal of effort and thought as well as considerable scholarship."
-Bible Scholar in "Journal of Biblical Literature"

C. Houtman:

"The New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses can survive the scrutiny of criticism."
-"Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrifl", [Dutch Theological Magazines]

Prof. Benjamin Kedar:

"I find my feeling repeatedly confirmed that [the OT] reflects an honest endeavor to achieve an understanding of the text that is as accurate as possible... Giving evidence of a broad command of the original language. .1 have never discovered in the New World Translation any biased intent to read something into the text that it does not contain."
-Professor of Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and has a Phd from Yale

Robert M. McCoy:
"The translation of the New Testament is evidence of the presence in the movement of scholars qualified to deal intelligently with the many problems of Biblical translation."
-"Andover Newton Quarterly"

Dr. [Prof.] Bruce Metzger:

"On the whole, one gains a tolerably good impression of the scholarly equipment of the translators."
-Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and Scholar in Greek, OT Studies and NT Studies in "The Bible Translator"

James Parkinson:

"The Jehovah's Witnesses' New World Translation otters a relatively accurate translation from a different theological perspective." -Author of "How To Choose a Bible Translation"

J. D Phillips:

"Last week I purchased a copy of your New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures of which I take pride in being an owner. You have done a marvelous work...but you have made a marvelous step in the right direction, and I pray God that your Version will be used to His glory. What you have done for the Name alone is worth all the effort and cost!"
-J D. Phillips was a Church of Christ Minister who knew Hebrew and Koine Greek

Charles Francis Potter:

In "the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures...the anonymous translators have certainly rendered the best manuscript texts...with scholarly ability and acumen."
-The Faith Men Live By

William Carey Taylor:

The NT of the NWT contains "considerable scholarship"
-"The New Bible Pro and Con"

Alexander Thomson:

"The translation is evidently the work of skilled and clever scholars, who have sought to bring out as much of the true sense of the Greek text as the English language is capable of expressing."
-in "The Differentiator" (a private, published journal)

Prof. Allen Wikgren:

It is "independent reading of merit."
-Scholar on the NRSV committee, as well as on the committee which produced the UBS Greek text

Thomas N. Winter:

"The translation by the anonymous committee is thoroughly up to date and consistently accurate,..ln sum, when a witness comes to the door, the classicist, Greek student, or Bible student alike would do well to place an order." -Professor of Koine Greek at the University of Nebraska.


2016 update (placement of related articles)

Monday 15 November 2010

Charis Shalom

 In het Oude Testament was de traditionele Hebreeuwse begroeting, "Shalom", vrede.
In het Nieuwe Testament werd het Griekse woord Charis toegevoegd. Gratie. De groet werd, "Charis Shalom;" Gratie en Vrede.
Wegens de gratie van God die alle onze zonden weghaalt, kunnen wij de vrede van God
hebben zoals het daarvoor in zekere zin nooit mogelijk was. 

Engelse versie / English version : Charis Shalom


2016 linkupdate

Charis Shalom

English: Shalom
English: Shalom (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  In the Old Testament the traditional Hebrew greeting was, “Shalom,” peace.
In the New Testament the Greek word Charis was added. Grace.
The greeting became, “Charis Shalom;”
Grace and Peace.
Because of the grace of God that takes away all our sins, we can have the peace of God in a way never before possible. 

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie: Charis Shalom


2016 linkupdate

Thursday 11 November 2010

Religious freedom and the sacred liturgy

The primary topics for the special meeting of the world’s cardinals on November 19 will be religious freedom and the sacred liturgy.

Secular news accounts of the special meeting have focused almost exclusively on the announcement that the College of Cardinals will discuss the sex-abuse crisis. But in fact that topic is only one of three secondary matters that will be taken up later in the day.

Read more > Religious freedom and liturgy-- not abuse crisis-- top agenda for cardinals' meeting

+ College of Cardinals Meets for a Day of Reflection (VIS)

Weekly World Watch 31st Oct - 6th Nov 2010‏

“If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.” (Ezekiel 33:6, New International Version)

  • The fate of Jerusalem is one of the most difficult issues Israelis and Palestinians would have to try to resolve in a peace deal. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he will not relinquish east Jerusalem, captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast War and annexed. Successive Israeli governments have tried to assert control over east Jerusalem by suppressing any official Palestinian activity in the city.
  • The Bible says that Jerusalem will become a “burdensome stone” for all people. In other words nations will become weighed down with Jerusalem.
  • William Hague [British Foreign Secretary] warned that the window of opportunity for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was closing and failure by the two parties to reach agreement would be a "serious setback".
  • Germany and France have worked out a proposal for an EU Treaty revision whereby a permanent stability fund would be established and stricter enforcement mechanisms would be created. The proposed changes would give Germany considerable influence over the financial future of its fellow EU member states.
  • Tension is increasing between Russia and Georgia. It is definitely a place to watch.
  • Andy warns:  Catholicism is the only religious organisation that is a nation state as well as a religion. Therefore the Holy See (the Papal government) has a seat at the UN. The Papacy influences governments, rulers and kings around the globe. The Papacy influences other religions and peoples. It has no language or territorial or national barriers. It influences more than any other organisation in the whole world – for ill. The Pope is the little horn of Daniel 7 who stands against EVERYTHING that God stands for. He will come to his end and be replaced by Christ.
  • A surge of searing gas raced down the sides of Mount Merapi at highway speeds, setting houses and trees ablaze and blackening the bodies of those caught in its path. + Volcanologists had predicted last week the eruptions would ease off. But they have continued to grow in intensity. We continue to see creation groaning in travail and know for certain that the labour pains will only worsen as we near the end. All these things we see are warnings to us all to repent, turn to God, trust in Him and wait for our salvation to come. There will be no excuse as we stand at the judgment seat. We cannot say that we did not see the signs our Lord’s return was close.

Younger generation increasingly pro-life

Polling data, record crowds at the 2009 and 2010 March for Life in Washington, and a steep increase in the number of student pro-life groups over the past four years provide evidence that those born between the late 1970s and late 1990s are more pro-life than the baby boomer generation.
“Communications technology through organizations like Live Action, Students for Life and Catholic Vote are giving us terrific images that we know are changing hearts,” says Steve Phelan, communications manager for Human Life International.
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

Scripture alone Sola Scriptora

Timothy Ross wrote in Scripture alone Sola Scriptora

Why do folks love this idea. Is it because we are rebel's by nature ? Who are we to think such things. Doesn't God speak to us today outside of the Bible? Isn't the Bible just a collection of what God has said to normal people like you and me garced by God in a special ...way called prophets adn Apostles and so forth?

The early church wrestled over what Books to put in the canon. Ever studied how they put it all together it might help alot of you and others out. Martin Luther wanted to reform the Institution of Rome not leave her. Many believed he was going to be a pope one day and that he was really brilliant. There was at least two cannon's proposed The common one we have today and the Eusibius cannon. Which one and why? Enoch and othe books like this were recognized by Eusibius . Also why are Protestants so agains the Apocrypha it is full of things that line up historically with scripture and is used by Paul in his writings. So when folks say scripture alone which ones ? I know this is controversial but as a student and scholar this is my question for all real folks after God. Note theApostles had there own traditions also and people say you teach traditons. Really who says? Are you your own God or not accountable to the Body? I am guilty and repent I wonder how many want to turn a new leaf and folow after the Spirit tha trose Jesus from the dead keep the good and throw out the Bad. Do you really know the origins of your theological thoughts? Somebody always is molded by somebody elses ideas. We all have a theology or a traditon but these are not apart of are dogma's . Can you really say Your Doctrine and traditon isn't your dogma. The yare different. So what are your thoughts.

Weekly World Watch 24th - 30th Oct 2010‏


In this weeks WWW

  • Pope makes comments about Israel
  • The latest diplomatic battlefield between Israel and the United Nations. Known as Rachel's Tomb to Jews and the Bilal Rabah mosque to Muslims, the site was included in a resolution by Unesco
  • Pope Benedict XVI has urged Israelis and Palestinians to push for peace in the Middle East and not to give up hope of a settlement.
  • Russia's troubled nuclear weapons programme is back on track after the Russian Navy successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile for the second time in a month.
  • An international terrorist alert over an al-Qaeda parcel bomb plot has been triggered following the discovery of a package containing explosive material at a British airport.
  • Terrorism has gone quiet for the Western world for some time but we know that those who want to bring destruction have not been idle.
  • The Creator’s promise in the Bible that the Promised Land belongs to the Jewish People is no longer valid, a Catholic synod declared.(2)
  • After fires in Russia, now water raging with Tsunami in Western Indonesia which strikes and kills over 400 (sea in the Bible symbolic of nations and people.)

(1) In Dutch about
United Nations making comments about Israel: Het graf van Rachel
(2) Synod: Jesus cancelled Biblical ‘Chosen People’ > Synode: Jezus annuleerde Bijbels 'Gekozen volk'