Sunday, 11 September 2011

Why believing the Bible

Often we hear people  arguing that Jesus did not exist. But that would be the same as saying Alexander the Great, Stalin or Hitler did not exist. You may either like or not like those persons, you cannot neglect the historical evidence that those persons existed and did certain things which shall stay imprinted in human history.

Though less proof is available of certain persons, like Aristotle, Euripides or others than that of Jesus nobody seems to object that those philosophers existed.

Also a strange thing about historical accuracy is that in the Bible several events where predicted and written down many years before the events took place. In worldly writings we can only find details about those prophesied things after they occurred in real life.

Brother Dr Martyn Lawrence is Senior Publisher at a leading academic publishing house. He explores the reliability and number of the original manuscripts of the Bible in comparison to other sources of historical events.


History teacher John Botten explains how the Bible not only records ancient history but also predicted the rise and fall of Alexander the Great.



Why I Believe the Bible - Archaeology -- Dr Leen Ritmeyer explores how modern day archaeological discoveries verify the Biblical account of historic events.



Dutch version / Nederlandse versie:Waarom wij in de Bijbel moeten geloven


  1. Om te weten of een geschrift betrouwbaar is kan men in eerste instantie nagaan wie de schrijver is en welk verband er is tussen het onderwerp dat hij bespreekt. Door de integriteit van de schrijver te kennen weet men meer over hoe hij zijn onderwerpen benadert en of dit al of niet neutraal of vooringenomen zal gebeuren.

    Daarnaast is het ook noodzakelijk om het tijdsverloop tussen het geschrevene en het gebeurde na te gaan, alsook of het voldoende onderbouwd is door de actuele feiten.

    In de loop van tijd moet men ook rekening houden met de kopieën die gebruikt zijn. Best gaat men na of er verschillende kopieën van de gebruikte bronnen bestaan en van het eigenlijke werk, met een controle van de gelijkenissen tussen de kopieën.

    De betrouwbaarheid van de kopieën, zoals voor de Bijbel de Masoretische tekst uit 900 na Christus kan men nagaan door ze met elkaar te vergelijken. Alle tegenwoordig beschikbare gevonden teksten stemmen opmerkelijk met elkaar overeen.

    Belangrijk is de geestelijke met wereldse geschriften te vergelijken. Al hoewel men bij de wereldse geschiedschrijving dikwijls minder originele teksten kan terugvinden dan van de Bijbelse teksten.

    Lees hier verder meer over in: Vertrouwelijke geschriften

  2. To know if a writing is trustworthy we always should check who the writer is and which connection there is between the subject that he discusses. By knowing the integrity of the writer we can know more over how he approaches his subjects and if he does it objectively or not.

    Furthermore it is important to look how much time has gone between the writing and the factual happening of that subject. As well as if it is sufficiently built on the current facts.

    Copies made in the course of time must be checked and compared with each other and with other copies of the used sources and of the actual work.

    The reliability of the copies, as for the Bible the Masoretic text from 900 after Christ one can be proven by comparing them with each other. All these found available texts agree notably with each other and come up to the same thing.

    Considerably the writings of the clergyman should be compared with worldly writings . Although of those worldly historybooks there are often less original texts to be found then of the Biblical texts.

    In dutch you can find a closer look at this subject in Vertrouwelijke geschriften

    Lees hier verder meer over in: Vertrouwelijke geschriften
