Showing posts with label Holocaust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holocaust. Show all posts

Thursday 19 December 2013

Nieuw boek over anti-joods geweld en consequenties van het Israëlisme

Heeft Israël in de Schrift een geestelijke of een materialistische betekenis, of een samengaan daarvan? Dit boek vraagt aandacht voor veranderende Israëlvisies. De hoofdlijn is een kritische beschouwing van de beweging van het Israëlisme, buiten Nederland vaak bekend als Christian Zionism. Het is niet een Joods of Israëlisch verschijnsel, maar een beweging binnen het Christendom, vooral de Westeuropese en Amerikaanse Protestantse tak ervan. Naast een theologische beoordeling van Israëlopvattingen wordt een overzicht gegeven van de historische ontwikkeling van Israëliopvattingen, met name toegesneden op Nederland.

Volgens de auteur wordt het huidige Joodse volk binnen het Israëlisme ten onrechte gezien als het Israël van de Bijbel, dus als openbaringsvolk en als erfgenaam van de bijbelse herstelprofetieën die men extreem letterlijk en futuristisch verstaat en niet christologisch in het licht van het Nieuwe Testament. Die hermeneutische keuze geeft aan het nabijbelse Israël, als volk, land en godsdienst een religieuze betekenis en een plaats in Gods heilsplan, die uitzonderlijker zijn dan die van alle andere naties. De wortels van deze gefascineerdheid door een etnisch, geografisch en religieus Israël gaan terug tot de tijd van  het Nieuwe Testament toen de Farizeeën al een Messias en een materieel koninkrijk verwachtten die niet spoorden met Jezus Christus en Zijn Koninkrijk.
English: Israel. Aereal Ropeway Masada. Upper ...
Israel. Aereal Ropeway Masada. Upper station (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Het verschijnsel van het Israëlisme is krachtig herleefd na de tweede wereldoorlog toen bezinning op de Holocaust Westerse christenen ging vervullen met gevoelens van schaamte en schuld over een collectieve verantwoordelijkheid voor eeuwen van anti-joods geweld. Hoe terecht dit besliste afscheid van een antisemitisch verleden ook is, de negatieve gevolgen van het Israëlisme voor geloof, theologie en Kerk mogen niet uit het oog worden verloren. De consequenties zijn namelijk dat nabijbels Israël samen met Jezus Christus in het centrum van geloof en theologie staat en dat nabijbels Israël naast de Kerk volk van God is. Uiteindelijk  bedreigen deze consequenties van het Israëlisme het hart van geloof, theologie en Kerk. Ze geven immers  binnen het Christendom plaats aan vergaande waardering voor het Judaïsme, ondanks de stelselmatige verwerping van Jezus Christus in dat religieuze systeem. Joden en christenen verwachten niet dezelfde Messias, want ‘ieder die gelooft dat Jezus de Christus is, is uit God geboren’ (1 Joh.5:1).   

Steven Paas, Israëlvisies in beweging: Gevolgen voor Kerk, geloof en theologie [ISBN: 978-94-91583-35-3], Brevier Uitgeverij in Kampen. Verwachte verschijning januari 2014


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Wednesday 5 June 2013

The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation promotes Pope John XXIII

This Monday June the 3°, the church marked a half-century since the death of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli – Blessed Pope John XXIII.  In the Catholic liturgical year he is remembered on October 11,the day that the Second Vatican Council began. He was beatified (made a saint) on September 3, 2000.In the Anglican calendar he is remember on his death day, June .
Within minutes after the Pope’s death Vatican Radio announced:
“It is with profound sorrow that we announce the death of our beloved Pope John XXIII. His Holiness, whose kindness and humility have won the admiration and affection of all mankind, died peacefully and serenely in his apartment in the Vatican apostolic palace at 7:49 p.m. this evening, the third of June 1963.
Pentecost, Monday, June 3, was a day which the church would never forget for it marked the day when one of the most beloved popes of all times died.
Never before had a pope’s final agony been followed so closely and with such deep and sincere sorrow, not only by Catholics but by men of every creed and circumstance on the face of the earth.

The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation has been working relentlessly to honor Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli,  and to spread his magnificent legacy.

Roncalli was a remarkable man who epitomized courage, passion for justice and a strong spirit of reform. His record as Pope John XXIII is well documented and widely known. In 1961, he commissioned the drafting of the revolutionary Decretum de Judaeis (“Decree on the Jews”) which served as a basis to Nostra Aetate (Our Age), a declaration of the relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions, which was promulgated in 1965 by his successor, Pope Paul VI, after Roncalli’s death.

Many other anecdotes surrounding his Papacy clearly show his innermost feelings towards Jews. One of them relates to his famous statement: “I’m Joseph, your brother”, referring to his middle name “Giuseppe” (Joseph, in Italian), in clear Biblical allusion of what Joseph said to his brothers in Egypt.
Before his papacy he also demonstrated his unconditional love for the Jewish people and for the State of Israel. Back in the 1940′s, during the dark days of the Holocaust, Angelo Roncalli served as Apostolic Delegate in Istanbul and in this position he went out of his way to save as many Jews as possible. His door was always open to the Jewish Yishuv leaders involved in the rescue efforts, especially Haim Barlas, who documented the aid he got from Roncalli.

 The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation promoted the naming of streets, schools and a kindergarten after him, the erection of busts and monuments, the creation of educational programs and so forth.
Back in 2011, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation submitted a massive file (the Roncalli Dossier) to Yad Vashem, with a strong petition and recommendation to bestow upon him the title of Righteous among the Nations. 

The foundation has some good news:

A few weeks ago we learned that the city of Ashdod was favorably considering the possibility of naming a street after him and we continue our campaign with other cities and have asked Minister Gilad Erdan to contemplate the possibility of a special stamp issue bearing Roncalli’s semblance.
We are very happy that one of our first members, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (better known nowadays as Pope Francis), who has always been very supportive of our mission to keep alive the legacies of the rescuers, is likely to follow the same path set by Angelo Roncalli, fostering a brotherly dialog between Christian and Jews.
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was a remarkable human being – a role model to whom we all owe a debt of eternal gratitude.


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Thursday 21 March 2013

Festival of Freedom and persecutions

Rabbi Joseph B. SoloveitchikA group cannot be called am [nation] if there is no solidarity says Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. Am is indicative of a readiness to share, a sense of compassion. The Jews were taken out of Egypt and were freed not because of their spiritual grandeur, but simply because they were charitable to one another; there was a feeling of solidarity among them, and they were prepared to follow the instructions of the God of Mozes.

Soon the Jews will be celebrating the Festival of Freedom. For us Christians that is also an important occasion to remember.

We have to remember all the wonders God brought unto the earth to show His Greatness. Though even today the Wonders of God on this earth can be seen every day, not many people do want to see them or do not believe in the Hand who is behind all those blessings.

Today we are confronted with a lot of wars going on all over the world. When we hear and see how many earthquakes and natural disasters are coming over the world where children oppose their parents and religions fight against other religions, than we have the free choice to either see the signs God is giving to the universe or to ignore what is happening as a prophesied element in the history of the creation.

The climax of the Exodus story is the construction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem:
If He had brought us into the land of Israel, and had not built for us the Beit Habechirah (Chosen House; the Beit Hamikdash) Dayenu, it would have sufficed us!
The central importance of Holy Temple in the Passover story and in Judaism must never be forgotten:
Thus did Hillel do at the time of the Beit HaMikdash: He would combine Passover — lamb, Matzah and Maror and eat them together, as it said: “They shall eat it with Matzah and bitter herbs.”
The nexus of the City of Jerusalem, the Holy Temple and the Kingdom of Israel in Judaism must never be forgotten:
Have mercy, L-rd, our G-d, upon Israel Your people, upon Jerusalem Your city, upon Zion the abode of Your glory, upon the kingship of the house of David Your anointed, and upon the great and holy House which is called by Your Name.
Jerusalem will be fully rebuilt:
Rebuild Jerusalem the holy city speedily in our days. Blessed are You, L-rd, who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.

Lots of Europeans recoil the way “Israel” the country is setting up a wall and is discriminating other people. Often they forget that those secular Jews and the fundamentalist Jews are not presenting a proper picture of the active believing Jewish people, the People of God.

In Belgium we are confronted enough with real religious Jews, who act totally different from those we see battling in Israel. Though some Jews over here also may take on an attitude of considering themselves a more important and 'clean' people than the heathen population.Because many cut themselves off from the civil world they often have like many Muslims a wrong idea about Christians and Christendom. They should not forget how it where many Christian believers in the 1930ies and 1940ies saw what was happening in Europe and tried to save those who also believed in the God of Israel.
At the same time it where their own brethren in the New World who perhaps where not so interested in those Jewish brethren of the Old World. If in the 1940s those American Jews had responded to the call for help that came across the ocean from the ghettos in Poland, Lithuania, and the Baltic lands, they might have saved hundreds of thousands of Jews. Rabbi Soloveitchik  also thinks that the Jewish community did not respond to that call. "I thought at the time that the Jewish community was falling apart," he says," that there was no sense of solidarity, of being together, of suffering together." Today he agrees: "It was a terrible crime on our part…and we have not purged ourselves from the great crime we committed, tolerating the destruction of six million Jews."

I bring up this holocaust drama because somehow it was also part of God His Plan and the start of the new Israel. It should also be a lesson for many of us. As Pesach nears, these words should set our consciences aflame. Today, some of the world’s most inspirational Jews suffer continual persecution and brutality. Masked troops destroy their communities under cover of darkness and jail their children without due process, traumatizing families and empowering the enemies of Am Yisrael.

Our world should make a big difference between Zionism and True Israel.

Rabbi Soloveitchik says: "Zionism means defending Jews and building Eretz Yisrael. People who hurt Jews and surrender Israel to Islamist neo-Nazis are not Zionists, no matter how fluent their Hebrew is." But does he not forget that fundamentalist Jews taking over the land of others, though they might think it is given by God, should ask for the land and come to the land to use it as it is instructed by the Most High Elohim Hashem?

All people should be aware that nobody shall be able to hinder God His Plan. Soon we shall be confronted with the reality of the prophesies coming to conclusion.
No matter what happens Israel shall be the Land of the Israelites, Israel God's People.

As on the night the blood of the lambs was brought on the doorposts to give a sign to the messengers of God, we today should give the right sign to God. We should bring the blood of the Lamb on the virtual doorpost of our Faith life. With the Passover the Jews began their unique relationship with God. On Passover God redeemed their but also our ancestors from the slavery of Egypt. And on Passover Jehovah made a commitment to stand by Israel, his chosen people, forever. They should become more aware of that and act to this special position. They should more to seek to fulfil their mission to be “a light unto the nations.”

As God liberated the Judaic slaves from Egypt He will save the slaves of this world, who confine to Him and follow His Instructions. Those that keep to the Law of God shall be saved. They shall be able to look forward to the Greatest Feast of Freedom. The Great Passover.

We should light our candles and be ready to see the light of God and be worthy to welcome the Lamb of God when he, Jeshua (Jesus) returns.

The Seder should be a moment of gathering where all those who know God, love the Most High, are wiling to celebrate the liberation of slavery in Egypt, share the love of God and want to show others that Jehovah is a God of love inviting all to the dish on which Jesus also sat a few hours before his death.

The Seder, like many festive occasions, provides a great opportunity to get others to know the wonders God did, to share family experiences and exchange personal stories of traditions (our own and others) so that it  will help to diminish the fear that comes from difference and misunderstanding which divides this world of people, who are all created in the image of God.

Edgar Bronfman, Sr.  looked at the long book with many different ideas. Jews spend hours discussing its profound teachings. Yet there is one theme that stands out as cardinal concept. 
For not only one has risen up against us, but in every generation they rise up against us to annihilate us, but the Most Holy One, blessed be he, always delivers us out of their hands.
Bronfman  has produced a new Haggadah for himself and other American Jewish critics of how Israel defends itself against it enemies.
Bronfman rewrites the standard, family favorite “Dayenu” song stating
“And if we deliver peace between ourselves, the Palestinians, and our Arab neighbors … that will be enough!”
He concludes with
 “commit ourselves to supporting every idea, every effort, and every carefully crafted plan that seeks to lead Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Arabs—indeed all of the world’s clashing people—out of the dark and narrow straits of fear and violence, out of the strictures of hatred and war, and into the spiritual Jerusalem—the true Promised Land—an open and peaceful place flowing with the milk and honey of justice, compassion, and freedom for all.”


Please do find to read:

  1. A Jewish Theocracy
  2. Observance of a day to Remember
  3. Around the feast of Unleavened Bread
  4. Observance of a day to Remember 
  5. Day of remembrance coming near 
  6. Pesach 
  7. Korban Pesach
  8. 1 -15 Nisan
  9. 14 Nisan a day to remember #1 Inception
  10. 14 Nisan a day to remember #2 Time of Jesus
  11. 14 Nisan a day to remember #3 Before the Passover-feast
  12. 14 Nisan a day to remember #4 A Lamb slain
  13. Pesach and solidarity 
  14. Seven days of Passover


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Tuesday 6 November 2012

Joodse familie verstopt in huis van zus van Leon Degrelle

Terwijl de 19-jarige student marketing, vijfde op de VB-lijst voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in Tienen en VB-bestuurslid als verantwoordelijke van de Vlaams Belang Jongeren in Tienen Sam Freson de woorden “genocide” en “holocaust” in twijfel trekt mocht er nog nieuws van een Joodse familie die een schuilplaats vond een verrassing brengen.

Ook al mag volgens Vlaams Belang’er Sam Freson de Holocaust nooit hebben plaatsgevonden en behoort hij tot eenzelfde groepering als waar de Joodse familie onderdak mocht vinden, is het een harde realiteit die nog vele mensen dagelijks achtervolgt.

Ene Tom Peeters, student rechten in Gent, lid van het KVHV-praesidium, postte op VB-volksvertegenwoordiger Tanguy Veys zijn Twitter: “De Holocaust was erg, maar wel nodig”, met daarbij een YouTube-filmpje waarbij YouTube waarschuwt voor de inhoud. De titel is dan ook Judaism is a satanic power, en Adolf Hitler legt daarin uit dat het Joodse volk het stomste ter wereld is en het gaat om ofwel het Germaanse volk ofwel het Joodse volk in stand te houden.

Onder het Satanische juk van de Duitse bezetter konden drie Joodse dames toch nog in
Sint-Genesius Rode, bij Brussel, een onderdak en werk vinden in die moeilijke tijden.

Er hing een bordje ’huispersoneel gezocht’ aan de villapoort van de familie Cornet. De Joodse moeder van Hanna Nadel belde aan en vroeg of zij, haar dochter en nichtje hun diensten mochten aanbieden. Zij werden met hun drieën aangenomen: het meisje en haar nichtje als hulp in het huishouden en haar moeder als kokkin.

Het was maar na verloop van tijd dat Hannah ontdekte dat mevrouw Cornet de zus was van niemand minder dan Leon Degrelle, de leider van de rexisten, de beruchte Waalse nazibeweging. Maar toen Degrelle ook op Joden begon te jagen, was dat voor de familie Cornet totaal onaanvaardbaar en zij verzekerden het Joodse drietal dat ze alles in het werk zou stellen om hen te helpen overleven. Ondanks deze belofte bleven het angstige tijden, want de rexisten kwamen nog regelmatig bij de familie over de vloer en moeder Nadel en de twee meisjes verstopten zich dan snel in de kelder.

“Voor een communiefeest maakte mijn moeder gefilte fish klaar die als ‘poisson oriental’ op de menukaart stond, zodat de aanwezige nazihandlangers niet wisten dat ze een Joods gerecht op hun bord kregen”, wist mevrouw Nadel nog tegen de Antwerpse godsdienstleraar en historicus Jan Maes te vertellen.

Na de oorlog vertrok Hannah Nadel naar Israël. De Waalse nazikopstukken werden geëxecuteerd, maar Degrelle wist aan zijn straf te ontkomen door naar Spanje te vluchten, waar hij tot aan zijn dood in 1994 nog regelmatig bezoek ontving van leden van het Vlaams Belang, toen nog het Vlaams Blok.

Lees meer:

Zus van Waalse nazi Leon Degrelle verstopte Joden
Herdenking Holocaust en joods-christelijke vriendschap met David Rosen aanstaande zondag