Sunday 4 January 2009

Gaza in Bible Prophecy

Does Gaza have a significant role to play at the "time of the end"?

As if there were not enough problems in the world to occupy the minds of its inhabitants, such as widespread economic woes, cholera in Zimbabwe, the consequences of climate change and the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, there is now the spectacle of escalating violence in the Middle East.
Israel has been bombarded by thousands of Qassam missiles from Gaza, the first being fired in 2001. However, since the Israeli communities of Gaza were destroyed and the Jews forcibly removed in 2005, the missile fire has become much worse.
At this time many may be wondering what kind of role, if any, Gaza may play in Bible prophecy. Gaza or the Philistines is featured in "the word of the Yahweh which came to Jeremiah the prophet against the Gentiles", starting in Jeremiah in 46. Gaza is mentioned in chapter 47. However, this is not a latter day prophecy.

The Philistines are listed in Psalm 83 as one of the groups that say: "Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance." The Psalm is very clear that this campaign ends in the destruction and desolation of these nations. They are to become as "dung for the earth", "as stubble before the wind", they are to be filled with shame and the Psalmist says: "Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish". From this Psalm we definitely cannot expect the Gazians to have any great victories over Israel, rather we can expect them to be put to shame. Psalm 83 is a Psalm of Asaph and makes special reference to the "children of Lot". This is strongly connected with 2 Chronicles 20 where the children of Lot - Moab and Ammon - along with Mount Seir attack Judah. The victory is lead by Jahaziel a son of Asaph who with the singers goes before the army and takes up a refrain from a Psalm of Asaph in verse 21 and the battle is fought by Yahweh. The battle in 2 Chronicles 20 is typical of the time of the end.

Another prophecy that speaks about the area of Gaza is Joel chapter 3.  In Joel 3:4, the prophet speaks of "all the coasts of Palestine".

Read more > Bible in the news
Audio, 10.25 minutes Listen in MP3 Format

Of interest > 'Prophecies for the Era of Muslim Terror'
Rabbi analyzes the long-standing Arab-Israeli quagmire in light of the Torah
The uneasy six-month truce between Israel and the Hamas government in Gaza ended 22nd December 2008. > Signs of the times

Saturday 3 January 2009

Bijbel medicijn tegen depressie

Sytze Ypma

Wie zwaar depressief is moet aan de antidepressiva en in therapie. Maar hoewel dit vaak helpt, is het symptoombestrijding, zegt dr. Sytze Ypma (46), dominee in het Friese Scharnegoutum.

Onderliggend is de invloed die de 'manische samenleving' op ons heeft. Velen worden daar volgens hem depressief door. Naar schatting 700.000 Nederlanders lijden eraan, en dan doelt Ypma niet op soms eens 'een dipje' of 'een beetje depri' zijn.

Hij weet 'van binnenuit' wat depressieve stemmingen zijn, vertelt hij. "Soms voel ook ik de leegte, het onbehagen, de verveling, de melancholie en de zinloosheid, bij mezelf en in mijn omgeving."

Volgens Ypma is depressie een 'bipolaire stoornis'. De andere pool is de 'narcistische manie', en die ziet hij overal terug. "We worden collectief meegetrokken in de drang steeds meer te consumeren en te presteren. Maar wie zijn verlangen heeft bevredigd door iets te kopen, merkt al gauw een nieuw verlangen op, een verlangen dat eigenlijk onbevredigbaar is. Zou hij daarachter kijken, dan ziet hij een leegte die een zeurende angst oproept."

Lees verder in Trouw

God breng mij in staat van genade

"Als ik niet in een staat van vergeving ben, God leid me er naartoe;
Als ik het wel ben, God houd me op die plek."

Joan of Arc

God himself must do the renewing

Ephesians 4:22-23 [B]e made new in the attitude of your minds; ....

Phil Ware    We cannot renew ourselves on our own. We can guard ourselves from corrupting influences. We can offer ourselves to God and come to better discern his will. Ultimately, however, God himself must do the renewing, not just when we are saved, but daily. Only God's grace can sustain, empower, and renew us. Let's offer ourselves to him. Then, let's confidently ask for his grace to empower, perfect, and renew us!

    Father, I come to you asking for your grace to make me new in the way I look at things, especially how I view people. Please cleanse my heart and make me new in my mind and my spirit. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Ons vernieuwen en behoeden voor schadelijke invloeden

Christelijke Overdenking

Zaterdag 3 januari 2009

english version > God himself must do the renewing


Efeziërs 4:23      

  • Vertaling GNV
  • Vertaling NBG
  • Vertaling NBV
  • Vertaling Het Boek

"Vernieuw de geest die uw denken beheerst."

"dat gij verjongd wordt door de geest van uw denken,"

"dat uw geest en uw denken voortdurend vernieuwd moeten worden"

"Uw denken moet grondig vernieuwd worden."


Overdenking van vandaag:

We kunnen onszelf niet alleen vernieuwen. We kunnen onszelf behoeden voor schadelijke invloeden. Wij kunnen ons aan God geven en komen tot een betere nuancering van zijn wil. Maar uiteindelijk zal God zelf de vernieuwing moeten doen, niet alleen wanneer we worden gered, maar dagelijks. Alleen Gods genade kan doorstaan, kracht bieden en ons vernieuwen. Laten we onszelf aan hem geven. Laten we vervolgens in vertrouwen hem vragen om Zijn genade om ons kracht te geven, ons te verbeteren en ons te vernieuwen!



Vader, ik kom u vragen om uw genade om mij nieuw te maken zodat ik anders tegen de dingen aankijk, vooral hoe ik de mensen zie. Reinig alstublieft mijn hart en maak mij nieuw in mijn bewustzijn en mijn geest. In Jezus' naam bid ik. Amen.

Let us be in a state of grace

If I am not [in a state of grace], God bring me there; if I am,
God keep me there!

-- Joan of Arc

Friday 2 January 2009

Baptised sister not of higher status before God then an unbaptised young male?

Robin Hughes from New Zealand wrote in a Facebook topic:

When an unbaptised young male is allowed to speak is not the baptised sister not of higher status before God?
One of the issues involved is that of usurping authority. If she is not usurping authority then that eliminates that as an issue in that particular situation.

The issue of Disorder in the meeting is not valid if its building harmony.
Don't get legal on this. Its not a matter of God having made this rule and so everyone must do this or that there is not such a rule and so therefore we can do whatever we like. We have freedom in Christ and yet Love constrains us.

What are the issues the apostles were looking at? Is it really about sisters being weak or is it really about brothers being weak?

Adam failed to Lead the woman in the beginning. The woman failed to follow. So it appears we are each condemned to do what we are weakest at. That which we need to learn and do.

We know that Jesus's view of woman was much better then that of the Jews. Jesus brang the woman forward out of the Womans part of the synagogue to the mens part so that he might heal her.

Pauls teachings although they may seem harsh on woman was actually liberating considering how they had been treated prior to this.

Through christ the woman had found Freedom at last. The issue of taking their head coverings off arose and Paul showed good reasoning for keeping the head covering on when praying and prophesying. Something he reminded them was demanded by Roman Law.

Paul had much concern for the disorder entering the Eclessia due to the new found Freedom in Christ. One of the long list referred to the speaking of the women some of which were uneducated. Asking Questions in the meeting that were very disruptive. So rather then this they should ask at home so that the meeting could proceed in order.

As for teaching the bible gives the children that is the unbaptised to be taught by her. This is largely due to the need for someone to take responsibility for their education and tuition. This is a priveledge and not something to be taken lightly. Under Jewish practice the Rabai probably did a lot of this teaching.
The woman having a lesser Role is a myth. Its just as important as the Male's who are expected to lead for their growth and development a very difficult thing for males who find it much easier to do what their wives tell them. The woman naturally finds it easy to lead and so it is to her to learn in quietness and meekness.

So this is my view. Everything that is in scripture is for our learning. Walk in Love. Err on the side of caution. Do not create a stumbling block for your brother/sister. If a woman is to read or speak it should be not usurping the brothers role, that is of authority, that if they ask her to read or speak and it be with the consent of those brothers present. Any situation when the unbaptised is allowed to read or speak the Sisters should definately be allowed to speak.

The responsibility of Love goes both ways. Whether you are strict or liberal to walk in love to act out of love and care for your brothers and sisters rather then out of Fleshly legalistic desires. For legal thinking is of the world and the thinking of Love and care comes from the spirit.

One of the things that God loves most Is unity
and One of the things he hates most is divisiveness.

Shouldn't we be taking these things into consideration when looking at issues. Whatever is not of Love is not of God.

Jesus's Teachings were Love. His doctrine is to Love God and one another. If you miss the basics of the truth when examining the details of walking in love. Then you have completely missed the point. When an issue arises I believe God is more concerned about how we behave then who is right.
Its more important to do what you believe then believe what is right. We know this from the scripture. We know that although Paul had Freedom in Christ that love constrained him that although sometimes we have the freedom to do things that doesn't mean its the right or most loving thing to do.

Reveal, command and demand what you will

"Speak Lord, for your servant hears.
Grant us ears to hear,
Eyes to see,
Wills to obey,
Hearts to love;
Then declare what you will,
Reveal what you will,
Command what you will,
Demand what you will."
- Christian Rossetti

"And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast,
and kneeled down, and prayed, saying, Father, if thou be willing,
remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."
Luke 22:41-42

A new year with hopes and challenges

"How swiftly flies by the time,
A new year with hopes and challenges.
Plan thoroughly and be
Prepared for joy in living
You will achieve joy.

Nothing fearing,
Expect all things possible
With God

Yearning true
Excellence in character
Aim for nothing less than the best you can
Rise up and shine, ready for loving and serving our God!"
- Compilation

"Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day."
Psalm 96:1-2

2013 update + 2014 February update: :
god (Photo credit: Notes for the Voyage)

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Bezoek aan Anglicaanse kerk neemt sterk af

Het aantal mensen dat op zondag een anglicaanse kerkdienst in Engeland bezoekt, zal in 2050 gedecimeerd zijn tot 88.000. Dat stelt het Britse onderzoeksbureau Christian Research.

Het gezaghebbende bureau berekende dat met de snelheid waarmee het aantal kerkgangers van de Church of England terugloopt over veertig jaar nog slechts een tiende van het huidige aantal leden ’s zondags de dienst zal bijwonen. Momenteel bezoeken bijna 1 miljoen mensen zondags een dienst - overigens verhoudingsgewijs ook al zeer weinig. De Anglicaanse Kerk in Engeland bestaat uit twee kerkprovincies, Canterbury en York. Samen tellen die 42 miljoen leden.

Christian Research, gevestigd in Swindon, maakt deel uit van de Bijbelverspreidingsorganisatie Bible Society, vergelijkbaar met het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap. Jaarlijks publiceert het bureau een statistisch rapport, ”Religious Trends”.

Bron: Reformatorisch Dagblad