Thursday 4 August 2011


Wij wensen allen welkom die hier op deze pagina's terecht komen en hopen dat zij genspireerd mogen geraken om verder de Bijbel ter hand te nemen en zelf op onderzoek te gaan wat er in de Heilige Schrift werkelijk staat.

De Broeders en Zusters in Christus, Bretheren, of Christadelphians (Christadelphes; Urchristengemeinde; of Cristadelfiana) zijn onafhankelijke gelovigen die zich voorgenomen hebben zich enkel door het Woord van God te laten leiden. Zij zien de Bijbel als Gods woord, en leggen nadruk op de noodzaak om dat woord te lezen en bestuderen. Jezus zijn boodschap volgend om uit te gaan en te onderwijzen trachten wij hier op te volgen. Wij proberen hier dan ook op verschillende manieren hulp aan te bieden om verder te groeien in uw geloof.

Sommige mensen denken dadelijk aan Jehovah Getuigen als zij Christenen Gods Naam horen noemen of horen dat deze Bijbelonderzoekers zijn. U mag er gerust op aan dat er gelukkig nog andere Christenen zijn die Gods Naam kennen en loven.

Dit platform maakt onderdeel uit van praatgroepen voor in de Heilige Schrift en voor God genteresseerden. Deze groep tracht meer informatie te geven over wie wij zijn en hoe wij denken. Het brengt gedachten over volgens de Christadelphians of Broeders en Zusters in Christus.

De Nederlandstalige Christadelphians zijn bereikbaar op Flemish Christadelphians (voor België) of Dutch Christadelphians (Nederlandse Broeders)

Barstende wereld

In deze wereld krijgen wij regelmatig te maken met misverstanden en verkeerd lopende relaties.Vandaag en morgen gaan wij het daar over hebben en kan u op onze Vlaamse site Broeders in Christus de inleidende artikelen vinden.

Van zodra twee mensen in de naam van Jezus Christus bijeen zijn en met elkaar de liefde voor God en zijn zoon delen, hebben wij te maken met een gemeenschap van gelovigen of een ecclesia, die al dan niet verder kan uit groeien. Maar ergens moet zij beginnen, en dit gebeurt van uit een klein zaadje dat op haar eigen kan bestaan.

Lees vandaag al:

Barstend België

en Jezus de Heer

Bijbelonderzoekers niet steeds Getuigen van Jehovah

Onderstaande tekst wordt per 4 augustus 2011 van de voorpagina gehaald, maar is nog steeds valabel.

Op dit Blog brengen wij naast Bijbelstudies en bezinningen een Journaal rond het Christelijk gebeuren. U kan zich er op inschrijven en zo dagelijks op de hoogte gehouden worden van de gebeurtenissen rond het geloof.

Sommige mensen denken dadelijk aan Jehovah Getuigen als zij Christenen Gods Naam horen noemen of horen dat deze Bijbelonderzoekers of -vorsers zijn. U mag er gerust op aan dat er gelukkig nog andere Christenen zijn die Gods Naam kennen en loven. Alsook zijn er ernstige Bijbelonderzoekers, Bijbelstudenten of Bijbelvorsers die niet behoren tot de Getuigen van Jehovah en ook niet volledig het zelfde denken als de (Charles Taze Russell) Bijbelstudenten of Biblestudents. Er zijn vele vershillen en het zou fijn zijn moesten allen ze meer met elkaar willen delen.  - Dat is wat hier zou moeten kunnen.

Goddelijke Wijsheid kunnen wij enkel halen door deze op te zoeken in het Woord dat God ons heeft medegedeeld en overgeleverd is door de traditie en door de verspreidingskanalen en geschriften. Op dit platform trachten wij dieper in te gaan op datgene dat er allemaal te vinden is in de Heilige Schrift of het Boek der boeken.

Ook verwijderd maar nog geldend:

Dit platform maakt onderdeel uit van praatgroepen voor in de Heilige Schrift en voor God geïnteresseerden. Deze groep brengt naast algemeen kerkelijke informatie gedachten over volgens de Christadelphians of Broeders en Zusters in Christus. >  Zij zijn bereikbaar per email Flemish Christadelphians (voor België) = Belgische Broeders en Zusters in Christus of Dutch Christadelphians (Nederlandse Broeders)

Voor verdere informatie kan u terecht bij: Belgische Christadelphians, Foksweg 14, B.3061 Leefdaal, Belgium, European Union
of bij  De Broeders in Christus Postbus 520 3800 AM Amersfoort, Nederland EU

U kunt ook een e-mail sturen naar:, of naar >>

Open vraag en informatie plaats (Internationaal vanuit Christadelphia België): Praatplatform: Praatgroep der Broeders in Christus.
Ook kan u terecht op Christadelphians Ecclesia en bij de Bijbelvorsers.

Monday 1 August 2011

Iranian refugees in Belgium baptised by Carelinks

Carelinks continue to see the providential hand of God in our work, ever seeking to connect people and actively guide circumstances towards the salvation of men and women.

Carelinks providentially come into contact with some Iranians in Belgium who have had contact with the JWs, being impressed by the rejection of the trinity and teaching of the Kingdom coming on earth, but turned away by the various quirks of Watchtower doctrine in other areas.

Brother Andy Taylor of the Windermere UK ecclesia is in the midst of driving over from the UK to Latvia with a car full of literature and welfare clothing for the Riga Bible Center, and he was able to meet with Duncan in Belgium and assist with the baptism of H.
Photo: Andy with H after his baptism

They had a most interesting time talking with his flat mates, from Turkey and Iran, who had also been exposed to JW teaching. Andy got back on the highway to Latvia, with another 2 or 3 days driving ahead of him, sleeping in his tent on the way, and Duncan then went on with new brother H to another city to meet and baptize another Iranian, B, who converted to Christianity in Iran many years ago but for the last 12 years has been living in Belgium, reading his well marked Bible but unable to find a church which agreed with his understanding of the Gospel.

There are many other former Moslem contacts in Belgium and indeed throughout Europe that Carelinks continue in contact with, some of whom are thrilled with the simple, logical truths of the Lord Jesus Christ in contrast to what they have previously been taught.

Photos: Happy fellowship after baptism
We're pleased that these two brethren have found refuge in Belgium, but there are many others still in camps and on the move in unstable areas whom Carelinks seek to support.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Groot Drie-eenheidsdebat

Enkele maanden geleden gingen twee ernstige denkers over de Bijbel met elkaar in debat over een zeer moeilijk onderwerp in het Christendom, dat al honderden jaren de Kerk in beroering heeft gehouden en waar reeds veel bloed, letterlijk en figuurlijk, is over gevloeid.

The Great Trinity Debate

Rob Bowman vs Dave Burke
Now this is eternal life — that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent. (John 17:3)
It is a matter of eternal life to know the true God and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to understand the one true God. But do we really know him? Or do we just believe in a God that we've learned about from others?

The identity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is a fundamental belief in Christianity and increasingly Christians don't know why they believe in what they do, unable to defend the doctrine of the Trinity when challenged.
There seems to be a kind of complacency that comes from being a mainstream Christian, thinking that being in the majority is enough to make the doctrine true without needing proof.

The Bereans searched their scriptures daily to make sure what they heard was true and that's no different with the doctrine of the Trinity, we have to search our scriptures to decide if it's true or not, not take it for granted or rely on someone else to tell us that it is or isn't true.
The debate about the Trinity has been raging on since the early church and it still rages on today. Rob Bowman, a Trinitarian issued a challenge last year for a non-Trinitarian to debate him on the subject of the Trinity. This year, Dave Burke a non-Trinitarian, took up that challenge and presented his case for the unity of God. A fascinating debate resulted and was captured on the Parchment and Pen blog.
I recommend you read both sides of the argument thoroughly, it's not all as black and white as you might think as both sides have strong arguments.
The Great Trinity Debate
The Challenge | Introduction | Resources List
Part 1: God & Scripture Burke vs Bowman
Part 2: Jesus Christ Burke vs Bowman
Part 3: Jesus Christ (continued) Burke vs Bowman
Part 4: Holy Spirit Burke vs Bowman
Part 5: Father, Son & Holy Spirit / The Trinity Burke vs Bowman
Part 6: Closing Statement Burke vs Bowman

A Trinitarian blogger (Dale) provides useful commentary on the debate... Final Summary | Full Commentary List ... concluding that Burke won the debate.
P.S. If you are a Trinitarian and still think 1 John 5:7-8 is a valid proof for the doctrine of the Trinity, you most definitely need to read this debate to learn some better proofs! Also read "The Trinity is Like 3-in-1 Shampoo". . . And Other Stupid Statements

The Great Trinity debate

The Great Trinity Debate

Rob Bowman vs Dave Burke
Now this is eternal life — that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent. (John 17:3)
It is a matter of eternal life to know the true God and his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our responsibility to understand the one true God. But do we really know him? Or do we just believe in a God that we've learned about from others?

The identity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is a fundamental belief in Christianity and increasingly Christians don't know why they believe in what they do, unable to defend the doctrine of the Trinity when challenged.

There seems to be a kind of complacency that comes from being a mainstream Christian, thinking that being in the majority is enough to make the doctrine true without needing proof.
The Bereans searched their scriptures daily to make sure what they heard was true and that's no different with the doctrine of the Trinity, we have to search our scriptures to decide if it's true or not, not take it for granted or rely on someone else to tell us that it is or isn't true.

The debate about the Trinity has been raging on since the early church and it still rages on today. Rob Bowman, a Trinitarian issued a challenge last year for a non-Trinitarian to debate him on the subject of the Trinity. This year, Dave Burke a non-Trinitarian, took up that challenge and presented his case for the unity of God. A fascinating debate resulted and was captured on the Parchment and Pen blog.

I recommend you read both sides of the argument thoroughly, it's not all as black and white as you might think as both sides have strong arguments.
The Great Trinity Debate
The Challenge | Introduction | Resources List
Part 1: God & Scripture Burke vs Bowman
Part 2: Jesus Christ Burke vs Bowman
Part 3: Jesus Christ (continued) Burke vs Bowman
Part 4: Holy Spirit Burke vs Bowman
Part 5: Father, Son & Holy Spirit / The Trinity Burke vs Bowman
Part 6: Closing Statement Burke vs Bowman

A Trinitarian blogger (Dale) provides useful commentary on the debate... Final Summary | Full Commentary List ... concluding that Burke won the debate.
P.S. If you are a Trinitarian and still think 1 John 5:7-8 is a valid proof for the doctrine of the Trinity, you most definitely need to read this debate to learn some better proofs! Also read "The Trinity is Like 3-in-1 Shampoo". . . And Other Stupid Statements

Thursday 28 July 2011

Bloodless medicine aproach in military hospital

A report featuring the remarkable developments at Englewood Hospital, New Jersey, USA.
A bloodless management to avoid negative outcomes and saving more lives.
Dr Shander says medics only should go over to blood transfusion at a last resort. Recycling the patients own blood is much better than using blood from somebody else.



2015 update:

Jehovah Yahweh Gods Name

The Divine Name of God in pictures.

The Tetragrammaton, 6828 times mentioned in the Hebrew Writings of the Old Testament, can be found on bookrolls, pages, illustrations, paintings, statues and buildings around the world.

Gods Naam wordt wel 6828 keren aangehaald in de Hebreeuwse Geschriften van het Oude Testament. Het tetragram kan op verscheiden plaatsen in de wereld terug gevonden worden op schriftrollen, boekbladen, prenten, schilderijen, beeldhouwwerken en gebouwen.

Iehova, Iehovae, Jihovah, Jiova, Jheva, Jehoah, Jehova, Jehowah,Yehova, Yehowa, Yehwowah,
Jahwe, Jahweh, Yahweh



In the quotes Jesus used when he spoke he probably also used Gods Name because he knew that his Father wanted His Name to be know over the whole world
True Christians should sanctify God's Name by following Jesus and his disciples.

Wanneer Jezus de Schrift aanhaalde (teksten van het Oude Testament) gebruikte hij waarschijnlijk Gods Naam zoals deze reeds van de oudheid gekend was.
Ware Christenen zouden Gods Naam moeten heiligen door het voorbeeld van Jezus en zijn apostelen te volgen en deze Naam kenbaar te maken over de gehele wereld.


“That they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah,
Art the Most High over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 ASV)

"That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth." (Psalms 83:18 NWT)

“That men may know that you, whose name alone is YAHWEH,
are the most high over all the earth.” (Psalms 83:18 KJBPNV)


"Dat men zal weten dat u alleen, wiens naam Jehovah is,
de Allergrootste bent over de gehele aarde. (Psalmen 83:18 ASVMAV)

Opdat men weet dat gij, wiens naam Jehovah is,
Gij alleen de Allerhoogste zijt over heel de aarde. (Psalmen 83:18 NWV)

“(83-19) dan zullen zij weten, dat "Jahweh" uw naam is;
dat gij de allerhoogste zijt op heel de aarde, gij alleen!” (Psalmen 83:18 Canis)




Consequences of Breivik's mass murder

Breivik's mass shooting on the holiday island of Utoeya targeted youth members of Norway's Labour Party, which heads a relatively pro-immigrant, pro-multicultural government in coalition with the Socialist Left Party and the Center Party.
Utøya - killing spree's sequence of events ins...
Utøya - killing spree's sequence of events inscribed onto the island (Photo credit: quapan)

Breivik's actions could help the current government, and in particular the Labour Party, analysts said.
"In the short term, the parties are not going to touch the immigration issue ... I think it's going to make politicians quite cautious in their wording, their rhetoric," said Hanne Marthe Narud, political science professor at Oslo University.

"In a time of tragedy, voters normally flock around the established parties, particularly those in office. The Labour Party has been particularly harmed by this, and the way the prime minister has acted is extremely good. His popularity will spill over to the Labour Party," she added.

Norway's Muslim leaders were hopeful for the future, seeing Breivik's violent call for Europe to shun Muslims as actually more likely to bring Muslims and Christians together.
"I think minorities will think of themselves as more Norwegian ... religion, ethnicity, color will go into the background. The Norwegian identity will be strengthened," said Mehtab Afsar, Islamic Council of Norway general-secretary.
"We are standing shoulder to shoulder with our Christian brothers and sisters in Norway," he added.

Breivik_GP3 (Photo credit: Uppdragsmedia)

Read more:

  1. Breivik geen enkeling

  2. Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism

  3. Problems by losing the borders


    2013 update:

    Breivik, held in isolation in a high security prison near Oslo for killing 77 people in twin attacks in 2011, placed an application to create an association he wanted to call "The Norwegian fascist party and the Nordic league."
    But Mette Siri Brønmo, a spokeswoman for the body that registers such applications, told the Aftenposten daily that Breivik's bid fell short of the legal requirements.
    "To be an association, you need to have two people or more ... and in this case, there's only Breivik," she said.

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Wednesday 27 July 2011

Religion, fundamentalism and murder

The self-confessed mass murderer of 76 people in Norway was an apparently normal youth who showed no signs of what he was planning even in the months right before the massacre, his ex-stepmother Tove Oevermo told The Associated Press.

Oevermo and Breivik's father divorced 10 years later, around the time Breivik claims, in his 1,500-page manifesto, that he became estranged from his father. Oevermo, 66, recalled the split, but declined to comment on what precipitated it. She did say, however, that she got the feeling Breivik wanted to have a relationship with his father, though he never spoke of their relationship.

Breivik would often speak of a book he was writing, Oevermo said. He was proud of the book, but was evasive about its contents.

Breivik spoke about politics "like every normal person does, not more than that. He never touch Islam and this hatred for it he must have had for it," Oevermo said.
As for the attack itself, Oevermo said she was horrified to learn the "quite informed and well spoken" man she had known.
"People say, 'I'm shocked.' They don't know what shock is all about, physically and psychologically. It was so unreal. I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it," she said. "If I'd had some kind of suspicion — some kind of idea that something was not right with him, it would have been easier, I think."

Not only in Italy were there is still a strong fascist group we could find some reactions to think of.

A politician in a party in Italy's governing coalition called some of Norway massacre suspect Anders Behring Breivik's ideas "great" while the leader of a British far-right group to which Breivik claims links called the attacks a sign of "growing anger" in Europe against Muslim immigrants.

Mario Borghezio, a European parliamentarian who belongs to Italy's right-wing Northern League party, told a mainstream Italian radio station that he sympathized with some of Breivik's ideas.
"Some of the ideas he expressed are good, barring the violence, some of them are great," he told Il Sole-24 Ore radio station.
The Northern League, the junior partner in Premier Silvio Berlusconi's government, has caused a stir with its increasingly virulent anti-immigrant, anti-Islamic rhetoric.
Meanwhile, Stephen Lennon, leader of the English Defense League, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he does not condone Breivik's rampage but "the fact that so many people are scared - people have to listen to that."
"People should look at what happened in Oslo and understand that there is growing anger in Europe," said Lennon, 28. "You suppress people's rights you suppress people's voices and people will just continue to go underground - but that doesn't make the problem go away."

Also Patrick Buchanan gives us something to look out for, as he wrote:
"Breivik is evil - a cold-blooded, calculating killer - though a deluded man of some intelligence, who in his 1,500-page manifesto reveals a knowledge of the history, culture and politics of Europe. ...
But, awful as this atrocity was, native-born and homegrown terrorism is not the macro-threat to the continent.
That threat comes from a burgeoning Muslim presence in a Europe that has never known mass immigration, its failure to assimilate, its growing alienation, and its sometime sympathy for Islamic militants and terrorists.
With her native-born populations aging, shrinking and dying, Europe's nations have not discovered how to maintain their prosperity without immigrants. Yet the immigrants who have come - from the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia - have been slow to learn the language and have failed to attain the educational and occupational levels of Europeans. And the welfare states of Europe are breaking under the burden. "


Mr.Buchanan's writing is the biased idea of the predisposed general people opposing a growing cultural amalgam and a danger and prevention to cultural diversity. It are those ideas which are also a threat for the evolution of a inter-cultural global society
He is clearly creating a soil for anger against something which can only be attributed to a few fundamentalist groups which sickens all the rest.

Others should look out and also be careful for the extreme right wing ideas.


Read more:

Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism


Breivik geen enkeling

Please do also to Read:

Pat Buchanan: Norwegian Right-Wing Terrorist ‘Breivik May Be Right’

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2013 update:
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