Thursday 15 July 2010

Ik ben Vrij

Door christus zijn wij bevrijd en kunnen wij het uitzingen.

Met een beter begin en einde, maar een veel te statisch middenstuk

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Israel Gods people

Was Moses being too starry-eyed, too close to the Israelites to see things in perspective, when he spoke of them as the "chosen people"?

The idea that God has a special relationship with the nation of Israel does not go down well today.  Our society is pre-occupied with equality and equal opportunity.  Why should God choose one nation out of the many that fill the globe?  What is so special about that tiny strip of land between the continents, the country we now call Israel, for which He seems to have such a deep regard?

Did every detail of the prophecy come true: the sojourn in a foreign land; the slavery; the taking of a spoil; the 400 years?
In case the murder of God's Son was the ultimate act of rebellion by the Chosen People, were the Israelites punished whe they, as Moses had foreseen, became the Wandering Jews after 70AD, to be found in practically every country of the world, despised, reviled and hounded by persecution from city to city?  For long centuries, exactly as the cursings had warned, they had no rest for the soles of their feet.
"Has God rejected His people?"

This month's survey question:
 God's People?  God's Land?

  1. The people of Israel are God's people and an integral part of His plan.
  2. The people of Israel are NOT God's people nor is Palestine their land.
  3. The notion of a chosen people is irrelevant and wrong-headed.
  4. Don't know.


Monday 12 July 2010

Weekly World Watch July 4 - 10, 2010



In this weeks WWW

Israel promises peace
Russia promises Iran reactor ready soon
The Queen makes a promise and is about to break it

  1. Obama: Bond between U.S., Israel ‘unbreakable’
  2. Russia, U.S. swap 14 in Cold War-style spy exchange
  3. Moscow to have Iran's reactor running by September
  4. Pope's UK visit 'could cost taxpayers £12m'
  5. Anti-Israel ‘Lawfare’ in Europe
  6. Increased quake activity predicted for California faults
The tensions have been increasing between Israel and the US over Jerusalem building projects. However this time their differences were put aside and Obama went out of his way to explain that America was never going to abandon Israel and implied that Israel would not be forced to give up their nuclear weapons.

About first ever state visit of a Pope to Britain. This is hugely significant.
A state visit is a formal visit by a foreign head of state to another nation, at the invitation of that nation's head of state. State visits are the highest form of diplomatic contact between two nations. In other words the Pope has been invited by the Queen and he will have all the ceremonial pomp and recognition that goes with a state visit.
The Queen is breaking her vow here and will be judged for it. She swore an oath at her coronation. Archbishop: “Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law?” Queen: “All this I promise to do.” A protestant is someone who rejects the authority of the Pope and accepts the Bible as their ultimate authority. In welcoming the Pope as the head of the Vatican State, the Queen is acknowledging his authority and breaking her vow.
God said a latter day Tyre would sing as a harlot. We see these words coming true….

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Weekly World Watch 27th June - 3rd July 2010‏


System Could Help Tehran Dodge Israeli Strike; a Blow to U.S.  Strategy on Damascus Iran has sent Syria a sophisticated radar system that could threaten Israel's ability to launch a surprise attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, say Israeli and U.S.  officials, extending an alliance aimed at undermining Israel's military dominance in the region.

In this weeks WWW

Russia gets involved in Israel v Palestinians.

Moving around looking for a homeland

"Home at Last"
"Home at Last" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is again holiday time and many go for a time far from house.  When they leave they have the security that they will turn back to their safe home.
But sometimes travelling people let their minds wander and dream of a lovely place to stay, the ideal living space.

Millennia ago many had to leave their house to some promised land. It happened even in the history that for 1000 year a people was spread over the entire earth. Taken away from home they hoped for a promised native country. They counted there on that their patriarch who received the promise of the All Father would bring them rescue and a country of peace for forever.
A holocaust did their people awful shrink but their hope remained and came closer to existence in 1948. the State Israel might become a reality and would become populated by the Jewish community. Again once an exodus, that the whole world event would change, took place.

Read more:  A displaced people returning to their home country


2016 Link update related articles

Ver weg van huis

Het is weer vakantie tijd en velen gaan voor een tijdje ver van huis. Wanneer zij vertrekken hebben zij de zekerheid dat zij naar hun veilige stekje zullen terug keren.
Sommige vakantiegangers durven hun gedachten wel eens de vrije loop laten gaan en doen dromen van een veilig stekje of een nieuwe thuishaven. Zij denken dan een land te vinden waar het beter toeven is, een ideale verblijfsplaats.

Millennia geleden moesten velen hun huis verlaten om naar een ander land te trekken.Het gebeurde zelfs in de geschiedenis dat voor 1000 jaar een volk verspreidt geraakte over de gehele aarde.Ontheemd hoopten zij voor een beloofd vaderland. Zij rekenden er op dat hun aartsvader van de Aller Vader dé belofte had gekregen die voor hen redding zou brengen en een land van vrede voor eeuwig zou werkelijkheid worden.
Een holocaust deed hun volk erg inkrimpen maar de hoop bleef bestaan en in 1948 kwam ze nog dichter bij. De Staat Israël mocht een werkelijkheid worden en zou mogen bevolkt worden door de Joodse gemeenschap.Weer eens greep er een exodus plaats die het hele wereldgebeuren zou veranderen.

Lees meer: A displaced people returning to their homeland

Monday 5 July 2010

Two forms of Freedom

There are in fact two forms of freedom - the false where we are free to do what we like; and the true where we are free to do what God likes.
Perhaps we all need to take time occasionally to reflect on our Christian life and ask ourselves two questions. What have I been saved to? How true is my freedom?
Think about it!

Dutch version / Nederlandse versie:Twee vormen van Vrijheid


2016 linkupdate

Twee vormen van Vrijheid

Er zijn inderdaad twee vormen van vrijheid
- de verkeerde waar wij vrij
zijn dat te doen waarvan wij houden;
en de ware waar wij
vrij zijn te doen waar God van houdt.
Misschien moeten wij allemaal even tijd nemen om op ons christelijk leven te weerspiegelen
en ons twee vragen stellen.
Tot wat ben ik gered? Hoe waar is mijn vrijheid?
Denk er even over na!

Engelse versie / English version: Two forms of Freedom

2016 linkupdate