Wednesday 27 July 2011

Religion, fundamentalism and murder

The self-confessed mass murderer of 76 people in Norway was an apparently normal youth who showed no signs of what he was planning even in the months right before the massacre, his ex-stepmother Tove Oevermo told The Associated Press.

Oevermo and Breivik's father divorced 10 years later, around the time Breivik claims, in his 1,500-page manifesto, that he became estranged from his father. Oevermo, 66, recalled the split, but declined to comment on what precipitated it. She did say, however, that she got the feeling Breivik wanted to have a relationship with his father, though he never spoke of their relationship.

Breivik would often speak of a book he was writing, Oevermo said. He was proud of the book, but was evasive about its contents.

Breivik spoke about politics "like every normal person does, not more than that. He never touch Islam and this hatred for it he must have had for it," Oevermo said.
As for the attack itself, Oevermo said she was horrified to learn the "quite informed and well spoken" man she had known.
"People say, 'I'm shocked.' They don't know what shock is all about, physically and psychologically. It was so unreal. I couldn't believe it. I refused to believe it," she said. "If I'd had some kind of suspicion — some kind of idea that something was not right with him, it would have been easier, I think."

Not only in Italy were there is still a strong fascist group we could find some reactions to think of.

A politician in a party in Italy's governing coalition called some of Norway massacre suspect Anders Behring Breivik's ideas "great" while the leader of a British far-right group to which Breivik claims links called the attacks a sign of "growing anger" in Europe against Muslim immigrants.

Mario Borghezio, a European parliamentarian who belongs to Italy's right-wing Northern League party, told a mainstream Italian radio station that he sympathized with some of Breivik's ideas.
"Some of the ideas he expressed are good, barring the violence, some of them are great," he told Il Sole-24 Ore radio station.
The Northern League, the junior partner in Premier Silvio Berlusconi's government, has caused a stir with its increasingly virulent anti-immigrant, anti-Islamic rhetoric.
Meanwhile, Stephen Lennon, leader of the English Defense League, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he does not condone Breivik's rampage but "the fact that so many people are scared - people have to listen to that."
"People should look at what happened in Oslo and understand that there is growing anger in Europe," said Lennon, 28. "You suppress people's rights you suppress people's voices and people will just continue to go underground - but that doesn't make the problem go away."

Also Patrick Buchanan gives us something to look out for, as he wrote:
"Breivik is evil - a cold-blooded, calculating killer - though a deluded man of some intelligence, who in his 1,500-page manifesto reveals a knowledge of the history, culture and politics of Europe. ...
But, awful as this atrocity was, native-born and homegrown terrorism is not the macro-threat to the continent.
That threat comes from a burgeoning Muslim presence in a Europe that has never known mass immigration, its failure to assimilate, its growing alienation, and its sometime sympathy for Islamic militants and terrorists.
With her native-born populations aging, shrinking and dying, Europe's nations have not discovered how to maintain their prosperity without immigrants. Yet the immigrants who have come - from the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia - have been slow to learn the language and have failed to attain the educational and occupational levels of Europeans. And the welfare states of Europe are breaking under the burden. "


Mr.Buchanan's writing is the biased idea of the predisposed general people opposing a growing cultural amalgam and a danger and prevention to cultural diversity. It are those ideas which are also a threat for the evolution of a inter-cultural global society
He is clearly creating a soil for anger against something which can only be attributed to a few fundamentalist groups which sickens all the rest.

Others should look out and also be careful for the extreme right wing ideas.


Read more:

Christian fundamentalism as dangerous as Muslim fundamentalism


Breivik geen enkeling

Please do also to Read:

Pat Buchanan: Norwegian Right-Wing Terrorist ‘Breivik May Be Right’

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Friday 22 July 2011

The Bible4Life ­- a Multimedia Presentation

The Midlands CALS has arranged an evening of preaching in Birmingham Town Hall on Monday September 26th at 7.30pm. There are 900 seats to fill, and all ecclesias are invited to bring their regular visitors, senior Sunday School children, Seminar attendees, and other contacts.

Rather than a straight talk the programme will consist of three dramatic presentations: Tyndale and Bible Translations; Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Bible prophecy; and the High Priest and the way of salvation through Jesus.

It will take about an hour.

The Town Hall authorities are insisting on entrance tickets, which can be obtained in advance from

Sis (Mrs) Pat Brown,
5 Marshfield Close
Church Hill North
B98 8RW
Tel 01527 647787

Tickets must be ordered by Monday 12th September.

Further information will be sent to Midlands Recording Brethren during July and August.

> Invitation

Saturday 16 July 2011

Doopplaats Jezus openbaar gemaakt

Vorige dinsdag heeft Kasr al-Jahud in Israël de plek aan de Jordaan waar volgens de overlevering Jezus door Johannes gedoopt werd, officieel opengesteld voor pelgrims en toeristen.
Er is heel wat inkt uit de pen gevloeid betreft die bewuste plaats en men kan zich vragen stellen of er hier niet uit commercieel oogpunt in aanwezigheid van politici en afgevaardigden van het leger en de christelijke Kerken een strategische plek werd uitgekozen. Er wordt gehoopt op 100.000 bezoekers voor de doopplaats in het voormalige militair gebied.

De plaats, aan de Israëlische kant van de Jordaan, ligt tussen twee omheinde mijnenvelden in verboden militair gebied aan de grens met Jordanië. Voor het pausbezoek in 2009 werd het sinds 44 jaar meestal niet toegankelijke stuk oever, waar Johannes de Doper gewerkt zou hebben, uitgebouwd. Tot nu toe moesten bezoeken aan de plek vooraf worden gecoördineerd met het leger. In de toekomst zal ze het hele jaar door vrij toegankelijk zijn voor bezoekers.

Katholieke Bijbelstichting werkt samen met Jongbloed

KBS Samenwerkingsverband met JONGBLOED

BRUSSEL (KerkNet/KBS) – Met ingang van 1 juli heeft de Katholieke Bijbelstichting (KBS) een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten met Jongbloed B.V., een Nederlandse uitgeverij uit Heerenveen. Daarmee besteedt de KBS haar uitgeefactiviteiten rond de Bijbel in de Wilibrordvertaling en andere KBS-titels uit aan de Nederlandse Uitgeversgroep. De samenwerking wordt aangegaan voor tien jaar. Jongbloed staat bekend als uitgeverij van Bijbels en liedboeken.


Friday 8 July 2011

Waiting for Gods Salvation

There is, God willing, planned subject to the will and blessing of our Heavenly Father, a week for brethren and sisters, young people and children to come aside from the world for a week and concentrate our minds on those things which we know to be true.

The Christadelphian Hertfordshire Spring Bible School are God willing, to consider the general theme for the week of:


There will be three main sessions each day on the following subjects led by the following brethren:

"The Passover" led by Bro Mark Evans of Napton

"What shall befall Israel in the latter days" led by Bro Richard Mellowes of Caerphilly


"The Kingdom of God" led by Bro Stephen Egginton of Stourport

There will also be topical evening studies and opportunity to consider the daily readings each day. There will be seperate lessons and related activities for the children and young people. There will also be activities organised for those who wish each afternoon, including a visit to a museum of Biblical interest.

COSTS: Full board, including lunch on both Monday and Friday.
Under 4 years: Free
4-6 years: £55 (£69 en-suite)
7-13 years: £111 (£137 en-suite)
14-16 years: £167 (£205 en-suite)
17 years and above: £224 (£274 en-suite)

There is a maximum family charge of £615 in standard accommodation.

Monday  June 4 2012 from 13:00 -Friday  June 8 2012 until 14:00

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddeston, Hertfordshire
Lord Street
Hoddesdon, United Kingdom